- Show Date: 22/04/2022
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: Jane Eyeington Contact Judge
- Published Date: 28/07/2023
West Of England Ladies Kennel Society
West of England Ladies Kennel Society
24th April 2022
Judge – Mrs Jane Eyeington (Meadowdale)
I would like to thank the committee of the ‘West of England Ladies Kennel Society’ for their kind invitation to judge Pointers for the first time with CC’s, (which was postponed from 2020). The show is held in the beautiful setting of the Malvern Hills. We had a lovely big ring outside, but it was rather cold and windy, but when the sun did make an appearance, it felt quite pleasant. I think the cold wind did have an effect on some of the dogs, both standing and, on the move, which had a knock on effect with the placings. I would like to thank the exhibitors for the fabulous entry (133 dogs, 196 entries), I felt most honoured to have the pleasure of your beautiful dogs. As an outsider looking in, a couple of points you may wish to consider: Front assembly, length and position of shoulder blade and upper arm, fore chest, movement in front. Teeth, I was surprised to find small teeth and some very tight or level bites. But on the whole, a beautiful breed, with so much to admire
Veteran Dog Entries: 4 Absentees: 1
1 Fydal Beeswing at Raigmore (Mr J & Mrs P Tibbs)
Such a stylish 7 year old O/W dog, most appealing with his curvy outline. When stood shows balance and symmetry. Lovely proportions to his head, with a good length to the foreface, nicely dished, and a kind dark eye giving such a soft and gentle expression. He has a lovely flow, with a good reach of neck, deep in brisket, ribs carried well back, and muscular hindquarters. A sound and positive mover, driving around the ring with his tail lashing
2 Teisgol Double Trigger (Miss M Saunders)
Of a different stamp to the winner, built on heavier lines. This 7 year old O/W dog has a pleasing outline when stacked showing off his flowing outline. His head is balanced, with a good stop and length to the foreface, clean flews. Depth to the ribcage and fill in of forechest, nice oval bone and showing a slight slope to the pastern. Liked his width of thigh, and good bend of stifle. Moving lovely in profile, not as tidy as winner in front today, but good width and power from the rear
3 Symitry Red Rascal (Mrs C A Isherwood)
Minor Puppy Dog Entries: 6 Absentees: 1
1 Haramander Phantom (Ms A J Milford)
Pleasing 8 month old O/W dog, who was really feeling the cold wind today. Showing much promise for one so young, everything is in the right place and once his teeth stopped chattering cut a lovely shape. Pleasing head, with a slight dish and chiselling under the eyes. Lengthy neck, firm topline once relaxed. Enough depth for his age, with ribs carried well back. Strength to his hindquarters, with a good width of thigh and bend of stifle. Holding his outline in profile when moving, just needing to tighten up, which will come with time
2 Hookwood Starman (Mrs S Welch)
Darkly marked B/W 8 month old dog, of a different stamp to winner, but with much to admire. When stood shows good balance with nothing overdone. Masculine head with a dark eye. Clean neck of good length, ribs are nicely sprung and reaching down to the elbow, holding a firm topline. Not quite the width of thigh of winner, but with a nice bend to the stifle. A little unsettled on the move today
3 Droveborough Lincoln (Miss M & Mr I Horn & Vowell)
4 Jilony Luther (Mrs J Anthony)
5 Pencaire Sheeran (Mr C & Mrs J Phillips)
Puppy Dog Entries: 6 Absentees: 3
1 Teisgol Keep On Going via Penwest (Miss Westaway)
Upstanding and very smart 9 month old Lemon & White dog, one who shows himself of with confidence and style. A quality puppy showing lots of promise. He has a shapely outline with a nice flow. Liked his well proportioned head, eyes toning with coat, good stop and nicely chiselled. Good length of neck, nicely filled in forechest, well boned limbs onto neat well arched feet. Coming along nicely through the body, with a good spring to the ribcage and depth to the brisket. Strong wide quarters which he put to go use on the move, showing good drive from the rear, and holding his outline in profile. – PBD & BPIB
2 Glenariff Mojito over Teisgol (Mr P R & Mrs D E Stilgoe)
Pleasing 10 month old B/W dog, with much to like. He has a balanced outline when stood, from a smaller and more compact mould. His head is well proportioned, just not quite the work of winner as yet, Lovely dark eye giving a kind and gentle expression. Good length and strength to his neck, chest is well let down and well filled in. Gentle curves to the underline. Nicely angulated hindquarters. Moving out purposefully and with drive
3 Pencaire Sheeran (Mr C & Mrs J Phillips)
Junior Dog Entries: 5 Absentees: 0
2 Harvestslade Light of Peace (Mrs D & Mr N Preece & Gilding)
