• Show Date: 11/03/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Anne Hardy Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023


Breed: Glen Of Imaal Terrier

Judge Results: Mrs A Hardy

Crufts 2022

Glen of Imaal Terrier

Several issues were high -lighted when judging the breed at Crufts. The Glen is a dog of substance, it appears judging by the appearance of some dogs, style is becoming more important than substance. 

The number of Glens with mis-aligned teeth on the bottom jaw really surprised me, as I have not judged the breed in some time. This problem is genetic and will only become worse if breeders ignore it.

Glen Of Imaal Terrier - Veteran Dog Entries: 4 Absentees: 1

1ST Ch Golden Spurs (Dr J Alstead) 8 yrs blue brindle male, Very good masculine head and expression with a good width of back skull. Correctly shaped eyes and small ears. The neck was strong. Front correct with proper turn out of feet. Upper arm of good length into a well laid shoulder. Carrying good bone. A double coat of proper length and texture. Height to body length balanced with good front and hind angulation. Nice reach and hind thrust when moving Dog CC

2ND Ch Boudivella Osca (Miss A Hannington) 7 yrs. Another masculine dog with good breadth of skull. A lot of points made about the first dog also apply to this male. However his coat was short and growing in but the top coat was the correct texture and his confirmation showed itself as he moved confidently around the ring.

3RD Jeonty Yippe Kiaye (Mrs L Samuel)

Glen Of Imaal Terrier - Puppy Dog Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1ST Boudivella Milo (Miss A Hannington). Nearly 11mths. Blue brindle. Good sexual characteristics and back skull. Correct eye shape, his ears were large and at this stage of his development still hanging. Well shaped front with no exaggeration. Nice strong neck into a good topline . Nicely angulated front and rear. Once he settled his movement was very good.

Glen Of Imaal Terrier - Post Graduate Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1ST Heremone Bear (Mrs J Saletti) 2yr wheaten . Strong male head and expression. Mouth is level but tidy. Eyes are brown and the correct shape, ears are well placed and of good shape. Coat is harsh. Well boned. Nicely angulated upper arm of good length into a well laid shoulder. Height to length is proportionate and movement is strong and steady.

2ND Zippor Brendan (Ms S Bailey) 2yr wheaten Medium strength male. Mouth is correct , eyes are a good colour and shape and ears small and well carried. Front is correct. Upper arm is slightly short. Height to length is good with a nice breadth of thigh and good hind angulation. Would like more of him. Shorter front stride than the first with good hind thrust.

Glen Of Imaal Terrier - Limit Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1ST Romainville Rock A Fella (Mr A Hickman) 4yr old wheaten male. Good masculine characteristics with good width of back skull. Eyes correct colour and shape, ears nicely small and well carried. Well angulated front and rear. Height to length is proportionate. Double coat of a good harsh texture. When settled moved out well. Reserve Dog CC

2ND Jeonty Dameron Anakin (Mrs C J Rogers) 2 yrs. Wheaten male. Good masculine head and expression. Eyes are a good colour and correct shape. Ears small and well placed. Upper arm is slightly short. Height to length is proportionate and coat is harsh if over-presented. Movement is sound but he did not have the front reach of the first

1026. Glen Of Imaal Terrier - Open Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1ST Ch Golden Spurs (Dr J Alstead)

2ND Romaniville Bilbo Baggins (Miss L J Smith) 6 yrs. Wheaten male. Good masculine head and expression. Mouth is correct. Eyes well shaped and of a good colour. Ears carried well Coat is double and the top coat is harsh in texture. Upright in upper arm. Height to length is proportionate. Tail set is high. Did not stride out as well as the first however movement was sound.

Glen Of Imaal Terrier - Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1ST Ch Golden Spurs (Dr J Alstead)

 Glen Of Imaal Terrier - Veteran Bitch Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1ST Ch Romainville Uptown Girl (Miss A Hannington) 11yrs old blue female. Good feminine head and expression. Well shaped eye and small ears. Slightly short in upper arm Height to length was good. Coat was double and the topcoat was hard. No exaggeration about this bitch, moved out well.

Glen Of Imaal Terrier - Puppy Bitch Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1ST Mo Stor Ailin of Tatlers Jacks Clann at Boudivella (Imp Nld) (Miss A Hannington) 10mth wheaten bitch. Medium Strength. Confident youngster. Very feminine head and expression. Mouth is correct. Eyes well shaped. Ears are mobile Nicely coated. Good height to length ratio. Low tailset. Moved out well, showing off her conformation.

2ND Jojase Aisling Pixie (Miss S Saletti) 9 mth blue bitch. Again another bitch with good sexual characteristics. Good mouth. Well shaped eye. At this stage of her development ears not as mobile as the first. Very good hard coat. Height to length ratio is good, as is her front and rear angulation. Movement was erratic and it cost her.

Glen Of Imaal Terrier - Junior Bitch Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1ST Cazner Minnie The Minx (Miss K Phelan) 14mth blue bitch. Nice feminine head and expression. Good mouth. Eyes of correct shape could be darker. Ears looked large but proved to have a good inch and a half of fur all the way around. Well shaped front. Upper arm of good length into a well placed shoulder Nicely proportioned with good front and rear angulation. Excellent movement, striding out well

2ND Jeonty Spirit of Naboo (Mrs L Samuel) 16 mths. wheaten bitch. Feminine head and expression. Mouth correct. Eyes well shaped and ears mobile. Coat is a good texture. Movement was steady and sound.

Glen Of Imaal Terrier - Post Graduate Bitch Entries: 2 Absentees: 1

1ST Boudivella Silver Spirit (Miss A Hannington) 2yr old blue bitch. Feminine head and expression. Well shaped eye of good colour. Mobile ears. Good front . Nicely angulated front and rear . Coat is correct. Height to length is proportionate Movement very good , showing off her conformation.

Glen Of Imaal Terrier - Limit Bitch Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1ST Romainville Rag Doll (Mrs K A George) 4 yr old blue bitch.Good feminine head and expression. Eyes well shaped and ears are small and mobile. Coat is correct double texture . Nice front angulation into a well placed shoulder. Good height to length ratio. Hind angulation is good giving her a good stride pattern Movement was very good and sound

Glen Of Imaal Terrier - Open Bitch Entries: 4 Absentees: 1

1ST Romainville Izzy Wizzy (Mrs K A George) 5 yrs blue bitch. Very good sexual characteristics without any weakness. Excellent front with no exaggeration. Mouth O.K, eyes of correct shape and colour ears small and mobile. Good angulation front and rear. Nice topline and good bone. Coat is correct. Movement is sound moving out well showing her conformation Bitch CC and BOB

2ND Ch Jeonty Dreams A Dream with Karensbrae JW (Mrs K Forbes) 4 yr old wheaten bitch. Feminine head and expression. Eyes are well shaped and ears small and mobile. Straighter in front and shorter coupled than my first . Coat is shorter but of correct texture. Front and rear angulation is good and allows her to move out soundly Reserve Bitch CC

3RD Ch Sigrid Helga at Pantcottage (Dr J Alstead)

Anne Hardy