• Show Date: 30/05/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: graham hill Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Bath Canine Society

Breed: Harrier


Show Results - Hound Group



Judge: Mr G Hill

BEST OF BREED : 6582 FARRAR, Miss C J Evforce Miss Havoc at Henissy

Best Dog : 6581 FARRAR, Miss C J Henissy Fanfare

Res Best Dog : Not Awarded

Best Bitch : 6582 FARRAR, Miss C J Evforce Miss Havoc at Henissy

Res Best Bitch : 6579 FARRAR, Miss C J Henissy Farthing

Best Veteran : 6580 FARRAR, Miss C J Frenzy At Henissy

Class 3272 VD/B (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 6580 Farrar’s Frenzy At Henissy an 8 year old houndy bitch of medium size and build. True front, strong short pasterns, pleasing bone, firm and fit body. Head of pleasing size, shape and proportions with an attentive, keen expression. Strong neck and forequarters. Eager but unsettled on the move.

Class 3275 PGD/B (2 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 6579 Farrar’s Henissy Farthing a rising 3-year-old clean cut bitch in hard condition. Attractive typy head and keen expression. Head set well on strong good length neck. True front although maybe a bit upright. When standing naturally she has a very smart satisfying profile. Better mover of this class.                                                                                             2nd: 6578 Farrar’s Henissy Fancy a lively well covered bitch, litter sister to 1st and slightly more-sturdy. Smart, good shaped and proportioned head set on good length neck. True front, pleasing spring and depth of chest, plenty of body substance, firm top-line and moderate angled strong hindquarters. Needs to behave and be more settled on the move.

Class 3276 OD/B (2 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 6582 Farrar’s Evforce Miss Havoc at Henissy a ‘houndy’ marked and looking 3½ year old bitch who is in firm body and condition. When standing naturally she is of ideal size, having pleasing proportions and she has a workmanlike, fit look. Lovely head which is ‘houndy’ but feminine with desirable breed characteristics. Sound true front, good body proportions and width all through with well-muscled hindquarters, all combining to present a very pleasing outline when standing and moving. Moved the better of those here today. Best Bitch and Best of Breed.

2nd: 6581 Farrar’s Henissy Fanfare litter brother of the two bitches in the previous class. He is of larger make and shape than his sisters. Not settled but was OK to go over. He has a handsome breed typical head, well enough made in front, good width all through. Firm and fit in body. Good length hindquarters with just enough bend of stifle. Overly eager on the move. Best Dog.  

                                                   JUDGE: GRAHAM HILL