• Show Date: 06/11/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Charmaine Ennis van Maren Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Berkshire Downs & Chilterns Golden Retriever Club

Breed: Retriever (Golden)

Berkshire Downs & Chilterns Golden Retriever Club The Kennel Club Building, Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire. Sunday 6th November 2022 Dog Judge: Mrs Charmaine Ennis van Maren ( Ramchaine )

My thanks to the committee for inviting me to judge the males at their Championship Show and for their hard work to ensure the smooth running of the show. Big thanks to my efficient, competent ring steward Anthony Trinder, who had everything kept under control and in good order, so we kept to super organization and timing. I found it a lovely sporting, friendly atmosphere and an enjoyable show. To each and every exhibitor, I thank you for your entry and being able to assess, go over and judge your beloved Goldens. My first show back in the UK after over 4.5 years, so lots of new dogs to me !! In general I found temperaments, mouths and condition to be good, and no detrimental exaggerations, but there were a LOT of males with overlong loins for a short coupled breed, a few too many with a short more upright upper arm, and a few too many tails carried too high and not level with the back - as is asked for in our breed standard. All decisions for top honours were in agreement with my co-judge Isobel Cuthill, (Mousseglen) : BOB/BIS was the bitch CC winner Sh Ch Linigor Teasel and Tweed to Garvin Best Puppy Thornywait Starstruck with Lovissa Best Veteran Messano Double or Quits JW . My critique is for each dog placed 1st , 2nd & 3rd in each class.

SPECIAL VETERAN DOG (9 years +) ( 3, 2 Absent) 1st Barber’s StVincent Golden Gun from Swansreach ShCM VW. 9.5 years. Pretty male with good ring presence and a happy, waggy show attitude. Well chiselled head with kind dark eyes. Correct bite. Fit and muscular all through. Standing foursquare on good legs and feet with well fitting elbows. Balanced in his angulation front and rear. Moved out well and with ease.

MINOR PUPPY DOG ( 11, 3 Absent) 1st Murray’s Shebelta Sweet Talkin’ Guy. Very lovely 7 months old baby. Full of scope and promise. Moved out well and with purpose and power to win this class. Understandably for age still needs to firm in topline, and develop in muscle. Confident in character and enjoying his time in the ring. Gorgeous well chiselled head and soft, sweet expression. Superb pigment. Superb reach of neck set into wonderful layback of shoulder and excellent return of upperarm, placing forelegs well under the body, his lovely front assembly enabling a long far reaching stride and in balance with his super hind angulation, to give an attractive picture on the move and when stacked. Deep, well sprung ribcage. Good bone. Super cat like feet.                               2nd Foreman’s Ambersun I’ll Fly for You. Wonderfully balanced promising baby in superb coat. Standing foursquare. Has everything just where you would want it at this age stage. Very sweet head and expression. Good bone and feet. Lovely neck and topline, superb layback and length to shoulder blade. Liked him a lot.                                                                                                               3rd Phillips Shebelta Sweet Soul Music. Well grown, eye catching puppy in pretty coat. Rolling yet stylish when moving. Appealing, pretty head. Neck of good length, giving lovely head carriage. Needs to strengthen in topline and tighten on the move. Sometimes standing bit rounded in croup, otherwise he makes a super shape !

PUPPY DOG (10, 3 Absent)   1st Archer’s Haydengold Just A Rumour at Sunandair . Attractive well sized , well boned puppy. Good stride and carriage on the move. Good pigment. Dark eyes. Very much still a baby face. Strong, muscular neck of good length, set into superb well laid back shoulders. Strong level topline and tailset. Strong muscular loin. Good forechest. Excellent return of upperarm allowing forelegs to be set well under the body. Still needs to develop and deepen in chest. Strong, powerful, well angulated hindquarters, with strong hocks.                                                                                                                                             2nd Murray’s Shebelta’s Sweet Talkin’ Guy                                   3rd Phillips Shebelta Sweet Soul Music

