- Show Date: 24/07/2022
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: Diane Parry Contact Judge
- Published Date: 28/07/2023
Leeds City & District Canine Association
Leeds City & District Canine Assoc Championship Show 24/7/22
Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla Judge Diane Parry
Best of Breed Ch Enryb Simply Red (J Bryne)
Dog CC Ch Enryb Simply Red (J Bryne)
Red Dog CC Enryb True Blue at Whitgun (Mr M and Mrs S Whitney)
Bitch CC Morganna Anise (R Newman)
Res Bitch CC Enryb Skye Blue (J Elders)
Best Puppy Fitzrovia Take a Chance (Ms C Harris)
Best Veteran Lanokk Szivos (Mr L and Mrs S Howard)
Special Beginners
Thank you to the Association for inviting me to judge my breed and thank you to my friendly and efficient stewards for keeping things ticking along.
I’d like to draw your attention to the fact that I did not withhold in the Special Beginners class. The bitch was overqualified for the class and withdrew, this was noted in my judge’s book.
I had looked forward to this appointment for a long time, and as I hadn’t been to a show in 3 years, many of the dogs were new to me. Thank you to the exhibitors for allowing me to judge your lovely dogs and thank you to the dogs for giving me a wonderful time, immersed in the breed I love.
I was very pleased overall with the quality of the entry, there was plenty of breed type. Coats were, in the main, correct. Temperaments were as I’d expect for the breed, wonderful, but it is still a challenging breed to judge due to variety in heads and body shape. There weren’t many tails carried level with the back. I found far too many dogs, of all ages, with tartar covered premolars. Keep the unseen teeth clean, as well as the seen. A word on movement. Handlers, it’s good to get someone to video your going away movement because it’s impossible for you to see. Many of the dogs, that I thought would be my winners, were close behind when I moved them.
Puppy Dog (1)
1st Harris’s FITZROVIA TAKE A CHANCE. 8-month-old lovely puppy with a super, crisp coat. He presented a balanced picture and is well proportioned. He stood on great feet. Correct head, although I’d prefer a little more length to muzzle. He has the typical wire expression and I’m sure his eyes will darken. He moved well and once in his stride showed reach and drive. He stepped up a gear in the puppy challenge. BEST PUPPY IN BREED.
Junior Dog (2)
Two very different dogs in this class
1st Roberts BOISTER BRIDGE DOC. Almost 14-month-old and although at a teenage stage, this dog is full of breed type with a super head. He is balanced and deep, with well laid shoulders. He stands over his ground well, has the required bone, substance, good underline and a correct coat. Stacked he could be a little bum high but on the move his effortless drive propelled him round the ring smoothly. He held his topline and had precise foot fall. I could have watched him all day, he was the best moving dog today. This dog was seriously considered for the Res CC but gave way to a more mature dog. He was handled with sensitivity and respect, and I hope his young handler continues to show this promising young dog.
2nd Harris’s FITZROVIA GIDEONS WAY. 15-month-old, further on in development than 1 and darker coated. Correct head, although I’d prefer more length of muzzle. Super eye colour and expression. Correct coat. Lacked the depth needed to balance out his length and the handler tended to over stretch him at the rear, making him look longer than he is. Moved steadily but didn’t have the drive or precision of 1.
Post Graduate Dog no entries
Limit Dog (3)
This was a difficult class to judge, it typified the variety in the breed and the challenges a judge faces.
1st Whitney’s ENRYB TRUE BLUE AT WHITGUN. A well balanced, elegant dog with the correct, double, wire coat He is well off for bone and substance, a correct head, typical expression and is easy on the eye. Well laid shoulders, shapely ribs that were well back, tight loin and a correct rear. His movement was fluid and precise and he was an easy class winner. There is more to come from this dog as he develops and fills his frame. RES CC
2nd. Thomas’s HOSOKTER TOMPA AT ODINSMOKE. A different type to 1 and lacked the elegance of the winner. Workmanlike dog, shorter in length but powerful. Strong head, his expression was spoiled by slightly loose eyes. Good front assembly and his brisket has filled since I last judged him, and his coat has developed. Correct bone and good depth. Short, level back. He moved on a short but precise stride.
Open Dog (3) (1a)
1st CH ENRYB SIMPLY RED. Eye catching dog, full of breed type with the required bone, substance, depth, and coat. I loved his head. He had the best front of the day, with an upper arm length and angle, and pro sternum, that is lacking in the breed. Well laid shoulders consistent with his correct front assembly. He is slightly longer than tall with balanced, correct angulation and a good underline. He held his topline well on the move and standing. He is elegant but still all male. On the move he had reach, drive and animation, with a spirit level topline. He tended to be a tad wide on occasions coming towards me but that didn’t detract from his many attributes. I haven’t seen this dog before and I’m glad the exhibitor brought him under me, I had no hesitation in awarding him the CC. DOG CC and BEST OF BREED.
2nd FOURLUMS TAVASZI. Quite a different dog to 1. I liked his size. I have seen this dog before, and he was out of coat today. He is moderate and medium all through, good depth and balanced angles. His head is correct, and he has super eye colour and a gentle expression. My preference would be for a little less breadth of skull. Moderate shoulders and a short, level back, correct croup and perfect tail carriage. He moved precisely, steadily and with purpose with a wagging tail.
