• Show Date: 10/03/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Janet Phillips Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023


Breed: Belgian Shepherd Dog (Tervueren)

Crufts 2022

Many thanks to the Crufts Committee for the invitation. A special mention to my two Stewards, Tracey Gray and Janet Carpenter, who kept the ring flowing so well!

In Tervueren I feel attention should be paid to bites as it was the exception to see a scissor bite and quite a few with dropped middle incisors!

Belgian Shepherd Dog (Tervueren)

Veteran Dog (3/0)

1. Hesketh, Mackie & Nicolls Ch. Hawksflight The Hustler

7 years old. Tall elegant male presenting a harmonious outline and in excellent condition. Excellent masculine head and expression with good parallels. Good mask. Eye good colour but a little full. Medium ears a little wide set but used well. Moderately angulated with enough neck. Coat a lovely rich red with good overlay. Free and easy movement in all directions.

Best Veteran

2. Simpson’s Hawksflight The Phoenix AW

7 years and litter brother to my 1st. Of a smaller mould, lovely boy who really didn’t want to show today! Lovely head and expression. Good eye shape & colour. Ears of good size and set .. when used! Balanced overall body shape with good angulation. Rich red coat with heavy overlay, in super condition. Moved really well, such a shame he wouldn’t show himself off!

3. Hermann & Mack’s Pliquette Blue Moon

8 years old boy who doesn’t show his age at all! Long, well balanced head with good parallels. Eye of good shape and colour. Uses his ears well. Fawn coat in excellent condition. Good length of leg with moderate angulation giving a nice overall shape. Moved OK.

Puppy Dog (3/0)

1. Anderson’s Kehala Oh Me Oh Mai

10 months old and in beautiful coat and condition with exuberant temperament. Really uses himself well in the ring showing off his excellent body shape. Lovely long head, dark well shaped eye and has a super expression. Small high set ears used well. Good parallels. Coat dark fawn with quite a lot of overlay. Moves well but has tendency to high step a little in front. A bit fond of his tail on the move! Lovely puppy.

2. Gurney’s Hawksflight On A Mission

Just 7 months old. Very elegant immature young boy who was a little overawed by his surroundings today. Lovely long balanced head, dark well set eye and good masking giving nice expression. Tall ears used well. Coat a warm fawn in excellent condition. Lovely side gait, just moved a little close behind. Sympathetically handled.

3. Hall’s Shai du Pre de la Sommerau at Vonandraste

9 months old and differing in type to 1 & 2. Good length of head with good parallels. Pleasing expression. Medium ears a little wide set. Tall, elegant boy. Moderately angulated, a little long in back. Coat a lovely rich red in good condition. Moved OK.

Junior Dog (1/0)

1. Yabsley’s Domburg New Demand

13 months well grown boy with good length of leg. Balanced masculine head of good length, skull a little broad. Good eye shape and colour. Neat ears that converge, used well. Coat a pleasant fawn colour with overlay coming through. Balanced angulation, body a shade long. Moved well in all directions.

Post Graduate Dog (3/1)

1. Hodgson’s Domburg Verstappen Can for Ddalrus

2 year old very typical, tall elegant dog. Long balanced head with good parallels. Dark eye of good shape giving a lovely expression. Well set mask. Moderate front angulation, good rear. Well defined withers, topline slopes a little. Pale red coat in excellent condition with overlay starting to come through. A bit fond of his tail on the move. Lovely side gait, needs to tighten in front. Excellent temperament.

2. Smith’s Xanova Touch of Grey

6 years of differing type to 1st. Medium length head, balanced with good parallels. Medium ears, wide set but used well. Lovely dark eye of good shape. Pleasing expression. Good overall body shape and moved well in all directions. In excellent coat and condition with a lot of overlay. Just lacks overall elegance. Lovely steady temperament.

