- Show Date: 11/03/2022
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: Andre van den Broek Contact Judge
- Published Date: 28/07/2023
Borzois Crufts 2022:
Thank you to the Crufts show committee for this lovely invitation.
I was very much honoured to judge my own breed at Crufts 2022 after have showed and been there for so many years.
Allthough the entry was not so high as usual (which was on the whole with many breeds) I was pleased with it 45 males and 46 females in total.
Thank’s for the exhibitors who entered their borzois and giving their trust in me and special thanks to my two ringstewards for their wonderful help in the ring.
I have been visiting Crufts now for many many years and also showed my own borzois at this prestigious show. What I noticed is that the overall quality went down during the last 10-15 years and that’s really a pity. I still remember that in these days one could see weather it was a borzoi bred from Collhugh, Dimland, Vronsky, Olias, Rothesby and so one by just looking at them. I must say that the consistency in breed type and general appearance is gone and that is probably due to the many imports which have come to England and were used for breeding. Ofcourse there are exceptions but this is my personal point of view.
As usual the overall quality from the bitches was better then from the dogs. In my point of view it’s more difficult to breed a nice male then to breed a nice female. Can’t tell what the reason for this is but that’s my experience. My overall impression from the dogs was generally positive but I would like to mention a couple of minor points at the moment in this breed and I can say from experience it’s not only on this show but also on other shows in different countries.
We certainly have to look for a good topline where the highest point is situated over last the rib. A male should have a masculine head and a female a feminine head. (i.o.w. masculinity and femininity are not given by the size but by the head) I saw some small teeth, they should be strong and big. Quite a few borzois were too straight and short in upperarm. Feet definitely need attention, a lot of them were weak, not well arched and spread out, and of course the hind feet should be a fraction longer then the front feet. Small ears or neat ears are so typical for a borzoi. Once I was walking with my borzois and a mother and child came over to me to cuddle the dogs. Then suddenly the child said; “mummy that dog does not have ears”, on which I immediately said you need to become a judge! Some of them could have more spring of rib. And as last critical point I want to mention the front movement coming to me. Quite a few were to weak in their pasterns or with lose elbows or just with no straight legs.
But on the overall I was really pleased with my winners in various classes and especially with the BOB and BOS at the end and also in veteran and puppy. Most of the dogs were nicely groomed, well presented and all of the dogs had nice temperaments.
Afterwards I really received positive words including from people who did not win and that meant something to me. Thanks again and wish you all the best with your borzois in the future.
Andre van den Broek (Modnyabistru borozis)
Veteran: (4-3)
1st: Harvey and Jonsson’s
Nice size, for age lovely condition, good proportions, good teeth, noble head, fitting eye color, good ears, strong neck, losing slightly topline, well bodied, good ribcage, strong bone, still light movement although he did not like the ground quite wel, but for his age outstanding and therefore the Res.CC
2nd:: Debricon’s
Lovely body but I wished a bit more strength in the head, good eyes, well set ears, teeth a bit small, long neck, good topline for age, good ribbing, nice width of coupe but a bit steep, nice muscled rear, free mover but a bit narrow going away, nice coat
3rd: Edwards’s
Tall sized, good proportions, teeth are not his strongest point, in the head I would like less stop, neat ears, strong neck, acceptable topline, equally moderately angulated front and rear, would like stronger feet, in the movement I would like a bit more “souplesse”, nice coat
Minow Puppy: (1-1)
1st: Raczka’s
A youngster who is in his full development, wished a bit more balance between head and body, good teeth, nice dark eyes, small ears, would like a bit longer neck, nice topline, and for age good depth of chest, good bone and feet, rather puppy-like movement, good coat
Puppy: (2-2)
1st: Baker, Baker & White’s
A lovely strong self-red male and already well developed for his age, classical type, good proportions, strong masculine head, good teeth, eyes could be a fraction darker, neat ears, lovely strong and sufficient long neck, nice topline, already good depth of chest and good spring of rib, equally angulated front and rear, good width of coupe, for this age a lovely mover, a male with a nice future ahead if he developes the way he has until sofar, BEST PUPPY
2nd: Eastell’s
A bit long bodied for the moment, but with nice floating lines, would like a bit more strength in the head, nice dark eyes, good teeth, well set ears, long neck, a bit straight in upper arm, enough ribcage, good width of coupe, low set hock, moves well but it could be more fluent in the front, nice coat
Junior: (5-4)
1st: White, Baker & Baker’s
Well developed for a youngster but needs to improve a bit in self confidence. good size, strong head, good teeth, a bit low set ears, strong neck and typical topline, equally angulated front and rear, just enough depth of chest, good set croupe with good width, wel set tail, moves correctly, good feet
