• Show Date: 17/09/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Christina Chapman Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Darlington Dog Show Society Ltd

Breed: Canadian Eskimo Dog

Canadian Eskimo Dogs

Puppy D/B

1. Byrne Aavuuta Qimmiq Aktak (Imp) 8 mth grey/white well boned, good feet & texture to coat. Head a bit narrow but may fill out as he grows, nice eye & expression. Angulation not yet balanced but Ok for age as is movement. BP

2. McKinley Carlotta di Savola (Imp) close up to 1 so similar remarks apply although lacking coat at the moment. A little disparity in type in these two but they may both change as they grow and develop. RBB

Junior D/B

1. Withheld

Post Grad. D/B

1. Cree Xorkanis Lomu 19mth D. Head coming along nicely. Well coated with good outline & bone, Depth to chest, overall balance & angulation right for age, I feel there is still a little more to come. Moves with good stride, reach & drive.

2. Cree Xorkanis Hemi 19mth litter sister to 1 so same remarks apply but with a feminine expression, just not quite matching the rear action of 1 today

3. Cronin/Cronin Harpan Galena Bay

Open D/B

1. Bailey Qimugta Judas By Akna 2.5yr D. Super outline, good coat with pronounced mane. Level topline, strong loin, medium ribs & good depth to chest. Angulation is balanced so movement is strong, powerful yet looks so easy. Easy BD & BOB

2. Bailey Cam.Ch. Arcticice Qimmiq G Armorak Avec Akna (Imp) 9yrs young and a favourite of mine, has all the attributes of one just not quite the movement today of 1. Still the quality to take RBOB & BV

3. Graham Akna Voorhees

                                   Judge ... Christina Chapman