At just 12 months of age this O/W dog is showing great maturity, and style. He is upstanding in his bearing, with lovely flowing lines. His head is well proportioned, with the pronounced occiput and nice dish, thin well placed leathers all helping to give such a gentle expression from his dark eyes. Length neck flowing into a well held topline and set on of tail. Deep in the brisket and well filled in in front. Nice oval bone and a slight slope to the pasterns. Hindquarters show strength and muscle tone. Positive on the move
2 Tequesta Harold Lloyd (Ms D Elrington)
Super fit and muscular 15 month old striking dark B/W dog. He is athletic and shows a curvy outline on the stack. A little more moderate in his angulation than winner. Pleasing head, which is well proportioned with a lovely dark eye. Chest down to the elbow and enough fill in. Holds a firm topline and well set on tail. Hindquarters have a nice bend to the stifle. Moving out with power from the rear
3 Collholme Balthasar (Mr D T & Mrs J A Collins)
4 Lundgarth Wild Yarrow (Miss G J & Mr N A Mennen & Sweeney)
5 Jilony Bobby Ball at Dorbury (Mrs D Astbury)
Yearling Dog Entries: 5 Absentees: 0
1 Tenshilling It's My Party for Salmonmist JW (Ms S R Philo)
Lovely happy and outgoing 18 month old O/W dog. He has an impressive shapely outline when stood, of a pleasing size, with good substance and masculine all through. Handsome clean cut head, nicely chiselled, slight dish and good length to the foreface. Strong muscular neck flowing seamlessly into a firm well held topline. Chest well let down with a good forechest. Good oval bone and a slight slope to the pasterns. Strong muscular hindquarters and well bent stifles. He has a ground covering action, and showed to be true fore and aft
2 Teisgol Love Is in The Air (Miss M E, Mr P R & Mrs D E Oliver & Stilgoe)
Another pleasing youngster, 23 month old O/W dog who seemed to be feeling the cold today and tending to lose his topline at times, but once relaxed shows a lovely outline, shapely and gentle curves. He has an appealing head, balanced and proportionate. Clean in the flew, good stop, thin leathers and such a gentle expression. Strong neck of good length. Brisket is well let down, short coupled with strong hindquarters. Moving out with purpose and drive with a clean action.
3 Sunhouse You're Nicked (Mrs R M C & Miss R Martin)
4 Hawkfield Pemberley (Miss W J Gordon)
5 Hawkfield Wickham (Miss C Pratt)
Novice Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1 Lundgarth Finch (Mrs S E Booth)
4 year old O/W dog, well grown, but very shapely in his outline and balanced in his proportions. Not very settled in the class, winning on his movement which once into his stride showed true and positive action. Pleasing head piece, with a good length to the foreface and kind dark eye. Clean neck of good length, not quite the depth and forechest. Lovely oval bone and well arched toes. Nice spring to the ribcage and a good sweep to the stifle.
2 Jilony Bobby Ball at Dorbury (Mrs D Astbury)
Heavily marked B/W dog, 17 months old and previously 5th in the junior class. Unfortunately, the cold wind made him really unsettled, particularly on the move. He is of a nice overall shape and size. Masculine head with a dark eye. Good length of neck, Chest down to the elbow. Hindquarters show a good bend of stifle, just did not show himself off at all on the move
Graduate Dog Entries: 4 Absentees: 0
1 Heartbury Lord Asriel (Mrs V & Mr M, Mr K Norbury & Adams)
Elegant 18 month old O/W dog, at the moment has a little more range to his outline, time and maturity will be his friend. He has a quality head, with plenty of work in it. The dark eye and pigmentation giving a gentle expression. Long neck with a slight arch, flowing to a firm and well held topline. The ribcage has a nice spring to it, enough depth and fill in. Strong hindquarters with a well bent stifle. Showing reach and drive and at one with his handler
2 Tenshilling Here I Go Again (Mrs J Bowen-Brooks)
Pleasing outline to this 2 year old B/W dog. Of a different stamp to the winner, more compact and mature in the body at present. Masculine head, with a good stop and dish, a little shorter in foreface, lovely dark eye and kind expression. Strong neck, good depth to the brisket with the ribs carried well back and holding a firm topline. Pleasing back end, with good width to the thighs and well bend stifle. Looked lovely in profile movement, but today his front action a little untidy
3 Cumbrian Night King at Carofel (Imp Usa) (C, H & N Guy & Tuthill)
4 Lundgarth Teal (Mrs S E Booth)
Post Graduate Dog Entries: 13 Absentees: 1
1 Wilchrimane Two for Tea (Mrs M S Pattie)
Very shapely 4 year old O/W dog who looks a picture of balance when stacked, he is graceful and masculine combined. Handsome head, with a good length to the foreface, correct amount of stop with a slight dish and chiselled under the eyes, which were dark and appealing. He has a smooth flow to his topline and graceful curves to the underline. Good length of neck, deep in brisket, nicely angulated fore and aft. Showing real drive in profile movement, would like him a little bit tidier in front, but lovely strong driving action from the rear.
