- Show Date: 27/05/2022
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: Kenneth Meneer Contact Judge
- Published Date: 28/07/2023
Bath Canine Society
Thank you to the Bath committee for inviting me to judge at your prestigious show. Also a big thankyou to my most capable stewards Lynda & John Ward who did a fabulous job keeping the ring and myself on track. My thanks also go to the exhibitors for affording me a good entry and for allowing me the privilege of examining your charges. I have always believed that there is no place like the Stafford ring for atmosphere and sportsmanship and today was no different with all classes being warmly applauded.
On the day we were blessed with warm weather, an excellent size ring, short grass and a flat surface that gave the exhibitors every chance when moving and for the vast majority they scored well. Mouths overall were good with only a few slight problems that were of no great concern. Whilst it is easy for me to say and for breeders hard to achieve it would be great to see a bit of work done on lips as they seem to be becoming very thick and fleshy.
Veteran Dog: 4
1st. Rowe & South “Illori Akinlana” JW, Sc.CM, VW. At 7¾ this Bl/Br is certainly enjoying his time in Veteran. Although he is starting to grey around the muzzle which is strong and of good length he still retains a good head shape that is deep through and in keeping with his size. His body still retains excellent shape and is in balance with his height. I must have been privileged today as he held his ears nicely and moved effortlessly. Best Veteran in Breed and congratulations on Group 4.
2nd. Thomas ”Biggleswick Funky Devil” JW. Predominantly white with red patches who is just over 9 and whose lively, alert manner belies his years. His head is still solid and retains all the attributes he possessed when younger. Body wise he is still in good shape and is in balance with his height & length ratio. He moved with purpose around the ring and is a credit to his owners. Just preferred the first’s overall balance and fitness.
3rd. Lewis “Ch. Biggleswick Splash Of Ginge”.
All 4 veteran dogs entered were a credit to their owners and thank you for bringing them.
Minor Puppy Dog: 2
1st. Wilson “Northstaff Nightmare”. 8-month-old Bl/Br with White on chest that looks an exciting prospect. At this stage he fits the imaginary square perfectly with a head of good proportions. Neat rose ears, the darkest of eyes and good cheek muscles enhance his expression. His body is developing at this stage and his ribs have started to spring. Construction front and aft is as it should be at this age. There is nothing overdone with this youngster, and I look forward to watching his progress.
2nd. Kirk “Kirstaff The First Avenger.” 7-month-old Red with smidgens of White that still looks like a real baby. However he has a head that is shaping as it should and with a dark mask, decent ears and distinct stop he has a pleasing expression. He has good daylight underneath and a body that is developing well. Movement was in keeping with his age. Be interesting to see him in another couple of months.
Puppy Dog: 6
1st. Yates “Zakdan Devious Devil”. 11-month-old Bl/Br of good type & substance who is bang in the standard. His head shape is improving as he matures and consists of dark eyes, distinct stop, a firm skull & decent lips. Body wise he is solid with good depth to brisket and chest and his ribs are of correct shape. Short in neck and body, he is very well balanced and with correct construction front & rear he is able to move with purpose. Best Puppy Dog. When deciding on BPIB I just preferred the cleanliness of the bitch’s head and her overall balance.
2nd. Mayers “Maynestaff Smooth Criminal.” Another 11-month-old Bl/Br with smidgen of White on front who was slightly bigger all over than the first. He head is strong & has a solid skull with no sponginess, pronounced cheek muscles and dark eyes correctly set. Although he appears long in back he still balances out with his height. He stands on tight feet and on the move held his topline. Just preferred the expression & overall balance of 1.
3rd. Butler “Alport On Tour”.
Junior Dog: 4
1st. Stanway “Waystaff Strikes Mayhem AI”. Predominantly white dog with red markings. At just over 12 months this young dog does like to keep his handler on her toes. He possesses a decent head that is deep through and complimented by dark round eyes & tight lips. He has a short neck, good width of chest & depth of brisket and when still stands solidly on his strong legs. Saw enough when he moved properly to award him this place.
2nd. Davies “Jomello Stand By Me@Cwnhardd.” Bl/Br who was also just over 12 months. He had a slightly stronger head than 1 that consisted of dark eyes, distinct stop, good cheek muscles and underjaw. A strong neck led into a short back and correct tail set. He stands on strong well boned legs and moved soundly. Just preferred the cleaner foreface of 1.
