• Show Date: 09/04/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Edward McKenzie Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Hound Association Of Scotland

Breed: Borzoi

It’s never easy judging someone else’s entry. I wish Mrs Garratt a speedy recovery.

Thank you exhibitors for the sporting manner you accepted my decisions.

A small entry with only 2 exhibitors absent but I was happy with the quality of my principal winners.


Puppy (2, 0 abs)

1. Arnold’s, Donskoi Ash, r/w 9 1/2 months. Well veined head. Correct topline and croup. Would prefer more length of loin. Moved well. BP

2. Arden’s, Prime Rubin Hamal at Greenhaven, s/r 9 mths, attending his first show. I thought he was my winner but was reluctant to be handled. Classic head, with dark eye and black 3rd eyelid. Correct topline, good hind angulation, in good muscular condition. Hope he settles as he’s very promising. BJ.

Junior (1).

1, Prime R H at Greenhaven.

Limit (3, 1).

1. Harvey and Jonsson’s, Lynx Gogibus Pearl, bl/wh 3 year old. Masculine head, arched neck, correct topline, strong wide hind quarters, good bend of stifle, moved with ease around the ring. CC, which I was told makes him up. Congratulations.

2. Gardener’s, Cavallierik Nekatrino, did not stay for critique but from what I remember he was a well presented dog, who just needs to tighten in hind movement, unlucky to meet 1 today.

Open (1)

1st, Dawson’s, Steppdance Pintel at Stubbylee, 4yr old red sable. Not my preferred type but could not deny his effortless movement. Beautiful dark eye with black 3rd eyelids. Arched neck, great depth of brisket, correct topline, good length of 1st and 2nd thigh. Well muscled throughout. Still needs another year I’d say. RCC.


Limit (1),

1, Binnies, Dreamlight Tsigane, 4 1/2 yr old r/w of a type I like. Feminine head, arched neck, well laid shoulders, good depth of brisket, well angulated behind, unsettled on the move unfortunately, which cost her today.

Open (3),

1, Dawson’s, Ch Metel Avgusta Ala Azul at Stubbylee. My notes say ‘exquisite’! S/bl i judged as a puppy and predicted a great future for in 2019 and she has fulfilled that early promise. Will still mature more yet and will be even better. Good head, dark eye and black 3rd eyelids. Good front, well let down brisket, correct topline, well angulated hindquarters, low set hocks, flowed around the ring, an easy winner here. Delighted to award her CC and BOB. 

2, Harvey’s, Ch/Ir Ch/NL Ch Albaneiler Aquae Sulis, wh/silver, mature 7yr old of different type, in good coat and condition. Well veined head, would prefer darker eye but perfectly acceptable. Arched neck, great depth of brisket, well angulated behind, moved with ease. RCC.

3rd, Binnie’s, Dreamlight Zephryndrouhin.

Veteran. (3,1)

1, Dollan and Ralston’s, Ch Ryazan Julianna at Scotdach, very shapely r/w of a type I like, 8 yrs old in great condition. well veined head, would prefer darker eye, good topline, good 1st and 2nd thigh, moved well just showing her age in the challenge but beautiful bitch. BV

2, Binnie’s, Dreamlight Dawn Run, bl/wh 8yr old of good type and in great condition. correct head with dark almond eye, well angulated behind. Movement not as together as 1.

Edward McKenzie (judge)