• Show Date: 07/08/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Alex Newton Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

German Wirehaired Pointer Club

Breed: German Wirehaired Pointer

German Wirehaired Pointer Club Championship Show – Sunday 7th August 2022

Mrs Alex Newton (Layasway)

Having owned the breed for over 20 years it was a great honour to have been asked to judge at the GWPC Champ Show. I would like to thank the committee, especially my stewards, for organising the day so well and keeping the ring moving and many thanks to the exhibitors for a fabulous entry. In such difficult conditions, the heat definitely affected some of the dogs. I wasn’t willing to move the dogs as much as I would have liked, especially as nearly all had been in the ring already that day. That being said, I had some quality dogs and the temperament of the exhibits were excellent. Looking at my CC winners together made me smile as they were just what I was looking for.


MPD (1,0)

1. HEWIN’S Xaver IV V Bockenhagen NAF Pinkerton’s Bareve Bartofte. 8mth old liver and white male, still very much a puppy. Lovely head and expression with good facial furnishings. Good length of neck. Excellent wire coat. Lovely bone and feet. Good depth of chest for one so young. Correct topline and tailset which he held on the move.

PD (3,0)

1. SHEPHERD’S Kimmax Kallin Danny Boy Over. 11mth black and white male. Loved this boy. His head and expression was stunning. Good length of neck into well laid shoulders. Excellent coat and well-muscled. His balance was clear to see, with lovely length to height ratio. Excellent topline and tailset which he held on the move once settled. He had good depth of chest and moderate turn of stifle. BPD and RBPIS

2. AGNEW’S Kimmax Fail to Kommunicate. Black and white litter brother to 1. Had many of the same qualities but not quite as balanced yet. Another lovely head with good facial furnishings, excellent length of neck. Good topline and tailset and moderate turn of stifle. Moved well but not the drive of 1. He was not liking the heat today.

3. BROWN’S Matrevers Cherokee.

JD (2,1)

1. SHEPHERD’S Kimmax Kallin Danny Boy Over.

YD (1,0)

1. GEARY’S Germanus Hit The Jackpot. 15mth old liver and white boy. He had a lovely head and expression, would want a slightly darker eye but that will come with age. Good length of neck into well laid shoulders, Good bone with tight feet. Excellent condition and well-muscled throughout. Correct topline and tailset which he held on the moved once he settled. Moderate turn of stifle. He didn’t seem to be coping well in the heat.

PGD (2,1)

1. JARMAN’S Demuppet Bouncer. 3yr old liver and white male. Stood alone but I loved this boy’s character, his waggy tail and smiley face. Lovely head and expression with dark eye. Good length of neck into well laid shoulders. He was in such good condition and well-muscled throughout. Excellent topline and tailset which he held on the move. Moderate turn of stifle with a well-muscled rear. He moved with the drive and purpose I was looking for.

LD (2,2)

1. GEARY’S Germanus Go Dutch. This boy won on his movement. Excellent head and expression with correct facial furnishings. Lovely dark eye. Excellent length of neck into well laid and muscular shoulders. Good bone and tight feet. In superb dark liver and white coat. Correct length to height ratio. Good depth of chest with plenty of lung room. Excellent topline and tailset which he held on the move. Good turn of stifle and hocks square. He was well-muscled throughout. He used this to drive round the ring with purpose. Considered him for top honours.

2. JOSEPH’S Pablo Vom Broel. Black and white upstanding male with a stunning head and expression. The darkest of eyes. He had a good length of neck but not quite the front angles of 1. Excellent wire coat. Good turn of stifle and hocks square. Didn’t have the drive and reach of 1.

OD (4,1)

1. JONES’ Mustwork Uland. 4yr old liver and white male and he is all male. What a stunning boy, just what I was looking for. He caught my eye when he entered the ring. Stunning head and expression. Excellent length of neck into the best of fronts. Good depth of chest and his back rib reached to tucked up loin. Moderate turn of stifle with hocks square. He had the correct height to length ratio and was so balanced. He was superbly well-muscled throughout. Correct bone and lovely feet. Excellent dark liver coat. He had a lovely topline and tailset. Having a change of handler to move unsettled him, but when he did settle, he powered round the ring with drive. Just loved him. Was pleased to award him the CC, RBIS and BOS. As I later found out this was his third CC, a worthy Champion.

