• Show Date: 12/03/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Christine Partington-Palmer Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023


Breed: Japanese Chin

Crufts 2022


It is a once in a lifetime you have the honour to judge your breed at Crufts. I would like to

thank both of my hard-working stewards for all their help in making sure everything ran

smoothly. It was a long day for them.

I would also like to thank the exhibitors who entered their dogs under me and very much

appreciated the showmanship shown on the day.

In some classes I was very disappointed with the quality in others I was literally splitting


One noticeable problem was some exhibits lacked confidence in the ring. I’m not sure if it

was a temperament problem or that they were overawed by the occasion, as there really is

no show like Crufts, with all the noise, crowds and atmosphere around the rings. On a

positive note presentation, on the whole, was good. It was nice to see the correct hare foot

on the majority of chins today, as it is one of the breeds striking features.

Veteran Dog

Entries: 6 Absentees: 1

What a super class this was. Both owners and breeders should be very proud. They all looked wonderful for their


1ST Mattadam Samurai at Sharlama (Mrs T Quinn)

What a showman this 7 year old boy is he seemed to enjoy every minute. Nice size and shape . large masculine

head. Beautiful dark eyes. Wide chest Level top line and correct tail set. Good coat. Moved soundly and covered

the ground well in both directions. Was very pleased to award him Best Veteran in Breed

2ND Myojo Morgan at Glendyke ShCM (Miss J & L Mcfarlane)

Very similar to my winner. Correct head and eyes.. Short well cushioned muzzle. Nice length of neck. Body was

square and compact. Moved well.

3RD Sharlarna Tailor Made for Dekobras JW (Mrs C Beadling)

Quality dog. Again very similar in type to my first and second 8 years of age and certainly didn’t look it. Good

head and muzzle, lovely sized dark eyes. Moved well.

Minor Puppy Dog

Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1St Sharlarna Double Trouble TAF (Mrs M Emmerson)

Stood alone but still a worthy winner. Just 8 months old who is maturing well. Ideal size and shape Correct head

and expression. Level topline. Correct tail set. Good coat texture. Moved correctly in both directions

Puppy Dog

Entries: 5 Absentees: 2

3 quality puppies.

1ST Sleepyhollow Vincent (Miss T & Ms L Burns & Hampton)

There was so much to like about this boy. The longer he stayed in the ring the more he confidence grew. His

head is in proportion to his size. Correct shape and sized eyes with a soft expression. Nice body and good coat

for age. Moved well once he relaxed. BPD

2ND Sharlarnas Chaos at Bellflows (Mrs G Blair)

Just a little over 9 months of age. He had the most wonderful temperament. Lovely shaped skull and dark eyes.

Good body for his age. Level top line and good tail set.

3RD Kirdanchi Chin and Tonic (Mrs S Holland-Smith)

Just 10 months of age. Correct head and cushioning. Good eyes and expression. Just lost out on rear


Junior Dog

Entries: 5 Absentees: 0

1ST Anjuli Tank Commander at Seafar (Mrs L Ratter)

17 months of age. A little lager than I would prefer. Excels in head, which is very masculine. Correct length of

neck which he carries so well. Body square and solid and good tail set. Beautiful coat long straight and silky. His

movement is straight and stylish in both directions

2ND Sharlarnas Chaos at Bellflows (Mrs G Blair)

2 nd in previous class.

3RD Corrinwood Peter Piper (Miss J & L Mcfarlane)

Elegant and nice sized dog. Correct head shape eyes and expression level topline. Moved well

Yearling Dog

Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1ST Amantra Eiji (Mrs T M Jackson)

19 months of age. Lovely size. Excellent head with short wide well cushioned muzzle. Dark eyes of correct size

and showing just the correct amount of white. Body was square and compact, tail set high on a level back and

well feathered. well presented. Moved well

2ND Corrinwood Peter Piper (Miss J & L Mcfarlane)

Elegant and nice sized dog. Correct head shape eyes and expression. Level top line Moved well.

Post Graduate Dog

Entries: 13 Absentees: 4

Thoroughly enjoyed judging this class, Quality in abundance.

1ST Sangria Salvador Dali (Mr G W Farmer)

Nicely marked, Elegant and refined male who scored highly in all departments. Beautifully put together Body

square and compact with good width of chest. In fabulous condition, moved with style.

