• Show Date: 06/08/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: EDWARD Forsey Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Paignton & District Fanciers' Association

Breed: Japanese Spitz

Judge Mr E Forsey (Muzoku).


OD (2) 1. PROUT, Mrs D Kessaku Bobby Dazzler, lively and alert 2 year old male, balanced head with clean wedge shape, dark obliquely set eyes, good defined stop, well set alert ears. Neck well set on moderately angulated shoulders. Elbows under body with sufficient depth of chest, body slightly longer than height at withers, moderately turn of stifle, joy to watch on the move with a brisk clean effortless gait – BD - BOB

2, ROPER. Mrs Avril Int Ch Swiss Ch Kessaku Ice And A Slice At Tokosha, another nice slightly larger 5 year old male. Masculine head and features, strong muzzle, correct dentition and nice triangular ears, moderate angulation front and rear, well-toned throughout, short loin. High set tail carried well, true on the move in all aspects, just not the energy of first.

SBB (1) 1. HOUGH, Mrs PAMELA Jean Cavitzs Summer Nights, raw 13 month old youngster, pretty head, still to fill out under the cheeks, well placed ears, nice arch to neck, moderate lay of shoulder and return, chest of good depth but still to broaden, strong and firm moderately angulated rear.

PB (3) 1. PROUT, Mrs D Kessaku Mamma Mia, Although out of coat today this little 11 month old was quite the live wire and a joy to watch, very pretty feminine head and alert expression. Well arched neck and flowing outline to body. Well angulated front, slight bend to pasterns, chest of good depth and nice underline. Just off square in body, well angulated rear. True away and back with an energetic brisk side gait. BB – RBOB - BPIB

2. EDENS, Dr D Snowshoes Hex Girl At Dalens, 9 month old broader girl but still maintaining a famine look, nice breadth of head with well set alert ears. Good stop and dark oval eyes. In good profuse coat, strong neck, well-angulated front and rear and well-toned throughout. Moved true away and back, Once settled a nice brisk side gait. -RBB

3. FRASER, Miss L G Tawvale Lola

YB (1) 1. HOUGH, Mrs PAMELA Jean Cavitzs Summer Nights – As SBB

OB (1) 1. FRASER, Miss L G Tawvale Genki, 2 year old in good coat, good wedge shape to head and well filled under eyes, dark oval eyes and defined stop. Well set small triangular ears. Well angulated front, good depth and breadth to chest, well schooled and stood naturally 4 square, tight round feet, moderate rear angulation, moved true.

VB (1) 1. FRASER, Miss L G Tawvale Wini, solid 10 year old, in good coat and a pretty head, broad but not overdone and nicely set small ears, strong neck, moderately laid shoulders and matching return of upper arm, firm chest with depth to elbows, short strong loin. Croup and tail set lower than some. Nice rear angulation and moved true at a steady gait.