- Show Date: 21/05/2022
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: Karen Marsh Contact Judge
- Published Date: 28/07/2023
Gordon Setter Club Of Scotland
The Gordon Setter Club of Scotland Championship Show
Saturday 21st May 2022 – Cochrane Hall, Alva
I must first thank the members of The Gordon Setter Club of Scotland for electing me to judge at this prestigious show set in such a glorious location at Alva. Thanks also to the committee of the Club for their warm welcome and hospitality on the day. My stewards worked hard in the not entirely clement weather but other than a few spits of rain the day was dry and pleasant for the dogs being judged. Through no fault of the committee the grass in the show ring was longer than I would have liked but it was interesting that this did reflect in the dogs’ movement, generally my winners coped well and showed excellent movement but others were not so true in comparison.
I was looking for a dog that covered the ground cleanly with good driving movement, carrying a level topline with correct tail carriage. I was sad to see exhibits although well-presented that did not have the head that I was looking for, far too many with light eyes which does affect expression and there was also a fair amount of throatiness. Two very nice males were sadly not sound on the day and paid the price.
Minor Puppy Dog (1, 0 abs)
1 Arnott’s Tighnabo Arainn
This enthusiastic young dog was at his first show, both he and his handler tried so hard. At just 7 months of age, he shows promise and there was nothing that a little more practice could not correct. He has a good head, gentle expression with good dark eye, super shiny coat, a nice length to this tail and when settled he moved well with an easy stride. I did suggest a change of lead as the very fine show lead was not comfortable and in a later class on a thicker lead he was much more settled. Good luck with him.
Puppy Dog (4. 0 abs)
1 Mitchell’s Cafotaliena Thief of Hearts By Brobruick
A really nice young dog, he is mature and already has great muscletone. A great head with lovely proportions, low earset, a dark gentle eye gave a kind expression. Strong well arched neck into a lovely forehand assembly with correct angulation, good depth to his brisket and already has spring to his ribs. His movement was steady and true and he covered the ground well.
2 Poynter’s Hernwood Cooper King
Another nice boy although built on finer lines than one, he did not have as much bone and substance. Good forechest and depth to brisket, great topline which he held on the move. Plentiful coat of good texture and condition.
3 Watson’s Langstrumpf Druids Keep
Junior Dog (4. 0 abs)
1. Mitchell’s Cafotaliena Thief of Hearts By Brobruick
Repeat 1st in Puppy
2. Poynter’s Hernwood Cooper King
Repeat 2nd in Puppy
3 Hogg’s Gailiech Ngal Yod
Yearling Dog (4, 1 abs)
1 Ozog’s X-Man Black Lofty At Amberlove (Imp Pol)
4th in Junior. Pleasing head and expression and low earset. Lovely length into neck. A little short in upper arm which was reflected in his hind angulation, the balance of the angulation gave him a strong level topline and good tail run off.
2 Angus’ Glenmaurangi Falcon At Calmerell
Mature young boy of good type. Great definition in head with dark eye. Would prefer a little more lay back to shoulder, he has a nice forechest and plenty of depth although shorter in ribs and coupling than my winner. Plentiful coat and tan was a lovely.
3 Donald’s Clos Erasmus Black Business (Imp Rus)
Novice Dog (5, 1 abs)
1 Angus’ Glenmaurangi Falcon At Calmerell
Second in Yearling
2 Parker-Smith & Tuer’s Lignum Money Talks At Bratticus
A strong head on this young boy, good dark eyes and clear tan on muzzle and legs. Not a large dog, he has a good forehand but would prefer more length in couplings and angulation behind.
3 Hogg’s Gailiech Ngal Yod
Undergraduate Dog (4, 1 abs)
1 Mitchell’s Cafotaliena Thief of Hearts By Brobruick
Repeat, 1st Puppy and Junior Won this class on his overall balance and steadier movement.
