• Show Date: 08/07/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Helena Hutchings-Brooks Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

East Anglian Border Collie Club

Breed: Border Collie

Thank you to the committee of the East Anglian Club for inviting me to judge at such a friendly well organised show and thank you to all of the Exhibitors for your entries, I enjoyed my appointment.

East Anglian Border Collie Club - Dogs

08 July 2022

Judge - Helena Hutchings-Brooks

Minor Puppy Dog (3/0)

1st Domotori & Benyi’s Lucky for you Ritmo De la Noche (Imp)

B/W dog of good size and shape, lovely head shape, well placed and used ear, dark eye. Good reach of neck, good topline, croup and tailset. Well angulated front and rear, moved well.

2nd Shamatova’s Nashdom All eyes on you. 6 month baby of good size and shape for age. Good head shape, dark eye, good front and chest, preferred rear angulation of 1, moved freely.

3rd Cribben’s Nashdom sun in your eyes

Puppy Dog (4/0)

1st Dalby’s Hidden bo fedele amico for axernamoon (imp rus) NAF, BPD. A lovely dog, striking outline, Excellent head, well defined stop. Ear set and used well. Good reach of neck, depth of chest and rib. Topline carried well, well angulated front and rear, moved out freely with drive.

2nd Kempton’s Clan-Abby fly be over to borderbrook (Imp aus) well boned and balanced, preferred body shape of 1. Good head shape, oval eye and pleasing ear set. Correct angulation front and rear, and has a good reach of neck. Firm in topline, moved well in all directions.

3rd Cribben’s Nashdom sun in your eyes

Junior Dog (3/0)

Very close between 1 & 2.

1st Gregory’s Tidespring tonight I’m here at Tonkory. Well balanced and proportioned dog, Pleasing head, dark eye, good width of skull and muzzle, well defined stop and correct oval eye. Excellent neck and topline, Well angulated front and rear, good chest, and well sprung rib. Flowed low & freely on the move, moved with drive.

2nd Oliver & Simmons Simmovon shockwave at tambuzi. Another with a very good head, lighter in eye than 1, ears set and used well. Good proportions overall, not overdone, good reach of neck, deep chest. Preferred front angulation of 1. Firm topline, short, muscular loin and sound rear. Moved out well reach and driving.

3rd Austin & Zolakova’s Huntly forged in steel for hysteps JW (IKC)

Yearling Dog (3/0)

1st Fawcett’s Laceway Don’t stop me now. A lovely dog of good size substance and shape. Pleasing head with dark eye and good earset. Good length of neck and good topline. Well angulated front and rear. Good bone. Moved with drive and a good effortless gait.

2nd Murfet’s Tambuzi stryke of fate. Another with lots to like. Good head and expression, lighter in eye than 1. Good chest and spring of rib. Well angulated front and rear. Moved out with reach and drive.

3rd Barratt’s Pendleway time lord

Novice Dog (5/1)

1st Spurr & Cooper’s Dreamwork my perfect you, pleasing head, good eye and ear, good reach of neck, topline carried well. Well angulated front and rear, would prefer slightly shorter in body. Good bone. Moved out well.

2nd Jordan’s Raesfell cosmic ice for Jakovall. Overall well balanced, another with a pleasing head. Prefer front angulation of 1. Good rear angulation, moved well when settled.

3rd Turn’s God of thunder

Post Graduate Dog (9/0)

1st Geering’s Quintopia fool on the hill. Beautiful dog, lovely size and shape. Pleasing head with good ear set, would prefer a darker eye. Nice reach of neck and topline, excellent shoulder, well angulated front and rear. Topline held well, good croup. Moved out with drive, well handled.

2nd Chance’s Goytre chance to reflect. Another lovely male, with a good neck and topline. Good head and expression. Well angulated front and rear, moved freely with drive.

3rd Armstrong’s Bramblesaz winter revo at bordercharm

Limit Dog (9/3)

1st Lee & Ratcliffe’s Arrodare true legend. Quality dog. Pleasing head, keen alert expression, dark eye of good shape. Well balanced overall proportion, dog of good size and shape. Good angulation front and rear, lovely outline. Well boned, good depth of chest, topline firm and carried well. Moved out freely and effortlessly.

2nd Woodrow’s Arrodare in the zone. Another very well boned and well angulated dog. Lovely head shape, good stop, used ears well and has a correct oval eye. Correct angulation front and rear, another with free and easy movement.

3rd Lee & Ratcliffe’s Arrodare an emotion away

Open Dog (8/1)

1st Green & Ratcliffe’s Fayken I am Legacy, CC This dog just oozed natural quality. Nothing overdone or exaggerated about him. Of excellent size and shape with good bone. Excellent head, correct stop, well set ears, used to best advantage. Dark eye. Good neck and shoulder. Firm topline. Well angulated front and rear. Low set and carried tail. Effortless on the move, moved low and moved freely.

2nd Fawcett’s Sh Ch Laceway ready to rumble, Res CC, another beautiful dog of excellent size and shape. Well balanced with a striking outline. Pleasing head, good head planes, dark eye, excellent ear. Lovely reach of neck, well laid shoulders, good topline and croup. Excellent front and rear angulation, just preferred body shape of 1. Moves well from all directions another with correct effortless gait.

3rd Lee’s Master of Illusion (JW)

Special Members Dog (3/1)

1st Angier, Stacey & Seghezzi’s Aus Ch Wynnlake a drop in the ocean (AI) (Imp Aus)

Beautifully presented dog, good head of pleasing shape. Ear set well and used attentively. Ample length of neck, well held topline. Good chest and spring of rib. Good bone, excellent angulation front and rear, moves out well.

2nd Goytre first edition p-beg Ex. Very different to 1, shorter in body. Good neck and topline, pleasing head with dark eye. Well angulated front and rear another who moved out well.

Veteran Dog (5/1)

1st Haward’s Laceway especially for you. Lovely dog of good size and shape. Excellent head, dark eye, ear used attentively. Good reach of neck and well held topline. Well angulated front and rear. Nice bone, good depth of chest and rib. Moved with drive.

2nd Walters Goytre smokin gun 11 year old male, with good head, eye and expression. Muscular neck, deep chest and good angles. Moved freely.

3rd Lewis’ Shemella dark star

Special Open AOC Dog (5/1)

1st Domotori’s Lucky for you wesley JW (IMP hun) Well proportioned boy of good proportions. Alert expression, good head pleasing eye. Well angulated, strong top-line, correct bone. Free and easy on the move.

2nd Jones’ Windwalker walk me home to sianworth. Another lovely male. Pleasing head, good ear and eye. Good reach of neck, pleasing topline. Well angulated front and rear. Moved well, at one with handler.

3rd Cox’s Foxbarton royal prince

Good Citizen Dog scheme Dog (5/3)

1st Chance’s Goytre chance to reflect, as post grad.

2nd Cox’s Foxbarton royal prince, Sable dog, well balanced, good reach of neck, good angles front and rear. Nice head, correct ear and eye. Well balanced profile, moved soundly.