2nd: Allen’s
A male who I prefer better standing then moving, nice floating lines, lovely noble head, good teeth, nice veining, a bit round eyeshape, good ears,, nice topline, well angulated front and rear, low set hock, moves very unstable coming to me, nice coat
3rd: Odell’s
Medium sized, nice floating lines, would like a bit more strength in the head, teeth is not his strongest point, typical expression, well set ears, long neck, would like more depth of chest, good width of coupe, low set hock, would prefer a bit more balanced movement, could be stronger in feet
Yearling: (3-3)
1st: Harvey’s
Nice size with floating lines, masculine head, good teeth, good expression, a bit big ears, strong neck, good topline, equally angulated front and rear, would prefer more spring of rib, good width of coupe, good feet, well muscled rear, from the side a lovely mover but could be stronger coming,
2nd: Smith’s
Rather elegant male who needs more ringtraining, would like more strength in the head, good teeth, fitting eye color, well set ears, good neck and topline, would like more depth of chest and more spring of rib, feet could be stronger, a bit steep in coupe, is not showing himself off in the movement
3rd: Umfreville’s
Medium sized male with a classical head, good teeth, a little round in eyeshape, rather large ears, elegant neck, he shows both standing and moving rather overbuilt, a bit too round in croupe, well muscled rear, could be stronger coming, very nice coat, good feet,
Post Graduate ((9-7)
1st: Bridge’s
Medium sized elegant male with nice floating lines, typical head, good teeth, well folded ears, long neck, nice topline, would prefer more spring of rib, well angulated front and rear, good width of coupe, a lovely free mover from the side could be a bit more tightened up coming, coat could be a bit softer
2nd: Geddes’s
Nice sized male, good proportions, strong masculine head, good teeth, nice veining, rather light eyes, a bit low set ears, strong neck, good topline, a bit straight in upper arm, well bodied, a bit steep in coupe but with good width, nice coat, moves with reach in the front
3rd: Raczka’s
Rather too short in body , very strong and heavy head but with nice veining, good teeth, neat ears, strong neck, too arched topline, good spring of rib, a bit straight in upper arm, well muscled rear, too steep in coupe but with good width, good feet, would like a bit more souplesse in the movement
Limit: ((11-9)
1st: Pinkerton & Cattoni-Sarman’s
Medium sized male with floating lines, typical head which I would prefer slightly longer, good teeth, nice expression, well set and worn ears, lovely neck and topline, good ribcage, the right angulations in front and rear, a fraction too long in loins, well set coupe, low set hock, good feet, nice mover, lovely silky coat
2nd: Harvey and Jonsson’s
Medium sized, good proportions, typical head a bit small eyes, a bit low set ears, long and strong neck, enough topline, good spring of rib, a bit steep in coupe,, well set tail, equally angulated front and rear, good feet. from the side a nice mover but a bit lose in elbows, nice coat
3rd: Birmingham’s
Good proportions with nice floating lines, noble head, good teeth, fitting eye color, a bit low set ears, strong and long neck, strong topline, good width of coupe, low set hock, in the movement I wished a bit more souplesse and balance, coat could be softer,
Open: (11-8)
1st: Pinkerton & Cattoni-Sarman’s
A male who gave me goosebumps when he entered the ring. Really aristocratic in his appearance and grown into his full potential with lots of quality. Nice size, good proportions, lovely floating lines from nose till tail point, noble head with beautiful profile, long neck, good withers, well bodied, bladed bone, good width of croupe, low set hock, moves like a dream, extremely nice coat, a male who has combined strength and elegance in the right way. I was glad to give him the CC and BOB
2nd: Kanoo’s
Medium sized male with good proportions and well balanced, typical classical head, good teeth, fitting eye color, well set ears, nice neck and topline, would like more depth of chest, equally angulated front and rear, low set hock, good width of coupe, sound mover in which his tail is not his strongest point
3rd: Harvey’s
Nice size, would prefer more strength in the head, good teeth, nice dark eye, playful ears, topline is a bit falling away, equally angulated front and rear, nice width of coupe, well muscled hindquarters, good feet, bladed bone, in the correct movement he is rather proud of his tail
Good Citizen Dog Scheme: (2-2)
1st: Kanoo’s
2nd: Bridge’s
Veteran (4-3)
1st: Jyrkinen, Kubiak-Zamora & Shiel’s
Still shown in a perfect condition for 10 years, wished a fraction better proportions, nice floating lines, feminine head, still good teeth, a bit round eyeshape, small but a bit low set ears, still strong topline, well bodied, equally angulated front and rear, good feet, still well muscled hindquarters, still an extremely temperamentful sound movement, nice coat, BEST VETERAN
2nd: Dawson’s
Another female with nice floating lines, wished a bit more balance between head and body, nicely shaped head, good teeth, neat ears, long neck, still strong topline, moderately equally angulated in front and rear, well set tail. low set hock, still an active mover
3rd: Datta’s
A bitch who is shown nearly “nude” today, nice outline, rather elegant head, good teeth, a bit round eyeshape, lovely topline, somewhat open elbows, lovely ribcage, good width of coupe, low set hock, equally angulated front and rear. form the side a nice mover, could be stronger coming
