• Show Date: 27/10/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Cath Moffat Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Midland Counties Canine Society

Breed: Belgian Shepherd Dog (Groenendael)

PD 2(0)

1. Maclellan’s Debruix Moet Imperial** 6½ months old and very promising, alert and lively, liked his head, good ear set, dark eye and well chiselled, straight front with correct bone and good feet, nicely angulated front and rear giving a lovely outline, once settled, he moved with a typical brisk, free action, in super coat and condition. 

2. Hermann’s Jetaime Moonlight Shadow. Another youngster of just 6 months, ok in head with good ear set and nice proportions, could be a little cleaner in front, good bone and feet, adequate angulation front and rear giving a pleasing outline, showed some fair movement in profile but very loose in rear going away, presented in lovely coat and condition.

JD 1(0)

1. Hermann’s Jetaime Moonlight Shadow. 2nd in PD.

PGD 1(0)

1. Fletcher/Finnigan/Church’s Invanse Pick N’Mix*** Nicely proportioned male of 5 years old, good ear set and nice dark eye, a little too much fill under eye, liked his keen, alert expression, stood a little wide in front but has good bone and feet, lovely shape standing and moving, he moved out well in profile but a little wide coming towards me, in excellent coat and condition.

OD 3(0)

1. Maclellan’s Ch. Debruix Blueprint** Lovely male of 3 years who had balance and good breed type, appealing in head with dark eye, well set ears and well chiselled head, good neck set into a sound shoulder placement, clean front with good bone and feet, correct rib shape and length with strong loin, liked his shape standing and moving, lovely typical brisk movement, presented in a fabulous jacket, he owned the ring and was pleased to award him BD & BOB.

2. Yabsley’s Jetaime Higher Love** Nicely presented male of 5 years, just not quite so clean in movement today as 1, balanced head with good ear set and dark eye, nicely angulated front and rear, he was a lovely shape standing and moving, presented in excellent coat with good muscle tone, RBD.

3. Bird/Caden’s Hawksflight Paparazzi at Domburg**

PB 7(1)

Lovely to see such a full class of puppies.

1. Maclellan’s Debruix Taste Of Diamonds** TAF. Another promising puppy of 6½ months, I now see was the litter sister to my PD, expressive, feminine head with a lovely eye and good ear set, balanced proportions both in body and head, liked her outline which she held well both standing and moving, clean front with good bone and feet, beautifully presented in excellent coat and condition, RBB & BP.

2. Parry’s Chrisvale Night Fever. Another nicely presented puppy of 8 months, feminine head with keen expression and dark eye, clean front with good bone and feet, nicely angulated all through with good rib and loin, well muscled all through, she moved out with a free, even gait when settled.

3. Davies’ Lupercus Precious Dream.

JB 2(0)

1. Rolfe/Oatley’s Jetaime Spirit In The Sky. Nicely presented bitch in good coat and condition, feminine head with dark eye and good head proportions, nicely angulated front and rear with correct bone, good rib, top-line and tail set, she moved out well with a brisk, free action.

2. Thomson’s Jetaime Fly Me To The Moon. This young bitch was giving her handler such a hard time, she had a feminine head with dark eye and used her ears well when paying attention, fair angulation front and rear with a decent body shape, showed some promising movement on side gait when she settled.

PGB 2(0)

1. Rolfe/Oatley’s Jetaime To The Moon and Back. 4th in PB. This bitch moved a little better in this class to secure 1st, feminine head with alert expression, dark eye, well set ears which she used well, good neck and strong shoulders, showed some free movement in profile, presented in good coat and condition.

2. Clarke’s Jetaime Moondance. VHC in PB. A real handful! Feminine head and keen, alert expression, dark eye and good ears, good rib with strong loin, she had good muscle and condition, needs a little more ring craft and practise to know what is expected of her in the ring.

OB 3(0)

1. Debruix Atomickitten. Immaculately presented bitch of 3 years, gleaming from head to toe, lovely feminine head with alert expression, dark eye, beautifully chiselled head, clean straight front with correct bone and good angulation all through, sound in top-line and well muscled, she moved out well with a clean, brisk gait in all directions, a lovely picture from any angle, BB.

2. Snell/Prentice’s Hawksflight Picture This** Another lovely bitch who I liked a lot, lovely feminine expressive head with dark eye and well chiselled head, good ear set, strong neck and shoulders, a lovely outline both standing and moving, another who could move well, just a little out of coat today.

3. Clarke’s Jetaime Saratoga.

VB 2(0)
1. Isherwood’s Ch. Chrisvale Don’t Push It. A total credit to this breed, at 13 years, she didn’t put a foot wrong, sound in all departments, she had a lovely feminine, expressive head with good ear set and dark eye, good neck and nicely angulated front and rear, good depth of chest, correct rib and strong loin, she certainly showed no sounds of unsoundness and moved out with a brisk, free gait, shown in lovely coat and well muscled condition, BV.

2. Davis’ Xanova Black Pearl at Daelois. 7 years, feminine head with good ear set and dark eye, alert expression, good depth of chest, rib and strong loin, outline ok, stood a little wide and was a little close in rear going away but presented in good coat and condition.

SpBB 1(0)

1. Parry’s Chrisvale Night Fever. BSpB. 2nd in PB.