JUNIOR DOG (8, 1 Absent)  1st Kipp’s Wheatcroft Rainbow . Upstanding, attractive, masculine, balanced young dog, that entered the ring covering the ground with style , poise and a powerful action. Strong & well muscled all through. Balanced in angulation front and rear. Strong, clean, muscular neck of good length, allowing lovely head carriage, and flowing into super strong level topline with level tailset. Well laid, clean shoulders. Super well knuckled catlike feet. Lovely head with dark eye and pigment.                           2nd Garget & Morriss Goldmarker Coming Home to Garvin JW. Well presented boy in glorious coat with a gorgeous kind head and expression. Most superb forehand assembly. Wonderful bone and feet. Excellent spring of rib. Rolling on the move, needs to tighten in his movement and lengthen his stride to show off his qualities seen standing.                                                                                 3rd Munro’s Alibren Ready Teddy JW. Well chiselled head with a sweet, smiley expression and dark eye. Good neck, topline and tailset. Straight legs. Moved out well around the ring. Would prefer a shorter loin, needs to deepen in body, so elbows a bit loose. Not in his best coat today.

YEARLING DOG (7, 1 Absent) 1st Bawden’s Balsamina Beachcomber at Darthill JW. This glamourous, beautiful young boy caught my eye immediately. He oozes breed type and quality, and radiates his wonderful charming, friendly personality to make you smile. Most gorgeous sweet head with good pigment, kind, dark eyes and soft expression. Very well presented in beautiful coat and firm, muscular condition. Super length of neck flowing into dead level topline and tailset. Excellent length and layback to shoulder blade. Excellent length and return of upperarm, placing forelegs well under the body. Plenty of forechest. Deep body with good depth to chest, and well sprung ribs. Super strong loin. Lovely hind angulation. Straight legs, of good length. Gorgeous well padded catlike feet. His fabulous construction and strong hocks, allows for an easy, effortless ground covering, purposeful, far reaching movement with good drive. Happy to award him the RCC.

2nd Haines Leighsham Tullamore JW. Another fabulous young dog and great example of our breed. Excels on the move. Totally balanced picture with everything in proportion, a superb outline standing and holds a lovely outline when moving. Extremely well made throughout, with everything in perfect harmony. Pleasing head and expression with dark eyes and good pigment. Lovely neck set into well laid back shoulders with corresponding return of upperarm. Muscular hindquarters with a good turn of stifle. Level topline and tailset. Super straight legs.   3rd Lopez Checkmate De Ria Vela . Impressive boy, masculine, well bodied, deep through the heart, strongly made with good bone and great substance. Balanced in his overall construction. Lovely head and expression. Extremely well angulated, giving him great extension front and rear when moving. Standing he needs to strengthen in his hocks to give straighter rear pasterns. 

MAIDEN DOG (5, 1 Absent) 1st Murray’s Shebelta’s Sweet Talkin’ Guy              2nd Phillips Shebelta Sweet Soul Music                                3rd Black’s Bencoe Just in Time del Avrain. A lovely baby of 8 months with a sweet head and expression. Most lovely pigment and dark kind eyes. Good bone and substance. Lovely well shaped feet. In abundant profuse coat that hides his well constructed frame underneath, and not always standing correctly to show it off. Good shoulders, Short coupled, strong rear quarters. Needs to tighten in topline and drop down as often standing bum high, which is typical at this age stage when stacked. 

NOVICE DOG ( 8, 2 Absent) 1st Archer’s Haydengold Just A Rumour at Sunandair.   2nd Murray’s Shebelta’s Sweet Talkin’ Guy .     3rd Phillips Shebelta Sweet Soul Music

UNDERGRADUATE DOG (5 , 2 Absent) Three very different males. 1st Archer’s Haydengold Just A Rumour at Sunandair.    2nd William’s Berrymeade Kilternan of Bushyhall . Well made with scope and shape, stands well naturally, without assistance, lovely neck flowing into clean shoulders, balanced in his angles, good topline and tailset, which remained level on the move. Good leg length. Short coupled with well sprung ribcage.  3rd Gulliver’s Tonara Moon Walk . Strong, compact, powerful, well bodied, well muscled boy. Well made throughout. Good neck, strong back, powerful hindquarters. Lovely well padded, neat cat like feet.

