• Show Date: 25/06/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Brenda Kennedy Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Northern Afghan Hound Society

Breed: Afghan Hound

The Northern Afghan Hound Society

Breed Championship Show

Saturday 25th June, 2022

Judge: Mrs. B.M. Kennedy

I would like to thank all committee members, especially my stewards, for such a good day, even though the weather was not too kind to us. Realising when the thunder started why I had a thumping headache. A few dogs were also not too happy with the weather.

As many of you know, I have not been to many dog shows for some time. I have been following results and seeing videos, thanks to the people concerned. My last show was Manchester this year. Besides not knowing many of the names of people or the breeding of dogs, I was quite disappointed with the change in quality of the breed.

Thank you to all exhibitors who entered under me, you really gave me a hard task, the quality of dogs was superb. Thank goodness the quality is coming back. I had a lovely final line up, every one of the dogs deserved top honours.

A minute’s silence held for Marge Barber brought tears to many of her friends eyes. Many happy memories. “You could have asked for better weather Marge”.

Minor Puppy Dog – No entries

Puppy Dog – No entries

Veteran Dog – 4 entries (2 Abs)

1st Appleby/Minchin/Edwards & Mulvaney - UK/IR/Int Ch Davashey To Tell The Truth

Dark Bridle – Lovely chiselled head, darkest of eyes, low set ears, scissor bite. Great length of neck, leading to good return of shoulders. Good depth of chest and well sprung rib cage. Level topline, ring tail and well muscled back angulation, in lovely coat condition. Considering this dog’s age he could move. Best Veteran Dog & Best Veteran in show (referee Jackie Scott). Also Best Veteran Hound Group (Judge K. Thornton) and the icing on the cake Best Veteran In Show

2nd Mr. C.S. & Mrs. S.S. Winters - Garmond Cloudberry For Tokando

Black & Bridle – Lovely head, dark eyes, well laid back shoulders. Good depth of chest, ring tail and good muscle, well balanced overall.

Junior Dog – 2 entries

1st Miss T Garner - Saxonmill Majicme Danwish

Black & Tan – Well balanced youngster. Lovely head, dark eyes, good bite. Long neck onto good shoulders with deep chest and good spring of rib. Level topline with good fall away and ring tail. Good angulation fore and aft which he used to his advantage on the move.

2nd Mrs E Semple & Mrs E Beck – Ayoubkhan Stargazer

Self Masked Cream - Nice head, dark eyes and expression. Good shoulders with level saddled topline leading to a ringed tail. Angulation front and rear good which he used to his advantage.

Yearling Dog – 3 entries (1 Abs) – 1 Repeat Dog

1st Miss M Hills & Mrs B Thornton - Absolute Afghans Djibouti At Karnak JW (Imp Nor)

Black Masked Gold – Balanced head with dark eyes, scissor bite. Good angulation front and rear. Level saddled topline, good depth of chest and spring of rib. Well muscled, moved really well.

2nd Ayoubkhan Stargazer

3rd Miss L Kellett – Geordele Born Free

Maiden Dog – 1 Repeat Dog

1st Saxonmill Majicme Danwish

Novice Dog – 2 repeat entries

1st Saxonmill Majicme Danwish

2nd Geordela Born Free

Black Masked Red – Overall nice head, dark eyes, level topline with ringed tail. Moved well.

Graduate Dog – 2 Entries

1st Mr A.M. Mrs J.P. Heritage – Krishan Captain Morgan At Jazmeenah

Black – Nice head, dark eye & scissor bite. Well angled front and rear. Good depth of chest, nice fall away with ringed tail. Movement good.

2nd Mr. M.A.J. & Mrs. M.A. Harwood – Krishan Rainbow Warrior

Blue Domino – Litter brother to 1. Nice head and dark eyes. Ringed tail. Good angulation from and rear. Did not move as well as his brother.

Post Graduate Dog – 4 entries

1st Mrs. P. Shaw – Seoidin The Peacock (Imp ROI)

Black Masked Gold. Lovely head, darkest of eyes. Scissor bite. Good length of neck, leading to well laid back shoulders. Level topline, good depth of chest and spring of rib . Well muscled, used this to his advantage. In lovely condition

2nd Mr. M.I. & Mrs V.A. White – Shine On You Crazy Diamond At Ruannas (Imp Nor)

Black Masked Cream – Nice head, dark triangular eyes and scissor bite. Low set ears. Good front and rear angulation. Ringed tail. Moved well.

3rd Mr. B Moyes & Mrs E. & Ms E. Lockett-Davis – Bryelis Rebel Heart

4th Mrs. J. Walsh – Calamus Devil In Disguise (Imp Pol)

Mid Limit Dog – 4 entries

1st Mrs. L.J. & Mr. M Anderson – Zandahar Tartan Xplorer JW

Black Masked Gold – Lovely dog. Well chiselled head, dark triangular eye, low set ears. Long neck leading to good shoulder placement. Good depth of chest and spring of rib. Level top lined and nice fall away with ringed tail. Well muscled rear angulation. Beautiful silky coa.t Moved well.

2nd Mr. R., Mrs. B. & Miss H. Bartram & Miss B. Perry Gezancol Utter Chaos At Chardara

Black & Silver – Another nice dog. Attributes of the above. Not as mature as one. Played up a bit on movement.

3rd Mrs. E & Miss I. James – Syrdarya Darjeeling Chai At Simkhan

4th Mr. A., Mrs. D & Miss G. Hunter – Neptune De Koulanger At Sulahmara JW (imp Fr)

Limit Dog – 3 entries

1st Mr. T. & Mrs. A Reed – Cloudside Sunstrike JW

Silver Bridle - Well chiselled head, darkest of triangular eyes and correct scissor bite. Low set ears and good length of neck. Good deep chest and spring of rib. Level top line, nice fall away and good ring tail. Strong front and rear angulation. Coat in absolutely beautiful condition. Moved steady and with power from his well muscled quarters. Delighted to award him with the RCC. & Reserve BIS (referee Jackie Scott)

2nd Miss. P. Metcalfe - Jo-Kins Pineapples Have Peelings Too (Imp Fr)

Black & Tan – Nicely marked head, darkest of eyes and scissor bite. Good length of neck to well angled shoulders. Level top line and ring tail. Good bend of stifle, well muscled. Moved well when he finally settled down. Lovely shiny coat

3rd Mrs. T. & Mr. P Gorman & Mr R.E. &Mrs. P.a. Latimer Affietar Glan Sheil At Zharook

Open Dog – 10 entries

1st Parsell/Beanland/Parsell/ Thornton – Gezancol Never Say Never at Harlextan

Black Masked Gold – This dog is absolutely stunning. Lovely chiselled head, dark triangular eyes with that far away look. Great length of neck leading to good shoulder placement. Level top line and good fallaway, ring tail. Good depth of chest, and well sprung ribs with plenty of heart room. Well muscled rear angulation. This dog can certainly move, with no effort at all, just sails around the ring with his head in the air, no matter how many times he never gives up. Could not overlook this dog – DCC & BOB (referee Jackie Scott)

2nd Mrs. E & Miss I. James – Sitana Aag Toofan

Gold Masked Cream – Lovely head and faraway look in his eyes. Scissor bite. Good length of neck, level topline and ring tail. Good depth of chest and spring of rib. Coat in beautiful condition. Good front and rear angulation. Did not move as well as one.

3rd Mr. R. & Mrs. J. Thompson – Ch Drishaun The Vampire Lilly Via Gothika JW

4th Mr. C.S. & Mrs. S.S. Winters – Ch Pashtari Lord Tennyson Tokando