• Show Date: 01/07/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Colin Woodward Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Windsor Dog Show Society

Breed: Retriever (Flat Coated)

Veteran D/B 7 (2)

1 Walker & Roberts, Ch Gloi Dubh Fingal JW Sh.cm BVIB pleasing 8 dog of 8 years with a good head shape & skull, lovely eye & expression, strong jaw, strong neck into good shoulder placement, 

deep brisket, ample bone on good legs & feet, well muscled quarters, low hocks well muscled, moved soundly with a good tail action well presented

2 Jacobs, Jacobs & Knight, JWW15 Moonstruck Macadamia 9 years bitch with a lovely feminine head, soft expression & good dentition, clean in outline, lovely body proportion with short well coupled loin, sound happy mover 3 Boermans & Hofman, Ch Brightmoor Too Much Information Jun Ch

MPD 3 (1)

1 Walker & Roberts, Gloi Dubh Kristofer Robin, BPD 8 months & maturing nicely, decent head with kindly eye & good skull, correct ear set, moderate length of neck to good shoulders & topline, good straight front limbs, ribs developing well, good rear angulation, moved well

2 Colson, Windyhollows Ragged Robin not as forward as one at present, good head shape and eye, good bone, clean in outline with good topline, good dense coat, good tail action on the move 

PD 6 (1)

1 Walker & Roberts, Gloi Dubh Kristofer Robin

2 Bellamy & Bellamy, Bochilbarley Goblet of Fire

Just 10months good for size & substance nicely proportioned head with good eye shape & skull, balanced body, good coat texture, good neck & front assembly correct topline good in hindquarter not as positive on the move as one 3 Milton, Manteaupl at Montbazilla 

JD 8 (1)

1 Youens, Riverglide Secret Reprieve quality young dog, filled the eye deserved his place, good head shape & ear placement neck of good length, deep brisket, lovely legs & feet, correct, shown in good coat & condition, muscular quarters, hocks set low, sound mover fore & aft with good tail action.

2 Vanderstegen-Drake, Charlotte Moity Havoc

Just 15 months a pleasing young male with lovely make and shape, good head & eye colour strong neck, well developed brisket clean shoulders, strong rear quarters, topline held topline firm on the move & good tail action, well presented

3 Deacon Harlistream Rainstorm 

YD 5 

1 Bright, Hopevalley Morning Phantom

lovely type with a typical head & that lovely intelligent expression, balanced in body with good depth and ribs, ample bone & lovely feet firm topline, dense well presented coat, moved soundly & true with good tail action.

2 Wilson, Hameldowntor Pedro Ximene head well balanced, skull flat and gentle stop, neck well muscled & correct lay of shoulders, firm topline moved well good tail action a very happy dog . 

3 Vanderstegen-Drake, Charlotte Moity Havoc

PGD 10 (0)

1 Sullivan Wyrebeck Caught By Surprise RCC a really lovely dog to go over of lovely type, super head with good eye shape & expression, sets well into his neck which leads to his good front assembly, deep chest, tidy elbows, good length of body, well coupled in loin, tight feet on strong limbs Kept a level back on the move, he was very sound on the move with a good tail action, coat in excellent condition

2 Romeo-Dieste Hopevally Morning Circus 

another quality male who pushed one all the way, and was very well presented & handled, lovely masculine head with good moulded skull, slight stop dark eye, deep chest & good brisket, ample bone on strong legs & good feet, carries just the right amount of body condition, level topline & clean outline, moved out well with a good tail action 3 Millbank, Skybrook Sandpiper Of Larksdown

LD 10 (1) super class of quality. 

1 Walker, Lizzlong Shotgum Harry JW

4 years lovely type, super balanced head with gentle stop, good strong jaws and open nostrils, with dark intelligent eyes & good ear set, neck clean & muscular, good lay of shoulders, well sprung ribs, level topline good bone & feet, strong well made hindquarters he was sound on the move with a lovely tail action.

2 Taite Gamerights Troyte Another of lovely type and balance, that was close up to one, balanced head & skull, lovely expression presents a good overall picture, shoulders well angulated body deep of good length and strong loin, shown in good coat & condition, firm topline, strong quarters, movement was sounded and free with good tail action 3 Smitherman & Roberts, Seaheart Crian at Gloi

OD 9 (1)

1 Walker, Sh Ch Lizzlong Buzz Lightyear DCC BOB

Star of the day for me and a pleasure to judge him, he never stopped showing, a super dog and a worthy Champion, his head is masculine without coarseness so well balanced with good flat skull, lovely intelligent expression, strong jaws and lovely open nostrils, ears well set, neck clean and strong leading to his lovely front angulation and topline, chest deep with good brisket, stands on well boned legs & strong tight feet, body well ribbed with required gradual spring, short well coupled loin, clean outline, strong muscular hindquarters with well let down hocks, coat dense and show in super condition, sound free flowing movement with good footfall fore and aft with super tail action, just loved him BOB. 

2 Oware, Almanza Backseat Driver Pleasing type with a good head and eye with that lovely intelligent expression, strong jaws, strong neck to firm topline, good spring of ribs & deep brisket level topline to good tailset, muscular hindquarters , happy mover.

3 Holland Flatcharm Mr Brightside

GCD/B 3 (0)

1 Bright, Glenturret Lucky Char sound 4 year old strong all through with good head & muzzle correctly shaped dark eye & good ear set, shown In good coat & condition, clean outline with a good topline, moved soundly and happily around the ring with control & purpose shown in good hard condition.

