• Show Date: 11/06/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Joanne Hardy Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Three Counties Agricultural Society

Breed: Shetland Sheepdog


11th JUNE 2022


Many thanks to the committee for their kind invitation to judge with special thanks to my two extremely experienced stewards for their hard work and company during the day. Huge thanks to exhibitors for your kind entries and for the sporting manner in which decisions were accepted. A beautiful day and surprisingly, my first show outdoors which was a real treat in such good weather being able to appreciate all the dogs looking their best out on grass. I was delighted to see some exciting overall quality in both sexes through the classes and with some super puppies and youngsters of great promise coming through, this bodes well for the future. Noticeably, super breed type with correct eye and expression, lots with pleasing construction and so many long tails with correct set, I was delighted! A handful of classes were overflowing with high-quality shelties where I was literally spoiled for choice.

On the downside, teeth cleanliness on the whole was poor, with many dogs having so much plaque. Luckily, no signs of gum disease but this will follow very shortly if not sorted. Dental scalers at home are super helpful as are some natural chews that will help to remove build up. Nothing worse than a beautiful exhibit then opening the mouth to see unclean teeth.

So lovely to see the Best of Breed take a lovely Group 4 on the day, both he and his young kennel mate looked glorious in the big ring and did the breed proud in their respective groups.

MPD (3 1) 1 Mottram’s Lundecock’s Hoopie-Do at Lochkaren (Imp Swe). Very attractive, brightly coloured and well marked sable and white young man who immediately demands attention with super breed type, quality head and masculine expression. Foreface is rounded with well defined underjaw, correctly placed and shaped ultra dark eye giving so much sweetness. Neatly positioned ears, carried just a tad heavily today but certainly does not detract from the whole outlook. Beautiful substance with correct, rounded bone for his size and sex, well arched neck enhanced by full white collar into well laid shoulder. Pleasing topline and so well proportioned all through with gentle sweep over loin. White markings on the stilfe can give an appearance that he needs more angulation at the rear but is certainly more than sufficient. Would prefer a tad more length of upper arm for perfection but moved out well for his handler. Preferred his forward reach and overall finish over second place and was immaculately presented to very best advantage. Handsome young man with a lot of presence who made the very best of his assets today to win BPD over some really promising puppies. 2 Winfield’s Lirren Quickstep To Oakcroft NAF TAF. Another quality baby with appealing, masculine expression with dark, correctly shaped eye that would perhaps benefit from being a touch more obliquely placed but he certainly gives sweetness in is overall look. His foreface is well rounded and with neat ear set and carriage enhancing his expression. Good reach of neck with pleasing overall proportions and balance with correct amount of bone for his size and sex. Similar to one in angulation and moves very steadily around the ring, just needing to settle down in front which I’m sure will come in time. Quality boy. PD (3 0) 1 Pierce’s Philhope Flame Thrower. Quality puppy of instant appeal for his beautiful head properties and masculine, sweet expression. Super neat ear set and carriage really accentuate his overall look with adequate underjaw, flat skull and refinement all through. Just needs to fill in foreface with enough bone and substance at this point in time and he has a well arched neck and pleasing layback of shoulder. Elegant in outline on examination, determined to change bis shape on the stance by overstretching behind but the quality is there and can’t be denied when he pulls it all together. Super topline and well angled rear with correct tail set completing the overall balance. Movement is very fluid once the puppy prance settled, and he covered the ground well with reach and drive. Coat is rich in tone and well presented. Decided enough was enough in the challenge for BPD after pulling out all the stops to beat second place in the class, had to give way to the MP winner who shone through but he has so much scope for the future. 2 Thornley’s Felthorn Barnaby Rudge. Very masculine tricolour puppy of quality who instantly appeals for his balanced outline in profile. Very similar to his sire in head with good moulding, well defined underjaw, well placed eye accentuated by dark pigmentation and correctly placed and carried ears. Bright tan markings enhance the look and you could not mistake him for anything other than male. Loved his substance all through with well rounded bone, elegant reach of neck with well laid shoulder and good length of upperarm. Very balanced all through with level topline, well turned stifle and clean cut hock joint. I preferred the sweetness of the class winner but on first impressions, had thought he may take first place but he couldn’t settle into his stride on the move today and was distracted with something that caught his eye outside the ring but another time. A really promising puppies for the future and will follow their progress with interest. 