3rd. Mayers “Maynestaff Smooth Criminal”.
Yearling Dog: 4 (1 Abs)
1st. Boggins & Burton “Luthais Loch Tay JW”. Bang in the standard Bl/Br boy that excels in breed type. From head to tail he has no exaggerations. His solid deep through head is complimented by dark round eyes set wide apart, good length of muzzle and strong cheek muscles. Balance between height and length is spot on and he fills the imaginary square very well. Construction wise he is sound, and he moves with drive. His handler really does get the best out of him whether stacked or on the move. Surely, his day will come for the top honours.
2nd. Clark & Ortizo “Powerpack Lachlan Dorin JW.” This Bl/Br with White on chest and feet is another who is spot on when reading the standard. His head carries much the same attributes as 1 but I did prefer this dog’s cleaner lip and length of muzzle. He is strong in neck and back and his front is true with good depth to his brisket. Both him and 1 are blessed with decent rib and feet. As you might guess both 1 & 2 are very good examples of the breed and carry lots of the same virtue. This was a close decision, but today I just felt that the movement of 1 was more free flowing.
3rd. McEneaney “Briganah Handsome Devil”.
Novice Dog: 2
1st. Yates “Zakdan Devious Devil”. See Puppy Dog.
2nd. O’Sullivans “Junostaff Big Man.” Red with white on chest. Excellent headpiece that is deep through and is complimented by well set ears, dark round eyes, dark mask and clean lips. He is strong in all departments whilst not being overdone. His strong neck flows into a level topline and he also has a good tail set. A good honest dog that makes his handler really work hard. Keep persevering with him and I honestly believe he will calm down and improve.
Graduate Dog: 1
1st. Cobb “Tillcarr Fire Collective”. Top size Bl/Br of good substance. He is a strong headed dog that is deep through, with dark eyes set wide apart and a strong muzzle of correct length. Unfortunately holds his ears back which detracts from his expression. He has body strength in abundance but due to his size he is not overdone. His legs are well boned with decent feet. Moved with purpose and held his topline. A decent genuine Stafford. Note to handler: Do not stand him too wide apart.
Post Graduate Dog: 5 (1 Abs)
1st. Hammond “Hammystaff Red Revenge”. Deep Red with White Chest. This young dog’s attitude to this showing malarky is second to none and he just wants to have fun and make his handler (who won the battle today) toil and of all his virtues which are many this is the one that really stands out. His head is broad and deep through with no sponginess to the crown. With dark round eyes set wide apart, a dark mask, well presented ears (when he wants to) and pronounced cheek muscles the expression he gives is spot on. He is true in front with good depth of brisket and width of chest. Ribs are nicely sprung, and he is short in body. His strong tapered neck flows into a broad back which is complimented by a powerful backend that gives good drive (when settled) on the move. Like all dogs he has minor points that I feel could be better, but these are my preferences. Well worthy of the RCC today.
2nd. Jefferson “Alport Bold Ruler.” Bl/Br that scores high in head shape that is complimented by round eyes that are set wide apart, decent ears, and a good length of muzzle with decent underjaw. He has a straight front and good width to his chest. Behind his head is a strong short neck tapering into a level topline which was held when moving. He has adequate strength on the rear end to propel him forward when moving. He is a very nice dog that is not overdone in any departments and who will always there or there abouts in the line-up. The more outgoing personality and overall strength of 1 made the difference for me today.
3rd. Summers “Tillcar Fire Dynamic At Warriorstaff”.
Limit Dog: 14 (2 Abs)
1st. Jackson “Jackabyte Javikah.” Bl/Br who stood proud on well boned legs and decent feet. His head leaves nothing to be desired and consists of dark eyes that look straight ahead, a distinct stop, good length of muzzle and open nares. He is of decent width at the front and has a good spring of rib. He held his topline whilst standing freely and on the move and once settled showed good movement using his well angulated powerful back end. A nice dog all round and he was shown in fit condition with a short gleaming coat, and he really looked good today. Another good example from this kennel.