Limit Dog (8/1)

1. McNamara & Gardiner’s Kehala Colour of Money

3 years old of excellent type. Lovely long balanced head, good parallels. Slight roman nose. Eye of good shape and colour giving excellent expression. Neat high set ears, used well. Good height at withers, topline slopes a little. Moderately angled throughout giving super overall shape. Coat rich red with good overlay. Moved well in all directions. Excellent temperament. Reserve CC

2. Snell, Smith & Lester’s Domburg Say I Can

2 years old and such a show boy of excellent type. Presents a super harmonious outline. Lovely long, balanced head. Eye of good shape and colour giving a melting expression. Ears a little tall but used well. Lovely well set mask. Very elegant overall shape with good length of leg. Distinct withers, topline slopes a little. In excellent coat and condition. Tail carried a bit high on the move. Lovely side gait, needs to tighten in front. .

3. MacLellan’s Debruix Black Rooster

2 ½ years Typical medium sized boy of excellent type. Good overall shape giving a pleasing outline. Long well balanced head with good parallels. Eye of good shape & colour giving a lovely expression. Medium ears, used well. Sufficient neck with good topline. . Moderate front and good rear angulation. Coat a rich red with good overlay. Good mover. Excellent temperament.

Open Dog (4/0)

1. Mackie, Lester & Van Mol’s Ch. Quando It’s Me di Scottatura

6 year old elegant boy of excellent type. Wonderful long, balanced head with good parallels. Dark eye of good shape and colour giving such a super expression. Well defined mask. High set ears of good shape. Good height at withers, topline slopes a little. Balanced angulation throughout giving such a harmonious outline. Coat a pale fawn in super condition. Lovely side gait, can move a little wide in front. Excellent character, such a happy boy, well deserved CC,

2. Pacary’s Lux Ch Still Loving Chewbacca des Fauves du Marais

3 years of good overall shape and excellent type. Long head with good parallels. Dark eye of good shape giving a kind expression. Tallish ears a bit wide set. Moderately angled throughout, with good topline. Beautiful rich red coat in excellent condition. Good side gait, a little restricted in front. Lovely temperament.

3. Pilgrim’s Ch. Domburg by Appointment at Woodbriar

Another 3 year old of excellent type. Long balanced head with good parallels. Eye of good shape and colour. Medium ears used well. Black head with no defined mask. Moderate angulation with good overall shape. Good height at withers, topline slopes a little. Rich red coat with quite heavy overlay. Moved well and has a super temperament.

Veteran Bitch (2/1)

1. Hatcher’s Xanova April Affair at Kelluki

11 year old elegant young lady in wonderful condition. Medium length feminine head, well balanced. Good parallels. Nice eye shape and colour giving a sweet expression. Medium ears used well. Good angulation and overall body shape. Lovely red coat in excellent condition. Sweet temperament. Certainly showed the youngsters how to move, a credit to her owner.

Puppy Bitch (3/0)

1. Lester, Smith & Wheeler’s Domburg Can’t Stop Loving

11 month old ultra feminine, elegant girl of excellent type. Long, well balanced fine head with beautiful set mask. Dark eye of good shape giving such a wonderful expression. Medium ears a little wide set. Lovely overall shape with good height at withers, topline slopes a little. Coat a warm red with overlay starting to come through. Moved well in all directions. My Best Puppy who I’m sure has a bright future!

2. Burley’s Hawksflight Femme Fatale

7 month old tall, elegant girl, still very much a raw baby! Good length of head with good parallels. Eye of good shape and colour. Tall, well set ears but reluctant to use them today! Well set mask. Balanced angulation giving good overall shape. Coat a warm fawn in good condition. Moved really well for one so young. She was a little overawed by the atmosphere today but has a sweet temperament.

3. Cuddon’s Hawksflight Enigma of Ered

Litter sister to 2nd. Medium length head, good eye shape and colour. Good parallels. Tallish ears used well. Sweet expression. Good overall body shape, little long in back. Lacks the elegance of her sister. Warm red coat with overlay starting to come through. Moved well in all directions. A very happy young lady!

Junior Bitch (3/0)

1. Rowe’s Domburg New Rumer at Gracieux

14 month old impressive quality young lady! Lovely long, balanced head with good parallels. Dark eye of good shape giving a super expression. Well defined mask. Medium ears a little wide set, used well. Very sweet expression. Good overall body shape giving a typical silhouette. Well boned and wouldn’t want her any bigger. Lovely side gait, needs to tighten in front.

