• Show Date: 08/05/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Christina Chapman Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Birmingham Dog Show Society Ltd

Breed: Great Swiss Mountain Dog

Great Swiss Mountain Dog

Puppy Dog

1. Vandrill, Vandervalley And After All lovely 9mth old, well bodied for age, balance good for age too. Good well proportioned head. On the move is very positive with very good rear action already. Should make up well

Junior Dog

1. Parkin-Russell, Spaclere Timex Tiny Tim 15mth teenager, well bodied with good muscle tone, good bone and feet. Overall outline very pleasing. Moved well with particularly good hind action with well used hocks. Res.BD

Limit Dog

1. D'Arcy, Springhaze Magna Carta 6 yrs mature dog, Good head with breadth to skull. Well muscled, nice bone and good feet. Typical breed movement which looked easy but with strength and drive. Lovely temperament too Best Dog

Veteran Dog

1. Vandrill, Springhaze Hi Expectations at Vandervalley 9trs Very good head, nice muzzle and skull. Good outline and topline, strong bone & good feet. Lovely depth to chest and good movement, using his hocks to provide drive. Best Veteran

2. D'Arcy, Lion King Baltic Story at Springhaze 8 yrs and similar to 1 in many aspects so same remarks apply just today, not quite the strength in hind action as 1.

Puppy Bitch

1. Brailey, Petronella Eki Balarda at Springhaze (Imp) 10mth with lovely feminine head & expression. Well boned & good body for age. Movement is very positive for a youngster. Super prospect ResBB

Open Bitch

1. Parkin-Russell, Tamarackgsmd Coral Pour Spaclere (Imp) 4 yrs with well proportioned feminine head, lovely eyes. Well bodied with firm muscle, good bone & feet and good outline. Moved well with enough reach & drive to make it look so easy. Best Bitch & BOB

                                        Judge ... Christina Chapman