2nd. Mann “Biggleswick It’s My Life.” Bl/Wh that is extremely well balanced throughout. His head is of good shape & size and is in keeping with his overall size. He has nice dark eyes set wide apart, hard cheek muscles, decent lips and good underjaw. He is straight in front with enough depth of brisket and width of chest. He has a good spring of rib and is short backed. Tail set is fine He moved with drive using his strong back end. He is a grand dog that should be exhibited more often, his lack of ring time certainly played its part today.
3rd. Price & Biddlestone “Pridesdale Red Gunner.”
Open Dog: 9
1st. Arntzen & Manito “Ch. Catstaff’s Used To.” So much has been said about this Bl/Br dog that I would just be stating what others before me have said about him , so I thought I would try and write my description of him in a different manner, so here goes. At first glance his expression and head shape draws you in and having read the standard you realise that everything it says is there in front of you. His front construction leaves nothing to be desired nor does his brisket and chest. From a side view you can see how square and well balanced he is. From above you can tell that he has well sprung ribs, a defined waist and a strong back. Putting your hands on him is only required for the obvious parts. From any angle he oozes class with nothing overdone in any departments. He goes about his business in a controlled manner but still retains that bit of sharpness when it is required. The power he can summon from his backend gives him good drive when on the move, although he can play up at times. Along with his handler they make a formidable team, and he thoroughly deserved the CC and BOB today. Thank you for bringing him.
2nd. Norton “Ch. Taraiel Stormzy Of Tikkurlian.” This Bl/Br pushed the 1st all the way and he is another that carries great virtue. From front on, his head gives you an impression of great strength and excellent shape that leads into a short neck and strong back. His front, brisket and chest are all as the standard requires. His ribs and definition in the waist are spot on for his size and there is no lack of strength at the rear. He can be a bit wilful when moving but the big ring today suited him. A pleasure to go over. The expression and more controlled movement of the 1st swung the decision for me today. A worthy Champion.
3rd. Robinson & Marsh “Hamason Fynnbar Firecracker.”
Special Beginners Dog or Bitch: 2 (1 Abs)
1st. Bunt & Noonan “Skyestaff Fall Into Line.” A pretty bl/br bitch that stood alone in the class.
Her feminine head although not the strongest did have dark eyes that looked straight ahead and were set wide apart. Muzzle length was good, and she had firm cheek muscles. Her body is still developing but time is on her side, and this should improve. Her coat was short and shone in the sunlight and she moved well enough.
Veteran Bitch: 5
1st. Canavan “Ch. Boldstock Am I Bovered JW.” Lovely to see that this brindle girl has lost none of her sparkle and enthusiasm. She still stands rock solid and looks at you with a great expression that comes from her strong but feminine head, dark eyes and well-set neat ears. She still retains good definition and strength in her body and with a good backend is able move with ease. She was shown in great condition which is a credit to her owner. In deciding my BVIB I preferred the overall body strength and balance of the dog.
2nd. Daly-Lees “Starolestaff Arabella At Boscador.” A standard bl/br that is of standard height and build. Her head is in keeping with her body and consists of good width between the eyes, good length of muzzle with a decent underjaw and tight lips. She has good depth of brisket and chest width. She moved out well on a good backend. She lacked the quality of the 1st, but she is an honest Stafford and merited this placing.
3rd. Batten “Hammystaff Happiness”.
Minor Puppy Bitch: 5
1st. Hammond “Hammystaff Love Bomb.” Cracking white & red pied that you are immediately drawn to. Her head has good definition and is just about spot on at this age and is complimented by medium sized dark round eyes, a good length & width of muzzle with enough underjaw. She is broad in skull, deep through and has a distinct stop and developing cheek muscles. Her front assembly is as it should be at this stage with nothing lacking. A strong short neck leads into a strong back thus retaining a level topline either stacked or whilst moving which for one so young she does very well. Although she is short coupled her ribs are of good length and adequately sprung. With good muscle definition, bend of stifle and well let down hocks she is good at the rear end. BPB & BPIB.
2nd. Walker “Maxstaff Miss Vivienne.” This red with white on chest girl is still very much a baby but should have a promising future. Her feminine head is broad with good strength and length of muzzle, open nares and developing cheek muscles. Her body is still developing but she does have a good depth to her brisket, a good tuck up and level top line when stacked. She has good bone for her frame and her backend is developing nicely and her movement was sound. There is nothing overdone, and I will watch her progress with interest. Very well handled. Preferred the strength and balance of 1 today.
