• Show Date: 08/05/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Anna Ballington-Graham Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Birmingham Dog Show Society Ltd

Breed: Alaskan Malamute

My thanks have to go to the Birmingham National on behalf of myself and everyone who attended, for affording us such a wonderfully sized and shaped showring. We were fortunate not to have the heat of the previous day which meant that everyone could show off their dogs to their absolute best, particularly when on the move, which is so important for properly assessing this breed for its fitness and functional ability.

It was an absolute pleasure to go over so many lovely dogs and bitches and my choice was made extremely difficult for the top awards because of such excellent quality across the classes.

How nice it was to see and hear such a great atmosphere ringside and it was lovely to see so many faces that I've not seen in a very long while. Thank you to all who supported me and for bringing your lovely dogs on the day.

Special Beginners Dog

No entries

Minor Puppy Dog (1)

1st Druces Kaskae Hell Of A View (Ai). Sweet natured 8-month boy with much maturing to do. Pleasing expression, small well-placed ears, good scissor bite, tight lips, dark eye. Well arched neck. Good front and rear angulation with a good turn of stifle that presented good rear drive, although I felt that his hocks could be more let down. He carried a lovely waving plume on the move.

Puppy Dog (5/4)

1st Copley-Hollands Katabatics This Is The Way. I liked everything about this happy Agouti boy. Lovely broad headpiece and strong muzzle, dark eye, well furred and correctly placed ears. Correct tight snow feet, strong moderately sloping pasterns. Make’s a lovely outline, with plenty of room to mature, naturally holding a lovely top line on the stand. Of correct proportions with excellent angulation front and rear he powered around the ring with ease with a lovely waving plume to finish the picture. Well-presented and handled and definitely one to watch, he was my BP and I was delighted to see the Working Group judge appreciate him as much as I did, by awarding him a well-deserved WPG1.

2nd Robbs Icewolf Los Angeles Lakers. Of a completely different type to 1 and much smaller in size, another well-constructed puppy of good proportions with good angulation and well let down hocks and moving out well.

3rd Druces Kaskae Hell Of A View (Ai)

Junior Dog (6)

1st Innes Icycool Hudson Bay (Ai). Stunning sable and white boy with a gorgeous head and muzzle of correct proportions, nice dark oblique eye, well furred and placed ears, lovely arched neck. Moved soundly coming and going. Correct sloping shoulders with equal length and angle of upper arm, excellent front and prosternum. A lovely waving plume to complete the picture. I will watch him with interest.

2nd Forsey’s Owyhee N Blackrock Feel The Noize For Muzoku (Imp USA). Less mature than 1, he carried a lovely arched neck to a well-proportioned body. Held his top line well on the move. Longer in hock than 1. Another lovely waving plume.

3rd Robbs Icewolf Los Angeles Lakers

Yearling Dog (1)

1st Horsman-Phoenix Nordicwinds Grtest Showman JW. A happy, jolly chap clearly enjoying his day. With correct, dark oblique eye, his head and muzzle still needs to develop. Nicely arched neck leading to a body of sound construction front and rear. Good, effortless movement holding top line well. Lovely tail carriage.

Novice dog (2)

1st Horsman-Phoenix Snow Legend Zenith Of Fame Nordicwinds (Imp Rus). Another where his head still needs time to develop, nice dark eye, good dentition and nice tight lips. Strong, moderately sloping pasterns and correct snow feet. Rib cage and loins of correct proportions. Good rear angulation, I felt he would benefit from a shorter lower thigh.

2nd Holts Freezefactor Savvy Affair. Strong head and muzzle, would prefer less stop. Good dentition. Of good bone and substance but lacks fore chest to give the necessary front reach and balance on the move.

Graduate Dog (1)

1st Horsman-Phoenix Snow Legend Zenith Of Fame Nordicwinds (Imp Rus)

Post Graduate Dog (4/3)

1st Whymans Tailfly Heart Of Gold. Lovely head of correct proportions, gorgeous soft expression, small well- placed ears and nicely set, dark, oblique eye. Tight snow feet and correct short, slightly sloping pasterns. Good rear angulation and hocks well let down. Good rear drive. Nice harsh coat. Well muscled and well presented.

2nd Wilsons Amelhuk Empire Of New Era At Arctictundra(Imp Rus). A handsome boy with a lovely soft expression. Well put together with good side gait and correct movement coming and going. Good tail carriage. Pasterns weaker with flatter foot and toes then 1.

3rd Martins Wen Magick Happenz At Dreamwolves

Limit Dog (5/4)

1st Innes Icycool Atomic (Ai). Lovely headpiece with correct deep muzzle, correctly placed and well furred ears. Good angulation front and rear and steady on the move. Fabulous side gate and good coming and going. Correct tail carriage. Given his young age I would just like to see a little more length of leg in proportion to his body.

2nd Vasarhelyis Okinastar I'm The Man. Narrower in muzzle than 1. Good angulation at the front and carrying a lovely arched neck. Correct topline and excellent front and rear movement. Nice tail carriage.

3rd Bogle & Horsfields Whitewalker Kings Landing At Valknut

Class Open Dog (7)

A lovely class of quality dogs.

1st Pages Ch Snow Legend Believe In You Cedarcreek (Imp Rus). One I’ve judged before and I loved him then. Very pleasing head and expression with correct dark oblique eye. Good, strong pasterns. Of desired overall proportions, with good angulation front and rear. Moved well coming and going, also presenting an excellent side gait. Was nit-picking between my 1 and 2 and it was this boy’s large, compact feet that won him this class. RDCC

2nd Loades Ch Snowolf Black Ice Buddy. Another I’ve had the pleasure of judging before with sound conformation and a well held top line both standing and on the move. Possesses the important attributes that are needed for this breed to do its working job well. Hocks well let down and moved with effortless ease and drive.