2 Delamere , Gamerights Enigma liked her type, unlucky to meet one on such good form, mature deep body, feminine head with good muzzle & strong jaw, shown in good coat condition, string quarters, moved well with good tail action 

3 Durrant, Glenturret Lucky Charm

MPB 2 (0)

1 Smitherman, Seaheart Diva lovely 8 months baby sweet feminine head of good shape, good eye colour and alert expression, well bodied for age and maturing nicely, ample neck to clean shoulder placement, firm topline & good tailset, correctly angulated rear, lovely coat condition, free mover with good tail action.

2 Colson Windyhollows Laming Katy Just 6 months and not the maturity of first at present but has good overall conformation, feminine head with a soft expression, good scissor bite, good front assembly, shown in good coat condition, neat feet steady mover.

PB 10 (2)

1 Strudwick, Burpham Lottie First Love BPB, BPIB super 11 months puppy of lovely breed type, loved her head so feminine and well proportioned, lovely eye colour & that intelligent expression, gentle stop and good nostrils, sets well into good length of neck, shoulders well placed, elbow placement, deep ribs & well defined brisket, with a good brisket, strong front limbs with quality bone & tight feet well, well made muscular rear quarters with low set hicks which allowed her to move soundly and free with good foot fall, shown in excellent coat and condition, bright future ahead.

2 Sullivan, Wyrebeck Live Forever pleasing puppy who has a lovely feminine head medium sized eyes with a lovely soft expression, good shoulders & upper arm, muscular well made rear, sound powerful mover with a lovely tail action, another one with a bright future 3 Jackson, Manteauplat Margaux

JB 8 (0)

1 Bourmans & Hofman, Child Of Hope Denzel’s Bright Morwenna lovely size quality bitch feminine head with dark brown eyes & good expression, strong clean neck, good front assembly, balanced in body with good depth and strength in loin, bone correct & neat feet, clean outline, muscular quarters, well conditioned silky coat, sound happy mover, good tail action. 

2 Jones, Braemist Whitches Fire close up to 1 feminine head, kindly expression, has good overall balance with well constructed shoulders, body developing well in depth and ribs, moderate rear angulation, not as positive on the move as 1 today 

3 Bellamy,Moontorn Better Half Of Me

YB 7 (1)

1 Anderson, Kazval Angel In Your Sky Over Feldmirk, BCC quality eye catching bitch who commands attention, super head which was so balanced with good skull, lovely eye colour intelligent expression strong jaw and open nostrils, muscular neck of good length flowing into good shoulders and topline, super legs and feet, mature in body with deep brisket & good length of ribs, strong in loin, muscular quarters with moderate bend of stifle & well let down hocks, shown in excellent coat and condition, her movement was sound free & covers the ground well, lovely tail action, delighted to award her the CC 

2 Lane-Ridyard, Lane & Lane, Kazval Thing Called Love With Kulawand another quality exhibit from this kennel, pleasing feminine head & eye colour, good length of neck, shoulders well constructed, deep chest & good length to ribcage, moved with soundly holding her lovely outline with good footfall fore & aft, clean well presented coat.

3 Bellamy, Moonthorn Better Half Of Me

PGB 10 (4)

1 Hutchinson, Waveton Illusion mature girl nicely made all through, good shape to head dark expressive eyes with good pigment, ears well set, lovely open nostrils, strong neck to firm topline which she kept at all times, well made rear quarters with moderate stifles, lovely legs and feet, presents a lovely profile picture both standing and in her lovely free flowing movement which was sound and true, shown in good coat & condition. 

2 Campbell, Ronevorg Whispering Angel not as forward in maturity as 1 but could not be denied her place in this super class, lovely headpiece with a pleasing expression, balanced in body with good length and depth of ribs, quality bone & tight feet, clean in outline & strong in quarters, moved ok with a lovelytail action. 

3 Delamere, Gamerights Enigma 

LB 12 (1). super class of quality a pleasure to judge them all.

1 Walker, Lizzlog Fanny By Gaslight RBCC Another one of super type from this clever breeder, super head good skull and length of jaw, intelligent expression, clean neck of good length leading into her well constructed shoulders, deep brisket and well ribbed back, strong square loin, firm in topline and tail well set, quality bone & good tight feet, shown in super coat and condition, moved very soundly, light on her feet & sound as a bell with lovely tail action, loved her

2 Jacobs & Knight, Gemswin Dressed For Success

Unlucky to meet one on good form. Another well balanced & substantial girl pleasing head of good proportion good eye shape & colour, ample neck to firm topline, shown in good hard condition & well proportioned all through with good ring presence, moved well

3 Delamere, Gamerights Deep River Blue

OB 8 (2) another super class full of quality & type 

1 Johnston & Hill, Sh Ch Feldkirk Dior Of Kazval Super bitch and a worthy Ch, Good head & eye colour with that desired intelligent expression, so well constructed & balanced all through, good neck & shoulder placement, deep rib & brisket, well boned & tight feet, moderate stifles on muscular hind quarters, super coat and condition movement was sound and effortless with a lovely tail action 

2 Holland, Woodfinch Highland Fairy For Flatcharm another exhibit and close up to feminine head with soft expression gentle stop, straight front limbs with quality bone and good feet, well proportioned in body, firm topline, clean in outline, strong hindquarters, moved soundly with purpose

3 Romeo-Dieste Hopevalley Morning Rainbow JW