2 Angus’ Glenmaurangi Falcon At Calmerell
Repeat 2nd Yearling, 1st Novice
3 Parker-Smith & Tuer’s Lignum Money Talks At Bratticus
Graduate Dog (4, 1 abs)
1 Danks’ Colquhally Major Tom
A gentle head and expression on this young dog I would like a little more length to muzzle. Well arched neck and strong topline. Correct front angulation and mirrored at the rear, nice forechest and correct bend to stifles. A little more feathering on his hind legs would complete the picture
2 Shield’s Amscot Brief Encounter
A different style to one, stronger in head than my winner, shown in great coat and condition, not quite the balance of angulation I was looking for but he had plenty of depth and covered the ground well.
3 Parker-Smith & Tuer’s Lignum Money Talks At Bratticus
Post Graduate Dog (6, 1 abs)
All of the dogs in this class moved well with ground covering stride.
1 Phillips, Watkins & Sykes’ Glenmaurangi Mandalorian JW
This dog was presented in great coat and condition, he was a challenge for his handler but she remained calm and persevered getting the best from him. Masculine head with gentle expression, nice earset, strong neck into good shoulders, strong topline and gentle slope to his croup with nice tailset. Used his tail well on the move showing enthusiasm. One to watch.
2 Sweryda’s Waseley Sweet William
A good looking male, good colour and lowset ears, Short coupled, not quite the angulation off one but was fit and in lovely condition covered the ground cleanly using his well tail well. He could relax more on the stack .
3 Bell, Millar & Bell’s Balnakeil Beinn Corradail of Blairbelles
Mid Limit Dog (2, 0 abs)
1 Millar, Millar, Millar & Scobie’s Yenneadon Calvay JW
Probably one of the fittest and well muscled exhibits at the show today, great overall balance , plenty of forechest and depth. Handled and moved extremely well. His coat and condition was excellent and his tan marking were clear, I would just like a darker eye to complete the picture.
2 Cuthbertson’s Lainnireach Buttons
Close up to one, lots to like, plenty of strength throughout, not quite the strength in topline of one. Correct tailset and super flag to his tail which he used on the moved. Tan not as clear as one. Again coat and condition was excellent.
Limit Dog (5, 0 abs)
1 Parker-Smith & Tuer’s Lignum Evolution At Bratticus
This boy has really changed over the last few years, he is now fully mature and more balanced than he was as a youngster. Masculine head, dark eye and low set ears, good neck into well laid back shoulders, held his topline well on the move. Sufficient hind angulation with correct bend of stifle and short strong hind pasterns. Nice length to his stride and he drove strongly from behind out and back. Pleased to award his the DRCC
2 Hall’s Melview Moving Time JW
This boy is not exaggerated in any way, he is of good size and balanced with plenty of bone and substance. More rugged than one, lovely head and expression, just not as positive on the move as one.
3 Halliday’s Yennadon Barra JW
Open Dog (4, 0 abs)
1 Collins-Pitman’s Amscot Raisin Black
For me this is what makes judging interesting, I believe we can all be guilty of ringside judging and questioning other’s decisions as regards placings. I cannot recall judging this boy personally but have seen him in the ring many times.
Today he had been heavily groomed removing much of what I had felt was unnecessary furnishings, this allowed his shape and confirmation to be clearly seen. He is definitely all male and if I was to be critical he is a little heavy in flew, however he was expertly handled and his movement was superb, not only his profile movement but his hind movement which I had queried before, today he was driving strongly from behind with a ground covering stride and for me he could not be denied this placing in this class and later to be awarded Best Dog and Best in Show, he simply owned the ring. DCC & BIS
2 Sandiford & Lewis’ Sh Ch Hernwood Neptune Sea
A very attractive dog with such a fabulous head and melting expression, built on smaller lines than one with not quite the bone and substance. That said he presents a great picture and handled as always to perfection he takes your eye on the move.