3rd Edwards & Molloys Ch & Am Wintablizard’s Investment (Ai)

Veteran Dog (5)

Another lovely class of top quality Malamutes

1st Nawrocka & Phillips Ch Monikoona Most Wanted(JW). Absolutely built to do the job. Correct head, muzzle and ear placement with a soft expression. Really lovely to go over, with excellent bone, well laid-back shoulder and correct angulation front and rear, enabling powerful and tireless movement. Not at all overdone, of correct proportions and lean in loin. Good feet and pasterns. Holds his top line well on the move. What a credit to his owners to have a boy of this age in such sound condition. I was delighted to award him DCC, BVIB and BOB.

2nd Mountstephens & Pullins Ch Inupiat's Qulit Henrik At Whitewalker (Imp Nor). Another lovely boy presented in excellent, well-muscled condition. Good rear angulation. Correct movement coming and going with good reach and drive and affording a lovely side gait. Nice harsh coat.

3rd Nevinsons Ch Chayo Golden Touch

Special Beginners Bitch (1/0)

Minor Puppy Bitch (3/2)

1st Aitchison & Hursts Kaskae's Fire Opal (Ai). What a sweet girl with excellent temperament, lovely feminine head and expression with correct oblique eye. Good dentition. Correct angulation front and rear with good turn of stifle. Would just like hocks a bit more let down.

2nd Smiths Snowshoes Torvi. Smaller than 1, nice feminine head, round eye. Good angulation and held a good top line. Lots of maturing to do.

Puppy Bitch (5/3)

1st Perfitts Samjoe From Russia With Love. Pretty head of correct proportions, lovely oblique dark eye. Nicely proportioned ribs and loin. Correct assembly front and rear. Lovely tail carriage. I just felt she needs to broaden a little in front, which she’s got plenty of time to do.

2nd Pritchards Snobruk Best Kept Secret. Came without her clothes today, another lovely puppy with nice head and dark, oblique eye. Sound on the move with excellent front reach and angulation and good rear turn of stifle. Longer in hock than 1.

3rd Brouards Orsamals Cest Moi Fifi (Imp GKC).

Junior Bitch (6/3)

1st Perfitts Samjoe From Russia With Love

2nd Nawrocka & Bucklands Icycool Sweet As Sugar Monikoona (Ai). Another that came in her bikini with nothing to hide. Good overall proportions. Well put together of sound construction front and rear. Although a little long and upright on her pasterns, she has lovely deep snow feet with tight toes. Carries a lovely waving plume.

3rd Brouards Orsamals Cest Moi Fifi (Imp GKC)

Yearling Bitch (1)

1st Bogle & Horsfields Cahppes Tailwind Takala At Valknut (Imp Swe). A well put together petite little girl. Nice feminine head. Held a lovely top line with good rear angulation. Moved well coming and going.

Novice Bitch

No entries

Graduate Bitch (1)

1st Perfitts Samjoe From Russia With Love

Post Graduate Bitch (3)

1st Wilsons Arctictundra Taiya. A very pretty bitch with a lovely dark correct shaped eye and a beautiful soft face. Well-proportioned broad chest and correct front angulation. Moved well when she got going and just managed to challenge to 1st place. With much to offer, she just needs more time and practice standing and on the move.

2nd Perfitts Samjoe The Good Witch. Another pretty bitch. With a soft expression and correctly place, well furred ears. Good construction front and rear moving well. Longer in loin than 1.

3rd Raby’s Moon's Nordicstars Burning Flame at Icemoon (Imp Swe)

Limit Bitch (7)

A lovely class of quality bitches.

1st Forseys Muzoku You're My Obsession. This bitch has a lot to offer – I liked her a lot even though she came slightly out of coat today. Correct height, with good angulation and excellent rear drive. Lovely tight feet. Correct tail carriage. Compact and slightly shorter in loin than those she challenged hard to win the top awards from today. At only just 2 years of age, I’m certain this girl will win her way to the top.

2nd Aitchison & Hursts, Kaskae Oasis. Another young lady that I’m sure will go all of the way. Carries a lovely head typical of the breed. Good strong front and correct front and rear angulation. Although longer in hock she moved out well with correct tail carriage and presented lovely movement coming and going.

3rd Browns Cupun's Masterpiece.

Open Bitch (9/7)

1st Smiths Ch Snowshoes The White Witch. This bitch caught my eye as soon as she walked into the ring. Lovely feminine bitch of correct size. Good to go over with true angulation front and rear. Correct feet. Very pleasing head and expression. Presents a lovely outline with correct proportions and well muscled loin. Sound on the move with effortless reach and drive. Pleased to award her RBCC.

2nd Copley-Hollands Am Ch Katabatics Hollaback Girl. Of a very different type to 1. Good bone, lovely harsh coat. Correct snow feet and good length of leg. Longer in loin than 1 which at times lost her standing top line.

3rd Innes Icycool Oriana.

Veteran Bitch (9/6)

What a lovely class of quality bitches

1st Wadrups Just got to love me Polarni Usvit (Cze Imp). An outstanding well muscled and conditioned bitch that has just got better with age. Good angulation front and rear, not overdone and of correct proportions holding her gently sloping top line well when standing and when on the move. Correct harsh coat. Perfect snow feet. I was delighted to award her BCC.

2nd Druces Ch Koromandel On Strange Tides (Ai). Another lovely veteran girl in good sound condition. Correct head and muzzle with a very affectionate and soft expression. Moves out well with good reach and drive. Feet not as tight as 1. Very well presented.

3rd Reids Jaydonspires Moon River.