• Show Date: 02/06/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Glenway Dymock Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Southern Counties Canine Association

Breed: Norwegian Elkhound


Norwegian Elkhounds (no CCs)

Delighted with this non-CC entry of 23 dogs, minus four absentees. As usual with exhibitors in this handsome breed, there was a friendly ringside atmosphere & generous applause for all classes, making this a very pleasant judging assignment. Special thanks must go to my steward Mr Kevan Berry for his invaluable assistance & kindness on the day.

PD (3, 1 absent) 1 BPD, Friend’s Bowerhinton Boromir, 6 months lad with plenty of substance for age, attractive head, ears of good size & shape, alert expression, good depth of chest. Needs to come up on the leg slightly which hopefully will come with maturity, but has all the basics.

2 Launder & Preston’s Cealdstan After Eight, 10 months dog of slightly finer type, good ear shape & set, correct angulation at both ends. Could not match 1 for width through the front. Lovely dark eyes.

JD (2) 1 BJD, McMahon’s Seasara High Flyer, 13 months dog, mature beyond his age, certainly made an immediate impression, quite tall, attractive head with calm masculine expression, good neck, balanced angulation, deep chest, very good square outline, well defined harness marking, moved soundly & with drive.

2 C After Eight.

LD (3, 1) 1 Medhurst’s Ellahyde Fine N'dandi, 7 years masculine dog, typical head & expression, dark eyes, very good earset, level topline, deep chest, good width through the front. Tail good for both set and carriage. Tended to pace a bit on the move at first but eventually settled. A shame he was not entered in veteran as he could have competed in the veteran hound group. Particularly admired his very good muscle tone.

2 Stephenson’s Norvin Marvel of Brawdor, dog of pleasing balance, attractive head, dark eyes, good earset, level topline, square outline, depth of chest OK but could have slightly more substance & a shorter & wider loin. Good tail curl & set. Very good free & active movement.

OD (5, 1) 1 BD & BOB, Cowper & Bingham’s Ch Kestos Rex of Rothenborg, top quality dog of lovely type & balance, used his ears well, ideal body proportions, very good spring of rib & strong loin, really came into his own on the move, so effortless & sound & with excellent head carriage. Delighted to see him win G4 later in the day in the very strong hound group final.

2 RBD, Maun’s Ch Bowerhinton Bassanio, masculine dog of very pleasing type, really liked his attractive head with very typical expression, dark eyes & good earset. Quality bone, deep chest, correct moderate hind angulation. Moved out OK but just preferred the head carriage of 1 which really was splitting hairs. Two handsome champions.

3 Stephenson’s Bowerhinton Bangalore at Brawdor.

PB (2) 1 BP, Mortimer’s Laakso Helli, feminine 6 months baby, lovely type & quality, pleasing head with dark eyes, good earset & attractive expression. Very good body proportions for one so young, stepped out well with good head & tail carriage.

2 Barganska’s Cealdstan Ancestral Voices of Barbelka, feminine 10 months bitch, good eye shape & earset. Well bodied with good width through the front, square outline, clean bone. Not quite the length of stride of 1. Loved her alert & showy outlook.

JB (4) 1 BJ, Tress’ Treskha Tanqueray, very typical & together 16 months bitch, alert & showy, attractive head with dark eyes & good earset, body of good depth, balanced angulation, good tail curl & set, free & active mover with very good head carriage.

2 Southall’s Seasara Hermione, 13 months bitch, well bodied for her age, balanced angulation, used her ears well. Slightly dumpy at the moment but hopefully she will look more square when she gets beyond the puppy stage. Moved out OK & had better substance than those placed below her.

3 Hardy-Wallace’s Brumous A Lyrical Eclipse.

PGB (1) 1 Maun’s Bowerhinton Bright Lady, workmanlike bitch with much to like, darker hue to coat but totally acceptable. Typical head with good ears, eyes & expression. Short straight back, good ribbing, firm loin, quality bone, good tail curl & set. Stepped out with purpose & style.

LB (1) 1 RBB, Maun’s Ch Bowerhinton Bee Portia, top quality bitch of very pleasing type, feminine head & expression, dark eyes, very good earset. Well balanced body with ideal angulation, short loin & strong quarters. Was slightly unruly on the move to begin with but soon settled & looked very typical going around the ring.

OB (3, 1) 1 BB, Mortimer’s Ch Laakso Dana, top quality, well made bitch of very appealing type & balance, so very good to go over with her ideal ribbing, strong loin & excellent forehand including lovely straight forearm. Dark eyes, very good earset, ideal tail with correct central curl, sound & free mover with good head carriage.

2 Tress’ Treskha Just The One, excellent dark eyes & good earset, short back, strong loin, harness marking, correct tail with central curl. Not quite the substance of 1 but used herself quite well on the move despite the hot weather.

Glenway Dymock (Judge)