3 Millar’s Yennadon Benriach JW ShCEx
Champion Dog (2, 0 abs)
1 Harker’s Sh Ch Hernwood Achilles At Ettrick JW
A worthy champion, upstanding male, with a strong head but good expression, leading into well arched neck and well laid shoulders. His topline is level and strong and he has great tail carriage. Excellent depth to brisket and good forechest. Hindquarters are well muscled, personally I would just prefer a little more turn of stifle to give a more balanced overall outline.
2 Ford’s Sh Ch Liric Fusilier With Shillay JW ShCM ShCEx
Another dog who has great ring presence, probably the best head I saw today. He is longer in back than my winner and the topline was not as strong on the stack. His overall presentation was tip top and his coat gleamed.
Veteran Dog (7, 1 abs)
1 Hall’s Melview Moving Time JW
2nd in Limit
2 Robson’s Liric For Your Eyes Only By Yohenoak JW
Another young veteran, beautiful outline when stacked. Strong level topline, tail set on a little high. Great muscletone and excellent width to his thigh, correct angle to his stifle, he drove off from short strong pasterns.
3 Halliday’s Yennadon Reiss SGWC
Special Vintage Dog (1, 0 abs)
1 Collins-Pitman & Anderson’s Black Mystery Phantom Of The Opera By Amscot (Imp Che)
I cannot believe this boy is now in this Vintage Class so much to like. He has a masculine head with plenty of chiseling, good length to his neck into well laid shoulders. Plenty of depth to his brisket and nice spring to his ribs, short strong couplings, with correct tailset. Moved out around the ring not showing his age at all.
Field Trial Dog (1, 0 abs)
1. Halliday’s Yennadon Reiss SGWC
A dog I have always liked, not a showy boy but is well made and would certainly be able to work on the moors. His confirmation is good and he is a very fit looking boy.
Special Beginners Dog (2, 0 abs)
These two young males were more intent on enjoying themselves than standing for assessment in this class, but both were moving much steadier than they had in their respective age classes.
1 Watson’s Langstrumpf Druids Keep
3rd in Puppy Dog
His maturity in body gave him the edge over the second, he is at an awkward stage of growth at the moment but I believe he will level out in time. A good forehand assembly, and well muscled hindquarters with plenty of width to his thighs. Super shiny black coat and rich tan markings.
2 Arnott’s Tighnabo Arainn
1st in Minor Puppy Dog
Minor Puppy Bitch (3, 0 abs)
Three very promising puppies
1 Palliser’s Lignum Oro
The class headed up by this young lady who stole my heart, so well schooled and her balance and correct confirmation was clear when she moved. She covered the ground steadily with a nice length to her stride, with good reach and drive.
2 Allan’s Moonglade Scottish Quine At Swanley
My notes say “What a handful” a nice overall shape with good forechest, plenty of depth and good length to her back. Moved okay. Very feminine head and expression. Lovely black shiny coat and clear tan markings.
3 Littlejohn’s Tighnabo Diura
Puppy Bitch (3, 0 abs)
1 Sandiford & Lewis’ Hernwood Gin Fizz
A very pretty young girl, with smooth coat and feathering. She has balanced angulation and strong topline, moved out and back easily using her tail well. Would benefit from having some dead coat stripped out as this does detract from the overall picture.
2 Hall’s Clohass Diamond
A pretty young girl who sadly was not really co-operating with her handler today perhaps the cold breeze had upset her. Neither she nor my third placed exhibit were showing to their best today. I just felt that the maturity of this bitch gave her the edge/
3 Hill & Lummen’s Farquharson’s Scottish Bonnie Lass At Kydarin
Junior Bitch (5, 0 abs)
1 Sandiford & Lewis’ Hernwood Gin Fizz
Repeat 1st Puppy Bitch
2 Ackerley-Kemp’s Yennadon Highland Heidi
My note say definitely a bird dog! I preferred the head of one, but this girl has a feminine head, dark eye and low set ears. She has a great body, in super condition with plenty of muscle tone. A lovely straight front, nice tight feet .
