• Show Date: 24/09/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Kathy Moores Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Belfast Dog Show Society

Breed: Retriever (Labrador)

Belfast DSS Championship show 2022 – Judging Critique

 Retriever (Labrador)

DCC 668 - Gostwyck Morse Code (Mrs K Eakin)

BCC 676 - Arrowmoy Madame Butterfly [ATC AW01608IKC]. (Mrs L Reynolds)

RDCC 687 - Arrowmoy Someone to Watch over Me (Mrs M Walsh)

RBCC 690 - Kroppsmarkens Mamma Mia of Mandamay (Imp Swe) (Mr D O Wilmshurst)

BOB 676 - Arrowmoy Madame Butterfly [ATC AW01608IKC]. (Mrs L Reynolds)

BP 660 - Aalin Carrey Apollo (Mrs S C Crellin)

BV 668 - Gostwyck Morse Code (Mrs K Eakin)

BSB 660 - Aalin Carrey Apollo (Mrs S C Crellin)

PD 1

1 Crellin’s Aalin Carrey Apollo. Best Puppy & Best Special Beginner. Nice head, eye & expression. Good earset & carriage of ear. Excellent strength & length of neck. Good angulation fore & aft. Nice bone. Good strength over loin. Nice thick tail with dense coat. Excellent coat thickness & texture throughout. Moved soundly on good feet.

 JD 2

1 Shaw & Toman’s Broconnell Against All Odds. Won on overall outline but both very nice young dogs. Nice head, eye & expression, large open nose. Good strength of neck. Nice spring of rib & depth of chest. Strong loin; good width of upper & lower thigh. Well let down hocks. Nice topline & tailset. Moved soundly fore & aft.

 2 Crellin’s Aalincarrey Lets Sing. Similar comments apply. Lovely masculine head & expressive eyes. Good angulation fore & aft. Nice depth of chest & spring of rib leading to strong, short loin. Well let down hocks. Coat of good texture. Moved well.

 YD 2

Preferred outline of winner here and movement easier to assess.1 South & Reck’s Roslieve Simply The Best. Lovely head with skull of sufficient width but not overdone. Good lay of shoulder & return of uppe arm. Well developed chest & ribs going well back to strong loin. Nice width of well-muscled upper & lower thigh.. Well let down hocks. Moved soundly with nice tail action. Coat of good quality.

 2 Tait’s Loughbrae Showtime at Kiltedshark. Another nice dog, just not quite the expression of 1. Good strength of neck; excellent depth of chest. Topline could be tighter. Good width of upper & lower thigh. Jumping on the move so movement hard to assess. Neat feet.

 ND 1

1 A L Sing

 LD 4

1 Walsh’s Arrowmoy Someone to Watch over Me. Res CC. Caught my eye on the first run around the ring. Lovely outline. Very well balanced overall & shown in good coat & excellent muscular condition. Well balanced head, nice eye & expression. Good earset & shape of ears. Nice strong neck. Excellent angulation in front & behind. Good spring of rib leading to short, strong loin. Nice width of upper & lower thigh. Well let down hocks. Not carrying any excess weight. Moved soundly on neat feet.

 2 Alexander’s Coharra Thunder Rolls. Another nice one, masculine in head but not overdone. Good coat & condition. Nice angulation fore & aft. Good spring of rib. Nice to line. Moved well both coming and going.

3 Kennedy’s Glasdrumond Chamomiles

OD 2

1 Douglas’s Ch/Ir Sh Ch Talard Cee Three Pee Ohh. Preferred expression & front movement of 1 here. Masculine head with nice eye shape & colour; large open nose. Good strength of neck. Excellent angulation fore & aft; good bome throughout. Nice spring of rib & depth of chest. Good short, strong loin. Well-developed hindquarters. Not carrying excess weight. Moved soundly fore & aft on good feet. Thick coat of good texture.

 2 Merrill’s Sunbrooks Welcome All My Love to Gostwyck. Nice outline. Masculine head with correct ear set & carriage. Good angulation fore & aft. Nice depth of chest; well let down hocks. Not so positive in front movement as 1. Shown in good coat & condition.


