• Show Date: 12/10/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Karen Goode Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Gundog Society Of Wales

Breed: Bracco Italiano

Gundog Society of Wales

37th Group Championship Show

Wednesday 12th October 2022

Bracco Italiano – Judge Karen Goode

I would like to send sincere thanks to the secretary for inviting me to judge at this show - it was a great honour to accept. Also, a special thank you to the show team for such a warm welcome, and fabulous hospitality. 

I was delighted with the quality of my overall entry. All dogs were shown in pristine condition, demonstrating good muscle tone and athletic in appearance. A credit to their owners.

Puppy D/B (7,5abs)

1st. Mrs G Pillinger – Withamfriary Starstruck Mil

Feminine W/O bitch, well balanced. Appealing head showing good divergent head planes, kind, gentle expression and good ear set. Straight front with good oval bone, slight slope to pasterns and neat tight feet. Strong hindquarters. Moved well for a puppy, showing good reach and drive and carrying her tail correctly. She looked a picture in side profile, demonstrating the breeds typical movement. Promising puppy, I wish her well for the future. BPIB

2nd. Mrs V & Mr A Warburton – Withamfriary Lush Blossom

Another pretty girl with the best of heads, showing good divergent head planes and correct ear set. A little more substance than one. Strong in structure, with good oval bone, good spring of ribs, just over square, slight tuck up, strong hindquarters. Nicely angulated both front and rear. She came alive on the move showing true action fore and aft. Handled beautifully.

Junior D/B (4/1abs)

With having a mix sexed class it was a varied class in size and substance.

1st. Mrs L & Mr A Forbes - Canemamans Primo Al Fine

Lovely dog. Appealing head, long angular and narrow. In side profile his head showed the correct divergent head planes, deep in muzzle but not overdone, muzzle and skull in proportion. Visible chiselling under eyes. Kindest of expressions. Just over 12 months - he is up for size but he stands almost square and is well balanced, great front angulation, and is strong all through. Good straight front, neat elbows and neat tight feet. Good muscle tone in rear quarters, enabling him to power around the ring effortlessly at one with his handler. Shown in pristine condition. Handled beautifully. RBD

2nd. Mr N & Miss N Rawlings & Johnston – Camelia Della Radura von Lloydrose

Sweet feminine bitch, beautiful kind expression, sculpted head with chiselling under eyes. Good eye shape and colour. Finer in frame. Stood well, showing excellent rear angulation, slight tuck up and good spring of ribs. On the move she carried her tail well, true movement fore and aft. She powered around the ring. Excellent condition, she looked like she could work all day. Handled well

3rd, Mrs G Pillinger – Withamfriary Charles

Post Graduate (5,1abs)

1st, Mrs G Pillinger – Withamfriary Dandelion

Love this 19 month old w/o bitch for overall type and substance. Appealing head with good divergent head planes, long, angular and narrow at the zygomatic arches. Gentle, sweet expression. Stood she is well balanced and almost square, great substance, showed excellent front and rear angulation, elbows fit neatly to fabulous deep, broad chest. Correct topline held on the move. True movement fore and aft, and in side profile she demonstrated beautiful breed typical movement, carrying her head well. I’m sure she will have a bright future.

2nd, Mrs L & Mr A Forbes - Canemamans Primo Al Fine. Please see junior class

3rd, Mrs L Angus - Braccorion’s Ruddy Gorgeous. Lovely girl, unfortunately she seemed unsettled on the move today. 

4th. Mrs G Pillinger – Withamfriary Scrabble Star

Open Dog (2,0)

1st, Mrs J Rose – Braccorions Running Rings Around Piccorino

Wow, what a stamp of a boy with superb ring presence. He is stylish, noble and full of breed type. Excellent substance and strong all through. In side profile his head shows the correct divergent head planes. His expression was slightly aloof yet kind and gentle at the same time. Well off for bone, good deep broad chest, excellent spring of ribs, well muscled, strong, slightly arched lion. His tail set was excellent, when moving his tail was carried horizontally. On the move he delighted me, I could watch him all day. Strong, powerful driving action demonstrating extended fast trot. Delighted to award him a well deserved BD pushed hard for top honours. 

2nd. Mr I Sladden - Tyrbechgyn Believe You Will at Canemamans JW

What a sweet boy with the kindest expression. Finer than one all through. Stands almost square. Good straight front, neat elbows and nice tight, well arched feet. Correct top line held on the move. Good front and rear angulation. He never stopped wagging his tail. Moved effortlessly at one with his handler. Shown in excellent condition.

Limit Bitch (2,1abs)

1st. Miss L J Coghlan - Braccorion’s Va Va Voom JW

Stunning chestnut bitch. I have admired her from ring side in the past. Delighted to have the chance to go over her - she didn’t disappoint. She is full of life, I love her exuberance. Beautiful head and expression, if not somewhat cheeky. In profile she looks the perfect picture. Stands almost square, powerful well rounded neck leading to good lay of shoulder, correct top line, well muscled lion. Strong well muscled hindquarters with good turn of stifle. Excellent tail set. Wow - On the move she takes your breath away. True coming and going with perfect footfall. In side profile she shows the typical extended fast trot. She did have a few little bounces around the ring - clearly enjoying her moment. Lovely girl - I could take her home. A tough and close decision in the challenge with her kennel mate. Sure she will have a bright future. Pleased to award her RBB

Open Bitch (2,1abs)

1st, Mrs M Critchley - SH Ch Braccorions Never Say Never JW 

Totally worthy of her Show Champion title.

I judged this beautiful chestnut bitch at 6 months old and awarded her BPIB. I thought she was a wonderful example of the breed back then. Now at 4 years old I was delighted to go over her again. What a fabulous girl she has grown on to be.

Shown in tip top condition, her coat gleamed. Best of heads with a kind and gentle expression. Correct eye shape and colour.

Good oval bone, deep, broad chest. Neat elbows. Straight front leading to slightly sloping pasterns and well arched tight feet. Excellent lay of shoulder and good turn of stifle. On the move she made me smile in admiration. Totally foot perfect, powerful driving action and she didn’t put a foot wrong. She powered around the ring, holding her head proudly - saying “look at me”. She certainly grabs your attention. Delighted to award her BB & BOB

Karen Goode