2ND Tillashbys Nick Is in A Twist at Frondil JW (Mr N Tarabad)

Lovely size and shape, Nice sized head dark eyes with sweet expression. Body square and well balanced

Profuse long silky coat. Moved correctly and showed well today.

3RD Ossidcla Shiro (Miss A F Gamble)

Another quality male, who had all the attributes I was looking for. Good breed type. In good coat and condition

showed and moved very well.

Limit Dog

Entries: 10 Absentees: 3

I felt very privileged to judge this class of outstanding Chins .

1ST Sleepyhollow Love Me Sibbai (Ms L, Miss E & Mr D Hampton, Vine & Strange)

Caught my eye as soon as he entered the ring. I certainly was not disappointed when I went over him. Small and

dainty but with substances. Elegant and stylish mover. Stunning head, dark eyes showing the correct amount of

white. Well laid shoulders balanced throughout, faultless tail set. Profuse coat of the the correct texture and

presented and shown to perfection Delighted to award him the RCC He put up a very strong challenge to my

CC winner. I’m sure he will gain the title of champion

2ND Sharlarna Tyson (Miss S J & Mr A Westwick & Davidson)

Slightly larger than my winner. Broad Skull. large dark eyes. well cushioned muzzle. Short coupled well bodied.

Level top line and good tail set. Silky and straight coat . Moves and shows well.

3RD Yama Ghost Rider with Cholas (Mr N & J Farrugia)

Eye catching lemon and white. Ideal size. cobby compact body. Correct textured silky coat. Presented in

excellent condition. Moved soundly

Open Dog

Entries: 7 Absentees: 2

What a stunning class this was to judge. I know the first 3 dogs have and will continue to change places.

1ST Ch Sharlarnas Magician (Mr C F Young)

This dog is like a fine wine he gets better with age. What can I say that has not already been written about him

For me he epitomizes our breed standard. He is such a great ambassador for the breed. His showmanship is

second to none. From the moment he enters the ring he demands attention and you cannot deny it. For me he is

everything I was looking for in a Japanese Chin. His appearance, character and temperament are near perfect.

He head is in proportion to his size. His muzzle is short wide and well cushioned. Eyes are as our standard askes

for, and so are his ears, mouth and neck. His coat is long straight and silky soft. His movement is a joy to watch

as he covers the ground with such ease. Presentation and handling were top rate.I was delighted to award him

both the DCC and BOB . He looked stunning in the big ring and did our breed his owner and breeder proud, and

was very unlucky not to have been pulled out in the final selection.

2ND Ch. Sangria Moon Walk (Mr G W Farmer)

Such a worthy champion. Quality abounds right from the top of his head to the tip of his tail. He is a lovely size

and shape. Right amount of bone. Body square and compact. Eyes dark with a lovely soft expression. Correct

coat texture. Moved beautifully around the ring. Presentation was super as it always is from this Kennel.

3RD Javalcy The Great Mikado JW (Ms J Thomas)

Another dog I have admired. He is a little bigger than my first two. Such an elegant dog with great ring presence..

Nice and square. Super head and eye. Nice length of neck and good top line. Correct tail set. Coat in fabulous

condition , Movement spot on.

Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog

Entries: 6 Absentees: 1

My first three dogs we are quite similar. All had excellent temperaments

1ST Mattadam Samurai at Sharl (Mrs T A Quinn)

1 st VD & BVB

2ND Shardlow Mikado with Osakazuki (Ms M M Doran)

Good head and nice cushioning, eyes as they should be. Level top line and nice tail set.

Moved soundly in both directions

3RD Jeskandai Koi No Yokan (Miss J & L Mcfarlane)

Same attributes as my 1 st and 2 nd Moved well around the ring.

Japanese Chin - Veteran Bitch

Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1ST Yama Paper Lace (Mrs S C Vincent)

This 8 year old bitch is so pretty and looks so well for her age.. Feminine head with nice dark eyes which were

of the correct size and shape. She has such a lovely expression. Well bodied and very shapely with a good tail

set. Moved very well. A credit to her owner/breeder.

Minor Puppy Bitch

Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1ST Sharlarna Hiflying Handbag (Miss S J & Mr A Westwick &Davidson)

Quality 81/2 month old still very much a baby, Ultra feminine head. Round eyes showing the correct look of


Nice body for her age .High set tall which never stopped wagging. Moved well in both directions and with


Puppy Bitch

Entries: 5 Absentees: 0

What a superclass. I was impressed with the quality, which bodes well for the breed.

