• Show Date: 09/06/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Janet Riseborough Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Three Counties Agricultural Society

Breed: Bernese Mountain Dog

Three Counties Championship Dog Show 10th.June 2022 Judge: Mrs Janet Riseborough (Moonbach) I wish to thank the Committee for inviting me to Judge Bernese Mountain at this lovely showground. Also to thank my Stewards Mr Haffenden & Liz Glass.they both kept the ring running smoothly. My overall winners were superb & in lots of classes I wish I’d had Five 1st placings. I’m surprised that we are still getting the occasional to long in the loins aspect, it’s no use having a good top line if in fact because there is to long a stetch between Rib Cage & Loins it’s not correct. Never the less I was very pleased with most classes, & wish to thank all exhibitors for travelling such distances & at such expense. The weather was very kind to us & the atmosphere & joviality around the ring was wonderful. Thank you all very much, I hope you enjoyed the show as much as I enjoyed Judging Quality Dogs & Bitches.

Puppy Dog 1(Abs)

Junior Dog.1(Abs)

Post Grad Dog. 7.(2abs) 1st:Dog CC: Mr & Mrs Atherton’s: Valentinn Vom Durrbachier Wold This is an upstanding young male, Full of promise for the future. The Breeding of this Powerful male is what it’s all about. So well balanced & great proportions in every aspect, resulting in total symmetry. Lovely Classic head with great markings, Melting brown eyes with total look of gentleness & Anticipation. Good reach of neck & nice shoulder angulation. Brisket of good length & nice coupling in Loins. Tail set good & carried well. Powerful rump for one so young, also strength in lower & upper thigh. Stood four square & did not disappoint on the move, having strong powerful hocks which gave him Drive. I’m sure he will make a worthy Champion eventually. Congratulations. Happy to award him the Dog CC & Best of Breed

2nd. Miss M. Austin.: Kernow Blue Mist. Handler T Bennett) An extremely nice boy, although slight heavy. I thought him a little stuffy in the neck but it was mostly coat, which he has in abundance, Reasonably well off for bone, strong hocks & up on his feet. well angulated & nicely rounded croup. Very well presented & moved well for his handler

3rd.Mrs D.O’Toole Fortonpark Talk of the Town

Limit Dog 7 (2abs) This was an Extremely Good Class; so many could change places another day

1st. Mrs J Miles; Jaybiem Only Making Plans. A Sturdy Handsome boy with good reach of neck. leading to good lay back of shoulders. Masculine head without being course, good bone, ample chest & rib cage. Good width to chest, nicely coupled & nicely rounded rump, excels on the move both ways for a handler not his owner. Coat Beautifully Presented. Well done

2nd.Mr & Mrs N Cotton. Kernow Billy No Mates . Another young male maturing at the correct rate. Very strong ,giving an impression that he could carry out a days work. Masculine head with classic markings, good reach of neck with excellent shoulder placement. Lovely bone & standing square, covered the ground well on the move.

3rd:MrsJ.Fairclough Monalou Galloping Gourmet.

Open Dog 7.(2abs) 1st Mr & Mrs N Cotton. CH. Shirdees Greatest Showman at Jukesbern I have loved this boy since he was a youngster. He has matured into a very handsome, strong boned male, with all round correct angles. Wonderful head with beaming eyes & animated expression. Deep chest, strong quarters correct withers & length of top line. Stifles & hocks very powerful moved away with drive & precision. heavy coated male with superb presentation. Unlucky to come up against my Main winner in the Challenge today. He is certainly a worthy Champion, but today had to settle for RES.DOG CC 

Veteran Dog 1 Mr A.& Mrs J Fairclough. Monalou Spirit of Discovery Sh.cm. Another upstanding male I have watched over the years making a sound & handsome dog belying his age. Wonderful head with Benevolent look in his eyes, always looking to his owner for her next instruction. Slightly long in the body but never the less has every other attribute he requires. Good angulation front & rear, holds his top line on the move. All together a very nice productive dog, Well done.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Puppy Bitch 3;(1 abs) 1st: Mrs P. Cooke & Mr J. Stevens: Tickbern Zonly One of Me What a little Sweetie, only just 6months so has all the world to grow in.(Hopefully not to fast) She is a very Typey puppy & has quality that is usual from this breeder. Has a lovely gentle head with good markings, with great expressive eyes. Agreeable reach of neck at this age ,good slope to shoulders, sturdy little body & limbs. nicely rounded feet, good angles for one so young. The combination of these came to the fore when moving around the ring. A real Little Trouper, pleased to award her Best Puppy 

 2nd Mrs Shopland -Reed Mountain Crystal Serenity at Fleurdells(IMP) A 9month old little girl of good proportions. Heavily marked with freckles but did not detract from her lovely head & eyes. Light body of correct structure for this age, not as good on the move as my first Puppy, but a long was to go. Good luck with her.

