• Show Date: 05/08/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Jacky Macandie Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Paignton & District Fanciers' Association

Breed: Belgian Shepherd Dog (Groenendael)

Paignton Championship show

Firstly I would like to thank the officers and committee for my invitation to judge both Groenendael and Tervueren and for putting on such a successful show. Also thank you to the exhibitors for their entry and for bringing their dogs, some from very long distances, for me to judge. I was delighted with my main winners on the day, whose quality was outstanding but felt overall as breeders we need to watch our construction and head type and expressions in general.



Mrs & Miss Coopers Domburg Cant Stop Me

Super young male who shows great promise for the future. Very elegant with excellent body shape, short coupled with good length of leg, excellent tuck up and good accentuation of the wither, good bone and substance. Balance and correct angulation front and rear. Coat of good texture with ruff just beginning to appear. Nice arch to his neck leading into a short firm topline with well round croup. His head is clean and dry, good wedge shape with good chiselling under the eye, is of correct scull to muzzle proportions with excellent parallels, very dark expressive eyes nice almond shape and obliquely set giving a super expression. Tiny, triangular ears well set on the head and well used. He moved beautifully with good drive from behind and with correct extension in front, tail carried well on the move. Excellent and typical character. Delighted to award him the RCC and will watch his career with great interest.

Post Grad Dog


Limit Dog

Both of these young males need time to develop and I am sure will change places many times in the future.

1st Revloch Quentin Tarantino (IKC) ***

Tall elegant male very much at an in-between stage both in his body development and coat, needs to mature and develop in body and grow his adult coat. Good bone and substance, short coupled with good firm top-line, sloping croup, good accentuation at the wither, a tad narrow in front and needs to drop in chest, angulation very minimum in front, just sufficient rear. His head is long and elegant nice flat cheeks, well split mouth and good pigmentation, nice dark eyes, good parallels, ears a little tall but well positioned. Movement was very restricted in front and moving narrow in front. Excellent character.

2nd Xanova Beowolf

Medium sized male with good bone and substance, again at a very in-between stage in terms of body development and coat, short coupled, with a nice firm top-line and well rounded croup. Neck a little short. Nice underline with good tuck up. Head is medium length with slightly rounded skull and is a little deep through scull to muzzle. Eyes are good shape giving a nice expression, well split mouth with good pigmentation. Balanced angulation front and rear, movement good going and coming but lacked a little extension and drive in profile. Excellent character and showmanship.

Open Dog

Debruix Blue Print

Superb young male who has a great future ahead of him. He is so very typical with so much to like about him. He has a wonderful silhouette so typical of the breed. Excellent body shape, with good height at the wither and good underline and tuck up, excellent supple and well arched neck giving a proud head carriage. Firm top-line with good croup. Excellent coat texture with stand off properties. Balanced and correct angulation front and rear. He excels in head type, it is very dry with flat cheeks, excellent parallelism, excellent chiselling under the eye, excellent scull to muzzle ratio with correct emphasis on muzzle length, well split and drawn back mouth with excellent pigmentation. His eye shape, colour and expression are exactly what I look for in a Belgian Shepherd, the eyes are beautiful dark, almond shaped and obliquely set, the expression is soft, enquiring and melting all at once. His movement is excellent he drops down into his stride and moves with a quick light action, correct extension front and rear covering the ground with ease. A wonderful representative of the breed who I was Delighted to award CC and BOB

2nd Jetaime Higher Love **

Medium sized masculine male, with good bone and substance. Excellent coat well fitting and of good texture, excellent ruff. Body shape is good with Short firm topline with well rounded croup, good underline and tuck up good depth of chest. Slightly narrow in front. Angulations, balanced front and rear. Head is medium length and needs more refinement, slightly deep through, well split mouth with good pigmentation. Eyes are dark of good shape but could be more obliquely set. Ears of good shape and well positioned and used on the head. Movement good going slightly restricted coming and needs more front extension in profile. Presented in excellent coat and condition and super character.


Puppy Bitch

Xanova She's the One

Super 7 month puppy with a lot to like about her and a bright future I suspect. Very typical body shape, so short, with already good height at her withers, nice top-line, underline needs to develop but she has plenty of time, good bone and substance, very feminine and sweet. A real show girl who presented herself with ease every time I looked at her in the challenge line up. Pretty well balanced head which still has time to refine and develop chiselling, lovely length of muzzle well split mouth, lovely dark eye of good shape and with a super expression, nice neat ears which she used constantly. Moved well both coming and going, obviously needs to develop strength and drive in this area but has plenty of time. Such a wonderful little character, who showed like real professional in the challenge delighted to award her RCC.

