- Show Date: 30/09/2022
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: Diane Stewart-Ritchie Contact Judge
- Published Date: 28/07/2023
Gundog Breeds Association Of Scotland
Judge: Diane Stewart Ritchie
Thanks to the exhibitors for supporting me so well here today with your lovely dogs. Although my entry was without CC’s, it was deep in quality and there were certainly challenging decisions to be made and, in my humble opinion, there were certainly CC standard exhibits on show. It was my pleasure to judge them I enjoyed my time with you immensely.
Class PD/B (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: BELL, Miss A & MADDOX, Miss N. WHITGUN RENEGADE MASTER AT OWLSPOINT NAF (BPIB). Young man who stands on good bone. He is straight when viewed from the front. Decent shoulder, really good ribbing and super quarters. Good width over the pelvis. He moved out well with some reach and drive, although still needs some strength throughout. He is young and in this slow maturing breed time certainly can change much. Just a shade soft in topline on the around today. BPIB
2nd: ADAMSON, Mrs S & ADAMSON, Mr S. WITHAMFRIARY SPICE GIRL. Lovely head and eye with excellent expression. Good ear set, length and carriage. Good in quarter, has excellent ribbing already. Needs to strengthen in front and moved okay today.
Class JD/B (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: BELL, Miss Amanda & MADDOX, Miss Nicola: WHITGUN RENEGADE MASTER AT OWLSPOINT NAF. See Puppy Report.
2nd: JACKSON, Mrs N. IOLANDA DI CASCINA CROCE AT SOLWAYPOINT (IMP It). Really nice type who moved well and was presented today in good order. Appealing head piece with all the essentials. Good bone, well knuckled feet but a shade open. Steep in shoulder but good in upper arm. Good ribbing. A shade wide in front for my preference. Moved well on the around.
Class PGD/B (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: BOWLEY, Mrs L. SOBERS COSMICA WITH GUNSYN. This 20 month old bitch exudes breed type and has so much to commend in all departments. She has certainly got some style, great shape and cracking movement. She is still young and presented today a little raw but her type, construction, lovely head, eye and movement are undeniable. I really liked her.
Class LD (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: JACKSON, Mrs N: SOLWAYPOINT PORTOFINO. Stylish young male who stands on a quality frame and is most appealing on the move with his easy, open, side gait unhindered by any extremes. Good bone, correct shape, slightly longer than tall. Balanced throughout and well-proportioned. Pleasing head and eye with correct length to head planes, balanced and typical. Super forehand and quarters which were well developed. Good topline and tail set. He carried himself well on the move with poise and some charisma, while still maintaining his breed typical movement. He has good reach and drive and is most appealing on the around. He will be an interesting one to watch as he develops along his journey to full maturity. Best Dog.
2nd: BELL, Miss A & MADDOX, Miss N. TOLRIVER ENZO AT OWLSPOINT. 3 year old chestnut boy who was put down in great order. He is moderate, but with plenty power and strength throughout. Good layback of shoulder but a little short in upper arm. Deep, well sprung ribs carried well back to short, strong muscular loin. Well developed, powerful hindquarters. Excellent first and second thigh. Well off for bone and good feet. Good topline and tail set. Pleasing in head with correct eye shape and colour. Good ear set and length. Moved with good propulsion from the rear but lacks a shade in front extension, however, has plenty to like in other departments.
Class LB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: BOWLEY, Mrs L. GUNSYN GINEVA. Litter sister to Reserve Best Dog and their kennel stamp is unmistakable. Excellent head with all the essentials for balance and type. Correct ear set and length and good in topline and tail set. Quality bone, well knuckled feet. She excels in upper arm and shoulder, has big ribs extending well back to her short strong loin. Excellent width of first and second thigh. She has a slope to her pasterns so essential in this working breed. Much to commend. Once again I loved her for type and she is a really good mover.
