- Show Date: 12/10/2022
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: Diane Stewart-Ritchie Contact Judge
- Published Date: 28/07/2023
Gundog Society Of Wales
POINTERS - Judge: Diane Stewart-Ritchie
My thanks to the Committee of the Gundog Society Of Wales for this invitation to judge one of my favourite breeds at their popular show. I had been looking forward to the appointment for a couple of years. I was very pleased with my entry both numerically and in quality. There were choices to be made and so pleasing too to find a number of promising prospects for the future.
On assessing my winners it was interesting to note that, all bar one, of my principal winners were sired by the same dog - your Breed Record holder, Sh Ch Chesterhope Thrill o’ The Chase. It pleased me immensely to find this consistency in my winners - they all had ‘a look’ about them.
I found my final lines up having a desired resemblance in overall make and shape. Elegant, yet substantial, curvy and with class. Good construction and a feeling that they could actually do their job if required to do so. Fit and purposeful, sound and with an aristocratic look.
Thank you so much to the exhibitors for supporting me and for giving me the opportunity to assess your lovely dogs. Most pleasing was the sporting way in which my decisions were received. I enjoyed my day with you all.
Entries: 5 Absentees: 2
1st Mrs A D Matthews - SONHAM RAISING THE GAME. Young, black and white baby who has already got good development in the rear. He is very nice over the croup in width, length and set. He is very pleasing in topline and tail set. Correct oval bone with good well knuckled feet and has enough depth of rib already. He is pleasing in head but just needs more time to break. Best Puppy Dog.
2nd Mrs D Abbott - TENSHILLING DOCK OF THE BAY. This orange boy is very appealing for type. He is really nice in overall shape with the best of quarters, front with great depth of ribs and good in bone and feet. Not my preference over the croup resulting in a rather high tail carriage today. Moved happily.
3rd Miss G J & Mr N A Mennen & Sweeney - JONEVA JUST IMAGINE
Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st Ms T & Miss E Watkins & Miles - CUPID’S HALO. This black and white boy has a really nice head and eye. Super expression and pigment. I liked its balance, stop and already with plenty of work. Good skull shape and finish to foreface. He has the best of topline and tail set. Just needs to strengthen up on the move. He is young and at differing stages of development front and rear, still learning his job.
2nd Mr D E & Mr G Hawkes & Robinson - CODNORHAWK BRUCIE BONUS VIA TZAZIKI. This young liver boy moved quite nicely on the around. He is still developing in hindquarter. He is okay for bone and enough slope to pastern. I would prefer a darker eye and he is a shade heavy in flew for me. He enjoyed himself but still needs time to develop on.
Entries: 4 Absentees: 0
Two smart young boys heading the class. Both with very nice front assemblies. In the end, my own preference on head won the day.
1st Mrs S & Mr M Oddie - CHESTERHOPE ONE WAY TICKET (ai) (Imp Nzl). Black and White of a nice type. Good bone of correct oval shape. Really nice neck into shoulder line. A shade short in upper arm. Well developed in the rear, front still needs to catch up but of a style and type that is most appealing.
2nd Mrs S Welch - HOOKWOOD STARMAN. Basic shape was very attractive bearing all the essentials. Excellent topline and tail set. Angulation front and rear corresponding. Really nice on the around just a shade heavy in head for my preference. Good eye shape and colour.
Entries: 3 Absentees: 1
1st Mr D T & Mrs J A Collins - COLLHOLME BALTHASAR. Unassuming boy who was the best mover of the two on the out and back. Very pleasant on the away and tidy coming towards. Good enough on the around. Very nice head, good bone and feet. Good proportions. Pleasing in hindquarter with good width of thighs and stifle angulation.
2nd Miss G J & Mr N A Mennen & Sweeney - LUNDGARTH WILD YARROW. Very nice on the around. Well developed in the rear. Very good bone and feet. Pleasing head which was balanced with good eye shape and enough stop. Good proportions, good topline and tail set.
Entries: 4 Absentees: 0
1st Mrs S Welch - HOOKWOOD STARMAN. See Junior Report
2nd Miss G J & Mr N A Mennen & Sweeney - JONEVA JUST IMAGINE. Comes together with more time, as he was unsettled in an earlier class and by now had settled down and was giving a bit more. He has a really nice shoulder, a shade short in upper arm. Good bone and correct slope to front pasterns. A shade long in rear pastern. Very appealing head, kind eye and good expression.
