• Show Date: 28/08/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Darren Clarke Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Driffield Championship Dog Show

Breed: Border Collie

Driffield Ch. Show


Border Collie

VD (3) 1st Sh Ch Caleykiz I’m A Firestarter. Great favourite of mine that has done well under me in the past in his younger days. In lovely coat and condition and good to see him again at rising 11 years old, still looking and moving so well. Lovely type, masculine and functional. Love his head and expression. Excellent conformation, sound out and back and an open, economical side gait. BVIB.

2nd Goytre Smokin Gun. Another lovely 11 year old veteran again in great condition. Strong and masculine in outlook but not too heavy or overdone. Good head, eye and expression. Muscular neck, deep chest and good angles. Moved out well. In full, double coat.

3rd Quories Sweep From Snowmere.

PD (6) 1st Ravenskirk Black Velvet. 11 month old pup. Well proportioned head, excellent eye shape. Ears well set. Strong, reachy neck. Well developed in chest for his age. Very good front angles. Strong quarters. Needs to firm up a bit more in topline but won here on his free, open side gait. Good coat for his age.

2nd Hidden Bo Fedele Amico For Axernamoon. More compact in outline than 1st. Has a super head, well defined stop and excellent ear set and carriage. Medium neck and moderate angles. Moved very soundly in all directions, just preferred the length of stride of 1st. Well presented and handled.

3rd Dalguise Rhapsody.

JD (3) 1st Simmovan Shockwave At Tambuzi. Very appealing young dog that was close-up in the challenge. Full of potential and so nicely balanced all through. Very good head, correct stop, masculine but still some refinement in skull. Moderate neck, deep chest and good length and lay of shoulder with corresponding upperarm. Firm topline, short, muscular loin and sound rear. Moved with enough reach and driving off the soundest of hocks. Well prepared coat.

2nd R. Black Velvet.

3rd Simmovon Temptation.

YD (3) 1st Thwaitlake Buzzman. Another super young dog showing great promise. Well balanced outline with pleasing height to length proportions. Masculine head, shapely skull with a well placed, moderate stop. Eye shape ok. Ears of nice size and set and when used gives an alert outlook. Excellent reach and arch of neck. Chest developing well. Quality bone, not too heavy. Firm body and topline. Excellent hind angulation. Nicely angled croup giving a low tail set. Moved soundly out and back. Economical side gait displaying plenty of reach and carrying his tail low. Good coat. Should easily gain his title and think he will make a cracking dog once fully mature. Pleased to award him the Res CC.

SBD (2) 1st S. Temptation. 3rd in JD, a promising young dog. Generally well made all through. Has a pleasing head and eye. Shoulder could be slightly better laid which would give him more freedom on the move. Good outline on the stack. Sound at the rear.

PGD (4) 1st Tambuzi Stryke Of Fate. Compact dog of medium size. Typical head and outlook. Ear set a touch wide. Good eye and expression. Solidly built but not overdone. Very good angles front and back. Sound mover with enough reach and drive. Excellent double coat in great condition.

2nd Pendleway Time Lord. This young dog appealed greatly in head and overall proportions. Excellent dark, almond eye. Medium neck. Good shoulder and upperarm. Excellent topline. Short loins. Well angled rear. Still to firm-up a touch more in pasterns. Moved out well from side gait.

3rd Goytre Chance To Reflect.

LD (7) 1st Fayken I am Legacy. A super looking Collie from any angle. Well balanced both in head and outline. Correct stop, high set ears, used to best advantage. Enough neck leading to a good length and lay of shoulder. Good bone and tight feet. Holds a firm topline at all times. Well angled rear. Firm, sound hocks. Low set and carried tail. Not quite in full coat but this dosen’t detract from his overall quality. Moved soundly out and back with a moderate side gait. Another who’s title can’t be far away. Close-up.

2nd Arrodare An Emotion Away. Overall a slightly smaller blue. Very well made all through, particularly his angulation front and back. Balanced enough in outline if a bit deeper in body. Good bone for his size and tight feet. Firm topline that he holds at all times. Excellent mover from all directions and low tail carriage.

3rd Chikaramor Cast A Spell Of Glenfound.

OD(9) 1st Sh Ch Rogansrock Beautiful Dream. A lovely Collie of great workmanlike type and quality. Nicely balanced outline. Good head, strong and masculine, well proportioned with correctly placed, moderate stop. Expressive eye, good shape and colour. Well set ears. Excellent reach of neck leading to a well laid shoulder and return of upperarm. Both angles of good length. Enough chest room. Firm body and short, muscular loins. Well angled rear. Correct angle to croup. Low tail set of good length. Very true out and back but his forte is his typical carriage on the move, his handler allows him to drop his head and into his frame and move out with plenty of extension and drive. In excellent coat. Delighted to award him a thoroughly well deserved CC. Not surprised to discover he carries his title, on this form I am sure there is more to come.

2nd Sh Ch Fayken Truth Or Dare With Arrodare. Another worthy Ch male. Much to like with regards to his sound conformation and ease of movement. Has a pleasing head, eye and really uses his ears to best effect, giving a keen expression. In good coat and condition (as are all from this kennel) Just preferred the overall carriage on the move of 1st His handler always gets the best from his dogs, and this one was no exception.

3rd Sh Ch Tambuzi An Emotion Away.

GCD (1) 1st Q. Sweep From S. At 12 years old this lovely veteran boy still moves out as if half his age. Workmanlike and nothing flashy but absolutely functional. Good head, eye and type. Moderate neck and angulation. In hard condition (credit to his owner) just lacking in coat, understandable due to the hot weather we have been having! Sound, and I am sure could still do a days’ work.