1ST Sharlarna Bush Bash Bosh (Miss P Martin)

This girl caught my eye when she entered the ring Full of personality. Excels in breed type. Good size for age.

Pretty head with a lovely oriental expression. Firm body. Tail set high on her back. Elegant & stylish when on

the move. BBP and went on to be BPB Look forward to following her progress.

2ND Ismirelle I Put A Spell On You (Miss L Bradley)

Another quality bitch. Nicely marked. Lovely size and shape. Super breed type. Pleasing head and expression.

Nicely bodied for age. Moved true back and forth.

3RD Sleepyhollow Peace Flower at Dalehouse (Mrs C M Oatridge)

Pretty bitch Good topline and tailset. Good breadth of chest and well ribbed body. Pleasing head. Beautiful

expressive eyes. Moved soundly.

Junior Bitch

Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1ST Rossyn Emiko (Miss L Bradley)

So very feminine correct size delightful expression Nice shaped body. Maturing well. Good coat of the correct

texture. Moved soundly around the ring.

2ND Tismechis Yumi (Ms Clark)

Super head and cushioning Eyes having that astonished look. Square and compact. Carries a good coat of

correct texture Moved well.

3RD Kin Kohana of Spiritisle (Mrs J G Cushing)

A nice sized sable . Good size and shape. Nicely presented

Yearling Bitch

Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1ST Anjuli Margo for Cranvarl (Mrs L Crane)

Nice type of bitch, lots to like about her, Ideal size. Well rounded skull with large dark eyes and broad well

cushioned muzzle, Really cobby with a very good body and tailset, Silky straight coat moved well.

2ND Craimose Touch of Class (Mr C F Young)

A slightly finer bitch but with bags of quality and so feminine Correct proportioned head to her size muzzle short

wide and well cushioned. Eyes of the correct shape and size and showing just the correct amount of white.

Preferred the movement of 1 st .

3RD Aki Kaori of Spiritisle (Mrs J G Cushing)

Another Sable from this Kennel. Honest and of good type. Shown in good condition

Post Graduate Bitch

Entries: 9 Absentees: 1

1ST Sharlarna Temptress TAF (Mr S Cayton)

Loved her head shape and expression Ideal size and shape. Compact body level and square. Scored very highly

on her movement which is a joy to watch so elegant and stylish Exudes quality. Just need a little more coat to

complete the picture. Reserve Bitch CC

2ND Omikudzi Bohemia (Miss E Instone)

What lovely r/w. Full of quality. Super feminine head and delightful expression. Nice and square in shape. Good

solid body. In beautiful condition . Shown and handled well.

3RD Sleepyhollow Cover Girl for Kirdanchi (Mrs S Holland-Smith

A very attractive bitch overall look is very pleasing both in size and shape. Attractive head with a lovely oriental

expression. Fine boned and dainty. Shown in excellent order

Limit Bitch

Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1ST Cholas Lucy Locket (Mr N & J Farrugia)

A very useful bitch soundly made with lovely head and pleasing expression. Good body Moved with style and


2ND Ouzlewell’s Arabella (Mrs S E Lindley)

Nice size, good shaped head and lovely cushioning with expressive eyes. Nicely balanced and moved well.

3RD Bonniroy Yorie Aka (Mrs G Speight)

Feminine r/w girl with nice head and eye. Shown in good condition.

Open Bitch

Entries: 10 Absentees: 2

What a magnificent class .

1ST Ch Harlouville Uptown Girl JW (Mrs T A Quinn)

I have greatly admired this bitch, but this is the first time I have been able to go over her. I was not disappointed.

Gorgeous head. Beautiful size and so square Exquisite eyes and expression. Muzzle short wide and well

cushioned. Good solid body. Level topline high set well plumed tail. Sound and stylish. Presented in tip top

condition BCC

2ND Omegaville Ima Showgirl (Ms A D A Forth)

Ultra feminine correctly shaped head nicely cushioned characteristic look of astonishment. Good length of neck

Square compact and level top line very good set tail. Moved confidently and soundly coat in pristine condition .

Pressed hard in the challenge

3RD Int Ch/dutch Ch/bel Ch Perfect Star of The Special Lobo (P.e.m. Leferink )

Square, dainty and small nicely constructed. Moved well.

Once again may I take this opportunity to thank everyone for making it a day to remember Thank you .

Judge: C E Partington-Palmer