3 Hirst’s Sundark Scaramouche JD (4 0) 1 Aaron & Durant Shelridge Santino at Neraklee. Super quality youngster who excels in breed type with classic head pattern; smooth and well moulded with rounded foreface, correct stop and well defined underjaw. Sweetness of expression was evident with his dark, well placed and shaped eye enhanced by excellent pigmentation and neat ear set, if a little heavily carried. Well arched neck with full white collar, very pleasing forehand construction with correct substance all through. So balanced in profile with good angulation to rear giving him such positive drive on the move. HIs coat is so rich in tone and of pleasing texture; just needs to level out over the rear but this will come with change of coat. Movement as expected; is fluid and effortless with excellent forward reach in front. Yet another quality boy with a promising future. 2 Ayres’ Gemette Gone Platinum. Blue Merle of excellent shape and colour with beautifully marked and textured coat giving such appeal on first impression. Loved his shape and balance in profile with his excellent reach of neck and elegant lines. Masculine expression with well shaped and placed eye, flat skull and very neatly carried ears enhancing his overall look. His stop breaks a little low and he needs to fill in foreface but this doesn’t detract from the whole and the picture is certainly all sheltie. A little narrow all through at present with chest needing to develop as he matures but has pleasing front assembly, enough bone and substance with such an elegant outline. Pleasing proportions with good topline, tail and rear. Coat colour is excellent; clear, silvery blue ground colour, well broken all through with correct black marbling and of super texture. Just needs to find the correct pace with his handler as felt he needed to be allowed to stride out more at a speed he was comfortable with. Preferred the classic expression and forward reach of the class winner but a quality boy who can only improve as he matures through with age. 3 Brady & Lynn Afterglow Sky Miles to Bordercot. Y (6 0) 1 Robinson’s Lavika Starlight Salute Superbly handled and showy golden sable of obvious breed type. Balanced, masculine quality head, strong enough for age but with correctly shaped and placed eye giving much sweetness. Really well arched neck with pleasing shoulder placement, would prefer a better length to upper arm for overall balance as gives the impression of being slightly overlong in body proportions but super topline with enough angulation to rear. Pleasing substance all through with correct amount of bone for his size. Very eye catching in stance with his bright colouring and excellent expression and he covered the ground very well with surprising reach in front. Will always command attention and presented to upmost advantage. 2 Officer’s Balidorn Secret Gold. Understated boy of much potential who is correct for size and with super shape and outline in profile on examination. Refined and balanced head with masculine expression with his dark, well shaped eye which is correctly placed combined with correct ear set and carriage, he really charmed me with his masculine sweetness. Pleasing reach of neck with good layback of shoulder and length of upperarm, well balanced with elegant profile and pleasing proportions all through and well constructed rear. Odd front legs slightly take your eye while moving towards but covered the ground adequately as well as his handler could allow. Is clearly on a learning curve with make the most of his assets but with continued confidence, he has the potential to do well for his owner; keep working on him. A quality boy and couldn’t deny him his placing. 3 Roberts’ Stanydale Rewrite The Star At Malaroc JW. PGD (10 1) 1 Robinson’s Lavika Deep Blue Ocean. Quality blue merle of pleasing size and substance. First observations are his colour; yes – evenly broken all through on one side. Black patch on opposite shoulder noted and would like his marbling a little less obvious but full sun worked to his advantage and his ground colour sparkled in the sunlight. Main criticism over, I loved his quality – super, masculine expression with correct eye shape and placement. Head is so well moulded and one piece with super neat ear carriage which serves to enhance his sweetness. Rounded foreface with flat skull. He really appealed for his overall balance, shape and construction with excellent bone giving perfect substance for his size. Pleasing reach of neck with well laid shoulder and good length to upper arm. Proportioned so well all through with good firm ribs, level topline and moulding to croup. Well angulated rear with low set hock joint, flexible pasterns and all combined to give effortless movement. Presented and handled to full advantage, he covered the ground so efficiently and with such easy action. Have no doubt that his title will come with ease as he’s such a quality boy, was considered in the challenge. 