1 Eakin’s Gostwyck Morse Code. CC & Best Veteran. Lovely dog shown in excellent coat & condition. Very well balanced, typical outline. Nice head, eye & lovely expression. Not overdone in any way. Good earset & size. Excellent angulation in front & behind. Good width of upper & lower thigh. Well let down hocks. Excellent topline. Nice spring of ribs leading to short, strong loin. Moved soundly fore & aft on good feet.

 SBD 1

1 A C Apollo.

 MPB 1

1 White’s Lunarpet Born Free. Sweet head & expression. Nice neck & shoulders. Good length of leg. Nice topline, spring of rib & depth of chest for age. Shown in good coat & muscular condition.

 PB 1

1 South & Reck’s Roslieve Rolling in The Deep. Very nicely developed for age. lovely feminine head with good width of skull but not overdone. Excellent construction throughout. Nice topline. Shown in good coat & muscular condition. Moved soundly with nice tail action.

 JB 2

1 McDonald’s Crosscroyde Celtic Empress. Lovely, typical outline. Nice feminine, well proportioned head. Good angulation fore & aft. Nice spring of rib with ribcage leading to strong, short loin. Well-developed, strong hindquarters. Good bone & feet. Coat of correct thickness and texture. Moved well both coming and going.

 2 Tait’s Sudeo Somebody to Love at Kiltedshark. Pleasing head, eye & expression. Good bone. Excellent spring of ribs & depth of chest. Nice width of upper & lower thigh; well let down hocks. Carrying a little too much weight. Moved soundly in front & behind. Good coat texture.

 YB 5,1

1 Wylie’s Loughbrae En Vogue. Most feminine in outline. Lovely head with dark eye & intelligent expression; nice large open nose. Good ear set & shape. Excellent angulation fore & aft. Good spring of rib and depth of chest. Nice short, strong loin. Good width of upper & lower thigh. Not carrying any excess weight. Nice topline & tail set. Moved soundly with drive.

2 Shaw & Toman's Brigburn Nina at Broconnell. Just preferred head & expression of 1. Nicely developed throughout. Good strong neck. Nice spring of rib & depth of chest. Well developed, strong loin. Carrying a little too much weight. Good topline & tail set. Good bone & feet. Moved well.

 3 Douglas’s Talard Lady Gaga

NB 1

1 C C Empress

 GB 1

1 C C Empress

 PGB 3,2

1S C C Empress

 LB 9,1 Two very nice bitches just preferred style and ground-covering movement of 1.1 Reynolds’s Arrowmoy Madame Butterfly [ATC AW01608IKC]. CC & BOB. Delighted to discover she is the litter sister to my RDCC. Caught my eye on the first run around the ring. Very feminine throughout but of sufficient substance with good bone. Exquisite head of sufficient width but still feminine. Lovely eye & expression. Excellent construction throughout, good topline & tail set. Shown in excellent thick coat of good texture & muscular condition. Moved very freely & soundly on neat feet with a nice tail action.

 2 Douglas’s New Hope Strong Wind over Talard. Another feminine bitch with all the essentials. Good angulation fore & aft. Nice strength over short loin. Good spring of rib & depth of chest. Shown in good coat & muscular condition. Moved OK coming & going.

3 Ellis & Matulla’s Dolwen Annastasia.

OB 4,1

1 Wilmshurst’s Kroppsmarkens Mamma Mia of Mandamay (IMP SWE). Res CC.Well matured with nice typical outline displaying strength. Excellent angulation fore & aft. Well balanced head with dark eye & feminine expression. Large open nose; nice ear set & carriage. Good spring of rib with ribcage leading to short, strong loin. Coat of good texture throughout. Moved well on good feet.

2 B Nina at B

 3 C C Empress

VB 1

1 Schopen’s Barnagrow Altisidora. In good condition for age not carrying any excess weight. Feminine head with good width of skull. Nice eye & expression. Good strength of neck; quality bone. Well angulated hindquarters. Good topline & tailset. Moved soundly on neat, well-padded feet.

Kathy Moores