Minor Puppy (1-1)
1st: Turner’s
A bit short bodied female for the moment with a typical head in which I would like a bit more length, good teeth, a bit big ears, long neck, correct topline when standing free, equally angulated front and rear, good width of coupe, low set hock, front feet okay, hind feet a bit weak, movement rather playful due to age, nice coat
Puppy ((4-3)
1st: White, White, Baker & Baker’s
A puppy which I liked better moving then standing, typical feminine head, good teeth, good expression, a bit big ears, strong neck, standing a bit too arched topline, equally angulated front and rear, well muscled hindquarters, in the movement she shows her qualities,
2nd: Baker, Baker & White’s
A bit short bodied bitch for the moment, nice feminine head, good teeth, well worn ears, long neck, a bit too arched topline, would like more spring of rib, equally moderately angulated front and rear, good width of coupe, could be starker coming, good coat
3rd: Webb’s
Rather leggy bitch for the moment who’s is in her full development, very friendly character,
elegant feminine head, good teeth, a bit too arched topline and rather steep in coupe which would be different when she would relax a bit more, rather puppy-like movement
Junior ((8-3)
1st: Kanoo’s
Elegant bitch with a feminine head, rather small teeth,, typical expression, a bit big ears, a bit short neck, nice topline, good width of coupe, low set hock, free mover, coat developing
2nd: Trinick’s
Well proportioned bitch with nice floating lines, feminine head, good teeth, a bit low set ears, long elegant neck, good topline, a bit straight in front, good ribcage, somewhat open elbows, coming and going rather narrow, wished stronger feet
3rd: White, White, Baker & Baker’s
Nearly “nude” bitch but with lovely floating lines and good proportions when standing free, nice feminine head, good teeth, a bit big ears, long neck, a bit straight upper arm, good width of coupe, low set hock, good feet, has to settle in movement
Yearling (1-1)
1st: Collins’s:
Sweet female who doesn’t show herself of, nice feminine head with lovely veining and strong underjaw, good teeth, dark eyes, neat ears, enough neck, , a bit too arched topline, good width of coupe, doesn’t show her qualities in the movement
Post graduate (7-6)
1st: Clare’s
Well shaped female with floating lines, strong feminine head, good teeth, eyes could be darker, a bit low set ears, long neck, nice topline, well ribbed, good width of coupe, low set hock, active movement in which the tail is not her strongest point, coat not optimal
2nd: Fricker’s
Female with good proportions, strong but still feminine head, good teeth, eyes could be darker, good ears, equally angulated front and rear, good ribcage,, low set hock, would like a bit more reach in the movement, a bit to proud of her tail, wished a bit stronger bone
3rd: Webb & Bates’s
A female who doesn’t show herself quite optimal but certainly has some qualities, lovely long feminine head, lacks some teeth, very nice expression, high set ears, long neck, good topline, somewhat open elbows, good width of coupe, low set hock, could be stronger coming
Limit (11-8)
1st: Rimell’s
Classical type which reminds me on the earlier days, well bodied, strong but still feminine head, good teeth, lovely expression, nice “judelocken” correct topline, well angulated front and rear, good width of coupe, low set hock, feet could be stronger, form the side nice mover, could be stronger coming, lovely coat
2nd: Binnie’s
Lovely shaped female who doesn’t show herself to full credit unfortunately, nice floating lines, strong but still elegant, beautiful nobel head, good teeth, nice eyes, long neck, correct topline when standing free, lovely rear with good coupe and low set hock, good feet, movement hard to judge because she is not showing herself free
3rd: Humphreys’s
A bit more elegance would make the picture complete, good proportions, would like a bit longer head, good teeth, well folded ears, neck could be longer, a bit open elbows, nice topline, equally angulated front and rear, good width of coupe, well muscled hindquarters, in the movement she could show more reach
Open: (9-8)
1st: Jonsson’s
Lovely feminine bitch with floating lines and good proportions, lovely nobel head, dark eyes, neat ears, beautiful neck and topline, well bodied, the correct angulations in front and rear, good ribcage, well set croupe with good width, well muscled hindquarters, low set hock, strong correct feet, a smooth mover, a bit incurled tail at the end, shown into perfection, a worthy CC winner and BOS
2nd: Codling & Jones’s
Another lovely strong but elegant female, well built with good proportions, feminine head in which I would prefer a fraction more length, neat ears, strong long neck, correct topline when standing free, equally angulated front and rear, well bodied, good width of coupe, shows her qualities in the movement, super coat Res. CC
3rd: Harvey’s
Tall sized bitch who could show a bit more feminine lines, typical head, strong teeth, a bit big ears, very well bodied, good ribcage, nice well muscled hindquarters, correct topline, well angulated front, low set hock, active movement on which she is proud of her tail, thick coat
Good Citizen Dog Scheme (1-1)
1st: Kanoo’s
Nicely shaped female but completely “nude” at the moment, feminine head, good teeth, a bit round eyeshape, high set but a bit big ears, long neck, nice body, well muscled hindquarters, good width of coupe, equally angulated front and rear, movement with lots of temperament