• Show Date: 06/08/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Glenys Sykes Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Paignton & District Fanciers' Association

Breed: English Setter

Paignton & District Fanciers Association Ch Show

Saturday 6th August 2022


Firstly a huge thanks to all the exhibitors who supported our breed at this show, it was very much appreciated in these rather unpredictable times we find ourselves living in.  Secondly to my wonderful stewards who ran the ring like clockwork.


SB: (2/2)

MP: (1) Littlechild & Danks-Kemish's BOURNEHOUSE NEW YEAR'S SKY OVER RAVENSETT Naf Taf. B/b & tan who just oozed quality with a most delightful character and confidence to boot at such a tender age of 7 months.  So much to like about him, lean, well chiselled head, kind eye, strong neck into text book level back with tail set straight off, round bone, straight front and good tight feet, good width at quarters and turn of stifle.  Presented immaculately and just covered the ground easily, with good head carriage and slashing tail.  One destined for a very bright future.  BPD & BPIB.

PD: (1) Littlechild & Danks-Kemish's BOURNEHOUSE NEW YEAR'S SKY OVER RAVENSETT Naf Taf.




POST GRAD: (3/1)

1. Johnston's WANSLEYDALE BEGUILED OF LOONBRAE.  This b/b & tan is a sound, honest dog in all departments with no exaggerations.  His construction is text book.  Well balance head with kind expression, strong neck into good layback flowing into short level back.  Nicely angulated in front with strong legs right under him and rounded feet.  Deep in body, plenty of heart room.  Strong well angulated quarters and turn of stifle, emphasising his well muscled condition.  Moved happily and soundly carrying his tail correctly.

2.  Collins DYRHAM THE ARTFUL DODGER FROM CHILWORTH.  Upstanding blue shown in full coat and immaculately presented.  Different type to 1, being longer cast.  Pleasing masculine head with kind expression, clean foreface, straight front on strong legs, good deep body.  Lean neck into good shoulder placement.  Seemed to give the handler a hard time in achieving a stand today to his advantage, but nether the less he moved out well. 

LIMIT: (6/1) 

Such a class of quality dogs who no doubt will change positions many times. 

1/ Lawson's WANSLEYDALE DORIAN GRAY JW.  Liked him as a youngster and like him even more now.  Upstanding dark b/b & tan that commands attention on the stand, built on such elegant flowing lines.  Most exquisite chiselled head, clean foreface, melting expression.  Long lean neck into well set back shoulders and level back.  Straight front on strong legs with lovely cat feet.  Deep chest.  Good width quarters and turn of stifle, well set tail.  Presented in lovely condition and in quality full coat.  Moved really well and soundly to take this class and the RCC.

2. Harris & Hoeksema's BRIDGELLA'S FIRST EDITION WITH KONAKAKELA JW Sh.cex. Osw.  Always admired this very eye catching orange.  Most beautifuly well chiselled head, low set ears and kind expression.  Strong masculine neck into good layback of shoulders with legs right under him.  Short level back and strong quarters, short hocks.  Tail well set which he used correctly moving well around the ring, just short of furnishings today to complete the picture. 


OPEN: 3/10

It may be a case of only 2 in the class but what cracking two dogs they were.

1. Danks-Kemish's SH CH RAVENSETT WORK OF ART AT ALOFRANA JW.  Quite aptly named for this very striking and glamorous dark o/b.  He just oozed ring presence.  Masculine head which is well proportioned and has a lovely soft expression.  Low set ears and strong neck into well laid back shoulders, round boned legs set under.  Well sprung ribs and deep chest.  Level topline and well muscled quarters and short hocks.  Tail well set.  He was presented impeccably and when he moved he just owned the ring.  His forward reach and long flowing stride was sound and purposeful as he powered around the ring with slashing tail.  It looked like he could go all day.  No hesitation in awarding him the CC and later BOB.

2. Phillips & Watkins SH CH GLENMAURANGI STAR MAN JW.  Have given this dog BP/BPIS some years back and hoped then he would reach his potential which he certainly has and will continue to gain top awards no doubt.  This ligt b/b/ & tan paints a lovely picture when stood, masculine head with kind expression, strong neck good shoulder placement, deep chest with legs well under, level topline and good width to quarters and strong hocks.  Good tail set and presented in full coat and as usual beautifully presented from this kennel.  He just didn't seem to flow when moving today, making the handler work very hard to get the best out of him.  He moved soundly and true but not with the animation he usually does. 

VETERAN: (2/2)  So lovely to see the veterans, thank you for bringing them. 

1. Osman's BOURNEHOUSE STAR GAZER AT MARISSOLO Sh.cm.  This grand b/b & tan of 8 years looked wonderful today, certainly does not look his years.  In full coat and turned out beautifully.  Classic head with kind expression, strong neck into well placed shoulders, good spring of rib and deep chest, straight front on strong legs, level topline, well set tail.  He moved soundly using his tail although giving his handler a hard time to keep his head from the ground smells!  Credit to his owners.  BVD & BV.