2 Pipeaway Dreams Afyre in Merynjen JW (Mrs K D Wilcox)
Another pleasing O/W dog coming up 4 years of age, but was today feeling the cold wind and losing his topline at times, but once settled presented a lovely clean outline, shapely and balanced. He has a quality head, with the correct amount of length and depth, well defined stop, thin leathers and a gentle expression. Pleasing front assembly, with depth to the brisket, and nicely filled in forechest straight oval bone onto neat feet. He has spring to the ribcage, but would like it carried back a little farther. Firm in his topline and strong in hindquarters. A little untidy in front today but his side profile movement shows a lovely free flowing action
3 Sonham Remember Me (Mrs A D Matthews)
4 Tenshilling I Got The Fever (Mrs C J & Mrs K O'neill & Timothy)
5 Fowington Beware The Bear at Aurichalcum (Miss L Westron)
Limit Dog Entries: 10 Absentees: 0
1 Wilchrimane Niffler (Mrs & Miss A Siddle)
Upstanding and impressive 4 year old O/W dog, shown in lovely condition. Very smart with lovely body lines and balance. So clean and sound throughout. Masculine head with all the virtues of good balance and breed type, gentle and affectionate in his expression. His muscular neck with the slight graceful arch flows seamlessly into a firm topline finishing with a well set on bee sting tail. Deep in brisket and with a lovely forechest. Good oval boned limbs and well knuckled feet. A gentle underline curving to a strong short loin. Strong hindquarters, shown with good muscle tone. His footfall was positive and moving with purpose and drive. Delighted to award him the RDCC
2 Joneva Born to Thrill (Mr S J Layton)
Classy 3 year old O/W dog, with so much to admire. Liked the combination of elegance with strength and being upstanding in his demeanour. Lovely moulded head, balanced with a good stop, chiselling under the eyes all giving a kind and gentle expression. Strong clean neck of good length flowing into a firmly held topline and well set on tail. Brisket is down to the elbow and with enough forechest. Good oval boned limbs, with a slight slope to the pasterns and tight feet. Hindquarters show a nice sweep of stifle. A powerful mover and covering the ground well, not quite as clean today in front as winner
3 Twinhoe Vittorio (Mr C J Blair)
4 Pytchley Chasing The Dream for Hookwood JW ShCM ShCEx (Mrs S E & Miss C Welch & Hazeltine)
5 Tenshilling Biscuits JW (Mrs C J O'neill)
Open Dog Entries: 7 Absentees: 0
1 Sh Ch Sharnphilly Boondoggle JW (Miss Oddie)
Fabulous 3 year old B/W dog caught my eye, he is so very smart and fully of quality from which ever angle I looked at him from. He seems to make his presence known in an unassuming way, my eye kept being drawn back to him. He has super balance and construction. Having strength but with elegance, being workmanlike but curvy. Lovely handsome head, proportionate in its ratios, nicely chiselled, thin leathers and a beautiful dark eye. Long muscular neck flowing seamlessly into a firm topline and well set on tail. Deep in the ribcage, with a lovely fill in of forechest, with ribs carried well back and a strong short loin. Strong and muscular hindquarters, showing width of thigh and bend of stifle, short hock to heel. But it is on the move, where he comes into his own. He moves with enthusiasm and pizzazz, showing reach and drive without loosing any accuracy in his footfall, so clean and true fore and aft – DCC & BOB
2 Sunhouse Chips Ahoy (Mrs R M C & Miss R Martin)
Quality 5 year old O/W dog, just loved his symmetry and strength, with nothing overdone. Think that today he was feeling the cold a little. When stood he shows to have lovely body proportions and the desired curvy outline. Classic noble and handsome head, lovely length to the foreface, good stop and slight dish, chiselling under the eyes and thin leathers. His dark eyes giving a gentle expression. Good depth to the ribcage, not quite the fill in of forechest of winner. Strong and muscular hindquarters with a nice sweep of stifle and wide thighs. Having a ground covering action, positive and true
