• Show Date: 10/03/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Jane Paradise Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023


Breed: Australian Cattle Dog


Australian Cattle Dog

Thank you to the exhibitors who entered under the original judge Kari Jarvinen who was unfortunately unable to fulfil his appointment due to injury. He had drawn an impressive numerical entry and I was honoured to be asked to stand in for him at short notice. I hope he is now recovered.

To recap, the breed was designed to control and move cattle in all environments from confined spaces to wide open areas. To manoeuvre cattle by crouching low behind them and nipping them on the heels. The ACD needs to be agile and quick but also capable of long endurance, so he is a multi-tasking dog. It helps when judging to primarily remember purpose, as it aids in interpreting the breed standard and keeping priorities in mind.

VD (1) 1. Greenhill’s Ch Jahanghirs Licence to Kill for Heelerhill. At 10 years young this exhuberant boy knows how to enjoy himself. Ex temperament. Gives his all. Strong broad skull. Clean, clear, dark brown eyes with single eye patch. Relatively small pricked ears, alert to everything. Strength to neck. Good body proportions with well sprung ribs. Moved with purpose. A worthy champion.

PD (1, 1a)

JD (1) 1. Daylusan’s Acdaystaff Warrior’s Destny of Raging Roger, Ww Promise 2021. Standing alone in the class this 14 month old red with double eye patch oozes confidence and charisma. Dark eyes and rims. Ex scissor bite in strong jaws. Well off for bone. Ex rib spring with ribs going well back and deep chested. Body proportions correctly slightly longer than high, holding a level topline with a long sloping croup and ex length of low set tail falling away off croup. Ex width all through. Moving briskly at correct pace around the ring, covering the ground easily. His handler knows just how to get the best performance out of him. Pleased to award him the RDCC.

PGD (1) 1. Turner’s Grizzleyblues Wolfs Junge. 22 month old with star on head. Unfortunately he has rather pale eyes which detracts from an otherwise pleasing expression. Nicely pointed ears. Correct body proportions, moderate clean neck. Level topline. Ex length of tail and carrying a full brush but has a tendency to raise it too high, sabre like when moving. Moves soundly with ex parallel rear movement.

LD (2) 1. Birch’s Adaluma High Speed. Robust and compact in build and in ex hard muscular condition. Masculine all through with a strong head with broad foreface and dark, well set eyes.. Pleasing width and depth of chest with strong boned straight forelegs. Ex round tight feet. Correct layback of shoulder and turn of stifle. Brisk and workmanlike when moving. 2. Smyth’s Morrow Forever in Blue Jeans Cdxudxwdx. His dark oval eyes are ever attentive to his handler. Tight eye rims. Of rangier build and narrower all through. . Ex moderate neck and level topline. Ribs not so well sprung as the class winner. Stands on strong neat feet with short toes.

OD (7,1a) Class full of quality dogs. 1. Jebson’s Ch Old Watchdog Cowboy by Austmans (Imp Rom). 2.5 years old and in tip top condition. Typical outline and balance coming from strength all through from his classic headpiece to the end of his brush. Broad skull and foreface with well filled cheeks and strong deep underjaw with scissor bite. Sloping scapula set well apart at the withers. Round boned forelegs with slightly sloping strong pasterns ending in ex tight feet and well arched toes. Well covered body, strong broad and short coupled. Long sloping thighs. Love his body proportions and overall compactness. So agile, with a free action, moving straight and true in all directions, brisk and positive footfall. DCC & BOS. 2. Daylusan’s Copper King Deythron Acdaystaff. Slightly taller on leg than 1st but another strong, sturdy, supple, workmanlike specimen with so many qualities. Star on head. Thick stout and broad neck with no throatiness. Level topline. Strong loins. Ex angulation at front and rear. In ex short dense coat with an ex brush and attractive rich colouring. Free movement with ex reach and drive. Pushed hard for RCC but just pipped by his stable mate. 3. Micheli’s Ch Banana Bender The Tattoo Artist

