• Show Date: 03/12/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Gail Wise Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

British Utility Breeds Association

Breed: Miniature Schnauzer

Thank you to the BUBA committee for your kind invitation to judge Miniature Schnauzers at the 2022 Championship show, the wonderful hospitality and super atmosphere making this a most pleasurable day. Also thankyou to the exhibitors for your super entry, many places could have changed as I was spoilt for choice with my top honours. My dog CC and res CC both imports were straight from the ‘Top Drawer’ with backgrounds like these dogs and other quality imports we have in the UK, it is a comforting thought to know that the breed is in a safe place, with greater gene pools for the future.

I was looking for an almost square robust dog, with ribs well back, short coupling and a brick shape head, which I found in many, just don’t forget to clean those teeth!



1st Parker and McDonald’s Violis Storm Tracker.

Super dog to go over, who excels in front construction, head of good length and no sign of broadness, lovely dark eyes with that down the nose expression, super neck to smooth shoulder transition, tails set bang on and carried well, moved clean behind and front action was tidy for is age.

2ND Longdin’s Wellingley Whisky Business,

Compact young baby, who pushed one hard. Loved his front, and depth of ribs, which were well sprung. Good head, neat ears, smooth neck to shoulder transition, good return of upper arm, rear quarters were strong with low set hocks. Just needs to tighten in front movement, but has plenty of time.

3rd Boyles Stornover Rocketman


PUPPY DOG 1(1 abs)


JUNIOR DOG 5(1abs)

1st Sanders and Thomas ZRules Fistikuffs

Super dog whom I’ve been itching to get my hands on and he didn’t disappoint.

Just 13th Months old and oozes quality, right from his beautiful head of equal planes, the darkest of eyes, with a powerful neck, well laid shoulder, good return of upper arm, straight front, depth and plenty of spring of rib, bang on tail set, with good rear, Presentation, smart as paint! Top line held well on the move. His rear quarters were well muscled and powered him round the ring. Pleased to award him the CC

2nd Brown and Duckett’s Starbound Fergal.

An honest dog who is so good to go over. Liked his body shape with deep ribs, well back, flat well laid shoulders, good straight front quarters and moderate rear angles. His head is lean and of good length and super dark eye. His ears just need to settle and he will trouble the best.


3rd Moorcroft’s Tamux Elementary Watson



1ST Parker and McDonald’s Jokerland’s Storm Ahead

Not a big dog but so well balanced. Nice head with neat ears and good expression.

Good front construction with lovely neck to shoulder transition. Super tail, well set on, in lovely harsh coat, He has a powerful rear and moved out well.



2 dogs of varying size and neither putting in their best performance today, so could change places

1st McDermott’s Lichstone Midnight Phoenix, smaller than 2nd place but in balance, a very nice head with neat ears and good dark eyes. His neck flowed into well placed shoulders, holds a good topline on the move, which was tidier than 2nd place. Moved better with tail up and more attitude in the challenge.

2nd Cater’s Lichstone Midnight Robin. Larger frame dog all round but still showing balance, classic head with neat ears, good strength of muzzle, and dark eyes. Quite appealing profile with deep ribs, but rather narrow all through which showed in his movement fore and aft.


LD 4

Very good class and so easily could have changed places.

1ST Parker and McDonald’s Violis Wait N’See,

Super smart dog in great condition, who scored in his sharper outline today. He excels in front construction with plenty of depth, spring of rib and good return of upper arm.. Straight front legs right down to his tight feet. Good head with typical expression. Moved very well fore and aft, with drive.

2nd Hooker’s Lichstone Dream Ticket.

Another top drawer dog, with plenty to like. He has a super head of level planes, dark expressive eyes and neat ears. Strong neck to well laid shoulder, good depth to ribs and well angulated rear. His coat is very harsh, if a little too full today. Moved well with plenty of drive. Pushed winner hard.

3rd Hood’s Starbound What a Deer


OD 6 (2abs) 4 quality dogs to have the pleasure to assess here.

1st Manser’s and Lowton-Humphries Esp Ch Manit’s Nothing Compares 2U Nujax.