3 Fydal Caprio at Salmonmist JW ShCM (Ms S R Philo)
4 Sh Ch Just Wilburt by Hookwood JW ShCM (Miss C & Mrs S & Miss L Hazeltine & Welch & Goddard)
5 Casilex Cognac (Mrs E M Flint)
Special Beginners Dog Entries: 6 Absentees: 0
1 Moenfair Sanguineum Luna JW (Ms K Tregaskis)
3 year old Liver/W dog. Sound moving dog who is a little more compact in his outline. Pleasing masculine head, which is well proportioned, clean in the flew, good stop and a slight dish. His dark eyes giving a gentle expression. Clean neck of good length, chest down to the elbow, with enough fill in of forechest, short coupled and holding a firm topline. Would like a little more angulation fore and aft, nice and short hock to heel. Moving out soundly and at one with his handler
2 Lundgarth Finch (Mrs S E Booth)
Repeat Novice Dog
3 Teddyhawks Trombone Duke (Mrs C & Mr N Steele)
4 Lundgarth Wild Yarrow (Miss G J & Mr N A Mennen & Sweeney)
5 Jilony Bobby Ball at Dorbury (Mrs D Astbury)
Veteran Bitch Entries: 8 Absentees: 1
1 Lowsmoor Shiralee JW (Mrs A Lowe)
Lovely 7 year old O/W bitch, who looked a picture when stood. Well proportioned body with graceful body lines. Having the desired substance but with elegance combined. The slight fading of her colouring only adding to the noble air. Her head is feminine and balanced in its proportions, with a nice strength to the foreface, good stop and slight dish, dark kind eyes. Good length of neck, deep in brisket, nicely filled in forechest, holding a firm topline with a good width of thigh and well turned stifle. A powerful mover in profile a fraction close behind but with a clean front action
2 Teisgol I Am What I Am at Phlynnies ShCM (Mrs D Vaughn)
B/W bitch coming up 9 years of age and looking in fine fettle. Of a different stamp to winner, a little more strength all through, but still retaining her elegance. Ultra feminine head, with a good length to the foreface, lovely dark eye giving such a gentle expression. Strong neck, flowing into a well held firm topline and correct tail set. Good depth to the brisket, strong hindquarters which she put to go use on the move, a happy mover who shows pleasing drive
3 Wynbury Golden Chalice by Fleurfield (Mrs E M Flint)
4 Nightgold Blackavar VW (Ms A Brooksmith)
5 Asterope Lightening Star via Teisgol JW ShCM (Mr C & Mrs J & Miss M Oliver)
Minor Puppy Bitch Entries: 4 Absentees: 0
1 Evaluna Chasing Rainbows with Hookwood (Mrs D & Mrs S Perren & Welch)
Lots to like about this 9 month old B/W bitch. She is so ‘together’ for her age, winning the class on her positive movement. Liked her overall shape and size, she is sturdy with good substance yet retains her femininity, and with nothing overdone. Her head is proportional and feminine, but still needs to break. Strong neck flowing seamlessly into a firm well held topline. She has good depth, down to the elbow and nicely filled in forechest. Having a good rear assembly. All coming together on the move, she showed to be free flowing in profile with a lashing tail action and neat and tidy fore and aft
2 Haramander Stop N Stare (Ms A J Milford)
Happy and outgoing 7 month old O/W bitch, another quality puppy showing lots of promise and mischief! She is still very raw as expected but the basic framework is all there, she has a lovely flow and elegance to her outline. Thought she had a most feminine head, well proportioned with chiselling under the eyes, good stop, thin leathers and dark eyes and pigmentation to give a lovely expression. Good length of neck, starting to drop into herself, nice oval bone with a slight slope to the pastern. Liked her width of thigh and sweep of stifle. A little erratic on the move to start with, but showed good drive
3 Pencaire Sandpiper with Moenfair (Ms K Tregaskis)
4 Raigmore She’s The One for Lyncarda (Mrs A Dodds)
Puppy Bitch Entries: 5 Absentees: 0
1 Lundgarth Everest (Mrs S E Booth)