Veteran Dog (3) (1a)
1st Howard’s LANOKK SZIVOS. 8-year-old who I’ve always liked. I last judged him in 2019 and he is even better now. He is in great condition and is balanced and deep. Like the OD winner, he has an upper arm length and angle rarely seen in the breed. Really lovely head and expression and a great coat. His balance, angles and condition told me he would move well, and he did. He’s a young Veteran and I foresee he will be a Veteran winner for a few years yet. BEST VETERAN.
2nd Heslop’s LYHARR FLAVIO AKOS FOR BONISLA. Almost 9-year-old senior gent. I have seen this dog before, and he was a little out of coat today. Moderate all through with good depth. Correct head and kind expression sprinkled with sugaring. He LOVES his handler; it was endearing to see him look adoringly at her as they moved. He gave way to 1 on condition today.
Special Beginners D/B (1) (1 Withdrew).
The exhibitor withdrew as she was overqualified for the class.
Puppy Bitch (2)
1st Bryne’s ALDOZOVOLGYI-DROTOS CSERMELY AT ENRYB. 10-month-old workmanlike bitch. Plenty of bone, depth and substance give her a strong outline and a mature appearance, I’m sure elegance will come as she develops. Correct head, I’d prefer a kinder eye and expression. Coat ok. She was wide coming towards me and in side gait her front movement was erratic but I’m sure she will settle into her movement as she develops.
2nd Heslop’s BONISLA THE INNER LIGHT. Almost 7-month-old and needs time to develop. Today she was hiding her light under a bushel. Lacking coat at the moment. Moderate all through, correct length to height. Correct head but would prefer a squarer appearance which will come as she gets her furnishings. Her neck fits cleanly into her shoulders, and she is well ribbed back. Stacked she ran up a little behind but held her top line on the move. She moved steadily. Gave way to maturity and development today. Sympathetically handled.
Junior Bitch (3).
1st Newman’s MORGANNA ANISE. 16-month-old lovely bitch. She is full of breed type with the required bone and substance. She has a mature outline that is very eye catching. Super head, gentle expression, correct coat. Good front assembly but I’d like a little more angle to her upper arm, I am nit picking. Strong, short level back which is firm on the move. Shapely ribs, well back, tight loin, good underline. I would prefer more croup before her tail is set on, but that said, her tail is carried correctly. The slight lack of croup can give the impression of an over long back, but hands on, this isn’t the case. Her movement is precise, smooth, driving, and effortless, I loved watching her. Her head carriage on the move is lovely. I liked her a lot, and she wouldn’t be out of place in my home. No hesitation in awarding her the Bitch CC and Best Opp Sex.
3rd Newton’s JAKTAYS VIDA.
Post Graduate Bitch (3)
1st Bendikas’ HOLSAN LENTI. I liked this bitch when I saw her as a puppy at the end of 2019 and I was glad I got to get my hands on her today. Another one full of breed type. Correct coat, bone, and substance. Super head and expression, she is really pretty. She is balanced and deep with a good underline. Good length to upper arm but I’d prefer more angle. Super neck into well laid shoulders. She stands over her ground on good feet and is really pleasing to look at. Shapely ribs, short, level, strong back. Her movement is animated, flowing and with drive. Seriously considered for the Res CC today but carrying a little weight which made spoiled her outline.
2nd Edminsons’ KISDON GOLDHILL. Different type to the winner. Moderate all through and finer in bone and substance than my preference. A short, tight coat of good quality. A little plain in the head due to lack of furnishings and I would have liked a more oval eye, but they were a lovely colour, harmonising with her coat. Well ribbed back and shapely. Good rear angulation but her upper arm was short and could have a better angle. Moved ok but would have liked more animation.
Limit Bitch (2).
1st Smillie-Gray’s OAKBERROW M’LADY GIN. Substantial girl full of breed type. She is well off for bone and her depth compliments her length. She has a correct, lovely head with a kindest of expressions. She is feminine yet strong looking, with a good underline. Her coat is correct, wiry, and harsh. Her temperament shone through, and she made me smile; my notes say “look at that super, big, fleshy nose” On the move she is animated, a little too much at times, and was a little loose in front but had great drive and I loved the way she used her tail.
2nd Forster’s BELATARR VENUS. She presented a balanced picture with depth and length. Matching moderate angles front and rear. Lacking coat. Correct head, she had a lovely eye, colour and expression. Furnishings would have completed the picture. Moved out well but didn’t have the drive of the winner.
Open Bitch (6) (1a)
Best class of the day, thank you for bringing your lovely girls under me.
1st Elders’ ENRYB SKYE BLUE. Really lovely bitch who took my eye when I saw her. Full of breed type and with a great coat. She is balanced, elegant, has depth and length, with lovely shapely ribs with a good underline. Her outline is compelling. My notes say “super rear” Her head is correct, but more than correct, it’s lovely with a super expression. Short, level back which held firm on the move. Driving, animated movement that was precise and flowing. A super girl. Res CC.
2nd Edminson’s SH CH KISDONS CUSTOM MADE. This elegant bitch is moderate all through with length that allows her to stand over the ground well. She is very feminine. Correct head, I preferred the square appearance on the head of the winner. Kind expression, soft eye. Good coat. Balanced in outline with lovely ribs, shape and length, good underline. This bitch was the best mover of the day. Aminated, ate up the ground, used her tail well, lovely to watch but I preferred the substance and strength of 1.
Diane Parry