• Show Date: 18/09/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Averil Cawthera-Purdy Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Darlington Dog Show Society Ltd

Breed: Samoyed


Show Results - Pastoral Group



Judge: Mrs A L Cawthera-Purdy

My thanks to the committee of Darlington for a well run show and a first class ring to judge in and also to my efficient and hard-working steward who kept the ring going so well.

As most will know I was brought up with Samoyeds and still have a retired ‘puppy’ of approaching 11 years old at home. My strong love for the breed spans virtually my whole lifetime. It’s easy to be negative but it doesn’t solve the issues the breed is facing and I do want to focus on the positive where possible. However, certain facts have to be faced, numbers are at their lowest in my memory (which covers over 50 years…) with the number of larger kennels also at its lowest, combine this with fewer litters from those hobby breeders there still are and the result is a fast shrinking gene pool and with it a corresponding drop in both numbers and sometimes quality. The heart breaking and tragic loss of Val Freer shook the breed to its core and, whilst the above issues would still be apparent, the breed also lost one it’s most loyal and experienced advocates at the very time she was most needed. What are the positives, the breed can still count on loyalty and strength in its remaining breeders, many of whom are very experienced and understand the breed to its core. However, it will be easier to manage these problems by working together for the good of this lovely breed. It is no time for fall outs and factions, which aren’t something the breed has ever had until relatively recently. If you truly love Samoyeds, personalities need to take second place to ensure that what is best in the breed continues and is able to thrive going forward.

In this entry I found the bitches to be stronger than the males, which were very mixed. Coats were good with the majority meeting the standard well, feet and feathers also, heads were excellent on the whole in the bitches and ok in the dogs. Tail set and carriage, again the vast majority I found to meet standard well.  Angulation pleasing on the whole and movement much improved on some entries I’ve previously judged.  Expression could be better particularly in the males, not many had the smile, so much a feature of the breed. Necks are too short on far too many.  Whilst not looking for swans, the standard does call for ‘Not too short and proudly arched.’   Very few meet this and certainly hardly any males.  Mouths also need watching, badly worn teeth being the main issue. Pigmentation whilst generally fine, again needs watching as there were more pigment gaps than I would have expected.


Dog CC : 4171 MOODY & MISS A HAFFENDEN, Mrs E Ch Novaskaya Xander Lefay JW

Res Dog CC : 4178 SMITH, Mrs Janet & SMITH, Mr Gordon & KIRKWOOD, Mr Vandreem Imperial Karsten

Bitch CC : 4157 COLLINSON, Mr & Mrs Norman & Jacquelyn Ch NIKARA SECRET LOVE BY NORJACK JW

Res Bitch CC : 4153 BRANDENBERG, Mrs Sandra & SMITH, Miss Sue Ch Taronakits It's Karman JW

Best Puppy : 4163 HANSELL, mrs Annette Taronakits it's Kalyra at Samarind

Best Veteran : 4158 DIVERS, Mrs L V & DIVERS, Mr David & DIVERS, Ms Ja Nikara Dancing By the Light at Murmansk ShCM

Class 1590 VD (3 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 4158 DIVERS, Mrs L V & DIVERS, Mr David & DIVERS, Ms Ja Nikara Dancing By the Light at Murmansk ShCM Nice make and shape on this 9yr old. Excellent biscuit shaded jacket. Good head, good feet, excellent pigmentation. Long ground covering stride, excellent in side action, just losing a bit of positivity coming and going compared to the younger boys.

2nd: 4180 YOUNG, Mr Donald W N & YOUNG, Mrs Melanie A Furzeland Devon Blaze avec Cocosamel. Plenty to like in this 7yr old. Good head and pigmentation, good tail set and carriage. Soundly made and moving well but without the length of stride of the winner. Shorter neck than I would like and felt he was under bodied today.

Class 1591 PD NO ENTRIES

Class 1592 JD (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 4170 MILNE, Mrs Rachel Lumistarr This Is How We Do It. Stood alone, beautifully presented but still very developmental as you would expect at 16 mths. Pleasing head with good ear/eye placement. Good deep rib cage with plenty of heart and lung room. Currently a little down on pastern in front and a tad over angulated behind which does affect his movement both fore and rear. Time is on his side and correct exercise will help strengthen.

Class 1593 PGD (2 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 4166 JEBSON, Mrs Amanda & JEBSON, Miss Bethany Vandreem Imperial River. Presented and handled to good effect. Up-standing boy. Good harsh jacket and liked his spring of rib and deep chest. Head correct in most respects but lacking that smile and so a little sullen in side expression, ears on the thin side. Another who lacks neck and also length of loin. Good angulation and a sound mover but lacks the length of stride as a result of his short loin.

2nd: 4159 DODDS, MRS Christine & DODDS, Mr David Bondsmoor Autumnal Breeze. Good shape and reasonable head qualities with pleasing eye/ear placement, lip line straight and so somewhat sad in expression at times. Not moving well today.

Class 1594 LD (3 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 4178 SMITH, Mrs Janet & SMITH, Mr Gordon & KIRKWOOD, Mr Vandreem Imperial Karsten. RDCC. A very honest lad. He’s right at top end of standard and so bigger than my preference but giving me so much of what I like in other respects. Excellent angulation fore and aft with a good deep rib cage and a strong loin, put together so well. I expected he could move and he did, neat correct footfall and plenty of drive and reach which is so good to see, one of the few who I felt could go all day.