Lovely outline to this 10 month old O/W bitch, she has a seamless flow from nose to tail. Presenting a pleasing profile when stood. Most appealing head, with lovely work to it, nicely chiselled, good stop and gentle dish, right amount of strength to the foreface, and those dark eyes to give such a kind expression. Clean neck of good length, enough depth for her age, good spring to the ribcage and carried well back. Strong wide quarters with a well bent stifle. Loved her side profile movement she just flowed, driving from the rear, today a little untidy in front, true behind - BPB
2 Evaluna Chasing Rainbows with Hookwood (Mrs D & Mrs S Perren & Welch)
Repeat Minor Puppy Bitch
3 Hawkfield Quiz (Mrs C Craik)
4 Teisgol Snow Queen (Mr P, Mrs D & Mrs L Stilgoe & Fox)
5 Teisgol Heaven Sent (Mr P, Mrs D & Miss M Stilgoe & Oliver)
Junior Bitch Entries: 11 Absentees: 1
1 Wilchrimane Sky Pirate (Mr C Siddle)
WOW, just fell for this 13 month old O/W bitch. She is just top quality and oozed breed type. Looking an absolute picture on the stack, with her harmonious proportions, sound construction and very shapely silhouette. For me she combines, elegance, grace, strength and nobility. Feminine head, showing good proportions, gentle dish, thin leathers and a dark gentle eye. Long, slightly arched neck which flows beautifully into a firm well held topline and perfect set on of her bee sting tail. Brisket down to the elbow with good fill in of forechest, oval bone onto slightly sloping pasterns and well arched feet. Well sprung ribs which are carried back to a firm short loin, and a strong hindquarters which have width, strength and a lovely sweep of stifle. On the move she so free and positive, flowing around the ring. Delighted to award her the CC, very close up for BOB, but felt the dog today showed a little more power and drive in the final run off. I hear afterwards that this was her very first ever show – not a bad start, congratulations!
2 Collholme Angelique (Mr D T & Mrs J A Collins)
Lovely 16 month old O/W bitch, very smart and shapely in her outline. Showing good overall balance when stood. Pleasing feminine head, which shows good balance with a good length to the foreface, defined stop, and nicely chiselled under the eyes. Her dark eye gives a kind expression. Clean neck of good length flowing into a firm topline. Chest is well let down with enough fill in of forechest. Lovely straight oval boned limbs and tight feet. Harmonious in her fore and aft angulation. Moving out soundly and with positive footfall
3 Spinray Songbird (Ms L, Ms P & Ms M Rayner, Spinks & Pringle)
4 Millpoint Hearts Desire (Mrs J M Harrison)
5 Lundgarth Everest (Mrs S E Booth)
Yearling Bitch Entries: 8 Absentees: 1
1 Hawkfield Scandalous (Mrs N Klaiber)
Very shapely and robust 21 month old O/W bitch. She presented a pleasing outline when stood, being well developed all through and with lovely body lines. She is workmanlike yet elegant and has strength but feminine. Her head is well proportioned, with strength and length to the foreface, defined stop and lovely dark eyes. Strong muscular neck, lovely depth to the ribcage and well filled in forechest. Nicely boned limbs, with the slight slope to the pasterns. Her ribcage is carried well back with a short and strong loin. Muscular hindquarters which were used well on the move, as she has a ground covering action and positive in her front and back action.
2 Sharnphilly Santa Rosa (Mr J & Mr N Thirlwell & Malik)
Loved the outline to this 21 month old O/W bitch when stood, she has such elegance and an unbroken flow to her. She has all the essentials there, just needing a little more time to mature, but think she will finish well. Refined and feminine head, well proportioned , nicely chiselled, well placed thin leathers and a kind dark eye. Elegant, long but muscular neck flowing seamlessly into a well held topline. Enough depth of brisket would like a little more fill in of forechest, and well sprung ribs. Liked her hindquarters as they show a good width of thigh and bend of stifle. She has a lovely flow to her movement in profile, not quite as clean as winner today in front, super drive from the rear.