3 Thomas’ Chartan Maple Mayhem
Yearling Bitch (5, 1 abs)
1 Horn’s Ordett Love Me Do At Keaswood JW
A mature young bitch in plentiful coat of good condition, good strong bone, and straight forelegs, good topline with strength in her hind quarters and nice width to her thighs. Nice shape to her head with plenty of work and chiseling. Strong neck into well laid shoulders, level topline and good tailset. Covered the ground on the move showing reach and drive.
2 Melville’s Tsruhnova Tante Lille
Pretty young bitch who did not have the maturity in body of one, but a nice overall shape with plenty of bone, plenty of defininition in her head, long strong well arched next into well laid shoulders, good depth to brisket and nice forechest. Strong coupling and great width to her thigh, not quite as confident and steady on the move as one.
3 Rand’s Kintalis Winter Jasmine
Novice Bitch (6, 0 abs)
1 Palliser’s Lignum Luck Be A Lady
Surprising to find a bitch of this quality in Novice and don’t expect she will be in it for long. I understand she has only recently been shown. She presents a super balanced outline, correction angulation fore and aft, good forechest and depth to her chest, well sprung ribs and strong in loin. Has plenty of width to her thigh and well developed second thigh. Short strong pasterns which really came into play when she was moved around the ring. She flowed with great tail action. One I will watch with interest.
2 Sweryda’s Waseley Springtyme
A pretty young girl with lots to like, super clear tan and coal black coat. Feathering beginning to come. Longer in hind pastern than my winner and not quite the balance in angulation, but she moved happily and cleanly around the ring.
3 Melville’s Tsruhnova Tante Lille
Undergraduate Bitch (3, 0 abs)
1 Caulfield’s Colquhally Daydream
A very attractive young girl, I gave her mother a Reserve Challenge Certificate some years ago and I can see her in this bitch. Lovely balanced overall shape, she is of correct size for a bitch and has a very pretty head and expression. Beautiful clear tan markings.
2 Bielecka’s Willow Black Lofty At Evenflow (Imp Pol)
This bitch paid the price of carrying too much weight. A beautiful head on this girl, well defined stop giving a true Gordon expresseion. Low earset , nice shape to her back skull and a strong neck into well laid shoulders. She has a good outline, a nice front and rear angulation. Plenty of strong bone and good clear tan.
3 Pearce’s Ardnadam Alaranth
Graduate Bitch (6, 0 abs)
1 Horn’s Ordett Love Me Do At Keaswood JW
Repeat 1st Yearling Bitch
2 Sweryda’s Graylacier Genevieve At Waseley
Repeat 2nd Novice Bitch
3 Caulfield’s Colquhally Daydream
Post Graduate Bitch (8, 1 abs)
1 Cuthbertson’s Lainnireach Angels Share
A very feminine girl of correct size, I loved her overall balance she has very pretty head and expression with lovely dark eyes. On the move she came into her own, such reach and drive using her well muscled hindquarters holding a strong level topline and showing a nice tailset and tail carriage. Lovely coat and condition.
2 Macara, Jamieson & Alcorn’s Cromasaig Daisys Choice JW
Another well made bitch, stronger in head but still attractive. Short strong neck into well laid shoulders, longer in ribcage than my winner, but has strong couplings and good length to loin. Great width to her thighs and hocks well let down. Close up to my winner.
3 Green’s Balnakeil Creag Na Caillich
Mid Limit Bitch (3, 0 abs)
1 Arnott’s Lainnireach After Eight
This bitch could be easily overlooked, however her construction is correct and a lovely dark eye of good shape giving such a feminine expression. Strong neck into well laid shoulders and mirrored in hind angulation. She could perhaps benefit from losing a few pounds.
2 Reid’s Diersett Irridium JW
A showy young lady, with strong body of good proportions. Excellent depth to brisket and nice forechest. Her head is well chiseled and she had lovely low earset. Not quite the hindquarters of my winner but she moved out well.