2. Cooper & Church’s Invanse No Approval Needed

12 month old petite girl with a very happy temperament. Medium length head, good parallels. Lovely eye shape and colour. Neat well set ears, used well. Warm fawn coat in good condition, overlay just starting to come through. Moderate angulation giving good overall shape. Nice level topline. Good side gait, needs to tighten in front.

3. Roux’s Domburg New Love at Willowfrost

14 months old and litter sister to 1st, she too is well boned throughout. Nice feminine head of good length. Good eye shape and colour with sweet expression. Tall ears used well, wide set. Good masking. Light red coat in excellent condition. Moderate angulation, just a little long in body. Moves well in profile, needs to firm in front.

Post Graduate (6/0) – class of quite mixed type.

1. Wraight’s Domburg My Oh My Denhalka

3 year girl of excellent type. Head of good length, well balanced with good parallels. Good mask. Dark eye of good shape giving a pleasing expression. Tallish well set ears, used well. Well angulated throughout giving a balanced outline. Nice red coat in excellent condition. Lovely calm temperament. Moved well in all directions.

2. Edwards & Bond’s Chatmar Madam Butterfly

22 months fine, shapely quality girl. Medium length head with good parallels. Eye of good shape and colour giving a lovely expression. Ears well set and used well. Well set mask. Moderately angled throughout giving a pleasant outline with good height at withers. Warm red coat in excellent condition. Moved really well. Nice steady temperament.

3. Caves’ Elysion She’s A Carnival

2 year of good type. Balanced head of good length. Good parallels. Eye of good shape and colour. Masking OK. Medium ears of good set, used well. Good overall shape with sufficient neck. Rich red thick coat presented in good condition. Moved well.

Limit Bitch (8/2)

1. Ainsworth’s Hawksflight Milady de Winta

4 year old elegant girl. Lovely long feminine head with good parallels. Eye of good shape and colour giving lovely expression. Medium well set ears, used well. Good mask. Very balanced overall body shape with good height at withers and level topline. Super rich red coat in excellent condition. Very steady temperament. Moved well in all directions and a real show girl. Reserve CC

2. Hesketh & Lester’s Domburg All My Love

2 year old feminine elegant girl. Good length of head, well balanced. Good parallels. Neat ears used well. Lovely expressive dark eye of good shape. Good height at withers. Balanced angulation giving a lovely outline. Lovely red coat presented in super condition. Another who moved well in all directions.

3. Cerchiuai & Church’s Invanse Tickets For Sale

18 month old with medium balanced head with good parallels. Dark eye of good shape giving excellent expression. Good mask. Medium ears used well. Moderately angled girl with nice overall shape. Grey/fawn coat in good condition. Very attentive showy girl who moved well.

Open Bitch (3/1)

1. Mackie, Lester & Smith’s Ch. Domburg Made By Hawksflight

This beautiful moderate sized girl took me by surprise as she is very hard to fault and is such classic type! I’ve admired her ringside before but didn’t realise just how good she is! Medium length, well balanced head with good parallels. Excellent eye shape and colour giving such a wonderful expression. Neat, well set ears used constantly. Beautiful balanced angulation, well arched neck and perfect topline. Rich red profuse coat with just enough overlay and presented in tip top condition. On the move she is foot perfect, moving effortlessly around the ring. She is the ultimate show girl and I had no hesitation in awarding her the CC & BOB. In the Group Ring she once again put on a perfect performance and was delighted to see her short listed. Many congratulations to her owners.

2. Fletcher, Finnigan & Church’s Ch. Invanse Sweet Dreams JW

6 year old taller girl. Balanced head of good length, excellent parallels. Lovely dark eye of good shape. Tall ears used well. Pleasing expression. Balanced angulation giving a good outline. Rich red coat presented in good condition. Lovely side gait, moves a little wide behind.

Good Citizen Dog Scheme (2/1)

1. Lewington’s Corsini Prelude

4 year old elegant girl. Good length of head, skull not quite flat. Eye of good shape and colour giving pleasing expression. Sufficient mask. Tall ears used reluctantly today. Good overall body shape. Fawn/grey coat in excellent condition. Moved well.

Janet Phillips