VB (4) 1st Sh Ch Goytre Daddy’s Saucie Girl. Beautifully balanced bitch, eye-catching outline and in super coat and condition. Lovely head, eye and expression. Strong neck. Deep, functional chest. Very good shoulder and upperarm angulation. Quality bone and excellent feet. Absolutely sound on the move, driving well from the rear. A big winner in the breed and I was one of the first to award her a green card in her youth, so great to see her again still looking fabulous and of outstanding quality. In the challenge for Best Veteran with the dog, they really made a super pair of Collies on the go around.

2nd Locheil Lilac Dream. Another good veteran. Equally well balanced all through. Feminine head, correct oval eye and well set ears. Good conformation. Moved out well. In good coat of an attractive colour.

PB (8) 1st Locheil Back In Style. An eye-catching, attentive pup of 8 months. Loved her head and expressive, dark oval eye. Excellent ear set, size and carriage. Good reach of neck. Chest coming along. Excellent body for her age. Very good angles front and back. Moved true out and back. Super profile movement, really covered the ground which clinched her not only the class but also BP. Think she should have an exciting future. Handled to bring out her best.

2nd Calareto All My Loving. Slightly older and a touch more mature than 1st. More compact in outline but not quite the reach of neck or as pleasing in angles. Beautiful head piece. Excellent topline. Strong, but not heavy bone. In good coat and sound in all directions. Shows promise.

3rd Dalguise Somebody To Love.

JB (4) 1st Thwaitlake Diamond Splash At Littlethorn. Loved this ultra-feminine bitch for her type, size and function. Lovely balanced head, moderate stop and keen expression. Medium neck. Good topline. Short, muscular loin. Good lay of shoulder and ok in upperarm. Strong quarters. Excellent croup. Moved well, particularly from side gait, low carried tail.

2nd Simmoven Sheer Delight. Different type to 1st more flashy and slightly larger overall but equally correct. Appealing head and a real show girl that uses her tipped ears to enhance her expression. Very good conformation. Excellent coat and beautiful presentation. Moved with reach and drive. Close decision.

3rd C. All My Loving.

YB (6) 1st Arrodare Showdown. Outstanding young bitch. Loved her for size and femininity. Good head, balanced and correct amount of stop. Oval, dark eye. Well set, tipped ears, eagerly used. Reachy neck. Well laid shoulder and return of upperarm, both angles of good length. Chest developing. Firm topline. Short, muscular loins. Nicely angled rear. Shapely croup leading to a low tail set. Moved with reach, drive, scope and minimal lift of foot. Excellent coat, presentation and handling. At 2 years, she is just approaching full maturity, the best is yet to come. Res CC.

2nd Locheil Dream Come True. Another excellent example of the breed. Great type and function and feminine in size and outlook. Well bodied and in hard muscular condition. Excellent neck, front and rear. A touch long in loin and can lose her topline at times on the stack, but comes together on the move displaying an excellent open side gait, correct carriage and totally sound. Easily deserves to carry her title. Good luck with her.

3rd Piece Of Happiness Heavens Miracle.

SBB (2) 1st C. All My Loving.

PGB (6) 1st Arrodare Rebel With A Cause. Litter sister to the Yearling winner and similar in many aspects. Lovely size and outline. Good head. Moderate neck. A touch more mature overall than her sister but not the overall presence on the day. Excellent conformation and a sound mover. Quietly and ably handled to let her charge shine. Super presentation as were all from this exhibitor.

2nd Sashden Diamond Deeva In Glenfound. Slightly larger and stronger built all through but still has femininity and some elegance of outline. Lovely head, eye and expression. Ears a touch wide set and a bit reluctant to use them on the day. Sound conformation which was reflected on the move. Another that was put down to perfection.

3rd Thwaitlake All That Glittaz For Jaztech.

LB (5) 1st Laceway Rock The Boat. Stylish, taller and more elegantly built bitch. She is the ultimate showgirl and uses her ears to perfection giving off a super outline. Pleasing head, excellent neck and moderately angled front and rear. Moved very well with enough freedom and correctly carried tail. Along with her handler, they make an impressive team.

2nd Arrodare Beautiful Trauma. Well balanced bitch. Slightly smaller and more compact in outline than 1st but not the neck and a touch more open in front angles. Pleasing head and expression. Holds her outline well on the move which is sound and true in all directions.

3rd Kanamaren Take These Pearls.

OB (7) Hotly contested class. 1st Ir. Ch. Sh. Ch. Huntly Steel River. Strongly built all through but still no mistaking her gender. Ideally balanced in outline being slightly longer than high in proportions. Good head shape with a well placed, defined stop. Excellent ear set, size and carriage. Strong, reachy neck that enhances her outline. Deep, fuctional chest. Quality bone. Firm topline. Good body and muscle tone. Excellent angles of good length and balanced front and back. Firm, low hocks. Absolutely true out and back and impressive from side gait. Another that moves and holds her carriage typical of a working, herding sheepdog. In super coat and condition and expertly handled. Thought she was quite outstanding on the day and pleased to award her the CC and BOB. Congratulations!

2nd Sh Ch Sashdan Never Ending Story. A favourite of mine that was unlucky to come up against those that beat her today. Super head, excellent neck and ideal front assembly. Good outline, typical and very sound on the move. Not quite the rear of 1st but a beautiful, quality bitch that fully deserves her many wins.

3rd Laceway Raise The Roof.

Darren Clarke (Judge)