GRADUATE DOG ( 11, 1 Absent) 1st Loverock’s Thornywait Save My Space at Lovissa. Wonderful shape and construction on this catchy, perfectly presented, well proportioned young boy. Handled with precision to advantage. Balanced and strongly made throughout. Lovely strong neck of good length, flowing into dead level topline and tailset. Super clean, well laid back shoulders, plenty forechest, strong, neat rear pasterns. Good bone and neat feet. Superb, long ground covering stride. Beautiful, kind head with dark eye and dark pigment. 2nd Layland’s Applecote Hearts Desire . Super mover. Immaculately presented in glorious wavy full coat with beautiful feathering. Standing foursquare with good bone and gorgeous feet. Short, strong couplings. Strode out around the ring with power and excellent head and tail carriage. Very well made in his construction and conformation, which shows in his effortless movement.  3rd Little’s King of Swing Qdore of Labgold to Bluebraes (imp PL) Strongly made, masculine boy which excelled on the move, showing wonderful reach and drive and an easy powerful action. Not in his best coat today. Loved his head, sweet smiley face and kind, friendly expression. Strong neck, set into well placed shoulders. Well sprung ribcage, good strong level topline with correct level tailset, good second thighs and hind angulation, with strong, straight hocks. Lovely bone and good feet. Balanced in his angulation and outline.

POST GRADUATE DOG ( 10, 2 Absent) 1st Towers & Henderson’s Alibren Baker’s Boy. Superb male in many aspects, and very much considered him in the challenge. He radiates power, strength, masculinity and soundness. So pleasing to the eye. Handled to advantage he powered around the ring with impressive ease, showing off his wonderful topline, head and tail carriage. Beautiful , strongly made, well bodied boy with great presence. Beautiful, well chiselled head, with lovely dark eyes and a soft, gentle expression. Muscular neck flowing into strong level topline. Correct level tailset and carriage. Well muscled, in hard condition. Strong muscular rear quarters with excellent second thighs and good turn to stifle. Good body and spring of rib. Good depth to chest, giving plenty of heart room. Superb well laid shoulders, plenty of forechest, well presented.                                                  2nd Beck’s Denmarella Everyday The Sun . Happy, waggy, well constructed with good angles front and rear. In pretty coat. Long neck. Level topline and correct level tailset. Deep, well bodied with tight fitting elbows and a good ribcage. In good muscular condition with strong muscular hind quarters. Straight legs.. Moved out well, sound and true.                                                            3rd Wallis Blue Gemstone Katrina. Happy, waggy, masculine boy with great ring presence, moving off strong and powerful with good drive. Balanced and well made throughout, allowing excellent movement. Needs to perfect his stand as not always showing off his lovely conformation when stood. Good tight, well knuckled feet.

MID LIMIT DOG (8, 1 Absent) 1st McGeoch Nedlezah Lochlea . Very lovely mature , harmonious, balanced male, creating a wonderful picture, with no exagerations. Pleasing head. Good layback of shoulder and corresponding return of upperarm. Good bone, Neat, tight feet. Strong, well let down hocks, strong powerful, straight movement with excellent reach and drive and a free and easy stride. Kind eyes. In good coat & excellent condition. 2nd Foreman’s Ambersun Heart and Soul. Moved out and shown to advantage. Balanced with good body. Great on the move with his animated powerful long easy stride, with good reach and drive and his lovely nonstop wagging tail ! Superb level topline and tailset. Well made forehand. Strong hindquarters. Stands four square. 3rd Haxton’s Dantassie Double Take . Well made, masculine boy who strode out well. Well chiselled, kind head and soft, kind expression with dark pigment. Good strong, muscular neck of good length, set into good forehand with plenty of forechest, well muscled, strong quarters, with a good turn of stifle. Good feet. Straight legs. Good depth of chest and spring to ribcage. Super strong topline and correct level tailset. In superb hard condition. Balanced in his angles front and rear which allowed powerful movement. 

