• Show Date: 20/05/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: graham hill Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Scottish Kennel Club

Breed: Samoyed


Judge: Mr G Hill

BEST OF BREED : 3015 JONES, Miss Lisa Mair Ch Vandreem Imperial Kazhiya JW

Dog CC : 3015 JONES, Miss Lisa Mair Ch Vandreem Imperial Kazhiya JW

Res Dog CC : 3020 MILNE, Mrs Rachel Lumistarr This Is How We Do It

Bitch CC : 2997 COLLINSON, Mr & Mrs Norman & Jacquelyn Ch NIKARA SECRET LOVE BY NORJACK JW


Best Puppy : 3010 GWYNNE, Mrs & Mr Angela &Thomas Rosnorske Royal Amethyst

Best Veteran : 2995 COLLINSON, Mr & Mrs Norman & Jacquelyn Ch NIKARA DIAMOND JUBILEE WITH NORJACK

Class 1650 JD (3 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 3020 Milne’s LUMISTARR THIS IS HOW WE DO IT a smart, typy male who is well developed with conformation and a youthful look. Very attractive head with dark correctly shaped eyes, pleasing alert good shaped ears, sharp dark pigment and possessing the breed’s smiling expression. Sound in front, which I preferred to 2nd, and pleasing forequarters with correct feet; super neck, top line, body proportions and balance all well covered in a thick plush coat providing a lovely side profile picture. Firm, well angulated hindquarters of stable width. Moved soundly with purpose and confidence. My Reserve Dog CC winner.

2nd: 3004 Drummon’s OKI DOKI XSARA’S HOPE AT SASOOLKA (IMP SVK) one who has a masculine, typy head, although head not as refined as 1st, good thick ears of ideal length and nicely rounded, dark eyes of correct shape and pleasing expression. Satisfying pigmentation, good reach of neck, set on a well boned front and sturdy body. Profuse coat & plume. Satisfying in profile with moderate angles front and rear and low hocks. Free moving but needs to be more settled in front action.

Class 1651 PGD (2 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 2999 Dodd’s BONDSMOOR AUTUMNAL BREEZE a very good-looking quality well presented male of pleasing size, proportions, overall construction and shape. Attractive head pleasing eyes shape and pigmentation giving a likeable expression. Shown in good coat and condition and moved out well with purpose and a steady, sound parallel action which edged him over 2nd.

2nd: 3022 Richardson’s SASOOLKA URY (AW4) an upstanding well-coated male who is well boned and well bodied and stands on good feet. He presents a breed typical appearance having size, pleasing proportions of body and balanced angulations in front and rear. Enthusiastic on the move but tended to pace.

Class 1652 LD (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 3005 Fremlin’s JAZZMONTA THUNDER AT ICEWIND mature looking male of pleasing size and shape. He has a well shaped, masculine but breed typical head and expression. Pleasing body substance and proportions but tended to be close in front. On the move he needs to be more controlled in front and have more width behind.

Class 1653 OD (3 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 3015 Jones’ CH VANDREEM IMPERIAL KAZHIYA JW a quality mature breed typical male of striking appearance. Handsome head with dark correctly shaped eyes, correct shaped ears, distinct dark pigment with the breed’s smiling expression. Alert and on his toes the whole time, showing to his best advantage. Sound in front and forequarters, stands on good feet; strong neck, firm top line, mature body which is of good proportions and balance. Presented and shown in commendable profuse coat and condition. He presents an impressive side profile appearance. Strong, angulated hindquarters of proportional width. Moved soundly with purpose and self-confidence. My Dog CC and Best of Breed winner.

2nd: 2994 Cameron & Kirkwood’s AMARIGE ENVY ME TO VANDREEM soundly made smart looking male having plenty of quality in construction and notable breed points. Attractive well-shaped head, dark alert eyes with good length of neck set into a well balanced body having good depth of chest, substance and top line and tail set. Balanced in angulations front/rear; more settled on the move than 3rd.