3rd. Nolan “Hammystaff Heat Seeker.”
Puppy Bitch: 7
1st. Desmond “Niatona Pandora’s Box To Elitebull.” Strong but feminine red & white with a well-shaped head consisting of broad skull, neat ears, distinct stop, dark round eyes that look straight through you and pronounced cheek muscles. She is short in neck with a strong back. With good bone, a straight front, deep brisket, wide front and muscular rear quarters she portrays great strength for her size. Once settled her movement was good. Preferred the overall Balance & movement of the MPB for BPB.
2nd. Rowe & South “Illori Constellation.” Bl/br that is very feminine in all aspects. Her clean head size wise is in proportion to her body and carries a neat pair of thin ears, round eyes set wide apart, distinct stop and decent underjaw. With a good width to her chest, good spring of rib, short coupling and nice tuck up her body is of good shape. She was presented in good condition and moved with purpose. Preferred the all-round strength of 1st.
3rd. Mayers “Maynestaff The Girl Is Mine.”
Junior Bitch: 8 (1Abs)
1st. Hands & Freeman “Skystaff She Conquered JW.” A very nice bl/br that fits the standard and who is maturing into a serious contender for higher honours. A keen expression, neat thin ears, dark round eyes all enhance her well proportion head. Her body size is in keeping with her head and gives the impression of balance & elegance. A strong neck leads to a short back and topline that is well held. She has enough bone and muscle tone for her size and moved with purpose and style. She was well handled and shown in excellent condition with a short shinning coat.
2nd. Jackson “Jackabyte Nemesis.” Another well turned out standard bl/br exhibit from this kennel. Even with a strong head which is broad and deep through she retains her femineity. Complimented by dark round eyes and a distinct stop she has a keen expression. Her front assembly is good, and she has good bone and width. She stands on tight feet with good pads. Her ribs are as required, and she has a good tuck up. Power from the rear comes from well-muscled hindquarters and a decent bend of stifle. She was fit and in excellent coat. Just preferred the cleaner head of 1st.
3rd. Emery “Casails You Are My Sunshine.”
Yearling Bitch: 3
1st. Turley “Loyalstaff Bella Bambina At Eaststreet.” Very strong bl/br that is spot on for type. Very expressive head consisting of neat rose ears, broad skull, dark round eyes of medium size, tight lips and good underjaw. Her powerful neck flows into a strong wide back with correct tail set. With a straight front, wide chest, well sprung ribs and well-developed hindquarters she does not lack power when driving forward on the move. Her coat was close with the correct texture and shone in the sunlight.
2nd. Thomas “Tilicious Whatever At Biggleswick.” Red with white on chest. Very smart feminine bitch of standard size. She has a decent head consisting of neat small rose ears, round dark eyes, a dark mask and tight lips. She stands on well boned legs, with a good front and is well honed in the hind quarters. Topline was good when stacked and on the move. Moved with purpose. Preferred the all over strength of 1st.
3rd. Mitchell “Vimaval Red Angel.”
Novice Bitch: 9 (4 Abs)
1st. Rowe & South “Illori Constellation.” See Puppy Bitch
2nd. Emery “Casails You Are My Sunshine.” Brindle with a lovely expression who with the help of her handler presented herself well. She has a good head that is broad in skull, deep through and clean in muzzle and lip. Her eyes are dark of good shape and set straight ahead. She has a good width of chest and good bone. She moved with ease around the ring and seemed to enjoy herself.
She was also a creditable 3rd in Junior.
3rd. O’Sullivan “Junostaff Splish Splash.”
Graduate Bitch: 3 (1Abs)
1st. Robinson & Robinson Cox “Hamason A Wish AwaY.” Brindle with white chest and feet. Just love the colour of this bitch and the rest of her isn’t bad either. Her very feminine head is enhanced by round dark eyes of medium size, distinct stop and a strong muzzle of good length. When she is interested you also get a good expression. She has a good front with ample depth of brisket and width of chest. She moved well when settled and held a level top line.