2nd: 4165 JEBSON, Mrs Amanda & JEBSON, Miss Kate & KING, Vandreem Imperial Ripasso. A very promising youngster, preferred him to his class winning brother. Very well balanced, yes his neck could be longer, but good strong loin and excellent angulation. Well set tail and good carriage. Sound mover with good reach, some drive and more will come. Pleasing head qualities, could wish for a curved lip line. All he needs is a bit of time.

3rd: 4173 RICHARDSON, Miss Lorna SASOOLKA URY (AW4)

Class 1595 OD (6 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 4171 MOODY & MISS A HAFFENDEN, Mrs E Ch Novaskaya Xander Lefay JW DCC Very much what I have come to expect from this breeder. A strong sound boy who meets the standard well. Masculine but not coarse. Very well balanced thoughout. Pleasing head and expression. Good deep rib cage and a strong loin. Tail well set and carried. Good feet. Correct coat, well presented. Good neck with arch, and to cap it all a curved lip line, finally a smile, one of the very few on both those counts! With his correct angulation I was expecting sound, ground covering movement. I got sound movement but not the length of stride I would have hoped for. I suspect if he dropped his head and was given more lead this would be there.

2nd: 4179 WOODHEAD, Mrs Joanne L & WOODHEAD, Mr Andrew Nikara Secret Wish With Pashka. His sound, strong free movement with both drive and reach put him in contention here. He is balanced but without sufficient neck. Pleasing head but my preference would be for a slightly darker eye. Excellent harsh coat. Plenty of positives.

3rd: 4161 FREER, Mrs Val Nikara Follow That Dream JW

Class 1596 VB (3 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 4174 SHORT, Ms Mikaela Ch Zeelukzak Ice'n Glorious At Zakaytia JW VW A well balanced and soundly constructed 10yr old lass, who can still move with strength and flow. Her ears have never been her fortune but the rest makes up for it!

2nd: 4164 JACKSON, Mr Richard A & HOUNSLOW, Mrs Gina Nikita Katch Me If You Can. Another 10yr old who has much to her credit, liked her angulation, head and expression. Just not quite as positive on the move today.

Class 1597 PB (3 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 4163 HANSELL, Mrs Annette Taronakits It's Kalyra at Samarind

2nd: 4172 MOODY & MISS A HAFFENDEN, Mrs E Taronakits It's Kayanova. 

Two litter sisters both of whom show great promise and are out of the top drawer, so feminine, nothing coarse at all. They both have very attractive heads and expressions with excellent pigmentation. Good necks and nicely angulated shoulders and rears. Rib cages are deep and correct for age. Nicely boned. Both are good movers. For me today the overall balance of one was greater with a beautifully set tail and carriage. 2nd, just slightly longer in loin at the moment for true balance and not quite the tail set of 1 as a result. At 8 months these babies have a lot of developing to do and I will watch them both with interest. Not surprised to see they are by my DCC out of my BRCC!

3rd: 4160 DODDS, MRS Christine & DODDS, Mr David BONDSMOOR KISS ME KATE

Class 1598 JB (2 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 4182 YOUNG, Mr Donald W N & YOUNG, Mrs Melanie A Cocosamel Camelia. Biscuit shaded lass just starting to come back into coat, as you would expect for her age. Soundly constructed and moving well once she settled. Good tail set and carriage. Head correct but somewhat plain in expression.

Class 1599 PGB (2 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 4176 SHORT, Ms Mikaela Silvertips Star Attraction at Zakaytia (A.I.) Liked her type and she has a very good neck! Well presented in good jacket. Stronger mover though erratic at times.

2nd: 4182 YOUNG, Mr Donald W N & YOUNG, Mrs Melanie A Cocosamel Camelia

Class 1600 LB (2 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 4168 MCGREADE, Mrs DENISE & MCGREADE, MR PAUL NIKARA NEVERENDING DREAM FOR FROSTIA. Loved her head and expression with a lovely Sammy smile. Excellent coat and so well presented. Correctly balanced throughout. Good angulation with correct tail placement and carriage. Sound mover but lacking the strength and purpose of stride which would would put her in contention for higher honours today.  Easily rectified with some work on an exercise programme, she would then be competition at any level!

2nd: 4169 MCROBBIE, Mrs I & MCROBBIE-DALCHOW, Mrs Dorothy Mangata Jade Knight. Not quite the head and expression of 1 but many positives in her correct angulation and general breed type.

Class 1601 OB (5 Entries) Abs: 1

A trio of top quality Ch bitches all of whom I could happily award to. All related and so type wise very similar in many respects. All have correct length of neck which they proudly arch. All have good heads with lovely expressions. All were presented to be at their best and a credit to their owners. Very rarely does it come down to performance on the day but with these three it did.

1st: 4157 COLLINSON, Mr & Mrs Norman & Jacquelyn Ch NIKARA SECRET LOVE BY NORJACK JW CC & BOB. She is a true show girl. Never put a foot wrong and whilst I’m sure the other two could equal her movement they couldn’t equal her consistency, foot perfect at all times, with exceptional reach and drive for her correct size. One very small preference would be for a slightly darker eye, however the standard calls for Medium to Dark brown and she certainly delivers to that. So pleased to see her short listed in the strong Pastoral Gp.

2nd: 4153 BRANDENBERG, Mrs Sandra & SMITH, Miss Sue Ch Taronakits It's Karman JW Excels for me in head and in her arched neck, in profile her outline is stunning.

3rd: 4154 BRANDENBERG, Mrs Sandra & SMITH, Miss Sue Ch Taronakits It's Kwest JW. In many ways she could be my favourite because of her true Samoyed temperament, however, it got in the way and although her experienced handler still got a performance out of her she was totally OTT for the whole class!