Junior Bitch

Domburg Cant Say No to Cairbar ***

Beautiful young bitch who excelled in breed type. Elegant with good length of leg, a wonderful body shape and correct Belgian silhouette. Excellent accentuation of the wither, with lovely arched supple neck, leading into a firm topline, underline and tuck up excellent, good depth to chest, nicely rounded croup. Excellent coat texture. Head is excellent, very dry, of good scull to muzzle proportions, excellent parallelism, beautiful well split mouth with good pigmentation, nice flat cheeks, excellent chiselling under her eye, she excels in her eyes and expression, which are of excellent shape, obliquely set giving a wonderful melting expression, ears triangular slightly wide at base, well used could be slightly higher set. Correct angulation front and rear. She moved with good drive, with a quick very light action correct extension front and rear. Good bone and substance excellent showmanship and presentation delighted to award her the BCC.

Post graduate Bitch

1sr Chatmar Shaken Not Stirred(AI)

Nice sized bitch with excellent bone and substance, excellent coat of good texture, good body shape with nice accentuation of the wither, nice arch to her neck, would prefer a little more leg length, a good firm topline and nicely rounded croup. Good underline and tuck up nicely developed forechest. Head is medium length with good parallels, nice chiselling under the eye is of good shape and obliquely set unfortunately on the light side which spoils her overall expression, ears are good shape and well positioned. Angulation front and rear balanced unfortunately she has a tendency to pace on the move and despite trying a few times was unable to access her properly on the move. Nice character just needs some work on her movement.

Limit Bitch

Chimay Vienna***

Lovely tall elegant bitch with lots of breed qualities. Good body shape, short coupled with good length of leg, excellent depth of chest and good accentuation of the wither, nice firm topline, needs more definition in underline and her tuckup, nicely rounded croup. Coat is of good texture but has a tendency to be a little wavey. Her head is very feminine of excellent scull to muzzle proportions with correct emphasis on length of muzzle, good volume through the muzzle and good chiselling under her eye, nice flat cheeks, good parallels, well split mouth. Excellent well shaped and positioned eye, giving a typical questioning expression. Ears a little on the tall side but well positioned on the head and well used. She has balanced and correct angulation front and rear. She moved well with correct extension in front, just needing a bit more drive from behind on the day.

Open Bitch

Hawksflight Picture This***

Another lovely quality bitch with lots to like about her. Excellent body shape with good length of leg, nice underline with good depth of chest and well defined tuck up. Nice firm topline with good accentuation of withers, well arched neck with proud head carriage, well rounded croup, excellent well fitting coat of good texture. Head is good with excellent scull to muzzle proportions, good chiselling, good parallels, well split mouth, eyes are good shape and colour but would prefer slightly closer and more oblique setting to give a more correct melting expression. Ears good triangles, a little wide set. Correct angulation front and rear, moving good both coming and going and with correct extensions front and rear. Beautifully presented with an excellent character.

Veteran Bitch

1st Ch Chrisvale Loving Feeling with Vanistica

Good sized well preserved bitch shown in excellent coat and condition. Slightly heavier in type with excellent bone and substance. Good overall body shape, but would prefer slightly longer in leg and shorter in loin. Lovely neck and top-line, nicely rounded croup, lacking a little in underline definition and tuck up. Head is medium with good length of muzzle, well split mouth, loosing a little pigmentation, slightly rounded in scull and a little deep through, eyes nice colour but would prefer slightly closer and more obliquely set. Correct and balanced angulation front and rear, movement is excellent, she moved with great drive and enthusiasm, covering the ground with ease

2nd Ch Revloch Kiss the Boys (IKC)

Smaller bitch, very feminine and pretty. A little short in leg and unfortunately carrying a little too much weight today which detracted from her overall balance and movement. Nice type with a short body a little too rounded in ribcage, and a little short in neck. Head is very pretty with correct scull the muzzle proportions, good chiselling under the eye, eyes are dark of good shape and well positioned on the head giving a lovely expression, ears neat triangles well positioned on the head. Bite not correct. She laboured and rolled a little on the move due to the excess weight.


Jacky Macandie Hall


Puppy Dog

1st Hawksflight Dutch Gold

A nice well grown and masculine puppy of good breed type. Excellent bone and substance with a good body shape and silhouette. Short coupled with nice topline, good height at the withers and well rounded croup, good accentuation at the wither developing, underline already beginning to develop with good depth of chest and tuck up visible. Head is masculine, of good proportions, excellent length of muzzle, chiselling developing well, nice flat cheeks, well split mouth excellent pigmentation, nice dark eyes of good shape and obliquely set giving a pleasing expression. Ears are good, a little tall but well positioned on the head and well used. Coat is well developed, of nice rich colour for age with an excellent well defined mask. Angulations both front and rear are correct and balanced, good length of stride but a little uncoordinated on the move he just needs to strengthen behind to catch up with his front, but has plenty time and is a very promising puppy.