Stunning Black and Silver, with the most attractive profile, He has that desired expression with perfect brick shaped head, piercing dark eyes. very short coupled, with deep ribs and good return of upper arm, elbows tight to his deep ribs, and prominent forechest. Super tail carriage and rear angulation His movement was true and with plenty of drive. Pushed CC winner hard, pleased to award him the res CC .

2nd Wood’s Ch Penbro Man About Town.

A very nice dog, who exudes character.

Larger in frame than winner but very balanced. Very good head with lovely length and strength to muzzle. His neck is strong and reachy. Deep ribs and well sprung,

He has a well angulated rear and possesses a super smart outline. His movement in profile is good, but just felt he was pulling away a little from the front today.

3rd Gudgin’s Dayporium The Conjurer at Jennayr.



1st Descere’s Ch Basamart Maybach,

Such a worthy champion, still in super condition. His head is beautiful, with length and no coarseness, very dark eyes and super neat ears.

Good front with depth. His neck flows into well placed shoulders, short- coupled body with a lovely top line. Strong muscular rear quarters motored him round the ring. All topped off with a smart harsh jacket. Best veteran and later veteran group 4. Well done


2nd Mellor’s Beanara Saga at Lyzahro,

How good does this boy look for 10 ½!. His head is moderate, slighter lighter in eye which alters that down the nose expression, he has enough front which is straight, very good coat for texture and colour, movement was good for his age.

3rd Williams Saraswati Bonno Blue with Lyzahro.



1st Moorcroft’s Tamux Elementary Watson.

An up to size black and silver with a good lengthy head, dark eyes and strong muzzle. His neck is good, he has depth to ribs and short coupled . he tends to hunch slightly when being assessed which spoils his outline on the table, but moved out well when settled. Best SPB

2nd Gill’s Wallensis of the Outlaws. Young white with a lovely head, well pigmented, good dark eyes, very neat ears and decent neck, not quite the smooth transition to shoulder as winner but enough depth. Harsh enough coat. Moved ok.



Some really nice up and coming youngsters in this class and places could certainly change.

1st Carvers Oldbashurst Time to Shine. And she certainly did! Lovely super cobby puppy of just 6 months and steady as a rock. She has a lovely head piece of decent length, super dark eyes, and neat ears. Her neck is strong and flowed smoothly into well laid shoulders, short coupled with well sprung ribs, her angulation is moderate and hocks are low set. Her movement was true with good extension and plenty of drive. Just started to tire a little in the challenge.

2nd Longdin’s Wellingley Won Step Ahead.

Sharp crisp outline to this girl, short coupled and deep ribs, lovely front construction, good straight bone carried right down to her tight feet. Not quite the head piece of winner, with super topline and good tail set. Lovely rear quarters which moved her round the ring well, she just needs to tighten a little in front, but lots to like.

3rd Clay’s Silvamin’s Heartbreaker


PUPPY BITCH 6 (1abs)

1st Wood’s Penbro Talk of the Town.

Cracking little pup with so much to like.

Her head is of reasonable length, with neat ears, good dark eyes and correct scissor bite.

She excels in neck which flows well into her shoulders which are well laid, Her front is prominent and her quarters are strong and well muscled. She has depth to her ribs and in a neat harsh coat. She really motored round the ring to win Best Puppy and later puppy group 4 .Well done.!

2nd Woods and Carver’s Penbro Paint the town red with Oldbashurst.

Litter sister to class winner, with many of the same attributes. Loved her head and expression. Her neck is moderate and her shoulders are flat and well laid, with plenty of depth and a cobby short coupled body. Her rear angulation was good and she moved quite well. Just not the sharp outline as her sister today.

3rd Graham’s Nikisan Taters Gonna Tate.



1st Longdin’s Wellingley Won for Mimi

Loved this girl, Good head with true Schnauzer expression. Such a lovely strong neck which flowed into well laid shoulders. Her front is prominent and lovely deep ribs. Short coupled, super top line and tail set, rear quarter were nicely angulated and with good muscle. She moved with such reach and drive, res CC. Certainly one to watch!

