- Show Date: 11/12/2022
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: FELICITY SNOOK Contact Judge
- Published Date: 28/07/2023
Ladies Kennel Association
Thank you so much to the Officers and Committee for inviting me to give CCs in Irish Terriers for the first time. A special thank you to my very hard-working stewards, who had a very long day. I was so pleased with my lovely entry of 43 dogs. Thank you to the exhibitors for the quantity and quality of the entry. I wore a little shamrock I won on the raffle at the Southern Irish Terrier Society show, it helped me along and I really had a wonderful day.
1. Cooke’s Montelle Follow a Star to Lionwood. A lovely puppy, maturing nicely, who I considered for the RCC. Full of substance but free of clumsiness. Well balanced head, long, with a flat skull. His ears were some of the best on the day. Small V shaped ears with the correct amount of lift falling neatly close to the cheek. Dark eyes giving a keen expression. Good length of neck flowing into well laid shoulders. Good fore chest. Well boned straight forelegs and tight, round feet. Deep and muscular chest and strong body. Slightly arched loin. Strong, muscular, powerful hindquarters, with well let down stifles. Giving him good movement with drive. Super harsh, wiry coat BP.
2. Anderson’s Kerrykeel Bradan. Only 6 months old and very much the baby. But very promising. Good head and ear set. Coat developing well. Moved very well.
3. Howarth’s Niddrua Lightning Bolt.
1. Oliver’s Rufous Gubbeen of Cleeve. Another nice-looking youngster, just over a year old. Very balanced with a lovely outline. Well-proportioned, balanced head, flat skull, dark eyes, well placed ears and a large black nose. Good length of neck. Very well constructed throughout, giving a strong body. Muscled hindquarters, giving powerful movement. Well set on tail. Coat of good texture, but not much of it, going through the ’teenage’ spell.
2. Brown’s Sujoncla Pawnee River at Pitsford. Good scissor bite with powerful jaws. Developing well, good muscles and shape, with well let down stifles. Movement not the best today.
1. Martin’s Griffin Galanthus Gunderic. Won on coat texture, which was harsh and wiry, ‘doormat’ type coat. Ears not so good and muzzle appeared longer, but head was OK. He had a lovely outline, well-muscled and fit. Body strong and straight, appeared not so racy as some. Extremely good movement in all directions, reaching out well.
2. Bamsey’s Holbam Shamrock Kevin. Lovely character. Good head, flat skull, well placed and used ears and dark keen eyes with a strong jaw. Muzzle appeared longer than some. Good length of neck. Nice front, with well-set legs, perfectly straight, with plenty of bone and muscle. Well-muscled body and correct arched loin. Could have more stride on the move. Coat could be harsher and wirier.
1. Bradley’s This Way to Montelle. A lovely dog, what a character, full of ‘reckless pluck’! Really playing up his handler on the move, nearly losing his place, as it was so difficult to assess his movement. He had a good, masculine, long well-proportioned head with flat skull. Super ears and dark mischievous eyes. Good neck into well laid shoulders. Good substance and his graceful body line give a pleasing outline. Well presented with super coat texture.
2. Lovelace’s Dearg Morris at Brazan AY3. A smaller dog but well balanced and sound. Good head with super ears and eyes. He also had a graceful body line with everything flowing. Nice harsh, wiry coat. Moved very well. Just smaller.
3. Atwell’s Kerrykeel Conchobhar at Xanwil.
4. Simons’ Saredon Red Berry.
1. Bamsey’s Holbam Celtic Wizard JW. One of my favourites and still a super showman with his ‘daredevil’ attitude, naughty but lovely tempered. Smaller than some, but well balanced. Well-proportioned long head, with flat skull. Dark almond shaped eyes, giving a keen expression, full of naughty intelligence. Wonderful well-set ears, set high on his head with tips correctly pointing to the outer corner of his eyes. Good slope of shoulder, powerful chest measuring to elbow. Moderate length of back, with ribs well ribbed back, good tail set. Strong hindquarters with powerful hocks, giving him good drive. Strong, round feet. Excellent colour of coat, with harsh, wiry texture, lacking a bit in undercoat for perfection. Slight fringe at the side of the neck. Pleased to award him his second CC.
2. Grant-Hewings & Hewings’ Courtington Ten Sovereigns. Another very nice, balanced dog with substance. Super length of head, dark well-placed eyes and lovely ears well set on, dropping forward close to cheeks. Good neck, flowing into well laid shoulders, with straight sturdy front legs. Good depth to body with the right about of spring to the ribcage. Strong and muscular hindquarters. Moving very well to gain his place. Shown in good coat with a harsh and wiry texture. Pleased to award him RCC.
3. Hardman’s Benosue It’s an Illusion.
1. Atkin’s Gengis Khan. A nice 8-year-old dog, not putting much into his day out. He is a nice type with appealing attributes. Good head of correct length, with flat skull. Nice ears, well set, but didn’t want to use them. Good length of neck flowing into a firm topline and well set on tail. Chest well let down and ribbed up. Moderate hindquarters, which he didn’t use so well. Good harsh coat.
