• Show Date: 30/06/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Jane Howarth Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Windsor Dog Show Society

Breed: Gordon Setter

Windsor Championship Show – Gordon Setters

A super entry in today’s climate. I was pleased with the overall quality. Presentation and sportsmanship were first class.

VD/B (5 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: GREGG’s Laurelhach Yarra

Well balanced nine year old. The best mover in this good class. Lovely head with dark eyes. Straight in front with good quality bone on super legs and feet. Good length of rib and well bent stifles. Carried his tail well on the move. Best Veteran

2nd: ROBSON’s Liric For Your Eyes Only by Yohenoak JW

One I have judged and liked before. Now rising nine years and still looking good. Well shaped head with straight front of good width and well laid shoulders. Balanced in body with good length to his ribs. Strong quarters.

3rd: TYE’s Kyuna Olympic Arrow of Tymora Sh.CM VW

MPD (2 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: MORGAN’s Caradilis Sky Rocket

Just 8 months with a well-shaped but fuller head, well-constructed front, balanced in body. Moved well with that typical setter wagging tail.

2nd: MAPPIN’s Carnoustie Are You Ready Forit at Bryerdale

Not as forward as the winner today. Finer in head with enough shape, straight front, balanced in body with well angulated quarters and correct tail set. He needs to settle on the move to make the best of his attributes.

PD (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: MITCHELL’s Cafotaliena Thief of Hearts By Brobruick

A very promising young Gordon, approaching 12 months and presenting a lovely picture. Well-shaped head with good stop, kind eye and good length of muzzle. Strong neck with good layback of shoulder, well developed in ribs. He moved well here and later went on to Best Puppy.

JD (3 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: ASHLEY-TURNER’s Hernwood The Botanist

At 14 months is carrying plenty of coat for his age. Well-shaped head with dark eyes and well set ears. Straight front with strong legs, perhaps carrying too much coat around his elbows. Well laid shoulders, Well balanced body with good width and depth to his chest. Strong over the quarters and level in topline, he moved well here, covering the ring easily.

2nd: MITCHELL’s Cafotaliena Thief of Hearts By Brobruick

3rd: TAYLOR’s Graylacier Blue Marlin

YD (3 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: OZOG’s X-Man Black Lofty at Amberlove

Smart upstanding dog, caught my eye immediately and continued to impress. Looked well from all angles. Well-shaped head with lots of work, dark eyes and well set ears. Well constructed front with good bone and well laid shoulders. Balanced in body, well ribbed and of good depth. He has well angulated quarters and a good width of second thigh. He moved well in this class and later in the challenge. A pleasure to award him the RCC in strong competition.

2nd: PHILLIPS, WATKINS & MILES’ Glenmaurangi Mandalorian

Promising two year old, well turned out in full coat. Pleasing head with clean neck of good length. Good rear angulation. Not cooperating with his handler here.

3rd: TAYLOR’s Graylacier Blue Marlin

PGD (6 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: PHILLIPS, SYKES & WATKINS’ Glenmaurangi Storm Trooper

Smart and upstanding two-year-old. Strong well shaped head, masculine but not coarse. Clean neck of good length leads to well-placed shoulders. With elbows nicely tucked in. Balanced in body with good length of rib and firm short couplings. Well angulated quarters, hocks well let down.

2nd: GLAYSHER’s Marshmoor Monkey Puzzle of Billingham

Another promising young male with a lot to like about him. Well-shaped head with defined stop and well set ears. Correct in front with good width and straight bone. Firm in top line. He has strong quarters with good rear angulation. Moved well.

3rd: JOHNSTON’s Ludstar Maccabee at Glenquin (Imp) It

LD (6 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: HORLER’s Hernwood Jack O'Lantern by Rackens JW

Presented a picture of balance when stacked and looking well today. Balanced head of good width with dark eyes and correct ear placement. Strong neck and well boned legs. Balanced in body with good length of rib and firm over his loins. Well angulated quarters without exaggeration. He moved well showing enthusiasm and a positive disposition.

2nd: HALLIDAY’s Yennadon Barra JW

More compact type. Well proportioned head with plenty of work and a good stop. Strong neck leads to well laid shoulders. He is well balanced in body and has good rear angulation. Moved well especially in profile.

3rd: BRYANT’s Kilnrae Hallmark JW

OD (3 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: HARKER’s Sh Ch Hernwood Achilles at Ettrick JW

I had the pleasure of judging this boy as a youngster and since then have awarded him a RCC. Today, he presented himself as the finished article and was on top form. Strong but balanced in head with good length of muzzle and dark eyes. He is clean and muscular in neck and has a good front with plenty of bone and nice width to his chest. He shows a good depth of body and a firm topline. He is strong over the quarters with a good bend of stifle. He moved steadily and truly to win the CC in good competition.

2nd: BAINES’ Sh Ch Bryerdale Quantas (A.i)

Another worthy Champion with lots to like. Well-shaped head with kind expression and dark eyes. He has good bone for his size. Well balanced in body with well laid shoulders and moderate stifles. He was turned out in good coat and moved well.