Entries: 7 Absentees: 1
1st Ms S R Philo - TENSHILLING IT'S MY PARTY FOR SALMONMIST JW. This young man has so many super qualities. He is a picture standing and feels so good under the hands. He is the very best in front. He excels in shoulder line, good in upper arm, straight and true when viewed from the front. Oval bone, slight slope to pastern. Deep and strong in rib which is carried well back to short loin. Moderate in hindquarter. Superbly muscled which is refined and luxurious. This dog is really nice under the hand and he definitely attracts the eye on the stack. Just a shade steep in croup for my ideal. He has the most delightful head bearing all the Pointer essentials and he moved well at one with his handler.
2nd Mrs M S Pattie - WILCHRIMANE TWO FOR TEA. This boy is a very nice mover. He is not always stacked to advantage but his shape comes together on the around. He excels in front, has correct oval bone and good feet. Has good development through the rear. The best of ribbing and has a good topline and tail set. He has an abundance of reach and drive on the around and is tidy away and back.
Entries: 8 Absentees: 1
1st - Miss M E, Mr P R & Mrs D E Oliver & Stilgoe - TEISGOL LOVE IS IN THE AIR. Moderate, curvy and a really nice mover on the around. He is well muscled, stands on good bone and good feet and I particularly liked that he was short from hock to heel. Super in forehand and is good in topline and tail set. He comes together nicely on the around pushing off his strong rear pasterns and in good muscular condition. Correct oval bone, slight slope to pastern, feet well knuckled.
2nd Mrs C & Miss F Wheldon & Earl - CAITHPOINT KAI. Pleasing head which is balanced and has plenty chiselling. Good pigment and good eye shape, however, I would prefer it darker. Good front assembly in all areas, well ribbed, short loin. Good in topline and tail set. For my ideal would prefer a little more development in rear quarter.
3rd Mrs L, Mr A, Mrs J & Mr J Jamieson, Macara & Blackburn-Bennett - KANIX PERI PERI WITH GLENFINNAN
Entries: 9 Absentees: 1
Really enjoyed judging this strong open dog class. Thank you to the exhibitors for affording me this opportunity.
Today’s winners heading the class had, for me, a very definite stamp about them. Most interesting to note that 1 & 2 had the same sire. These two presented a real headache as I liked them both very much. Both are from the top drawer and are of the size, make, shape and style that for me exudes what a Pointer is about. Hard decisions had to be made and today the black and white boy never stopped showing and was so correct in footfall.
1st Miss Oddie - SH CH SHARNPHILLY BOONDOGGLE JW. Black and White of superb type and quality. I could go into dissecting and critiquing every little part of him, but I feel no need. He has a stamp of quality and an air about himself that screams quality and he never let up as he performed for me, quietly demanding that he should be the winner. His topline and tail set are excellent. He has the very best of front assembly in shoulder and upper arm with plenty to fill the hand, without excess. Excellent ribbing to his strong muscular loin, wide and powerful in hindquarters and super over the pelvis. Stands on quality bone and good feet which are ever so slightly straight in front pastern, however, this is minor in comparison to all his other qualities. Most attractive on the around with great reach and drive maintaining his topline and with an arrogant carriage. Delighted to award him the CC.
2nd: Master S J Layton - JONEVA BORN TO THRILL. Cracking dog who ticks all the boxes. Excellent headpiece, one of the best today. Correct eye with good pigment, plenty chiselling throughout, balanced head planes all teamed with an abundance of quality. Good length of neck into really nice shoulder placement. Might prefer more development in upper arm. Well ribbed, strong through the loin area. Wide and powerful in hindquarter without excess. He has the best of muscle and presented here in the best of condition, always at one with his handler and maintains a cracking topline on the around. Solid, strong yet elegant. Curvy, classy and pushed the winter all the way. He appealed greatly. Pleased to award him with high honour of the Reserve CC today.