1. Fitter’s Ghyllslap Limerick. Two sisters with the same sire as my dog puppy winner. Only 7 months old and a lot of maturing to do. Most appealing outline and balance. Good head with very neat ears. Well-muscled and fit. Moved well. Lovely, very thick, harsh, wiry coat texture, with undercoat. I note there were a few black hairs, which hopefully, will clear as she gets older.
2. Rhodes’ Ghyllslap Bluebell. Much the same comments as for her sister. I considered her ears were a little larger. She had a good harsh coat, but undercoat was lacking. She was well muscled and moved very well.
3. Atwell’s Kerrykeel Beibhinn at Xanwil.
Both very nice bitches.
1. Bentley’s Norakin Tango of Newguild TAF NAF. Preferred the ears on this bitch. A nice feminine type with substance and balance. Good, well-proportioned head, flat skull, lovely, neat ears dropping close to the cheek. Dark keen eyes. Good neck, flowing into correct shoulder placement. Straight, well boned forelegs onto neat feet. Muscled hindquarters, enabling strong, even movement. I would have preferred more coat, but what was there was harsh.
2. Price’s Magairlin Adhmor Moonlight. Preferred the coat on this bitch. Ears were larger, but nicely set and hung well. A very nice type, well made and presented. Well-muscled throughout and moved very well.
1. Davidson’s Saredon Miss Davidson. A very nice bitch with good proportions. Correct feminine head, I loved her ears and also, she had very good eyes. Nice length of neck. Quite a good front. She can firm in topline. Well ribbed back. Good turn of stifle with low hocks. Super harsh, wiry coat. Moved well.
2 Thomas & Print’s Bilarny Edna Cotton Socks. Quite a different type. Well balanced, of good substance. Well balanced head with flat skull, dark eyes, but heavier ears. Good neck and depth of chest. Strong hindquarters and stifles well let down. Moved OK, but a shame she doesn’t show herself off more. Correct harsh coat, but rather thin.
3. McConnell’s Feegarron Star.
4. Ruffles’ Holbam Celtic Erin.
1. Wortley’s Jarabica Grace O’Mally. A bit small, but nicely balanced. Correct, long head with good ears and dark eyes, giving keen expression. Good neck and top line, producing a nice outline. Moved very well. Really lovely harsh, wiry coat.
2. Hobson’s Erredwiltsir Shine a Light. Nice general outline. Long, balanced head, with good ears. Good length of body, but not the top line of 1. Super harsh, wiry coat. Moved well and generally very nice.
3. Karau’s Balirolyat Molly’s a Diva.
4. Lee’s Ivyblue Crinkles.
5. McConnell’s Feegarron Star.
1. Thomas’ Ch. Sunnystone Bright Light for Montelle. The star of the day for me. A very worthy champion. I felt honoured to have judged her. Lovely in every way. Super proportions and balance. Super, long, well-proportioned head, with flat skull. Perfect ears, which only a few of my top winners achieved. Super dark eyes, giving that keen, ‘dirty’ expression. Held her lengthy neck proud. Well laid shoulders, powerful chest and straight front legs. Good length of body and strong back. Loins muscular and slightly arched. Strong and muscular hindquarters, aiding powerful movement with good stride. Well set tail. Presented in excellent coat and well handled. I was very pleased to award her another CC & BOB. She did the breed proud in the big ring.
2. Atkin’s Ch. Holbam Celtic Summer ShCM, ShCEx. A very nice bitch of 6 years old. Certainly, a worthy champion. Well balanced, showing a super outline. A good feminine head, of good length and a flat skull. Ears good, but not as good as 1. Lovely dark expressive eyes. Neck of good length, flowing into well laid shoulders. Powerful and straight front legs. Nicely bodied. Muscular hindquarters with well let down stifles. Presented in good coat. Won her place on movement.
3. Gomer’s Ch. Kerrykeel Cara.
4. Oliver’s Kerrykeel Aobheann.
5. Anderson’s Kerrykeel Daicota.
1. Hobson’s Erredwiltsir Irish Bells. I fell in love with this very youthful Veteran. I was surprised she was in this class. Beautiful in every way. Lovely outline and balance. Super feminine head of correct proportions. Lovely ear placement and dark eyes. Strong and lengthy neck. Well laid shoulders. Deep, muscular chest and strong back. Well-muscled hindquarters, providing good movement. Super harsh, wiry coat of a rich colour. I was pleased to award her the RCC & BV.
2. Lee’s Sujoncla Goyathlay. Good for 9 years old. Quite an elegant bitch and nicely put together. Balanced head, ears OK and good for age. I would have preferred less stop. Moved well. Excellent coat texture and finish.
3. Ruffles’ Holbam Celtic Whisper at Ruffmar JW ShCM.
4. Nolcini’s Holbam Celtic Kate VW ShCM.
1. Nolcini’s Holbam Celtic Kate VW ShCM. One of my favourite ‘oldies’, who is beginning to show her age. Good length of head with dark eye and flat skull. Nice length of neck. Straight forelegs nicely boned and muscled. Very well-balanced body, of good length and ribbed back. Muscled hindquarters and hocks well let down. Well set tail. Good coat, both in texture and colour. Moved and handled well.
Felicity A. Snook