• Show Date: 10/08/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Kathy Moores Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

United Retriever Club

Breed: Retriever (Golden)

Judging Critique - United Retriever Club 10/08/2022

Retriever (Golden) - (dogs)

Dog Challenge Certificate:

261 - It/int Sh Ch Olvinglay Visionaire (Mr G Monteverde)

Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate:

254 - Nedlezah Lochlea (Mrs A L Mcgeoch)

Bitch Challenge Certificate:

352 - Thornywait I Spy (ai) (Mrs S M Zubair)

Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate:

228 - Leighsham in The Summer Time (Mrs J Jackson-Haines)

Best Of Breed:

352 - Thornywait I Spy (ai) (Mrs S M Zubair)

Best Puppy

154 - Hoaaloha Kealoha (Mrs F V & Mr M Bell)

Best Veteran

212 - Eveninghill Moment to Shine (Mrs L J & Miss R Harding & Start)

I would like to thank the committee of the United Retriever Club for inviting me to judge at their friendly, unique and well-run Championship show.

All the dogs were shown in excellent condition, the exhibitors were in good humour and the atmosphere was made very special by the enthusiastic clapping around the ring after each class.

My main concern whilst judging was the close front and rear movement in many exhibits and also the length of loin which in some was too long and affected the overall balance of the dog.

Sp V (7-9 yrs) 2, 1

1 Birkin Green & Gripton's Sansue Golden Dream JW; Nicely balanced masculine head which is well proportioned; nice eye & expression; Excellent angulation fore & aft, good depth of chest. Pleasing length & strength of loin; good bend of stifle; Shown in good coat; Moved soundly, covering the ground well.

Sp V (10+yrs) 1

1 Warden's Eyevalley Macallan of Glentochty ShCM VW; In lovely condition for his age. Well constructed & balanced; Lovely head, not overdone; Excellent straight front; Good forechest, nice length & strength of neck. Excellent spring of rib, good topline & bend of stifle. Moved soundly fore & aft.

MP 5,1

1 Archer's Haydengold Just A Rumour at Sunandair; Nicely matured for age with a pleasing, typical outine. Well balanced head & good pigmentation; Nice bone, excellent length of shoulder and good forechest for age together with good depth of chest. Good bend of stifle & correct topline; Nice coat texture; Moved well coming and going.

2 Hunter's Kadaka Kevin Karrot; Only a baby but has all the essentials; Nicely balanced head with good pigmentation and large open nose. Excellent angulation fore & aft; Nnce spring of rib & good strength over loin; Sufficient bone & well-shaped feet; Good coat texture.

3 Moore's Purbarn Friends Together

P 6

1 Garget & Morriss's Goldmarker Coming Home to Garvin (AI); Most mature in the class; Has all the essentials; Lovely masculine head with nice eye & expression; Large open nose; Excellent bone; Good spring of rib & depth of chest; Nice bend of stifle; Lovely length & strength of neck; Nice topline; Excellent loin; Lovely coat & condition; Moved well on neat feet;

2 Gerhold's Navilis Vivat Vivaldi (imp UKR) NAF TAF; Another nice one just not the movement of 1; Nice head & pigmentation; Good strength & length of neck; Good angulation fore & aft; Well let down hocks; Moved well, really covering the ground on neat feet; Good coat texture;

3 Archer's Haydengold Just A Rumour at Sunandair

J 9, 3

1 Wheeldon & Hurry's Catnnels Greatest Dancer; Best outline in the class with sufficient length of leg compared to length of body and so very nicely balanced throughout; Sufficiently well developed for age. Masculine head not overdone; Excellent angulation fore & aft; Good forechest with nice depth of chest & spring of rib; Good coat texture and thickness. Moved well on neat feet;

2 Munro's Alibren Ready Teddy; shown in lovely coat &condition; Good outline, just not quite the front movement of 1; Well balanced head with good skull shape; large open nose. Correct topline; nice depth of chest & spring of rib; good bone. Covered the ground well on the move.

3 Dickson's Glynafton Sundance

Y 9, 1

1 Carter's Kadaka Kauldrun JW; Caught my eye on the first look around the ring; Lovely outline & shown in excellent coat & condition; Nicely balanced head with good length of foreface compared to length of skull; Nice length & strength of neck; Excellent angulation fore & aft with good excellent lay of shoulder and good length of upper arm; Excellent depth of chest and good strength over short loin. Good bend of stifle & well let down hocks; Moved soundly covering the ground well;

2 Gerhold's Navilis Nouveau Venu (IMP UKR) JW; Another nice young dog; Very masculine head and expression but not overdone in any way; Excellent front & rear angulation; good bone; Excellent depth of chest; Just not quite the outline yet of 1, but very promising. Shown in lovely coat & muscular condition

3 Kelly's Ramchaine You Spin Me Right Round in Zenevieva (IKC) JW

M 6, 1

1 H Just A Rumour at S

2 Taylor's Pandreft Rock Steady; Presented in lovely coat and condition; Nicely balanced head with correct length proportions of muzzle to skull; skull a little wide compared to muzzle. Nice bone; Good depth of chest & spring of rib. Moved well covering the ground on neat feet;

3 Clarke & Lewis's Debsanna’s Jonagold

N 4

1 G Coming Home to Garvin

2 Dickson's Glynafton Sundance; Very nice outline & shown in lovely coat & condition; Nice eye & expression and large open nose. Good bone. Nice angulation fore & aft; correct topline; Moved soundly covering the ground well on neat feet;

3 P Rock Steady

U 7, 1

1 William's Eveninghill Detroit Red; Nicely balanced with well proportioned head & pleasing eye & expression; large open nose. Good bone and neat feet. Nice angulation fore & aft; Shown in lovely coat & condition; Moved soundly but a little sluggish due to the heat.