2 Glover-Guest’s Doonlodge The Explorer. Masculine sable in excellent coat and condition who excels in breed type with well moulded head, excellent eye shape and placement giving such a sweet expression with the neatest of ears to enhance it all. Pleasing substance without being overdone in any way and is balanced and well proportioned underneath that huge, harsh coat. Such pleasing angulation all through giving a super outline in profile. On the move he really strode out for his handler and looked every inch the quality boy that he is. Preferred the size and forward reach of the winner and coat can be deceiving as masks his shape somewhat but a quality boy all through. 3 Withers & Thornley’s Felthorn Cover Story. LD (8 1) 1 Hull’s Mohnesee Dream Date of Lizmark JW. Gleaming red gold sable of obvious quality and superior breed type whom I last judged as a puppy. Smooth, one piece head with excellent dark, well placed eye enhanced by neatly set and well placed ears if carried a tad heavily. Foreface is well rounded with pleasing underjaw. Loved his refinement and sweet, masculine expression with good reach of neck with well laid shoulder. Would prefer a tad more length to upperarm but is certainly sufficient. He is balanced proportion wise all through with correct body, topline and well angled rear. Ideal substance for his size and sex and is totally unexaggerated. He moved so fluidly today and with such ease with excellent drive from behind. He presents such a quality overall picture and is in his prime. So deserving of higher honours and he was considered in the challenge and I wish him well in the campaign for his title. 2 Walker’s Tooralie Pie In The Sky. Arrived in his underwear but simply no hiding the obvious quality of this boy; upstanding and shapely male of elegance with such a masculine but sweet expression. Slightly lacking in stop and still room for maturity in foreface his whole outlook enhanced by such neat ear carriage. He excels in front assembly with appealing reach of neck holding the head so proudly. Straight front with level topline and gentle sweep over loin give such gracefulness in profile. Tail and length correct. Hasn’t quite got that ultra sweetness of the class winner and clearly needed some coat but has so much time and potential on his side. Another who could easily go further in due course and with time. 3 Lycett Iliad Isle Of Ewe. OD (6 0) What a class! 1. Pearson’s Ch Edglonian Golden Graham. Beautiful quality sheltie of near ideal size presenting a flowing and elegant outline. Classic, one piece head which is so well moulded with rounded foreface, well defined underjaw, smooth cheeks and totally refined all through. Such a masculine expression with excellent, almond shaped and correctly placed eye with such excellent ear set and carriage enhancing his whole appeal. At just 2 years of age, he still has so much time on his hands to mature through to full potential and to continue to fill in foreface but he’s come on so much in recent months. Loved his elegance in profile; so well balanced and shapely all through with near perfect proportions from nose to tail. So well made and looked so good from every angle. Perfect substance for his size and sex with beautiful bone, flexible pasterns, neat feet and his coat and condition outshone the competition. Handler just needs to remember not to rush him with her super long legs and stride and when he hits that perfect pace with her, is so easy on the move in all directions covering the ground efficiently with excellent drive from behind. Presented to absolute perfection and thoroughly delighted to award him the CC & BOB and going on to G4 in such excellent company. His best is yet to come and I’m sure he will make a real name for himself in time. 2. Fisher’s Ch Shellamoyed Gold Fever. Aptly named, pale golden sable who is half brother to the class winner and presents similar quality breed type with excellent dark, well place eye and super sweet, masculine expression when combined with neatly carried ears. Super quality head pattern with excellent moulding, would prefer a touch more definition to underjaw but with well rounded foreface, correct stop and smooth cheeks. Excellent reach of neck carrying his head proudly with pleasing shoulder placement and length of upper arm. Slightly longer in proportions to the class winner with firm body and ribs and well angulated rear. Enough substance for his size, he is such an elegant boy and my eye was continually drawn back to him with his glorious, melting expression. Moved as well as his handler could allow but easy to see what he’s capable of; his movement is just so fluid and effortless. Could not deny his excellent overall picture and delighted to award him the RCC against some excellent males all pushing hard. 3 Stafford’s Ch Rannerdale Showmaster JW. VD (2 1) 1 Hill’s Ch & Aus Ch Hartly How About That For Molson (Imp). Another pale golden sable boy, stood alone but his quality is so very obvious; a sheltie of sheer quality with excellent breed type and really elegant outline on profile. Quality head with excellent eye shape and placement, ear set is correct but just with a slight twist today in carriage but certainly nothing to detract from the