• Show Date: 08/05/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Christina Chapman Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Birmingham Dog Show Society Ltd

Breed: Hovawart


What a lovely breed this is with very sporting exhibitors. Ni major problems, just a couple a little close behind but only young so should alter as they grow. Heads were all good, as were toplines and muscle. Temperaments as usual, were first class. Many thanks for your entry.


1. Werner-Dellar Hightimbers Ticket to Rock 2yr blonde with good head, lovely eye & well set ears. Good bone & feet. well bodied & in full coat with nice depth of chest. On the moved used his hocks for drive & good front too.

Limit Dog

1. Woodger Hightimbers Ticket to Moon Best Dog 2yrs Good outline, strong topline & loin. Nicely balanced in angulation & good depth to chest. Quality bone & tight feet & in the move shows reach, drive & again well used hocks. Loods easy & ground covering

2. Spencer Duxfortis Harris at Hightimbers Res Best Dog 3yrs almost mature but still a bit more to come. Good topline, strong loin & balanced angulation. Moved with drive & good profile action just not quite matching 1 today in profile

3. Werner-Dellar Hightimbers Ticket to Rock

Open Dog

1. Woodger Hightimbers Ticket to Moon repeat from Limit


1. Christopherson Hightimbers Ticket to Evita 2yr blonde with pleasing outline, pretty feminine head & eye. Nice depth to chest, good bone & feet. Angulation balanced so on the move had good front action and just needs to firm up a little behind

Limit Bitch

1. Shone Zwartbos Moondance 5 yr mature B. with good outline strong loin and balanced angulation & good depth to chest. Lovely bone & feet. Feminine head & eye. On the move has reach & drive & uses her hocks well.

2. McClure Hightimbers Ticket to Dream at Kanukalos 2te, typy bitch with good topline & strong loin & well angulated too. Pretty feminine head. Movement if good all round but still more to come, exciting prospect

Open Bitch

1. McClure Kanukalos Burletta Best Bitch & BOB Wow what a bitch. Super out;line, loin & thigh well muscled. Good bone & tight feet. Good depth to chest, feminine head & eye. Angulation is well balanced & movement is just what I want to see. Drives from well used hocks, good front with reach * super profile action. Loved her

2. Hensworth Hightimbers Travel Tickets Blonde & close up to 1 so similar remarks apply just not matching the rear action of 1 today. Another typy one with feminine head, well muscled & balanced through.

3. Campbell Lucy Nicona Juliet

Veteran Bitch

1. Hemsworth Driftingsky Tousle Res Best Bitch 8yr pretty head & expression. Good solid topline, strong loin & thigh muscle. Good depth to chest. Well balanced angulation & on the move uses her hocks for drive, has good reach & profile stride too

2. White/Whitmore Driftingsky Alixe 8 yr and quite similar to 1 that same remarks apply just not so settled in front today but so so much to like.

                                  Judge ... Christina Chapman