3 Hall’s Melview Phoenix
Limit Bitch (10, 1 abs)
1 Palliser’s Lignum Luck Be A Lady
Repeat 1st Novice Bitch
2 Arnott’s Lainnireach After Eight
Repeat 1st Mid Limit
3 Millar’s Balnakeil Carn Na Criche
Open Bitch (5, 1 abs)
1 Melville’s Tsruhnova Tarkheena JW
I have judged this girl placing her well before and she has matured and improved, Today she was a picture of femininity and of good type, just loved her head and expression Not a big girl but she had strength in bone and substance proportionate to her size, she covered the ground with reach and drive maintaining her topline and using her tail well BRCC
2 Rand’s Hernwood Summer Eclipse At Kintalis
Another attractive bitch, shown in hard condition, not quite the bone and substance of my winner but her construction was correct, she had a strong topline and covered the ground effortlessly.
3 Vassie’s Florcott Sherilyn Bonnie
Champion Bitch (0, 0 abs)
No entries
Veteran Bitch (10, 0 abs)
1 Smith’s Flores-Lilla Ojcowskiej Doliny Kewstoke (Imp Pol)
This beautiful bitch took my eye as soon as she entered the ring, shown in gleaming coat and condition, excellent muscle tone, she was definitely fit for purpose. Beautiful head with excellent chiseling and good stop. Balanced angulation, strong well arched neck into good shoulders, well sprung ribs and short strong coupling, she came into her own on the move moving with such style and strength, she owned the ring. Delighted to award her the BCC and later BOS & RBIS
2 Ackerley-Kemp’s Sh Ch Yennadon Reiver
More substance on a smaller frame than my winner, she is very well balanced, strong topline held on the move. Just preferred head and expression of my winner.
3 Thomas’s Chartan Treacle Tart JW
Special Vintage Bitch (1, 0 abs)
1 Thomas’ Chartan Hermione Grainger
Even at the tender age of 11, this bitch is fit and muscled. Such a pretty gentle head and expression, the tan may have faded but this girl hasn’t. Still able to move steadily around the ring happily.
Field Trial Bitch (3, 1 w/d)
1 Thomas’s Chartan Treacle Tart JW
Both one and two are a credit to their owner/breeder it is not easy to have one entrant in this class let along two. For me the overall structure on this 7 year old bitch was more balanced than her kennel mate, she has plenty of strength and depth. Well muscled which could be seen when she move out around the ring.
2 Thomas’s Chartan Kinkie Boots
Built on finer lines, not the bone and substance of her kennel mate, but has pretty head and expression. I was surprised to see her age as she still looks a youngster.
Special Beginners Bitch (1, 0 abs)
1 Hill & Lummen’s Farquharson’s Scottish Bonnie Lass At Kydarin
This young lady was 3rd in the Puppy bitch class, she sadly has been affected by the lockdown and lacked confidence. However the handler was very sympathetic and spent time settling her. When she relaxed she showed a nice overall shape although she is rather raw at the moment, time is definitely on her side.
Brace (5, 0 abs)
1 Cuthbertson
A matching pair! Their previous placings will show that I appreciated their qualities they worked well together on the move.
2 Halliday
Not quite the balanced match of my winning brace, but another lovely pair of boys, well handled and controlled
3 Melville
Team (1, 0 abs)
1 Miller
Well done to this handler who moved his trio in a confident and controlled manner around the ring something that is not for the faint hearted. All similar in type and in hard condition.
Progeny (2, 0 abs)
A hotly contested class, lovely to see such a balanced group of Gordons
1 Green’s Lignum Miss Mossberg For Balnakeil
Although a smaller number in the group, I felt that there were more similarities and attributes that I prefer in these. Loved the heads and expressions that this breeder produces. A credit to the Breeders.
2 Ackerley-Kemp’s Sh Ch Yennadon Reiver
Wow lovely to see so many puppies have gone on to show from their now Champion mother, all in great condition.
Mrs Karen M Marsh (Judge)