2nd. Hands “Skystaff Dress To Impress.” Bl/br with a strong head that is deep through. Strong muzzle and prominent cheek muscles are also a bonus. She is strong throughout her body and is well off for bone. Moved well when asked and held a good topline. Would benefit from a bit of ringcraft and being a little fitter. Just preferred the overall outline of 1st.
Post Graduate Bitch: 7 (1Abs)
1st. Jackson “Jackabyte Decadence”. A standard bl/br who looks the part. She has a decent head and when she uses her ears a keen expression. With good width of skull, dark eyes set wide apart and good underjaw she is typical of the breed. She stands rock solid on well boned legs and has good depth of brisket. Her body is compact with good front, spring of ribs and tuck up. Her back end is well defined, and she was shown in hard condition. She moved positively with no hesitation.
2nd. Vause “Nerotoro Peep Toes.” A slightly bigger bl/br with a nicely proportioned head that housed dark eyes, a decent length of muzzle and solid crown. She stood on well boned legs and nicely padded feet. Her body shape was good with a defined waist and a good width of chest and spring of rib. She had good hindquarters with well let down hocks. When asked, she moved with ease. Preferred the squareness of first.
3rd. John “Llanstaff Double Valentine”.
Limit Bitch: 12 (1Abs)
1st. Arntzen & McDermott “Catstaff Say Goodbye”. Super bl/br bitch of substance. A defined head that is broad & deep through with dark round eyes well set to look straight ahead, neat rose ears, a distinct stop, short foreface, strong muzzle of good length and wide underjaw. She has a straight front, wide chest and bang on spring of rib leading into a defined waist. A short strong neck leads into a strong well-muscled back and correct tail set. Her muscled hindquarters leave nothing to be desired and with well bent stifles and well let down hocks there is plenty of power when needed and which she uses when on the move. Her short coat of correct coarseness was gleaming and was a good indication of her fitness. She beat off some strong competition to win the RCC today and I hope she goes all the way. Well done.
2nd. Thisby “Taurinstaff Ms Bellatricks.” Upstanding bl/br that was slightly bigger than 1 but who still retained femininity. Another one with a super head that was broad, deep through with pronounced cheek muscles. She has a keen expression which is enhanced by dark round eyes that look straight through you. Her muzzle was strong and of good length and finished off with decent lips and good underjaw. A tapered neck flows into good shoulders and strong back. Front and rear construction are good, and her body is well defined. She has good daylight underneath that is balanced out with her length. She moved freely and held a good topline. A very impressive bitch that I liked a lot but just preferred the overall picture of 1.
3rd. Bibby & Hirst “Taraiel Dua Lipa.”
Open Bitch: 5 (2Abs)
1st. Wells “Taraiel Ray Of Light At Wellstaffs.” A lovely bl/br with white that instantly appealed to me. She is bang in the standard and is very well balanced. Her clean head is broad, deep through and has firm cheek muscles. Her eyes that are dark had that sparkle that drew me in, and with neat thin rose ears showed a true expression. With good length of muzzle, tight lips and strong underjaw the picture is complete. She is blessed with good bone, straight front and nice feet. Her body shape with its wide front, deep brisket, good rib and tuck up is spot on. For her size, her hindquarters are spot on and are rock hard. Her tapered neck flows into a level topline and correct tail set. Whilst she moved with power and held her topline there was also an element of grace with It, and she was one of the best movers today. Her profile and balance are a joy. I was told after that this was her third CC and she is the breeds latest Champion. My congratulation go to the owners she is a credit to you and to the breeders. This was a deserved CC won in strong competition.
2nd. Kendall “Ch. Rossobull Upsy Daisy.” Beautiful brindle with white chest that has a stunning head. Her head that was probably the best of all the bitches today was complimented by a broad skull, distinct stop and pronounced cheek muscles. Neat ears, round eyes set wide apart and strong underjaw completed the picture. Her front construction was spot on with good bone, upright pasterns and tidy feet. Body wise her brisket, chest & ribs left nothing to be desired and was finished of with defined waist. With a strong backend she powered up and down the ring effortlessly. Her coat was short of good texture and shone in the sun. A worthy champion and a credit to her owners.
3rd. Jackson “Jackabyte Bocouture JW.”