• Show Date: 24/09/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Kathy Moores Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Belfast Dog Show Society

Breed: Pointer

Belfast Dog Show Society Championship Show – Judging Critique


DCC 571 - Joneva Born to Thrill (Mr S J Layton)

RDCC 564 - Ir Sh Ch Hipoint Foreign Affair with Sevenhills (AI) (Imp Aust) (Mr S & Mrs H A Cummings)

BCC 572 - Brent Cheap Thrills (Mrs C Perkins)

RBCC 565 - Hipoint Jump for My Love at Sevenhills (AI) (Imp Aust) (Mr S & Mrs H A Cummings)

BOB 572 - Brent Cheap Thrills (Mrs C Perkins)

BP 560 - Joneva Azelia Banks (Dr K Bond)

BV 566 - Sh Ch/ir Sh Ch/int Sh Ch Kanix Kroner at Sevenhills Jnr Ch Cw 16,17 An Ch 15,16,17 Ww17 TAF (Mr S & Mrs H A Cummings)

JD 1

1 Cummings’s Ir Sh Ch Hipoint Foreign Affair with Sevenhills (AI) Imp Aust). Res CC. Lovely young dog with excellent conformation. Excellent, typical head proportions, eye colour & shape. Large open nose. Excellent neck. topline & bone. Well laid shoulder; good pasterns. Good length of upper & lower thigh. Moved soundly & correctly on well- padded, tight feet.

GD 1

1 Rossiter & Mosedale’s Kimifleur Black Hawk. Nicely shaped well proportioned head. Good muzzle shape and slight depression under eye. Excellent length & strength of neck, Good lay of shoulders; nice bone; excellent depth of chest. Good length of upper & lower thigh. Well let down hocks. Shown In good coat & muscular condition. Moved well covering the ground well but a little close infront.


1 K B Hawk

LD 1

1 Ask, Henshaw & Goodchild’s Sharnphilly Vice Versa with Peteshe SGWC TAF. Well constructed throughout with nicely balanced head. Lovely eye shape, colour & expression. Large open nose. Nice strength of neck. Excellent angulation fore & aft. Well-muscled throughout. Correct topline. Covered the ground well on the move but a little close infront & behind.

OD 2

1 Layton’s Joneva Born to Thrill. CC. Delighted to learn that this was his third CC. Lovely example of the breed. Excelled in forechest. Lovely head well- shaped around eye and good proportion of skull to muzzle. Pleasing eye shape & expression. Nicely developed neck of sufficient strength leading into well placed shoulders & good return of upper arm. Excellent depth of chest. Good strength over loin .Excellent width of upper & lower thigh with well let-down hocks. Correct topline & tail set. Excellent, typical movement really covering the ground well on neat feet.

2 Bond’s Joneva Just My Style. Another nice dog just not quite the forechest of 1 & a little narrower in muzzle but lovely eye & expression. Excellent depth of chest. Nice topline. Front feet a little flat; moved well but not quite so typically in front as 1.

VD 2

1 Cummings’s Sh Ch/Ir Sh Ch/Int Sh Ch Kanix Kroner at Sevenhills Jnr Ch CW 16,17 An Ch 15,16,17 WW17 TAF. Best Veteran. Nicely constructed with excellent lay of shoulder and return of upperarm. Nicely balanced head. Good bone & depth of chest. Well developed over loin. Well let down hocks. Nice width of upper & lower thigh. Moved typically, just a little wide in front.

2 Ask, Henshaw & Goodchild’s Penbro under Pressure with Peteshe TAF. Out of a smaller mould not quite the front angulation of 1. Nice eye colour & shape. Large open nose. Good depth of chest & spring of rib. Well let down hocks. Not covering the ground as well on the move as 1.

PB 2

Two nice babies with my winner just more steady on the move. 1 Bond’s Joneva Azelia Banks. Best Puppy. Lovely feminine head with nice eye & expression, well shaped skull and muzzle. Large open nose. Good reach of neck. Well laid shoulders & good length of upperarm. Quality bone, good depth of chest & nice topline. Well let down hocks. Moved soundly on good feet.

2 Rossiter & Fewster’s Joneva Just A Kiss. Very feminine with all the essentials. Excellent forechest for age. Well proportioned head with nice eye & expression. Good topline. Nice strength over loin. Well let down hocks. Moved soundly, although a little difficult to assess at times, on nicely padded, tight feet. Nice coat & condition.

JB 2

1 Cummings’s Hipoint Jump for My Love at Sevenhills (AI) (Imp Aust). Res CC and litter sister to my dog Res CC. Won on overall outline & elegance; stood over more ground than 2. Lovely feminine head, lots of work in it. Dark eye & intelligent expression. Well-developed forequarters. Excellent length of neck. Well laid shoulders & excellent depth of chest with ribs going well back. Well muscled throughout. Good topline & tailset. Moved typically covering the ground well on good feet.

2 Burnside’s Libertia Bumble Bee Jr Ch JWW. Another nice bitch, well-constructed throughout. Nice eye & expression. Large open nose. Good angulation fore & aft. Chest needs to develop a little more but she has time. Hocks well let down. Moved soundly & typically.

 NB 2

1 J A Banks 2 J Just A Kiss

LB 2

1 Perkins’s Brent Cheap Thrills. CC & BOB. Thrilled to discover this was her crowning CC. Stood out in the class for outline & elegance. Well-constructed throughout. Nicely balanced head with good eye colour, shape & nicely shaped under the eye. Good muzzle shape, well developed skul of sufficient width but not overdone.l. Excellent forechest. Nice neck & lay of shoulder. Good bone. Well developed over strong, short loin. Excellent width of upper & lower thigh. Well let-down hocks. Moved soundly covering the ground well on neat feet. Nice topline held well on the move with typical slashing tail movement. Well handled and shown in good coat & muscular condition.

 2 L B Bee

OB 3,1

1 Bond’s Sh Ch Joneva Asterea JW. Won on front movement & forechest. Nice feminine head, well balanced with good eye. Good length of neck. Nicely laid shoulders. Excellent forechest. Good chest & ribcage going well back to strong, short loin. Good width of upper & lower thigh. Nice topline & tail set. Moved soundly fore & aft. Showed in good coat & condition.

2 Evans & Pavey’s Joneva Just Because. Very feminine with lovely outline. Nice feminine head with good shape of skull and muzzle. Excellent reach of neck. Nice depth of chest. Good bone. Correct topline. Not quite the forechest of 1. Well let-down hocks. Tight feet. Very close movement in front today let her down.

Kathy Moores