Junior Dog

1st Hawksflight On a Mission

Good sized male of good type, would prefer a little more bone. Good body shape with nice short back and good arch to his neck, nice coat coming in of good texture. Good underline, needs to develop in chest and is a little narrow in front but has plenty of time. His head is good of excellent proportions scull to muzzle, excellent parallels well split mouth with excellent pullback, good pigmentation, lovely dark expressive eyes of excellent shape, nice neat ears well positioned and well used. Well defined excellent mask. Angulation balanced front and rear, moved well on the day but could do with more strength and drive from behind to complete.

Post Graduate Dog

1st Domburg Cuz I Can

Tall elegant and very typical grey male who is very much at an in-between stage both in body and coat. Excellent body shape with good length of leg and excellent accentuation at the wither. Very short firm top-line, slightly sloping croup, excellent definition in underline with correct depth of chest and excellent tuck up. Coat is of excellent texture just needs to be more profuse and a more developed ruff to set off his head. He has an excellent well defined mask. His head is of excellent with correct scull to muzzle proportions, very dry with excellent chiselling under the eye, well split mouth, eyes are excellent shape and obliquely set, I would prefer they were darker, but he still gives and excellent expression. Angulations balanced front and rear, a tendency to high step a little on the move, perhaps a little more ring experience will settle him on the move.

2nd Shepherds of Paradise Pretty Boy (IMP) Fra

Another tall elegant grey boy who is again at the inbetween stage. Very similar in body shape to the winner, good length of leg and very short firm top-line with good accentuation of the wither, slopping croup. He needs to develop and drop more in chest, nice tuck up. Front angulation a little steep rear sufficient. Head is excellent again with good length of muzzle and well split mouth, lovely dark eyes good shape and obliquely set, nice expression, neat triangular ears well positioned and well used. I would prefer a better definition in his mask. A little upright in both front and rear angulation and he therefore lacks extension front and rear.

Limit Dog

1st Domburg Verstappen Makes a Move

Very elegant red male of excellent breed type who again needs a little more time to develop to his full potential. Tall with good length of leg and an excellent body shape. Excellent underline, good depth of chest and tuck up well defined, short firm topline with excellent height at the wither with an excellent and very typical pick up and attitude. Coat needs time to further develop but is of good texture and colour and with stand off properties. His head is excellent, long lean and dry, with correct skull to muzzle ratios, excellent chiselling, lovely flat cheeks, and correct parallelism, well split mouth, eyes are excellent dark, almond and obliquely set, giving a super expression. Ears a re neat triangles and well set on the head. Mask is well defined. Angulations are balanced front and rear and movement is quick, light and economical a very worth RCC

2nd Domburg New Demand

Tall red male I am sorry to say unfortunately for me lacking in breed type and with obvious head faults. Body shape is good with short back and good depth of chest, good height at the withers, good tuck up and nice arch to the neck, tail is set a little high which spoils his croup. He has balanced angulation front and rear. His head which is the problem for me it is unbalanced and lacks refinement. Parallels not correct slightly domed skull and deep through. Pronounced zygomatic arches, muzzle lacks volume through and chiselling and is weak in under-jaw. Eyes are dark and of good shape could be closer set. Ears are good shape but diverging. Mask needs more definition. His silhouette is spoilt on the move by a gay and crooked tail. Coat of good texture and warm colour. Excellent character.

Open Dog

1st Domburg Say I Can

Wonderfully elegant male, medium sized of excellent breed type. He has a classic Belgian silhouette, with harmonious flowing lines, wonderful body shape with lovely arched neck, excellent accentuation of the wither continuously flowing into a short firm top-line with a nicely rounded croup. His underline is excellent with good depth of chest and a well defined tuck up. Good bone and substance. He has that all essential pick up and Joie di vie that I look for in a Belgian Shepherd, always watchful always alert. Coat was excellent on the day warm colour of correct texture, with good ruff accentuating his refined head. His head is perfectly balanced lean and dry with excellent scull to muzzle ratio, excellent parallel lines, lovely flat cheeks, excellent chiselling under the eye, well split mouth with excellent pull back. His eye and expression are excellent, dark, excellent shape obliquely set and expressive, he speaks to me with his eyes, questioning and melting at the same time. Ears a little tall but well set and used. Balanced angulation front and rear. A little unsettled on the move at first but once in his stride covered the ground with ease with a quick light action. One point I would prefer he were moved on a longer lead to allow him to extend and show off his movement to advantage. Excellent character who I was delight to award the CC

2nd Hawksflight the Phoenix (Aw(G)

Smaller male of a completely different type, deep red colour with excellent well fitting coat and an abundance of overlay. Body shape generally good, short coupled with a firm topline but I would prefer more length of leg. Nicely rounded croup. Would prefer more neck. Lacked a little definition in underline on the day. Head is medium length with good chiselling under the eye well split mouth, stop a little pronounced, eyes are dark of good shape and expressive, neat triangular ears well positioned and well used. Very alert and enquiring. Moved with drive and enthusiasm.