2nd Lowton-Humphries and Manser’s Nujax Knowin Me Knowin You.

Close up to winner here, she is so well presented and shows a super profile. Lovely head with good length and strength to muzzle, neat ears, beautiful neck that is strong. She has nice height at withers, and a good return of upper arm. Short coupled with super tail set and carriage. Well angulated rear, and movement was clean and true.

Smart as paint and was unlucky to meet winner here, a very exciting prospect.

3rd White’s Senndango Freya Sunshine



1st Davies Kristec One in a Million.

A nice bitch with the desired head of good length, neat ears, dark eyes and strength to muzzle. She has a good strong neck and well laid shoulders. Short coupled with good spring of rib and a powerful rear, with hocks well let down. Moved well when settled.

2nd McDermott’s Lichstone Midnight Fancy.

Another with good body shape, making a nice profile, excels in front construction, and return of upper arm. The neatest of ears, head of equal planes, and expressive dark eyes. Her coat was good for colour and texture. She moved ok, particularly her front action.

3rd `Barton’s Beanara Sweet Secret


GRAD BITCH 3(1 abs)

2 nice bitches here.

1st Davidson’s Wellingley Way Ahead.

An attractive bitch of good make and shape, she has a lovely head with neat eats and dark eyes. Good straight front, level top line and super tail set, lovely cobby body and beautiful rear quarters, which enabled her to move round the ring with good drive.

2nd Parker and McDonald’s Risepark Spritzer.

Another good bitch, who is lovely to go over, with an attractive outline, very feminine, with a head of good length and strength. Darkest of eyes, a super straight front with prominent fore-chest, and deep ribs well back.

Just needs a bit more confidence of the move, then she will be the full package.



1st Barker’s Barrontoft Bijou Bea.

Admired this bitch from ringside from a puppy, she is lovely to go over. Very smart outline, super head of equal planes, neat ears, good dark eyes giving that typical expression. She has a beautiful front with depth and spring of rib. Loved her rear quarters, she has such good bone, and carries herself well on the move.

2nd Descere Amorevita Persephone.

Lovely black bitch with lots to like. Super head and cracking expression. She has a good body shape with enough spring of rib, off and well off for bone. Her coat is of good texture and colour. Loved her rear quarters, showing good angulation and muscle tone. Moved well.


1st Sanders Zakmayo Put the Kettle On.

Super bitch, in fantastic condition. Beautiful head piece with length and strength to muzzle. Lovely length of neck flowing into well laid shoulders. She has excellent front construction, with prominent fore chest, nice deep ribs that are well sprung. Her rear quarters are well angulated and muscular. She has a lovely tail set and carriage, and moved with good reach and drive holding a level top line.

2nd Boyle’s Stornovar One vision.

Attractive bitch, who has a very smart outline . Just not the head of class winner, but has very neat ears and dark eyes giving that keen expression.

She has a good front with prominent fore chest, shorter coupled than winner, with adequate rear and harsh coat of good colour.Moved well

3rd Carver’s Oldbashurst Easter Time.


OPEN BITCH 7 (2 abs) What a super class of big winners!

1st Braithwaite and Neil’s Ch Soletrader Penny Lane.

This bitch ticks all the boxes for me. Correct size, with a lovely head piece, and desired expression, short coupled with well sprung ribs, tight elbows, good deep ribs. Straight front and prominent fore chest. Height at the wither, Bang on tail set and carried well. Powerful well angulated rear. She just comes alive on the move with such reach and drive and perfect foot fall. Could not deny her the CC and BOB.

2nd Descere’S Ch Amorevita Neris of Fortune.

Another worthy champion, not as compact as class winner but such a lot to like.

Her head is beautiful, with length and strength to muzzle. Piercing dark eyes giving such good expression. Her front construction is first class with smooth neck to shoulder transition. Tail set is bang on and well angulated rear quarters motored her round the ring effortlessly.

3rd Wood’s Ch Penbro Put a Spell on You


Gail Wise