• Show Date: 12/10/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: David Howarth Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Gundog Society Of Wales

Breed: Stakes Classes

A super entry in both quantity and quality made for an enjoyable and very full day’s judging. Great thanks go to my very able stewards Brian and Anita Shears for keeping things moving.

I thought the quality was high throughout and there were many very promising youngsters on show. I am sure that they will go on to make their mark in their breed rings and achieve much success in the future.

YKC Members Stakes (2,1 abs)

1st Clarke’s Irish Setter Covarney Dream Time from Bronrians.

Lovely young bitch in super body and coat. Refined in head with clean neck of good length, well placed shoulders. Good depth of chest for her age. Well angulated quarters. She moved to advantage showing reach and extension.

Field Trial (5,4)

1st Collins Pitman’s Gordon Setter Ch Amscot Love Is in The Air

Mature and presented in good body and full coat. Well shaped head with good stop and well placed ears. Good reach of neck leads to well angulated shoulders. Well developed in body showing good length to her ribs and plenty of depth to her chest. She has well angulated quarters and moved easily round the ring.

A.V. Veteran (26,0)

A super class, with so many challenging for the top places.

1st Harvey Major and Bambrook’s Labrador Linjor Sessile Oak at Ravoakar

Super 10-year-old yellow boy presented a picture of strength and balance. Lovely head, greying slightly but still having a bright, alert expression. Strong neck with good width to his front. Well boned without being overdone in any way. Good width to his chest and firm over the loins. Short coupled with correct tail set and plenty of width to his thighs. He moved purposefully and truly to win this strong class.

2nd Rayner and Maskell’s Weimaraner Sh Ch Gunalt Academy of Raystans

I judged this 8 year old recently and liked him then. Today, in an outside ring, he seemed to go even better. Looking well standing giving an impression of strength but still refined in outline and balanced through. He Is well angulated and in lovely coat and muscular condition. He moved well here and pushed the winner all the way.

3rd Rees’ Welsh Springer Hudolus Rhys Henllys at Typica

A.V. Good Citizen Dog Scheme (43,0)

Good to see this class so well supported and competition for the generous prize money was keen.

1st Nelson’s Golden Retriever Cadwst Eternal Flame

Out of the top drawer, this 3 year old looked well and certainly went well here. Lovely head with good width, dark eyes and kind expression. Strong neck of good length leads to well laid shoulders. Well ribbed with firm topline and good width to her quarters. She moved well carrying her tail correctly.

2nd Collins Pitman’s Gordon Setter Ch Amscot Love Is in The Air

3rd Green’s Irish red and White Setter Sh Ch Zendarric Heart Shaped Box with Viszaset

A.V. Brace (22,0)

1st Watt’s Chesapeake Bays

Mother and daughter looking well together, both in good body and coat. Well boned with plenty of substance giving a picture of strength and looking like they could do the job which they have been bred for. Moved at the correct pace and in unison.

2nd Westwood’s Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers

Brother and sister, showing quality and similarity of type. Alert and attentive, they showed to advantage and moved well together especially in profile.

3rd Kibby’s English Springers

A.V. Minor Puppy Dog (28,0)

1st Taylor and Taylor Morris’ GSP Pelenrise All Guns Blazing

Had to be on top form to win this strong class. At 8 months, shows lots of quality. Refined head with good length of muzzle and well placed ears. Strong clean neck with well laid shoulders. Balanced in body with firm couplings and well angulated quarters. He presented a lovely profile standing and moved well showing reach and extension. Should go on to do very well.

2nd Murray’s Golden Retriever Shebelta Sweet Talkin' Guy

Only six months but so full of promise. Well-proportioned head with dark eyes and typical expression. Strong neck with well-placed shoulders, elbows nicely tucked in. Firm level topline leads to well angulated quarters with a good turn of stifle and well let down hocks. He moved well especially coming towards me.

3rd Hartley and Myers’ Weimaraner Glasarian Russett for Astrazone

A.V. Minor Puppy Bitch (28,0)

A super class to judge with quality all through. It will be interesting to see how they all come on.

1st Pearson’s GSP Winterwell Lulu Moppet to Ladyhawke

I judged this 8 month old a few days earlier at a club show and was impressed then. Today, in a larger, outdoor ring, I feel that she looked and went even better. Super head with enough shape and well placed ears. She is clean in neck and has well laid shoulders. Good width and depth for her age without being over done in any way. She is firm and short over her loins and has well angulated quarters with a good width of thigh. She moved well both ways and showed extension in profile. Should go on to do well.

2nd Maple’s Irish Setter Pollnac New Miracle

Almost 9 months and presents a super outline without exaggeration or excess. Refined head with good length, dark eyes and well set ears. Long slightly arched neck, well angulated shoulders. She has good ribs with enough depth and length, a lovely topline and well angulated quarters. She moved steadily and was true both ways. Presented in good coat and condition. Looked well here.

3rd Coode’s Labrador Warringah's Pippingara

A.V. Puppy Dog (12,0)

1st Duncan’s Italian Spinone Diggmere Tiger Swallowtail

What a promising youngster. Strongly built but balanced through. He has a well-proportioned head with large nose and well placed ears. Strong neck of good length, he is well boned and has a lovely front, deep chest and is strong over his loins. I liked the width and strength of his quarters, well bent stifles and correct length from hock to heel enabling him to move to advantage, covering the ring easily.

