• Show Date: 10/08/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Jane Eyeington Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

United Retriever Club

Breed: Retriever (Chesapeake Bay)

United Retriever Club

Chesapeake Bay Retrievers

Judge – Mrs Jane Eyeington (Meadowdale)

10th August 2022

My sincere thanks to the committee of the URC for their kind invitation to judge at this prestigious show. Held with the backdrop of the beautiful Malvern Hills. It was a very hot day, some dogs and handlers coped better than others. A huge thank you to all the exhibitors for the pleasure of your lovely dogs, they are all a real credit to you. Temperaments of all the dogs were super, and the sportsmanship around the ring was lovely to hear. Thank you to my very efficient stewards ensuring the smooth running of the ring.

Class 76. Veteran (7+ Years) Entries: 4 Absentees: 0

A lovely class to start the day

1st Place 395 - Sh Ch Next Generations Chesepi Range Rider (Imp Usa) (Mrs M A Barker)

Impressive 7 year old dog, quite majestic in his bearing. Strong and upstanding and showing himself off to advantage in this lovely class. Masculine head, pleasing in his expression. Strong neck leading to a well developed ribcage, showing depth to the brisket and nicely filled in forechest. Forelegs straight and well boned. Liked his strong short loin, and well muscled hindquarters. Moving out freely and happily with his handler. Coat short and harsh of the correct feel and texture - BV

2nd Place 406 - Sh Ch Arnac Bay Flax (Mrs C S Mayhew)

Very attentive and outgoing 9 year old bitch, just loved her personality, full of joie de vivre. When stacked she is well balanced and proportionate. Lovely head, feminine with a keen and gentle expression. She is well developed in her forequarters, with depth and well toned. Ribs are carried well back with a strong loin, strong hindquarters finishing with an ever lashing tail. Moving out soundly, but today not quite the rear drive of winner, but that was just splitting hairs!

3rd Place 425 - Oakmarsh Acorn VW (Miss K Watts)

4th Place 394 - Sh Ch Chesepi Santana (Mrs M A Barker)

Class 77. Special Working Entries: 4 Absentees: 1

1st Place 408 - Ch/lux Ch/dutch Ch Penrose Incredible E'19 (Mrs J Morris)

Eye catching and impressive stamp to this dark brown 5 year old dog. One I have admired and done well for in the past. Today he seemed to be affected by the intense heat and not preforming as I have seen him. There is no mistaking his gender, he is all male, strong and muscular. Stacked he has lovely overall balance, showing to be well proportioned with good ratios. Masculine head, with such a kind and gentle eye. His strong neck flowing seamlessly into a well held topline. Deep in body with the chest down to the elbow, a gentle rise to the underline, and a strong firm loin. Well muscled hindquarters with a good width of thigh. He moved soundly but unfortunately without much enthusiasm today. Super coat and condition

2nd Place 391 - Arnac Bay Grouse of Eastering (Mr Vr Acheson)

A really honest and workmanlike 7 year old bitch. Liked her overall shape when stood, as she presented a balanced outline. Proportionate in her head, with a good length to the foreface. Clean strong neck, lovely depth and spring to the ribcage. Well boned limbs with nicely arched toes. Like her strong and wide quarters, which were well muscled and put to good use on the move, just a shade close behind.

3rd Place 412 - Franeo Original Long Gunner at Pixiesrock (Miss L & Mr D Murch & Davis-Jones)

Class 80. Junior Dog Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1st Place 393 - Pixiesrock Maestro Cadenza (Mrs F C Bament)

Well grown 14 month old dog. Maturing nicely with everything in the right place, just needing to finish. He has a well proportioned masculine head, with good width to the backskull, and corresponding length to the foreface, well toning eye. Clean strong neck and super depth, standing on well boned legs and nicely rounded feet. Well muscled hindquarters. Moving out true, but today not showing the drive from the rear. Presented with a good textured coat

Class 81. Yearling Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1st Place 413 - Next Generations Arnac Arctic Storm (Imp Usa) (Miss L & Mrs C Murch & Mayhew)

Really liked this 18 month old dog, He has a pleasing outline on the stack, well balanced with unexaggerated body proportions, still needing to finish maturing, but already presenting a very nice silhouette. He has a handsome head with a clean foreface of good length, and well shaped eye to give an intelligent and gentle expression. Muscular neck, good depth and forechest, firm in topline, hindquarters have a good sweep of stifle and width to the thigh. Moving out with correct footfall and power from the rear. Coat is dense and thick

2nd Place 415 - Riptide Decoy Duck (Mr R & Mrs S Playle & Thomas)

Well, the heat did not faze this 22 month old dog, he was full of beans. What a delightful character he was. Another nicely shaped young dog with much to offer just a little rangy at present, again needing to finish to complete the picture. Masculine head, using his ears well to give a cheeky and alert expression. Good length of neck, enough depth, not quite the forechest of winner at the moment. Well angulated hindquarters, which he used to bounce around the ring, once settled he showed his true action. Coat a little patchy at present, but of a good texture

Class 83. Graduate Dog Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1st Place 418 - Chesepi Ulysses (Mr D N Rigby)

