• Show Date: 06/10/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: FELICITY SNOOK Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

South Wales Kennel Association

Breed: Catalan Sheepdog


1. Fieldsend’s Ar’c de VallespInosa to Starwell NAF TAF. Not enjoying his day. I liked his proportions and general outline. Very nice head. Skull correct length with central furrow. Dark eyes and enough neck. Hocks well let down with double dew claws. Correctly set tail. BEST PUPPY.


1. Fieldsend’s Du Domaine des Dhalbergs at Starwell (Fra Imp). I did not realise until later that I had judged this dog a year ago at an open show with a different handler and had made similar notes. I fell in love with him then and have not changed my mind! Excellent example of the breed providing a lovely picture standing. Strong head, well-proportioned with marked central furrow. Round eyes, giving a kind, intelligent expression. High set triangular ears hanging close to the head. Good mouth with black lips and roof of mouth. Correct neck flowing into well-muscled shoulders and prominent withers. Strong, muscular back of correct proportion with level top line, kept on the move. Strong and muscular hindquarters with well-developed first and second thighs. Hocks well let down with double boned dew claws. Very nice smooth movement. In good coat. BEST DOG & BEST OF BREED.

2. Shrieves’ Winarose Wanderin’ Star CPW19 CW22. A very nice mature dog but lacked the style of 1 for me. Correct head proportions with furrow in skull, good width to muzzle. Excellent pigment and eye. Moderate neck and straight front. Presented in fit condition, giving a nice outline with super coat texture. Strong, firmly set double dewclaws. RESERVE BEST DOG.


1. Pickering’s Starwell Here We Go Again to Bouvibear. Feminine head with beautiful expression, well pigmented and dark, expressive eyes. Moderate neck and well laid shoulders. Nicely constructed with firmly set double dewclaws. Moved correctly. Nice tail length, set and carriage. Heavy coat.


1. Bland’s Peregos Bordeaux Beauty at Kiandra. Lovely friendly temperament. Correctly proportioned, expressive, feminine head with good muzzle, dark eyes and well placed, furnished ears. Strong neck and well-muscled shoulders. Good outline and body shape. Good hindquarters with double dewclaws. Good coat condition. Low set tail carried correctly. Moved well. RESERVE BEST BITCH.


1. Bland’s Kiandra Little Maggie. Another bitch with lovely temperament. 7 years old but does not look or act it. Good balance and overall proportions. Beautiful, attractive, feminine head with lovely expression, dark eye, well pigmented, furnished ears and strong muzzle. Straight, clean, front with correct bone, lovely angulation front and rear. Strong, muscular, level top-line with good hindquarters. Double dewclaws. Covered the ground well. BEST BITCH.

Felicity A. Snook