whole sweetness of his masculine expression. Excellent moulding to head, so smooth to the touch and so refined. Excels in reach of neck and forehand angulation, he is well bodied with good depth of chest and well sprung ribs. Pleasing substance all through with excellent topline. Just drops away slightly over the croup but so well angulated behind with low set tail – yes, I would prefer more length but that said, he presents such a quality overall picture that he cannot be denied. His poor handler was so unwell today and caused concern as to her wellbeing but she still managed to move him sufficiently; his action is easy to see. A quality boy in breed type, construction and clearly from the quality coming through; as a sire. MPB (3 0) 1 Aaron’s Sendora To Be Sensational. Super quality blue merle baby of 8 months built on racy lines with beautiful outline in profile. So well balanced all through and she caught my eye instantly with her shapeliness. Head is refined with flat skull, correct stop, ears are neatly carried and well placed with nicely shaped and placed eye giving a feminine expression. Just enough bone for her size giving adequate substance at this time. Well arched neck which is enhanced by big white collar into well laid back shoulder with super top line into gentle sweep over loin and pleasing turn of stifle. Ground colour is clear and is marked and well broken a touch more on the non show side so maybe turn her around in the ring for best advantage. Movement was as expected, very fluid and with drive. Will follow her development with interest as she certainly has much promise for the future. 2 Mettan-Ure’s Oakcroft Simply Starstruck at Savendie NAF. Very raw baby of 6 months old. Super breed type with well placed, dark eye, ears so neatly placed – just playing up a tad today in carriage but all will hopefully settle down once teething is complete. Well laid shoulder with just enough bone and substance for her size with balanced angulation all through and level topline. Moved well with purposeful drive from the rear with typical, playful puppy prance on occasion in front but on the whole, she moved out well. Lots of time for her to mature through. 3 PB (6 0) Fabulous class! 1 Pearson’s Edglonian Slack Alice. 9 month old sable girl of absolutely classic type with beautiful head properties; smooth, long blunt wedge with flat skull, exquisite, feminine expression combining correctly placed, dark, almond shaped eye and such neatly placed and carried ears which were identical to her DCC kennel mate. Foreface so well rounded with well developed underjaw and tight lips. Construction is so correct giving such elegance and balance all through with excellent reach of neck into well laid shoulder and upper arm. Loved her bone and substance, so shapely all through with excellent angulation to the rear with clean cut hock joint and pleasing tail set and carriage. Coat is fitting for age and presented to best advantage. Her movement was as expected, effortless and with minimal effort covering the ground so well and was sympathetically handled for her very first championship show. I have to be perfectly honest and say that if she’d had more coat and finish then she would have taken the top spot but for today, was delighted to award her the RCC & BPIB in fabulous company. A real step back into old school classic as I told her owner on the day and I wish her well for the future; her quality and potential is undeniable. She is out of the BOB’s litter sister so that was lovely to hear. 2 Rowan’s Sonymer Illusive Gold. Another top class puppy of superior breed type who is so balanced in shape and profile. Again, quality head pattern with flat skull, rounded foreface and dark, well shaped and placed almond eye giving such a melting and sweet expression when combined with correct ear set and carriage. Enough bone and substance for her size with pleasing reach of neck and forehand construction. Well bodied with super proportions all through, just needs to settle in topline at present but has well turned stifle and well carried tail. Her rich red coat was presented so well and accentuated by sparkling white markings, looked such a picture in the ring. Moved out so steadily with easy reach and drive and such a super showgirl who made the most of her many virtues. Another with a bright future. 3 Ritchie’s Jaelis Mystique Reality JB (5 1) 1 Stafford’s Rannerdale Queen Of The Dark. Classic young girl of obvious quality with super shape and outline who instantly attracts the eye. Head has quality; smooth, one piece and with rounded foreface, well developed underjaw and with dark, correctly shaped and placed almond eye giving a gentle and sweet feminine expression. Perhaps a tad more refinement for ideal but her femininity cannot be denied. Well arched neck into well laid shoulder and upper arm, she is well proportioned all through with excellent balance. Loved her substance with solid, rounded bone, well turned stifle and low set tail. In such super coat and condition and was presented to full advantage simply sparkling in the sun. She strides out so well with effortless and balanced movement. Another superior girl of quality who will have a bright future. 