3 Sunhouse Partners in Crime (Mrs R M C & Miss R Martin)
4 Heartbury Northern Lights JW (Mrs V & Mr M, Mr K Norbury & Adams)
5 Davigdor Citronella (Mr D & Mr A D Tobin & Moss)
Novice Bitch Entries: 6 Absentees: 1
1 Millpoint Hearts Desire (Mrs J M Harrison)
13 month old B/W bitch, previously 4th in a strong junior class. She has a little more range to her outline, but still showing good balance and flowing lines. The cold was affecting her on the stack as she tended to roach her topline. Once relaxed she shows a lovely outline. She has a balanced head with a kind dark eye. Good length of neck. Lovely deep brisket and well filled in forechest, with ribs carried well back to a short firm loin. Her topline was firm on the move. Strong hindquarters. Moving out with good drive
2 Keepersfield Giselle (Mrs & Miss Cooper & Pearson)
17 month old B/W bitch, built on a smaller frame than the winner, presenting a shapely and elegant outline in profile when stood. feminine head, with a good stop and dish, but not quite balance of winner. Enough neck and good depth to the brisket, would like a little more fill in of forechest. Nicely boned limbs and well arched toes. Well sprung ribcage, holding a good topline but falling away a little at the croup. Strong hindquarters, used to drive around the ring with good power, not as tidy as winner in front today
3 Sharnphilly Ginger Fizz at Lundgarth (Mrs S E Booth)
4 Pencaire Sandpiper with Moenfair (Ms K Tregaskis)
5 Chamelia Jessica (Mr & Mrs L Millett)
Graduate Bitch Entries: 10 Absentees: 2
1 Wilchrimane Frankly Darlin (Miss, Mrs & Mrs Siddle, Siddle & Medeiros)
Elegant and shapely 16 month old O/W bitch. Quality all through with harmonious proportions. When stood she presents a picture of balance and sound construction. Attractive feminine head, of good balance and proportions, length and strength to the foreface, defined stop and gentle dish. Long reachy neck blending smoothly into a firm and well held topline. Chest well let down and nicely developed forechest, well boned limbs. Lovely firm topline and tail set. Her hindquarters show width and a good bend at the stifle. Moving out well in all directions but felt she was not show herself of to best advantage in the challange
2 Sharnphilly Toggi with Hookwood JW (Mrs S, Misses L & C Welch, Maber & Hazeltine)
Mature 4 year old B/W bitch, thought she was well developed through the body with super depth, but not quite the balanced elegance of the winner today. Lovely feminine head, with a dark kind eye. Enough neck, super depth to the brisket and nicely filled in in front. Good oval bone to the limbs and well knuckled feet. Her ribcage is well sprung and carried well back to a short firm loin, giving a curvy underline. Topline is firm but falls away a little at the croup. Well developed hindquarters and short hock to heel. A free and positive mover, covering the ground well.
3 Brent Break It Off at Richclass (Miss H & Mr N J Richards)
4 Nightgold Pipkin (Ms A Brooksmith)
5 Millpoint Jolly Good Show at Ladyhawke (Mrs W A Pearson)
Post Graduate Bitch Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1 Lowsmoor Half A Sixpence JW (Mrs A Lowe)
Mature and shapely 3 year old Lemon/W bitch. When stood she show to have lovely substance with a curvy outline. Feminine head, with a good stop, thin well placed leathers. Her strong and muscular neck smoothly flows to a firmly held topline. Chest is well let down, and the forechest well filled in. Her topline is firm and has a good flow to a well set on tail. Good width of thigh to the hindquarters and sweep of stifle. Best mover in the class today, showing good drive with a ground covering action
2 Saregresi Ventulus Lemon Drop at Collholme (Imp Hun) (Mr D T & Mrs J A Collins)
Different stamp to this 4 year old Lemon/W bitch. Built on a smaller frame than winner and more refined all through. Feminine head, with a good stop, and dish, well placed thin leathers, would like a fraction more length to the foreface for complete balance. Good length of neck, enough depth and spring to the ribcage. Sinewy oval bone and well knuckled feet. Muscular hindquarters and a decent width to the thighs. She was really unsettled on the move so not showing herself off to advantage
3 Waterton Remember Me at Pencaire (Mr C & Mrs J Phillips)
Limit Bitch Entries: 16 Absentees: 3
1 Raigmore Worth The Wait (Mr J & Mrs P Tibbs)