2nd Bayliss’ Cocker Shirepark Sir Francis Drake by Wilanorah

Attractive 10 months b/r. Lovely head with plenty of shape and dark eyes. Clean in neck. He has well angulated shoulders and a lovely topline when stacked. Strong quarters with good width to his thighs and well-turned stifles. He moved well going away from me and was well presented in lovely coat and condition.

3rd Harper’s Viszla Pitswarren So Nex Century

A.V. Puppy Bitch (16,0)

1st Tobin and Moss’ Pointer Davigdor Poppies,

Attractive youngster with feminine head of good shape and well placed ears. She has a long arched neck leading to well angulated shoulders. Firm in topline with a good length of rib and strong couplings. Well angulated quarters, hocks are well let down. She presented a balanced outline when standing and moved well once settled. Should go on to do well.

2nd Maple’s Irish Setter Pollnac New Miracle

3rd Warburton’s Bracco Italiano Withamfriary Lush Blossom

A.V. Junior Dog (15,0)

1st Forbes’ Bracco Italiano Canemamans Primo Al Fine

Powerfully moving youngster, looking well in good body and gleaming coat. Well-proportioned head with correct planes and typical expression. Strong in neck with good width to his front. He has a firm topline with strength over his loins and good width to his quarters. Looked well standing but edged this class on his super movement.

2nd Wareham and Dustan’s Clumber Maursett Melwyn

Very promising 16 months old with well-proportioned head, stoical expression and bright eyes. Strong in neck with good width to his chest. He has strong quarters and a lovely top line which he held on the move. Should mature nicely and go on to do well.

3rd Gerhold’s Golden Retriever Navilis Vivat Vivaldi

A.V. Junior Bitch (19,0) – another top quality class, all of those placed were of the highest calibre and a pleasure to judge.

1st Palliser’s Gordon Setter Lignum Oro

I have seen this one from the ringside and was pleased to get the opportunity to judge her today. Full of promise with everything just right for her age. Well-shaped head with dark eyes and kind but alert expression. She has a good reach of neck and is straight in front with enough width and nicely tucked in at the elbow. She has a firm top line and strength over her quarters for her age. Her stifles are well turned without being overdone. She moved with ease and freedom. One to watch!

2nd Dummett’s American Cocker Almondsbury The Pop Kids

What a lovely youngster to go over! Sixteen months and in full coat, looked well here. Well-shaped feminine head with defined stop and well placed ears. Long neck and straight in front. Good reach of neck. Shoulders are well laid back lying close to her well ribbed chest. Well angulated quarters allow her to move with drive and extension. Should go on to do well.

3rd Kibby’s English Springer Trimere Taylor Maid at Pinhays

A.V. Open (23.0)

1st Ward’s Hungarian Viszla Danton Obsession with Tantaraviz

What a lovely type of Viszla this is. So honest and good to go over, everything fits together well and is free from excess or exaggeration. Refined head with plenty of shape. Arched neck of good length leads to well-placed shoulders with elbows nicely tucked in. She is balanced through with well angulated quarters. She excelled on the move with precise footfall and reach and drive in profile.

2nd Riley’s Golden Retriever Wylloh Lost in Translation

Young boy maturing well and presents a balanced outline when standing. He has a well-shaped head with strong neck and well angulated shoulders. Good width and depth to his chest. He is well made all through and has plenty of width to his quarters. He moved really well from any angle and was presented in good body and coat.

3rd Stilgoe’s Teisgol Henrique

A.V. Champion (25,1)

1st Stephens’ Curly Coated retriever Sh Ch Brightmeadow Never Say Die

What a super example of this ancient breed. He fits the standard well and is presented to advantage. I have previously awarded him top honours and today just reinforced my feelings. Wonderful head with correct planes and typical expression. He has a strong neck of good length. His forelegs are straight and well boned with adequate width. He is well ribbed with well-muscled, short couplings giving the correct balance and firm top line. He is correctly angulated behind with moderate stifles and good width to his second thigh. He moved steadily and true.

2nd Kipps’ Golden Retriever Sh Ch Cadwst Flash Flame to Wheatcroft

Another that I have judged previously and so pleased to see that he has fulfilled his potential and now carries his title. Maturing nicely with well-balanced head showing enough width to his skull and good length of muzzle. Heh as a strong clean neck of good length which just flows into well angulated shoulders. Firm and level in top line with good width to his quarters. He has a lovely turn of stifle and is short form hock to heel. He moved well showing plenty of drive from behind and carrying his tail correctly.

3rd Walker and Roberts’ Flat Coated Ret Sh Ch Gloi Dubh Fingal

A.V. Gundog Breeders' Competition

Entries: 6 Absentees: 2

1st Lowery’s Amaroanne Cocker Spaniels two brothers and a sister looking so well together combining quality and consistency, exactly what I was looking for in this class. All in good coat and showing super outlines standing and moving out well. Worthy winners.

2nd O’Niell’s Tenshilling Pointers, so consistent for type and also full of quality. Moved well together and presented a lovely picture.

3rd Campbell’s Ronevorg Flatcoated Retrievers

David Howarth