Special Beginners Bitch

1st Shepherds of Paradise Rich Girl (Imp) Fra

Petite bitch of excellent type very sweet and feminine. Nice little body shape with excellent underline and good tuck up. Short coupled and with a firm top-line, nicely arched neck. I would prefer a little more bone. Mask well defined and nice warm colour, coat texture correct and beginning to develop. Her head is excellent balanced scull to muzzle ratio and very clean and dry with good parallels and flat cheeks and good chiselling under the eye. Eyes are dark expressive and of good shape, well positioned on the head. Neat triangular ears which she used constantly. Correct angulation front and rear she moved well both coming and going and held her topline well on the move. A nice little female.

Junior Bitch

1st Hawksflight Enigma at Ered

Medium sized female of good type. Nice body shape with good underline and tuck up, just needs to develop a little more and drop in chest. Good firm topline and excellent croup, nice arch to her neck with good head carriage. Good coat colour and texture and excellent definition in mask. Her head is of excellent proportions, with good length of muzzle well split mouth with good pullback excellent pigmentation. Eyes are excellent of good shape and obliquely positioned on the head giving a pleasing soft expression. Chiselling come in under the eye Ears are of good shape and well used could be higher set. Balance angulation front and rear, she moved easily around the ring but I felt just needed a little more extension in front.

Post Grad Bitch

1st Domburg New Love at Willowfrost

Tall elegant bitch with good bone and substance. Nice body shape with good length of leg nice firm top-line a shade long in loin, good croup, needs to develop further and drop a little in chest. Nice arch to her neck and proud head carriage. Head has good length of muzzle but lacks a little volume through the muzzle and is a little weak in underjaw. Well split mouth with good pull-back. Eyes are medium brown of good shape and well positioned on the head. Ears are a little tall, firm triangles but could be higher set. She has good front and rear extension the move but loses her topline as the tail is carried a little high. Excellent character and presentation.

Limit Bitch

1st Hawksflight Milady De Winta

Good sized bitch with excellent bone and substance she is overall very balanced and presents a very good overall silhouette. Nice body shape with a very firm topline and good croup, correct underline with good depth of chest and good tuck up, supple arched neck giving her a proud head carriage. Correct angulation front and rear, she also has very good muscle tone. Her head is very balance not extreme in any way but good scull to muzzle ratio and good volume through her muzzle. Good parallel lines and nice chiselling, well split mouth, nice dark eyes of good shape and positioning, she gives a pleasing expression. Neat ears which could be higher set. Coat of good texture and colour with correct overlay for her age, good mask which could be more clearly defined. Moved around with good drive and a quick effortless action very happy to award her the RCC.

Open Bitch

1st Ch Domburg Made By Hawksflight

What can I add to what has already been said about this little bitch she is a super star. She owns the ring as soon as she walks in. No she is not perfect, what is, and yes one could argue this point or that, however if one reads our breed standard she is very difficult to find fault with. She is completely balanced is every way, her silhouette shouts Belgian Shepherd it flows harmoniously throughout, she the correct bone and substance for her size, correct coat and texture, correct balanced angulation front and rear, her body shape is exceptional, she has exactly the right accentuation at the wither that I look for, that short firm topline and wonderful arch to her neck and proud head carriage that sets our breed apart. She has a wonderful underline with correct depth of chest and tuck up. Her head is again balanced without exaggeration it is dry clean and with the correct skull to muzzle ratios, her eyes are dark almond shaped and obliquely set, she gives a typically melting expression and she has those neat little triangular ears set high on her head so typical of our breed. Where she really sets herself apart is on the move, she moves completely correctly for our breed, with just the right extension front and rear, she lowers herself into her stride and drives off from behind, keeping a perfectly still and correct topline on the move. She covers the ground with effortless ease and as our breed should, she could go all day at that pace. Her movement is faultless. I was absolutely delighted to award her the CC and BOB and to learn that she won the Pastoral Group and Reserve Best in Show made me very proud on the day. As a breed I feel we should celebrate her achievements in both breed, group and Best in Show rings and acknowledge what she is doing to raise the breeds profile at a difficult time in our breeds history, it takes a very good one, particularly a bitch, to do what she has done so consistently, for so long under both breed specialists and All rounders.


Jacky Macandie Hall