Junior Bitch 2 (1abs) Mr M & Mrs C Wilson: Monalou Voulez Vous at Blumental. Stood alone in this Class, but looks a super Feminine young bitch. Classy head with dark well shaped eyes full of mischief. Adequate reach of neck & good shoulder placement, Slightly light in bone structure, but nice Proportions. Angles good & well let down hocks. nice tight feet, Excelled on the move, enjoying herself & giving up her best to her Handler Such allot to like about this Youngster .Happy to Award her Res; Bitch CC

 Post Grad Bitch.5 (2abs) 1st.Mr M.& Mrs S.Bramble; Shirdees Me and My Girl Quality, Medium sized girl with pleasing head, nice shaped dark eyes with laughing expression. Plenty of substance & bone, chest of good width & depth. Shoulders well laid, withers strong leading to level top line, which was held on the move & in the stance. Moved well around the ring & coat was brilliantly groomed as usual from this kennel. It’s just a pity that it was so hot & in for the challenge she faded a little.

2nd Mrs P.Cooke & Mr J Stevens.: Tickbern Yes I can Yodel. Another Superb Bitch, Attractive & Harmonious in balance with all angles sound. Medium bone, chest good depth, rib cage leading to a good length of loin. Nicely rounded croup & good tail set. Stifle & hocks strong making her movement sound. Beautiful coat nicely presented. 3rd:Mrs S. Rothery: Kernow going Back to my Roots Glamrock

Limit Bitch. 10. (4abs)

1st.Mr L.Reynolds: Etterbern Forever Fashion. Wow !! What a gorgeous bitch of excellent type, caught my eye when entering the ring. Talk about Top Fashion she has it in spade’s. Beautiful head with Classic markings, eyes with gentle expression. Good reach of neck & correct lay back of shoulders. Chest excellent depth & width, nice rib cage & correct loin length. Strongly rounded rump & perfect tail set. Very Classy moving around the ring with elegance, although not so good today in the challenge, her time will come as she’s very much of a showgirl. Loved her.

2nd.Miss Emily Green & Mr.S.Green: . Walldershelf Can’t Ignora. Another young bitch that will go far. Head of nice proportions although rather dark in blaze markings. Nice inquisitive eyes paying attention to her handler, Strong body tone with good shoulders & nice width n depth to chest. Correct length of top line, nice rump & tail set. Nice Coat of good texture & great presentation. Did not move as well today as I have seen her previously. 

3rd.Mrs P Goodyear.:Harvestbank Just one Kiss.

Open Bitch. 5 (2abs) 1st. Mrs H Head: Cullambern Valencia Millermead.Jw. I do not believe I have laid hands before on this amazingly animated bitch. She is a Typical Working type of Bernese but with lots of Finesse. Head with such gentleness & lovely eyes that never stopped twinkling. She was certainly enjoying her day. Beautiful Symmetrical markings, enough bone, correct reach of neck & lay of shoulders. Lots of strength in her back & hind quarters. From withers to croup no defects, stifle’s & hocks sound. Just enough flexibility in pasterns to give tremendous drive; On the move she showed the youngsters how it should be done. Coat lustrous in texture & beautifully groomed. In for the challenge she was so happy to be shown by a handler & never stopped giving the animation from head to tail, Her face was a Picture of fun & pleasure to be on the showground. I was Delighted to Award her Bitch CC ( I cannot think why she is not a Champion)

2nd. Mrs. J Weston: Bernfawr Jonquill This is another wonderful bitch that I have always admired. A typical representative of our breed. Well balanced, great bone structure. Chest good width & depth, Top line holds in stance & on the move, correct stifle & hocks, In fact eveything within the standard. Could change placings another day, but a worthy Second today. Well Done

3rd Mrs P. Gooyear. Harvestbank Indian Summer.Shcm

      Veteran Bitch 2 (1abs) 1st. Miss.B.Sayer.:Tickbern Takin Liberties at Takodabern

  This just over 7yr old bitch is extremely nice & actually one of the best movers today. Beautiful feminine head & lovely expressive eyes showing how much fun she was having. Regal neck leading to nice lay of shoulders. strong withers & a nicely proportioned back, plus smooth rounded rump. Excellent hocks & good rounded feet. Moved around the ring as though she owned it, Enjoying every second. Very well done to her young handler.

I hope everyone enjoyed their show for today. Congratulations to All.

                     Judge Janet Riseborough (Moonbach)