3rd: SANDIFORD & LEWIS’ Sh Ch Hernwood Neptune Sea

GCD/B (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: HORLER’s Hernwood Jack O'Lantern by Rackens JW

Limit winner.

MPB (3 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: O'KELLY & HANCOCK’s Caradilis Sparks Will Fly

At 8 months was the most forward and the better mover of these three today. Well made through, pleasing in head. A little loose in eye at the moment. Straight in front. Well balanced in body with good length of rib. She moved to advantage. Should go on to do well.

2nd: O'KELLY & HANCOCK’s Caradilis Little Sparkler

Sister to the winner, smaller made but still balanced. Pleasing head with lovely eyes. Good length of rib, just needs a bit more time to deepen and settle on the move. She has a genuine enthusiasm in the ring.

3rd: CROSBIE’s Moonglade Magic Pearl at Heatherway

PB (4 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: PALLISER’s Lignum Oro

At 9 months is already beginning to look the part and show plenty of promise. Well shaped head, just right for her age with dark eyes and good ear placement. She is well made with good layback of shoulder, enough depth of chest and strong well angulated quarters. She moved well and was presented in lovely coat and condition. Should have a bright future.

2nd: O'KELLY & HANCOCK’s Caradilis Sparks Will Fly

MP winner


JB (4 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: BOXALL’s Laurelhach Renaissance JW

What a promising youngster. Won this class and the next with not just her quality but also her sound honest movement and her overall style. Feminine, well-shaped head with dark eyes and gentle expression. Good length of neck leads to well-placed shoulders, elbows nicely tucked in. Straight front with strong pasterns and good feet. Well balanced body with good length and depth. She has well-turned stifles and was moved to advantage.

2nd: SANDIFORD & LEWIS’ Hernwood Gin Fizz JW

Younger and not as forward as the winner here today. Longer in head with well-placed ears. Correct front assembly, again with good feet. Plenty of depth for her age, Well angulated quarters showing a lovely bend of stifle. Moved with enthusiasm.

3rd: EVANS’ Langstrumpf Mackeralmint

YB (8 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: BOXALL’s Laurelhach Renaissance JW

J Winner

2nd: LEONARD’s Painted Lady at Tregarrick

Another showing lots of promise. Lovely head with dark eyes. Clean neck of good length. Well-proportioned body with enough width and good depth. She is well balanced through with good layback of shoulder and well-turned stifles. Firm over the loins and correct in topline, She moved well.

3rd: HORN,’s Ordett love Me Do at Keaswood JW

PGB (14 Entries) Abs: 2

1st: MAPPIN’s Bryerdale Qangeroo (ai)

Well grown and in full coat. Lovely head with correct proportions and dark eyes. Well boned with straight front, elbows nicely tucked in. Well placed shoulders. She has good depth and well-turned stifles. She moved well to win this larger class.

2nd: UPTON-LOVETT & UPTON’s Roydack Portrait Of A Lady

Well-proportioned and balanced through. Smaller type but there’s still plenty of her. Pretty head with lots of shape round her eyes. Clean neck of good length. Well laid shoulders. Well bodied showing good length of rib and firm topline. She moved to advantage.

3rd: BURKE’s Beechlake Hey Jude

LB (7 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: PALLISER’s Lignum Luck Be A Lady

Had to be on top form to head this quality class. One of the best movers here today. Good head with lovely eyes giving that desired intelligent expression. Long, strong neck leads to well-placed shoulders. Straight front with good width. She has a well-developed chest and short couplings. Well angulated quarters with hocks well let down and good muscular condition. A pleasure to award her RCC today. Deserves to get her title/

2nd: MAPPIN’s Bryerdale Qookaburra (ai)

Larger type with good balance and shown in full coat. Good head, dark eyes and well placed ears. Strong neck of good length leads to well laid shoulders. Deep in body with good width to her ribs. She too moved well.

3rd: BOXALL’s Laurelhach Ovation

OB (3 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: PHILLIPS & WATKINS’ Sh Ch Flaxheath Top Model At Glenmaurangi

Beautiful mature bitch of top quality turned out to advantage and handled to get the best out of her. Looked the part standing and on the move. Good head with plenty of shape but still retaining her femininity. Expressive dark eyes. Clean neck of good length merges into well placed shoulders. Well ribbed showing width, depth and length. She is firm over the loins and presents a correct topline. Good width to her quarters. She moved well and was in super coat and condition, A well-deserved CC and best of Breed.

2nd:SANDIFORD & JARVIS’ Hernwood Luna Eclipse JW

Another well-made girl, carrying plenty of body today and not settled standing. Lovely head with straight front. Well proportioned through without exaggeration. She moved out well but looked great when viewed in profile.

3rd: SLAUGHTER’s Sh Ch Cairacailie Night Of Love With Ordett JW

Jane Howarth