2 Bray’s Jontygray Trice As Nice By Lianbray. Pretty, most feminine tricolour of much appeal. First impressions is that she needs a change of coat which is typical for her age but she has such a charming, sweet expression with her classy eye shape and placement and preferred her refinement over the class winner. Adequate underjaw with roundness to foreface all accentuated by her neatly carried ears. Reachy neck with pleasing front assembly with level topline and gentle sweep over loin. Not quite the rear angulation of the class winner and needs to settle in rear movement but reaches out well in front. A super girl of real quality who needs time to mature out. 3 Hughes’ Aftergolw Merino. YB (9 0) 1 Winfield’s Oakcroft Cosmic Flower. Richly coloured red sable girl of obvious quality who instantly appeals for her elegance. Quality head with very feminine expression with her dark, almond shaped eye, moulded foreface with enough underjaw. Just needs to fill out in head but the whole look is completed by tidy ear set and carriage. Such an elegant look with her super reach of neck giving an air of quality. Good front with pleasing forehand and enough bone and substance for her size and sex at present. If I was going to be critical then she’s slightly overlong in body for complete balance and consequently, could have a firmer topline behind the withers but stifle is well turned with graceful sweep over loin. Beautiful, richly toned coat which accentuated her shape and she moves out perhaps a tad too steadily speed wise but fluidly. Perhaps a faster pace would be to her advantage to make the very most of her movement. So much to like here. 2 Crosbie’s Mohnesee Maggie May Lanacy. Another who excelled in breed type and feminine expression with attractive dark, almond shaped, obliquely set eye enhanced by dark pigmentation. Her head is smooth and one piece with lovely moulding, well defined underjaw and flat skull. Ear set and carriage compliment her whole look giving much sweetness. Perfect substance for her size with well round bone. Super reach of neck with well laid shoulder and upperarm and straight front. Pleasing balance and proportions all through and just needs to settle down in topine for perfection. Good angulation to rear with well set and carried tail. Covered the ground fluidly with little required effort and looked a picture. Such a close decision and just preferred the finish of the class winner but a super quality young lady who pushed hard for the class. 3 Robinson’s Lavika Lucid Dreams. PGB (13 2) 1 Hateley’s Mohnesee Enchanted. Quality, beautifully coloured sable who impressed in outline for her balance all through. Super reach of neck carrying her head proudly and such a feminine outlook with smooth headpiece, dark, well placed almond shaped eye and flat skull. Whole head is beautifully refined and her feminine expression and sweetness accentuated by neat ears. Well arched neck with pleasing front and shoulder placement, she is balanced in proportions all through with firm body pleasing depth of chest well turned stifle with clean cut hock joint. Tail set and carriage is good and she has perfect amount of bone giving correct substance for her size and sex. Looks so balanced now she has coat length and coat is of such rich tones and immaculately presented. Can be a little lazy in front stance one side but moved out with such easy reach and drive to win the class. 2 Robinson’s Lavika Star Babe. Pale golden girl of much quality with exquisite breed type. Excels in head pattern with excellent moulding to skull with gorgeous dark eye and pigmentation against the gold background all accentuated by her super neat ear set and carriage. Adequate underjaw and flat skull with graceful reach of neck into well laid shoulder blade. I preferred the upper arm of the class winner but she is so well balanced all through with pleasing proportions and is correct for size. Stifle is well angulated and with sufficient substance for size and she looked an absolute picture in the sun. Just preferred the overall finish and forward reach on the move of the class winner but another super quality girl nevertheless. 3 Mottram’s Lundecock’s There’s No Limit At Lochkaren (Imp Swe) LB (11 1) 1 Hill’s Molson Moneypenny. Love her name and a girl of obvious quality presenting classic breed type and outline. Beautifully moulded headpiece with smooth rounding to foreface with well defined underjaw, clean cheeks and with well placed dark eye giving such a sweet and feminine expression. Ears are well placed but carried a touch heavily which certainly doesn’t detract from her whole look. Pleasing layback of shoulder from arched neck with excellent front and substance with well, rounded, strong bone. So pleasing in proportions all through with level topline and elegant sweep over loin to well moulded croup. Well angulated rear with pleasing tail set and length. Moved out so fluidly as her owner could allow today covering the groud so efficiently and with purposeful drive. Super quality girl and wish her well with her continued campaign. 