2nd: HAYES, Mrs M & HAYES, Mrs T. BUSHWACKER DOLLY DAYDREAM. My notes say “Gorgeous head. What an expression”. Her head is balanced and not overdone in any way with clean cheeks, slight stop and slight divergence in head planes, which are equal. Excellent chiselling throughout, with large, protruding nose and good in lip. Correct ear set, well placed. Her head gives you a definite feeling of quality. She excels in hindquarter, great width over first and second thighs and with enough angulation. Stands on good bone. She is a shade deep in body to leg length ratios for my ideal. Pleasing in layback of shoulder, although not so tidy in elbow. Moved with some drive but was a shade soft in topline on the around today.
Class OD (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: BOWLEY, Mrs L. GUNSYN GINSPIRATION. This young man is so typey and has such a degree of class. Today he was a shade reticent and I can positively say when he really gets his act together and exudes more confidence he will definitely give his competitors some trouble. I loved him. Most delightful head, clean in cheeks, correct proportion skull to muzzle with diverging planes, plenty chiselling throughout which finalises that air of class. Substantial, yet classy. He is so well put together in all departments, quote direct from my notes “Super in all departments - with more time will be amazing”. Sound, positive mover. Good on the out, back and around; I can’t wait to see him perform with more confidence. He is an exciting prospect. Res. Best Dog.
2nd: PEARSON, Mr S & PEARSON, Mrs C. INT MULTI SH CH BRACCORIONS JUNO WHAT AT KELEVRA. This boy was put down in the best of order, with good sheen to his coat and really well muscled. He put on a fine performance and certainly gave me something to think about. Correct outline with good topline and tail set and good in underline. Super shoulder line and upper arm and is also good in quarter. Excellent quality of bone and good feet. He pushed the winner hard, my final decision was just on head preference. I liked him in skull. He had complimentary eye colour. He has great strength, balance and power and is another with powerful drive from the rear. A quality dog with much to commend.
Class OB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: JACKSON, Mrs N. POLCEVERA'S BRUMA. Upstanding, feminine with power and strength, teamed with a degree of elegance, plenty suppleness, and good breed type. She has it all going on on the move, maintains a good topline and overall outline and what did it for me, as she moved so typically, was that workmanlike appearance whether on the move or on the stack. Very nice head and eye, clean in cheek, good proportionally, enough depth in muzzle and with good chiselling throughout. Big nose and good in lip. She has a very nice expression and correctly placed, long ears. She is powerful through neck into shoulder line and was good in upper arm. She stands on good bone and feet with slight slope to pastern and has super long ribs extending well back to wide, arched loin, short and strong. Correct in topline, strong powerful hindquarters without excess yet still with enough angulation. Good length of pelvis to correctly set tail. She has excellent propulsion through the rear. She truly excels on the around maintaining good carriage and abundant in reach and drive. I liked her make, shape, condition and her showmanship just pipped a lovely young boy to best of breed today. Best Bitch and BOB.
2nd: PEARSON, Mr S & PEARSON, Mrs C. Int Ch & NI Ch & Ir Sh Ch & Sh Ch Braccorions Nest. Lighter framed than winner. Smart girl, upstanding and full of showmanship. I liked her rear assembly immensely and she is excellent in ribbing all through and she has wide well developed muscular loin, which is short and strong. She’s well angulated in shoulder and upper arm, although just a tad wide through her front. Stands on good bone and well knuckled feet and put down in the epitome of order, excelling in muscle definition. She has much appeal and moved out well on the around. Complimentary head proportions, with enough stop. Res Best Bitch.
Class VD/B (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: BELL, Miss A & MADDOX, Miss N. SH CH OWLSPOINT MASTER OF TROUBLE SH.CM SHCEX ( BVIB). This boy I have done well for before and now in veteran he still doesn’t disappoint. Quality strong bone. He is a good mover who is solid, well-muscled and has an easy gait on the around. He has good proportions all through and excels in front angulation. Super in hindquarter and he is strong through the hock joint ensuring positivity on the away. He is straight and true when viewed from the front and is deep in chest. He has well sprung ribs but for my ideal I might like them extending further back. Good topline and tail set, good length and width of pelvis. I do like his positivity on the move. In the challenge he moved well but just lost out on that super breed characteristic, extended trot. Best Veteran In Breed.
Class SBD/B (1 Entries) Abs: 0