GCSD (1) 1. Morrow Forever in Blue Jeans Cdxudxwdx

VB (4) These veterans can show the youngsters how to show. 1. Britton’s Ch Austmans Mandalay Bay Rl2ex . What a beautiful girl of ten years, on top form in great muscular condition and super fit. She stands herself four square at all times. She made me smile at how she constantly corrects her own feet and does not take an eye off her handler who she clearly is devoted to. Uses her ears well. So agile and sure-footed, she could turn on a sixpence. Fabulous head, feminine yet still with strength. This is the one I would love to take home with me. Such a close decision in the challenge and it could easily have gone her way. RBCC. BVIB. 2. Coletta’s Ch Banana Bender Anna La Regina. Super girl. Darkest of eyes and eye rims in a very attractive head. Single eye patch and star on head. Rich tan points. Loved her size and overall balance. Handler moves her too fast and needs to slow the pace a little to show off her attributes. A well deserving champion of the breed. 3. Greeenhill’s Ch Jahanghirs Echo Falls Blue at Aurdu

PB (2) 1. Sporck & Reekmans’ Turn to Look for Tali at Kunama. Such an exceptionally well balanced pretty puppy with ex outline and shape. Well boned and I liked her size. Straight forelegs. So feminine, and moving with confidence and displaying super reach and drive. One I shall follow with interest. Although there was no male puppy to challenge she fully deserved her award of BPIB. 2. Naylor’s Joker Show Russian Collection at Skaijak NAF. Another quality puppy on shape and balance. Well sprung ribs and good underline. Ex width all through and firm body with sloping croup and low set tail. Well angulated fore and aft. Moved well with ex handling.

JB (0)

PGB (3) 1.Smyth’s Goolara Elvenstar. She had the best shape and typical breed balance in this class. Adequate bone for size. Well ribbed back and well sprung ribs with firm topline. Moved in a triangle and across the ring with smoothness and freedom of stride. 2. Moore’s Winddrover Hot Stuff (Imp Deu). Large gleaming teeth in scissor bite. Well set ears, held erect, dark brown eyes and liked her expression. Rangier in body and narrower all through. 3.Bambini’s Morrow Blue Lilli Pilli

LB (4,2a) 1. Gretenkorf’s Adaluma Easy As Ru Pie. Fabulous shape to her and full of breed type. In ex thick, close fitting coat. Gorgeous sparkling eyes in well shaped head. She is full of beans and on her toes. Well let down chest and good rib cage. Ex slope to flexible pasterns. I really liked this girl but please, please move her slower, it is not a race! 2. Greenhill’s Behita Warrigal Paws (Imp SK). Another very happy girl, not quite as much substance as 1st and taller on leg. Ex prosternum, width of chest and front assembly with corresponding rear angulation. Moves out well, covering the ground easily. Only young still, so plenty of time.

OB (3) 1.Jebson’s Ch Austmans Good Call. 6 years old and mature. Head in balance with body. Excellent substance for a bitch, well-shaped silhouette and typical breed type. Symmetrical eye patches. Ex height to length ratio and strong round boned forelegs with small strong feet facing straight ahead. Elbows held close to body. Well ribbed. In ex waterproof jacket with slightly longer hair on neck ruff and near breeches. Perfect tail, set low and carried correctly at all times. She combines agility, endurance and strength, with hard muscle tone and willingness to please. Sure footed, precise movement, making easy work of travelling around the ring with an athletic stride. Fit for Purpose. She was handled, as always, sympathetically, getting the best out of her and she did the breed proud in the Group ring. BCC & BOB. 2. Haynes’ Yarraman Let's Smoke Em Out with Carerra. Close up to 1st with everything to like and another with perfect tail carriage. Ex head, stop and well cushioned muzzle. Strong parallel hocks. Moved out with purpose propelled by drive from the rear and ex reach in front. 3. Wright’s Millbelle Whole Lota Rosie

GCSB (1) 1. Smyth’s Goolara Elvenstar

Jane Paradise (Judge)