Happy and outgoing 5 year old dead grass dog, built from a smaller mould but with well developed body. He has strength to his head, broad in backskull, eyes toning well with coat colour being a clear amber. Strong neck, very deep in brisket and well developed in forechest, but not quite the balance with leg length. Ribs carried well back with a short strong loin. Showed plenty of drive in his profile movement, just a little untidy in his front action. Presented with a good short harsh oily coat

Class 84. Post Graduate Dog Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1st Place 392 - Great River Ticino of Eastering (Imp Ita) (Mrs F C J Acheson)

Very clean and sound 2 year old dog, medium sized and presents a totally balanced picture when stood. Gives the impression of strength, but not overdone. Well balanced head, of good proportions. Strong neck, well developed in forechest with lovely spring to the ribcage and depth to the brisket. Short and strong loin, hindquarters are well muscled. Holding his outline on the move, with precise and powerful strides, did tend to fly his tail a little.

Class 85. Limit Dog Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1st Place 419 - Chesepi Waco (Mr D N Rigby)

Very smart 4 year old dark brown dog. Thought him to be very well balanced and unexaggerated. He has strength and substance in a neat, compact and workmanlike package. Masculine head, which is nicely proportioned, correct amount of stop and clean in the flews. His neck is strong and muscular, he has lovely depth to the ribcage and with a good development of forechest. Liked his flowing underline and short strong loin leading to his well muscled hindquarters. His balanced angulation fore and aft allowed him to move showing reach and drive in profile and true in his footfall. Presented with a good dense harsh coat - RCC

2nd Place 396 - Glaneils Count On Me (Mr S A & Mrs C L Broomfield)

Happy, keen and alert dog who is coming up 3 years of age. He has a lovely masculine head, good length of foreface and a kind toning eye. pleasing length of neck flowing smoothly into his well held topline. Has enough depth to the brisket, but not quite the ribcage of winner. Would like a fraction more width of thigh. Moving out well, carrying his tail a little higher

3rd Place 403 - Arnac Bay Invincible for Dunakitts (Mrs K Duncanson)

Class 86. Open Dog Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1st Place 405 - Sh Ch Arnac Bay Huron at Bergelle JW (Miss M V, Mr J & Mr J Mahon, Hunns & Newton)

Cracking 4 year old, who I have not judged since he was 6 months old, delighted to see that he has blossomed and matured into a lovely example of the breed. He has an impressive stature when stood, proud and strong. Lovely head piece, with good width to the backskull but not overdone, kind well toning eye to give an intelligent expression. Strong muscular neck of good length flowing into his firm and well held topline. Deep in brisket with a lovely forechest. Standing on well boned limbs and well arched toes. He has a lovely width of thigh and bend of stifle which helps to drive around the ring, at times with a little too much enthusiasm! Shown in super coat and condition – DCC & RBOB

2nd Place 404 - Migwell Soloman's Puzzle (ai) (Mrs C J Griffin-Woods)

A lovely 5 year old dog, with so much to admire, unfortunately the heat seemed to have zapped his enthusiasm today. Stood, he has a lovely outline, so balanced and functional. Masculine pleasing head, which is well proportioned, with a gentle expression. Liked his substance all through, deep in the body, lovely bone, and strong hindquarters. He moves with a flowing side gait, a fraction closer behind. Shown with a good coat texture

3rd Place 410 - Penrose Nosmo King (Mrs J Morris)

Class 87. Puppy Bitch Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1st Place 411 - Penrose Razzamatazz (Mrs J Morris)

What a little poppet. Lovely 9 month old dark brown bitch. She is so well balanced for one so young. Most appealing in her outline, shapely but functional and unexaggerated. Feminine head, showing good proportions, right amount of stop and clean flews. Her strong neck flowing seamlessly into a well held topline. Chest is down to the elbow and nicely filled in forechest. Standing on well boned legs. Moving out soundly in all directions. Lovely coat texture dense and harsh - BP

2nd Place 398 - Glaneils Don’t Worry Be Happy (Mr S A & Mrs C L Broomfield)

Much to like on this 10 month old bitch, loved her happy go lucky attitude, full of fun and mischief. She has all the essentials there, just needing time to come together. Feminine head, but still needing to break, good length to the muzzle and eyes toning well with coat colour. Liked her depth and spring of rib which are carried well back and short in couplings. Strong hindquarters, with a well bent stifle and width of thigh. Today just not quite as coordinated on the move as winner

Class 88. Junior Bitch Entries: 3 Absentees: 1

1st Place 420 - Oakmarsh Indian Dream Maker for Cravessa (Mr C R & Mrs V M Searles)

Liked the overall size and shape of this 15 month old bitch. She has lovely substance all through and displays good proportions. Pleasing head that is coming along nicely, clean cut, with a kind eye. Good length of neck, deep in the brisket with a well sprung ribcage. Correct topline with hindquarters slightly higher. Well developed rear, with good width of thigh. Moving out soundly, just started to lose enthusiasm in the next class. Good dense coat texture

2nd Place 424 - Oakleaf Manor Bay of Oakmarsh (Imp Deu) (Miss K Watts)