3rd Mrs L, Mr A, Mrs J & Mr J Jamieson, Macara & Blackburn-Bennett - SH CH KANIX NEWS FLASH AT GLENFINNAN
Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st Mrs C J O'Neill - SH CH TENSHILLING HOME ALONE JW SHCM. This fully mature boy is a very worthy title holder. He fits the standard in many ways through his type, construction and movement. Excellent in topline and tail set. He has the very best of rear assemblies being wide and powerful. Enough bend of stifle, solid and strong in rear pastern and tidy in hock joint. He is deep in rib and well ribbed back. I would prefer a little more in upper arm. He is pleasing in neck and shoulder and has a good head. Put down here today in good condition and moved really well.
Entries: 5 Absentees: 1
Two litter sisters heading this class. Both from the top drawer with loads to like and both good movers already. There was very little to separate them, however, I just fell for the overall typiness of:
1st Miss S & Mrs G Rossiter & Fewster - JONEVA JUST A KISS. She is super typey and not overdone in any way. Each part seamlessly fitting into the next. She is good in shoulder and upper arm, has good depth, length and spring of rib. Strong, well-muscled in loin and pleasing in rear quarters. I preferred her more balanced length of rear pastern than 2nd. She has the most gorgeous head, sufficient in depth, refined yet classy. Super eye shape, colour and expression with good pigment. Already with some chiselling throughout, coupled with a slight dish shape to her stop. Good ear positioning, fine leathers. Moved very well for her age. She presents a picture of curves, balance and if she were mine I’d be excited for the future. There are few youngsters that catch my eye to this degree. I wish you all the best with her, she’s a beauty. Best Puppy Bitch and Best Puppy In Breed.
2nd Dr K Bond - JONEVA AZELIA BANKS: Another tidy girl from this well known, successful kennel, and lots to like just like her sister. She, too, is of that same type and is a cracking little mover. She has much to commend in all departments and another who is very pretty. I found her just a shade longer in loin than is my own ideal. She stands on good bone and very good feet. She has the best of toplines and uses herself really well on the move. It will be interesting to watch how these two sisters complete.
Entries: 6 Absentees: 1
1st Miss S & Mrs G Rossiter & Fewster - JONEVA JUST A KISS See Minor Puppy report.
2nd Mrs C J O'Neill - TENSHILLING TO SIR WITH LOVE. Super shape with such a lovely head and desired expression. Really liked her front assembly, nicely balanced with the rear. She is well ribbed all through and has a good topline. She is typey, curvy and another from this kennel who is a really good mover. This breeder knows what she’s about and throughout todays entry her dogs had a definite stamp. They had much appeal for me and this youngster also has much going on and has bags of potential.
Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st Mrs S E Booth - LUNDGARTH EVEREST JW. A daughter of my Dog CC winner. This orange and white girl excels in all the essentials. She is attractive in head which is balanced, has good stop, correct eye colour and shape, sufficient lip and balanced in foreface to back skull. Reachy neck into well placed shoulders with corresponding upper arm. Just a shade wide when viewed from the front. Deep and long in rib, already well sprung. Muscular arched loin through to firm wide hindquarters, all without excess. Pleasing in topline and tail set. Good quality oval bone, tight, well arched toes with slight slope to pastern. Moved steadily and easily, at one with her handler.
2nd Mr P, Mrs D & Mrs L Stilgoe & Fox - TEISGOL SNOW QUEEN. Black and white girl who really comes alive on the move. She has a decent front assembly, good ribbing and very nice in quarters. Correct oval bone and stands over enough ground. Good topline and under line. She was quite delightful on the around.
3rd Mr P, Mrs D & Miss M Stilgoe & Oliver - TEISGOL HEAVEN SENT
Entries: 6 Absentees: 1
1st Mr C Siddle - WILCHRIMANE SKY PIRATE. This smart moving bitch is very well balanced and presented here fit and in good muscle. Head planes were correct with good amount of stop and good finish to foreface. Well placed ears, fine leathers and pleasing expression. Would prefer a shade more work in head but she is still young and has more time to develop. Good length of neck into well placed shoulders, very nice ribbing with the very best of hindquarter in development of first and second thigh, width to hindquarters, and sufficient bend of stifle. Good topline and tail set. I particularly liked the width across her pelvis, strong and powerful. Quality oval bone but would prefer tighter, more knuckled feet.
2nd Mr D T & Mrs J A Collins - COLLHOLME ANGELIQUE. Stands over a good amount of ground, nicely balanced throughout. Good topline. Pleasant head with good eye shape and colour. Very smart on the around. Moved really well.
Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st Miss S & Mrs G Rossiter & Fewster JONEVA JUST A KISS. See Report Min. Puppy
2nd Mrs C J O'Neill - TENSHILLING TO SIR WITH LOVE. See Puppy Report
Entries: 8 Absentees: 2
1st Miss, Mrs & Mrs Siddle, Siddle & Medeiros - WILCHRIMANE PIRI PIRI. This bitch is nicely balanced and has a really super front assembly. She is good in shoulder and upper arm and has enough prosternum. She is good in depth with correct proportions. Well sprung ribs going back to short well-muscled loin. Her quarters are well muscled, showing power and strength. She is a shade light in bone for my ideal. Pleasing head and expression.
Comes together well on the around.
2nd Mrs R M C & Miss R Martin - SUNHOUSE PARTNERS IN CRIME. Great shape with excellent topline and tail set. Refined in head with good stop, plenty chiselling and enough dish. Well placed ears, strong muscular neck. Good ribbing all through. Nice development of first and second thigh. A shade light in eye for my ideal. Moved well
on the around.
Entries: 8 Absentees: 2
1st Mrs J Webb - TENSHILLING THE WANDERER. This bitch appealed to me immediately on my first glance around the class. She is right up my street for size and shape and is moderate, curvy and full of type. She has the most delightful head and expression, it is balanced and typical, good in stop and plenty chiselling throughout. She has enough dish to her face without excess and with dark eye of correct shape and excellent pigment.
She has an aristocratic appearance. Well placed ears, fine in texture. Reachy neck which is strong and well-muscled, showing slight arch leading into excellent shoulder and decent upper arm. She has good ribbing and great width and strength through her quarters. Quality, oval bone with slight slope to front pasterns. She is in great muscle and condition. On the stack it was a close decision between her and the Open winner. Moves with drive and style. Pleased to award her in the top awards today with the Reserve CC.
2nd Mr J & Mr P M Evans & Pavey - JONEVA JUST BECAUSE. Girl made of a bigger mould. Another from this kennel with a very pleasing head. Excellent lay of shoulder and plenty fill in front. She has depth and strength throughout and is nicely balanced all through. Correct, quality bone and good feet. Really good topline and tail set and very good in hindquarters. Excellent first and second thigh and enough bend of stifle whilst maintaining
moderation. Good length of pelvis. She shows a degree of elegance teamed with strength. Good out and back, today just picking up slightly on the around.
Entries: 8 Absentees: 3
1st Mr J & Mr N Thirlwell & Malik - SH CH SHARNPHILLY SANTA ROSA. Very smart young lady. Good size, shape and proportions. She has elegance, class and is very typey. Not overdone in any way. She stands on quality oval bone and tight, arched toes, close fitting. Slight slope to front pasterns. Correct length to height proportions as well as body depth to leg length. She is straight and true when viewed from the front and has excellent angulation to her front assembly. Good spring and depth to rib, well ribbed back. Short and strong in loin with very slight tuck. Well developed in rear angulation whilst being moderate. Good length and width across the croup. Correct set of tail. She has a very desirable head. Correct breadth of skull with well-defined stop. Good eye colour and well balanced throughout. She does have enough resemblance of dish face. She is strong and
muscular in the neck which continues into her correct topline and tailset. She is particularly attractive on the around with a very easy reach and good drive as well, continually maintaining her topline and desired tail carriage and action as she goes. She is curvy without excess and her performance today was without fault. C.C. & B.O.B. I was extremely delighted to later watch her topping todays Gundog Group entry, going all the way to Best In Show.
2nd Mrs S & Mrs S Dyer & Oddie - SH CH SHARNPHILLY SERENDIPITY JW. Litter sister to Dog CC winner and from the same mould. This black and white bitch is from the top drawer and is another from this kennel who is graceful, curvy and has an abundance of type as well as sound in movement. Good head proportions, with good finish to foreface and excellent chiselling. Dark eye well pigmented and good expression. Strong muscular neck leading into excellent shoulder assembly. Good in upper arm and enough fill in front. Desired ribbing to strong loin, slightly arched. Well developed in quarters with excellent muscling. Solid and true in topline and tail set. She has so much to commend, pushed the winner hard today.