2 Barroclough’s Shadowess True Blue. Eye catching and superbly marked blue merle bitch who pressed so hard for the class. Ideal size with such a feminine head and expression. Beautifully neat and well carried ears accentuated her well shaped and placed eye to give such sweetness. Well defined underjaw and head is so well moulded. Excellent substance with correct, well rounded bone for her size and sex. Arched neck with pleasing layback of shoulder, just preferred the upper arm of the class winner but is certainly sufficient but has excellent turn of stifle, well moulded croup with correct tail set and carriage. Her coat is of clear, silvery background colour, correctly splashed and marbled with black; so well broken throughout and with the correct overall appearance of blue. Another who made such easy work of covering the ground with excellent reach and drive. Quality girl with huge potential and easily capable of gaining higher honours. Looked a picture in the sun. 3 Winfield’s Carolelen Classic Star By Oakcroft JW. OB (11 3) Super class full of quality. 1 Doyle’s Little Barbie Girl Des Romarins De Mayerling For Sevenoaks. Beautifully elegant girl of exquisite breed type and in her absolute prime. Such a quality, moulded head; smooth and one piece with clean cheeks, well defined underjaw and well rounded foreface. Glorious, feminine expression with her dark, almond shaped, correctly placed eye in combination with correct ear set and carriage, really gave such a melting sweetness to her look. Super reach of neck with pleasing forehand angulation; shoulder is well laid back and she has perfect substance with excellent well rounded, strong bone, straight front and flexible pasterns. Can be slightly lazy in front one side on the stance which gives her the appearance of a rising topline but it is level on examination and she portrays such elegance and gracefulness all through. Well angulated stifle with clean cut, well let down hock joint with correct tail set and carriage. Well bodied with pleasing rib, depth of chest and has the finish in coat and maturity to carry it all off. Presented immaculately, she just looked an absolute picture on the move with excellent forward reach and purposeful drive from the rear. Delighted to find such quality, she positively shone through to take a so well deserved CC and her title in such excellent company. Many, many congratulations. 2 Withers & Thornley’s Mitchfields Fashion Girl At Felthorn. Very similar in make and shape to the class winner and technically such an excellent quality girl. Such balance in profile with her beautiful shape and elegant outline. Head is smooth and well moulded with rounded foreface sand ultra flat skull. Adequate stop with eye obliquely set and of good shape. Well carried ears, if a little wider set. Excellent reach of neck, shoulder placement and length of upper arm. Well bodied with level topline and firm ribs, well moulded croup with pleasing angulation to rear with clean cut hock joint and excellent bone giving perfect amount of substance. Movement is her forte and she displays such textbook forward reach with super drive from the rear giving effortless grace around the ring. Couldn’t match the exquisite sweetness of the class winner and her colour, though mostly well broken, would benefit from being a clearer, more silvery blue but saying that, she benefited from the bright sunshine which enhanced her well presented coat and colour to best advantage. A very classy sheltie whose assets cannot be denied. 3 Ritchie’s Jaelis Mystique Reflection JW. VB (4 1) 1 Fisher’s Shellamoyed My Blue Heaven JW. Very heavily coated blue merle of 9.5 years of age. Presents a beautifully balanced outline in profile and is so shapely. Moulded head with flat skull, smooth cheeks and rounded foreface which is well filled. Correctly placed and shaped blue eyes with expression enhanced by correctly placed and carried ears. Really reachy neck with excellent straight front, well laid shoulder and upper arm. Super substance for her size and sex with strong, well rounded bone. Topline is level with gentle sweep over loin. Well turned Stifle with low set hock joint, correct tail set and carriage. In profuse coat, fairly well broken and has now darkened with age all through but was presented to best advantage. Really moved out so well with plenty of drive from the rear and forward reach enabling her to cover the ground well. Could do with a couple of pounds in weight off but despite her darkened coloration, still a quality outlook all round. 2 Robinson’s Lavika Lucky Star JW. Appealed instantly for her super breed type with glorious dark eye, so well placed with the neatest of ears to enhance her feminine expression. Head is refined with correct stop and rounded foreface and flat skull. Neck is well arched and shoulder well laid back. Lacking a little in upper arm and with her lack of coat at present, just gave a look of being slightly out of balance in profile, I have seen her looking better. Topline is excellent with moulded croup, well angled rear with well let down hock joint and sufficient bone and substance for her size. Strides out with purposeful drive from the rear; not quite the forward reach of the class winner but cannot deny her quality breed type as she presents such a pretty overall picture. 3 Hirst’s Sundark Simply A Star.

Mrs Joanne Hardy (Judge)