Of a different stamp to winner, this 14 month old sedge bitch has a little more range to her outline at present. She is workmanlike and agile, as well as being keen and alert. Balanced head shape, with good proportions and length to the foreface, eyes clear amber to tone well with coat. Good length of neck, enough depth, not quite the fill in of forechest of winner. Lovely hindquarters, wide and strong with a good bend of stifle. Having more sparkle on the move, but not quite as clean in her action today. Shown with a good coat texture

Class 89. Yearling Bitch Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1st Place 416 - Riptide Whistlin Duck (Mr R & Mrs S Playle & Thomas)

Lovely type and overall balance on this 21 month old bitch, with pleasing body lines and substance. Feminine head with a kind expression. Good length of neck, flowing tidily into neat shoulders. She has depth and strength to the ribcage and well developed forechest. Standing on well boned limbs and well arched toes. Strength in her rear, which she used to power round the ring, just needs a little more confidence to show herself off to best advantage. Lovely coat texture, harsh and dense

2nd Place 420 - Oakmarsh Indian Dream Maker for Cravessa (Mr C R & Mrs V M Searles)

Repeat Junior

3rd Place 424 - Oakleaf Manor Bay of Oakmarsh (Imp Deu) (Miss K Watts)

Class 91. Graduate Bitch Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1st Place 420 - Oakmarsh Indian Dream Maker for Cravessa (Mr C R & Mrs V M Searles)

Repeat Junior

Class 92. Post Graduate Bitch Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1st Place 402 - Pixiesrock Queen of Hearts at Elwistone (Miss J & Mr D Coppin & Davies-Jones)

Pleasing dark brown bitch coming up 3 years of age, and the fully mature picture. She has a compact and balanced outline when stood. Feminine all through, balanced head shape, taping nicely, with a good width to the back skull, complimented with a lovely dark eye. Strong neck, deep in brisket with a super spring to the ribcage, short coupled and well muscled hindquarters. Positive and true in her movement

2nd Place 420 - Oakmarsh Indian Dream Maker for Cravessa (Mr C R & Mrs V M Searles)

Repeat Junior

Class 93. Limit Bitch Entries: 5 Absentees: 0

1st Place 401 - Dallandor Jocasta (Miss J & Mr D Coppin & Davies-Jones)

Very smart 5 year old ash bitch, so much to like and she shows herself off with great style. When stood she cuts a shapely silhouette, with plenty of substance and bone, but nothing is overdone. Having strength to her head but retaining her femininity, with a clean toning eye, well placed ears. Flowing nicely from nose to tail. Super depth to the ribs, which are carried well back to a short strong loin. Well muscled hindquarters which she used to drive around the ring with positive footfall. Dense and harsh oily coat finishing the picture.

2nd Place 427 - Oakmarsh Freedom (Miss K Watts)

Another nice bitch close up to winner. 4 year old brown bitch very feminine all through. Loved her keen and alert demeanour, so willing to please. Liked her head, feminine and balance in its proportions. She has a well shaped eye with a toning colour, clean thin lips. Good length of neck, nicely developed forechest and deep in the ribs, a fraction longer in loin than winner. Well angulated hindquarters and in good muscle tone. Moving with enthusiasm and power. Presented in good coat and condition

3rd Place 421 - Arnac Bay Gamble (Mr D & Mrs T Thompson)

4th Place 414 - Arnac Bay Grebe with Riptide (Mr R & Mrs S Playle & Thomas)

5th Place 397 - Glaneils Cut Your Groove (Mr S A & Mrs C L Broomfield)

Class 94. Open Bitch Entries: 5 Absentees: 2

1st Place 407 - Sh Ch Arnac Bay Hebe Europe'22 (Mrs C & J Mayhew & Middleton)

Lovely bitch from any angle, one who just oozes quality and breed type. Super balance and construction to this 4 year old bitch, she has a beautiful flow from nose to tail. Her silhouette when stood is shapely and full of quality, yet of an honest workmanlike bitch. Most feminine of heads with a delightful expression, keen and alert. Standing fore square, she displays the correct ratios and balance, having the desired amount of substance and bone whilst being athletic. She uses her strong muscular hindquarters to drive around the ring, showing power reach and drive. Her coat is short harsh and has that slight oily texture. Delighted to award her CC & BOB, congratulations on going on to win RBIS

2nd Place 422 - Arnac Bay Harvest (Mr D & Mrs T Thompson)

Wow, what a fabulous litter this was. Litter sister to the winner, and with many of the same super qualities. When stood looks an absolute picture, well balanced and very feminine. Her body lines are clean and sound, with strength and substance. Lovely head, well proportioned, with a kind toning eye, well placed ears to give a kind expression. Her strong neck seamlessly flowing into a well held correct topline. She has lovely depth to the brisket and spring to the ribcage, gentle tuck up and short strong loin. Having strength and width to the thighs with a good bend of stifle. Shown in good coat and condition. Lovely to watch on the move, flowing around the ring, just not quite as clean as winner in front today - RCC

3rd Place 409 - Penrose Let Fly (Mrs J Morris)