2 Hunter's Glenrioch Rock of Ages; Masculine in outline; Nice eye and expression; Good bone; Well developed forechest with excellent depth of chest & spring of rib; Well let down hocks; Moved well both coming & going.

3 Taylor's Alibren Aldaniti at Tannadice

G 7

1 Monteverde's Angelonato Shakespeare Olvinglay; Presented in superb coat & excellent muscular condition; . Lovely pigmentation; Nice eye & expression and large open nose. Excellent angulation fore & aft; well-developed forechest and good depth of chest; good length and strength of neck; good bone. Lovely topline & tailset; Moved soundly coming & going & covered the ground well with each stride.

2 Jackson-Haines's Leighsham Looney Tunes; Another lovely dog; Beautiful head which is very masculine but not overdone; Excellent length & strength of neck; Good angulation fore & aft; Well let down hocks; Nice depth of chest & spring of rib; Moved well on neat feet; Not moving quite so well in front as 1.

3 Copley's Monchique Dragonheart for Emmabe JW

PG 9, 3

1 McGeoch's Nedlezah Lochlea; Res CC. Superb, typical outline; Sufficiently mature & not overdone; Well-proportioned head; Nice length of muzzle compared to length skull with sufficient stop; Pleasing eye & expression; Excellent length & strength of neck; Good bone and depth of chest; correct topline; Good width of upper & lower thigh; well let down hocks; Moved well on neat feet; Shown in good coat & excellent muscular condition.

2 Wilkinson's Pajula’s Little Drummer Boy; Another lovely dog with a pleasing outline; Just a little longer in loin than 1; Excellent angulation fore & aft; Good bone; nice topline Well let down hocks; Moved soundly really covering the ground well..

3 Wallis's Blue Gemstone Katrina

ML 11, 3

1 Foreman's Ambersun Heart and Soul; Very nice type with pleasing, typical outline; Nicely balanced head with pleasing eye and expression. Excellent front & rear angulation; good bone; Excellent depth of chest & spring of rib; Nice width of upper & lower thigh; well let down hocks. Moved soundly on neat feet; Coat of good quality & thickness.

2 Trinder's Thornywait Ruffino; Out of a larger mould but well balanced; Just not the hindquarters of 1; Lovely head with nice eye & expression; Large open nose. Good length & strength of neck; Nice angulation & topline; Moved well covering the ground well with each stride.

3 Smith's Thornywait Iluminati at Goldmarker

L 12, 3

1 McDonald's Lamancha Magical Moments JW; Very well presented in lovely coat & muscular condition; Well-balanced head with correct ratio of length of skull to length of muzzle; Excellent length & strength of neck; Excellent angulation fore & aft; Excellent depth of chest & good strength of muscular loin; Nice bone & feet; Moved soundly covering the ground well with each stride.

2 Copley's Monchique Imperial Beau at Emmabe JW Ir Jun Ch; Similar comments apply as to 1; Just not quite the movement in front; Nice length & depth of muzzle; masculine head; Good length & strength of neck; Nice topline & tailset; Neat feet; Good quality coat.

3 Grindey's Bowshella Gilded Diamond at Bramstead

O 9, 1

1 Monteverde's It/Int Sh Ch Olvinglay Visionaire; Lovely presentation shown in good coat & muscular condition; Nicely balanced head with pleasing eye & expression; Good length & strength of neck; Excellent angulation fore & aft; good bone and short, strong loin. Excellent width of upper & lower thigh. Moved well really covering the ground on neat feet. Was just flagging a little in the heat when it came to the challenge for BOB.

2 Grainger's Sh Ch Amilone Flintstone; Another lovely dog with a nice outline; Very nice head with muzzle of sufficient width and depth, nice stop & skull shape; Excellent bone, depth of chest & spring of rib; Nice short, strong loin; Good width of upper & lower thigh; Well let down hocks; Moved soundly on neat feet.

3 Angell's Sh Ch Millanza Toy Story JW

Sp Show/Working 3

1 Morss's Xanthos Bullet Proof JW; Nicely balanced outline; Good head proportions, masculine but not overdone; Excellent neck & shoulders; good bone. Excellent width of upper & lower thigh; well let down hocks; Nice spring of rib leading to short strong wide loin; Moved covering the ground well with each stride.

2 Towers & Henderson's Alibren Galileo to Westervane JW SGWC; Another lovely dog just a little longer in the loin than 1; Lovely head, eye & expression; Dark pigmentation; Excellent angulation throughout; Nice bone; good spring of rib & depth of chest; Moved well on neat feet.

Kathy Moores