Super 3 year old O/W bitch, who is a picture of elegance and class. Having an air of nobility about her yet has strength and is workmanlike. Thought her to be very smart and stands fore square over plenty of ground when stacked. Loved her flowing outline, so elegant and balanced. Her body lines are curvy with the right amount of substance to give a balanced silhouette. Feminine head, which is well proportioned, good length to the foreface slightly concave, well defined stop, neat fine leathers and a kind dark eye. Her long muscular neck flows into a firm topline, with a bee sting tail. She is deep in the brisket and nicely filled out in front. Lovely oval bone, and a slight slope to the pasterns. Her underline gentle curves up to a strong and short loin. Muscular and strong hindquarters show a width of thigh and good bend of stifle. She has a free flowing movement, covering plenty of ground and being true fore and aft. Delighted to award her RBCC
2 Wilchrimane Pirouette (Mrs & Miss A Siddle)
Another classy bitch, 5 year old O/W. Loved her but felt she wasn’t giving 100% today. She has a little more range to her outline than winner, with good substance and retaining her elegance. Lovely head piece, balanced and proportionate, and having such a gentle expression. Long slightly arched neck, deep in the brisket and nicely filled in in front. Good oval bone and neat feet. Firm topline and correct set on of tail. Liked her strong and muscular hindquarters as they are wide in the thighs with a good bend at the stifle, and being short hock to heel. A lovely mover showing power reach and drive
3 Millpoint Sound Wave JW (Mrs J M Harrison)
4 Medogold Bamalam at Heartbury OSW JW ShCM ShCEx (Mrs V & Mr M, Mr K Norbury & Adams)
5 Symitry Iced Ginger (Mrs C A Isherwood)
Open Bitch Entries: 8 Absentees: 4
1 Sh Ch/am Ch Bookstor Fabello Kinky Boots (Imp Usa) (Miss C, Mrs C, Mr H, Mrs K, Miss A & Mr M Hazeltine, Razzell, Spey, Oldfield & Lopes)
Upstanding and impressive in her stature this 5 year old O/W bitch certainly cuts a fabulous outline when stood. Her lines are so graceful, feminine and has that balance of strength and elegance combined. Lovely head, well proportioned and feminine, good length to the foreface, nicely chiselled, with such expressive eyes. Her long slightly arched neck runs smoothly into her firm strong topline. Chest is down to the elbow and with enough fill in of forechest. The ribs are well sprung and carried well back to a muscular loin. Super hindquarters, wide and muscular with a nice sweep of stifle. And she can move, in profile she eats up the ground with lovely reach and drive, unfortunately today was a little untidy in her front action coming towards me and paid the price of a top award
2 Sh Ch Sharnphilly Serendipity JW (Mrs S, Mr M, Mrs S & Mr B Oddie, Dyer & Coles)
Top quality 3 year old B/W bitch, and litter sister to my DCC. Lovely outline, so shapely and graceful yet I felt she wasn’t showing that ‘look at me’ of the winner today. She is very smart with good balance and construction, each part flowing seamlessly into the next. Beautiful feminine head, balanced with a lovely dark eye. Her neck is clean long and muscular, brisket is well let down to the elbow and with a good fill in. Nicely boned limbs slight slope to the pasterns. Firm in her topline where the ribs are well back. Strong rear end, good width of thigh and well bent stifles with well let down hocks. Moving in harmony with her handler but not the precision today fore and aft, loved her side gait very free flowing
3 Millpoint Simply Scrumptus JW (Mrs J M Harrison)
4 Medogold Tartini with Sonham OSW JW ShCM ShCEx (Mrs A D Matthews)
Special Beginners Bitch Entries: 7 Absentees: 1
1 Hawkfield Scandalous (Mrs N Klaiber)
Repeat Yearling Bitch
2 Moenfair Tinpenny Tod Tails (Ms K Tregaskis)
7 year old B/W bitch, shown in lovely condition and looking a pleasing shape when stood. She has good substance and yet refined. Her head has a balanced profile, but lacks a little work to it, good length to the foreface, and a dark eye give a kind expression. Lovely, long and elegant neck, flowing and firm topline. Good depth to the brisket, with a well sprung rib cage, short coupled with a strong loin, not quite the fill in of forechest of winner. Hindquarters in good muscle tone. Showing a nice side gait on the move, a little untidy coming towards me.
3 Lundgarth Everest (Mrs S E Booth)
4 Keepersfield Giselle (Mrs & Miss Cooper & Pearson)
5 Millpoint Heart and Soul (Ms J Dunn)