LIMIT DOG (12, 2 Absent) 1st Clarke-Gear’s Ousevale Tobermory JW. Gorgeous, mature, quality substantial boy. In top form today. Well bodied and well muscled, in wonderful condition, full coat, and presented to perfection. Lovely head and soft expression with dark pigment. Superb reach of neck. Super forechest and superb forehand assembly in balance and proportion with his wonderful hind angulation and short strong rear pasterns, enabling superb extension on the move with a fabulous long ground covering stride. Moved to advantage to win this class. Good bone, good feet, deep through the heart, well ribbed back, with a well sprung ribcage and firm, strong loin. 2nd Laidlaw-Good & McShane’s Fhairmhor Haud Yer Wheesht at Rigerin . Eyecatching, balanced, well made boy. Excellent construction and condition. Looks good free stood and wagging. What a happy, smiley, waggy, gorgeous quality boy ! Full of breed type. From his sweet, smiley, kind face, to his fabulous well shaped feet, neat strong, straight hocks, and to the tip of his ever wagging tail. Great legs. Good bone. Great feet. Super long strong muscular neck, flowing into level topline. Well bodied. In lovely coat with ample feathering. 3rd Randall’s Kelverquest Portland Bill JW. Super mover, easy, long reaching stride, with power and drive from the rear. Lovely reach of neck flowing into dead level topline and tailset. Excellent layback to shoulder. Good bone, straight legs and lovely catlike feet. Strong straight rear pasterns. Well constructed front and rear. Good forechest and angles front and back. Good body with plenty of heart room and well sprung ribcage. Lovely outline when stacked, which he held on the move.

OPEN DOG ( 6, 1 Absent) 1st Kipps Sh Ch Cadwst Flash Flame to Wheatcroft . Impressive, showy, elegant, stylish eyecatching absolutely fabulous male who stood out to head a super class of champions. Strides out easily and effortlessly with added glamour, straight, sound and true. Perfectly balanced, with very correct conformation, he excels in his leg length to body ratio, he exudes a quality and excellence with his fabulous firm outline held from all angles both stood and moving. Loved his clean shoulders, strong level topline, tailset and carriage. Kind dark eyes, smiley friendly face, classic well chiselled head, strong clean neck of good reach which he uses to look ahead and around with a magnificent demeanor and regal ring presence. Good bone, body, spring of rib and depth of chest. Superb length of leg. He has everything in such a perfect state of balance he creates an air of total harmonious equilibrium on the move as he glides around the ring, with perfect carriage and poise, magnetically drawing your attention. Very pleased to award him the CC.

  2nd. Gerhold’s Sh Ch Jaymardy Indigo Pacific JW. Masculine, muscular powerpack. Strong, matured, well boned and well bodied with great substance, depth of chest and great spring of rib. Well muscled in hard condition. Powerful mover with superb extention, reach and drive. Lovely feet. In full coat and condition. So balanced with wonderful construction. Loved his strong dead level topline with correct level tailset both standing and on the move. Moved with his head down today which cost him in the challenge.  

3rd Gilstoff’s Sh Ch Endellion Spinnaker . Superb on the move. Flowing stride that covers the ground with an easy positive, powerful, sound and true action. Very well made throughout in his conformation. Full of scope. In beautiful coat with very lovely feathering. Well chiselled head. Neck of good length. Clean, well laid back shoulder, excellent return of upperarm. Well angled strong quarters with a good turn of stifle. Level topline and tailset.

SPECIAL WORKING DOG ( 3, 0 Absent) 1st Towers & Henderson’s Alibren Galileo to Wetervane JW SGWC. Just gorgeous ! Fills the eye standing and a total joy to go over. Extremely well constructed and totally balanced. Gorgeous head of good proportions. Wonderful kind, gentle, expression with kind, dark eyes. Good length of neck allowing wonderful head carriage. Superb strong level topline and correct level tailset. Well bodied, with great substance and excellent depth to chest, enabling plenty of heart room. Super cat like feet. Wonderful bone and legs. Strong, neat, well let down hocks. Covers the ground with a straight, steady, level, easy stride. He just lacked the extra pizzazz for top honours today in the challenge.  

2nd Williams Berrymead Couer Blimey at Busheyhall SGWC Totally balanced in his angulation and construction, allowing a straight, clean, effortless, free and easy stride and a ground covering powerful action. Fit and muscular in good condition. Sweet head and expression. Good straight legs, good bone, lovely neat feet. Good ribbing and body. 3rd Phipps-Baker & Baker’s Tenfield Night of Thunder for Maddouse. Smaller dog, Balanced in his angles front and rear, allowing a straight, powerful, true driving action. Well muscled, In gorgeous coat and full bloom