2. Jolley's ANLORY BURANO VIA JOLYMORE. Another 8 year old but o/b with refined head and soft expression, good body properties with front legs well under, short coupled with good bend of stifle and tail set.  Not the furnishings of one but he gave a good account of himself on the move.  Well done. 


SB: (2/1)

1. Hoskin;s MERLEYCOPSE CINDER ELLA TO BAYSTRIDGER.  Very feminine headed b/b/ with melting dark eye giving lovely expression.  Has good body properties, deep chest, good round bone.  Good sweep of stifle.  She seemed more comfortable free standing, yet with more practice and handling the owner could get more out of her.  Moved OK but I get the impression this is all new to her.  Keep going. 

MPB: (1)

Danks-Kemish RAVENSETT WINGS OF AN ANGEL.  Attractive very raw 8 month old dark b/b/ & tan, a little at that awkward stage, up on leg at the moment and expectantly needs to tighten in front.  She does possess the most lovely feminine head with soft expression, good reach of neck into level topline with well set tail which she used beautifully on the move.  Needs time. 

PB: (1)

Montell's CULVERWELL SWEET STEPHANIE.  Attractive light b/b & tan, mature, substantial girl of 11 months.  Pleasing lean feminine head with sof expression.  Straight front.  Well laid back shoulders and good bone.  Deep chest and level back and good tailset.  In wonderful full coat.  Moved soundly and with drive using tail.  BPB.

JB: (2/1)

Beasley's WANSLEYDALE MAYFLOWER.  Most appealing feminine blue of 15 months, who was turned out beautifully.  Well proportioned lean head and kind eye, long reachy neck into well laid back shoulders, short level back, good bend of stifle and correct tail set.  A lot to like about her, when standing she gives a very pleasing picture, moved well, very promising. 

YB: (2/1)

Dennis & Harris & Morgan's MARIGLEN UNWRAPPED.  Attractive light b/b/ & tan of 20 months.  On the stand she shows good angulation in all departments with solid level back.  Feminine head with good eye and well placed shoulders, feet under.  Slightly in between coats but moved well using her tail. 


Montell's CULVERWELL SIGN OF THE ANGEL.  Really liked this mature b/b. Feminine but with substance. Most sweetest head, good eye, reachy neck into good layback, round bone, cat feet, level topline and good width to quarters, which was well muscled.  Tail set well on.  Presented in super coat and condition and moved really well with slashing tail.  

POST GRAD: (6/1)

Ridsdill's SHARNYX ESMERELDA.  Outstanding o/b from any direction, just filled all my requirements.  The best I have ever seen her looking, in full glamorous coat and presented immaculately.  Most pleasing feminine head with good stop and dark expressive eye, long lean neck to text book shoulder layback, legs well under, firm level topline, good width to quarters and neat feet.  Tail well set.  She moved freely on a loose lead, high head carriage, long striding and really drove effortlessly from the rear with level, slashing tail.  No hesitation in awarding her BCC today. 

2. Mugford's ALOFRANA SUGER N'SPICE AT LYNWOOD JW.  Very attractive dark b/b & tan with lovely refined head and dark eye.  A lot to like about her, lean long neck, good shoulder placement and level back with tail set on correctly.  Very neat feet.  Overall a pleasing outline.  Moved out well. 


LIMIT:  (5/1)

Allen& Bott's SORBUS ABOUT LAST NIGHT WITH QUENSHA.  Dark o/b of great substance, shown in good quality coat.  Most pleasing head well proportioned and soft expression, clean foreface, long muscular neck into well set shoulder, deep chest and good round boned legs.  Well sprung ribs and really good sweep of stifle and good width of quarters.  On the move she just stormed around the ring effortlessly with reach and long striding action and slashing tail. 

2. Tucker's WALSHAW SAVE THE LAST DANCE. Very feminine and pretty headed possession dark eye giving soft expression.  Clean neck into good shoulder placement, short coupled, level back and good bend of stifle.  Lovely neat feet.  Not in her best clothes today.  Moved OK.  


OPEN (1)

Loakes' SH CH RACHDALE PAINTED LACE AT GOLDBIRCH.  Have admired her from the ringside before and appreciate given the opportunity to go over her. She did not disappoint.  Most beautiful outline on the stand and presented as all the exhibits from this kennel are - impeccably.  Built on flowing lines, feminine head, soft expression, long lean neck into well laid back shoulders, level topline, good width at quarters, and correct tail set.  She covered the ground quickly and light footed with slashing tail.  So deserves her title and more.  Such a close decision but pleased to award RCC.

VETERAN:  (2/1)

Kerr's FANCHON LAWDY MISS CLAWDY TAFFI (Imp Nid).  This substantial b/b/ grand lady of 10 years, has an overall pleasing shape, deep chest and noticably great round bone and substance.  Honest dog my notes say and she covered the ground soundly.  Lovely to see her enjoying herself.  Credit to the owner.  

Judge:  Glenys Sykes