3rd: 3021 Moody & Haffenden’s CH NOVASKAYA XANDER LEFAY JW

Class 1654 VD (4 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 2996 Collinson’s CH TARONAKITS KENKO WITH NORJACK a mature male presented in good coat and condition; alert and attentive, presenting a very eye-catching standing side profile. Pleasing breed typical head set on a strong arched neck into a sturdy well balanced body. Stands firm on good legs and feet. Moves with purposeful action but needed to settle in forward movement in the challenge.

2nd: 2998 Divers & Divers’ NIKARA DANCING BY THE LIGHT AT MURMANSK ShCM a striking male of good shape and size and well covered in a profuse coat of pleasing texture. Good head shape and eye with mature expression. He has a pleasing side profile with good proportions and he moved freely but tended to toe-in.

3rd: 3024 Wilson’s SAMNOUSKA CHASE THE ACE

Class 1657 PB (4 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 3010 Gwynne’s ROSNORSKE ROYAL AMETHYST a quality youngster of impressive overall appearance. She has an attractive typy head, dark nicely set eyes, ears and expression. Super coat and condition. She is well boned with pleasing body development. Satisfying in body proportions and balanced in outline. She was the best mover of this class. Best Puppy in Breed.

2nd: 2993 Bule’s RADOST ZHIZNI NAHODKA VIA DREAMBIG (IMP RUS) a very  promising bitch puppy who has a quality appearance and is well developed in bone and body, both in substance and shape. Very pleasing head and expression enhanced by her well-defined dark pigment. She has the ‘looked-for’ breed quality and has the promise to develop into an impressive adult. Moved in typical puppy fashion, needing to settle to give of her best.

3rd: 3000 Dodds & Dodds’ BONDSMOOR KISS ME KATE

Class 1659 PGB (5 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 3019 Milne’s LUMISTARR LOVE ME FOR LIFE a good sized young bitch who has an eye-catching appearance being so well proportioned and balanced. She stands ‘four-square’ and presents a striking appearance. She has quality in conformation and pleasing head features with an attentive expression combining elegance and glamour; She moved well enough when settled.

2nd: 3023 Scott-May’s VANDREEM IMPERIAL MACY (AX4) another pleasing quality, well-constructed bitch who is attractive in profile. She is of heavier build in bone, body and head than 1st. Pleasing head shape with well-set correct shaped eyes and dark pigmentation giving a confident expression. Well covered in coat of pleasing length and texture. Tended to pace on the move which was disappointing.


Class 1660 LB (9 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 3018 McGreade’s NIKARA NEVERENDING DREAM FOR FROSTIA a striking quality bitch both in conformation and appearance with ideal proportions and balance of outline. Beautiful head and expression possessing elegance and glamour; She was free moving with a powerful action and having positive drive behind. A contender for top honours in the show ring. My Reserve Bitch CC winner.

2nd: 3001 McCrobbie & McCrobbie-Dalchow MANGATA JADE KNIGHT a smart well balanced bitch who has a satisfying appearance. She is of a pleasing size and side profile. Attractive in head which is breed typical combined with feminine features; alert and friendly expression. She is well boned and bodied and has a parallel front with fore-chest and adequate lay back of shoulder. Moved well enough in front and rear action


Class 1661 OB (4 Entries) Abs: 3

1st: 2997 Collinson’s CH NIKARA SECRET LOVE BY NORJACK JW a profusely coated bitch who has overall pleasing construction and shape both in profile and front on. Shown in commendable condition. I liked her head, eyes, expression and ears both size and set. Head set on a strong, good length neck. Pleasing top line and firm body with a good broad loin and nicely let down hindquarters. All in proportion and balance. Moved out well, freely and with a strong purposeful action. My Bitch CC winner.

Class 1662 VB (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 2995 Collinson’s CH NIKARA DIAMOND JUBILEE WITH NORJACK a 10-year-old mature well coated bitch who belies her years and is a credit to her owner. She of pleasing shape and size and well covered in a profuse coat of correct texture. She has an attractive head shape and dark, good shaped eyes giving a mature expression. She has a pleasing side profile with good proportions and balance. She moved with a free, eager action. Pleased to note she was awarded Pastoral Veteran Group 4.