2. MCCULLOUGH’S Kimmax Kort In Action. 2yr old liver and white boy. He had a lovely head, kind expression with a dark eye and good facial furnishings. He was in excellent coat. Good length of neck. Preferred the front angles of the winner. Good bone and feet but would prefer tighter pasterns. Lovely topline and tailset which he held on the move. Moderate turn of stifle into square hocks. Well-muscled throughout. Just didn’t have the drive of the winner.

3. JOSEPH’S CC Poldi Vom Broel.

FTD (1,0)

1. RUSSELL’S FT CH Tickencote One Way Ticket. This boy can’t help but catch your eye. Solid liver male that again is all male with an excellent tight wire coat. Loved his head and expression. Excellent length of neck into well laid shoulders. Superbly muscled throughout. Excellent topline and tailset. Good depth of chest. Well bent stifle. His movement was beautiful and he powered round the ring. He made me smile as he spotted a bird flying by on the move – always working. Pleased to award him the RCC.

VD (0,0)

SBD (2,1)

1. JARMAN’S Demuppet Bouncer

Special Working Test Dog (0,0)

Bred by Exhibitor Dog (0,0)

Not Bred by Exhibitor Dog (1,1)


MPB (1,0)

1. JENKINS AND WARNER’S Tickencote Teach Me Tonight For Gerstenfeld ShCM. Loved her character, she is just how a puppy should be. She was such a pretty girl with a lovely head and expression. She had a superb coat. Good length of neck into well laid shoulders. Excellent topline and tailset. Excellent turn of stifle and square hocks. She moved with drive, and I was pleased to award her BPB and BPIS.

PB (4,0)

1. JENKINS AND WARNER’S Tickencote Teach Me Tonight For Gerstenfeld ShCM

2. STAMP’S Tynsil Just One Smile. The shape of this solid liver girl is lovely, such a shame she had left her coat at home today. Pretty girl with a soft expression. Lovely length of neck into well laid shoulders. Correct height to length ratio. Lovely bone and tight feet. Good topline and tailset and length. Excellent turn of stifle into square hocks. She moved with drive and purpose.

3. KEARNS’ Rudishaw Waltzing Matilta.

JB (2,0)

1. GEARY’S Germanus Stands Out A Mile. And she really does. Loved her balance and breed type. Excellent liver and white wire coat and so well-muscled. Such a pretty girl with a stunning head and expression. Excellent neck into well laid shoulders. Good bone and tight feet. Lovely topline and tailset. Excellent rear angles with square hocks. She drove round the ring with purpose and drive. Loved her. Considered her for top honours.

2. JARMAN’S Shortridge Broadway Belle. Lovely black and white bitch. Pretty head and kind expression. Good length of neck and well laid shoulders. Good coat. Correct height to length ratio. Good turn of stifle. Excellent topline and tailset which she held on the move. She moved with drive just carrying a little weight today.

YB (0,0)

PGB (1,0)

1. JONES’ Germanus Dutch Delight. Very pretty bitch with a dark eye. Lovely head with correct facial furnishings. Excellent length of neck into well laid shoulders. She had a superb wire coat. Excellent topline and tailset. Good bone and excellent feet. She moved with drive and purpose.

LB (7,0) Lovely class

1. O’BRIEN’S Luchanalilly Cuter Coral Of Caldewriver. My notes start with wow. This bitch made me stop when she entered the ring, she was so balanced and honest. Super pretty head with a kind expression. Her excellent length of neck went into well laid shoulders. Loved her depth of chest and she had the depth at brisket too. Excellent topline and tailset. Well bent turn of stifle into square hocks. But it was her movement took my breath away, she was effortless how it should be. Handled so well to compliment her. She was exactly what I was looking for. So pleased to award her the CC and BIS.

2. JOHNSTON’S Glenquin Enyo. Loved this bitch, she had such a cheeky character that made me smile. Pretty girl with a kind expression. Excellent length of neck. She had a superb wire coat. Good depth of chest into tucked up loin. Excellent turn of stifle into square hocks. She held her topline and tailset on the move which she did with drive.

3. MORRIS AND EVANS’ Bareve By Kind Permission TAF.

OB (5,1)

1. JOHNSTON’S Glenquin Athena. Another lovely bitch by this kennel who was handled so well. Lovely head with correct facial furnishings. Excellent length of neck into well laid shoulders. Well-muscled throughout. Superb liver and white wire coat texture. Good depth of chest with ribs reaching back to tucked up loin. Excellent topline and tailset. Lovely bone and tight feet. Stifles well bent and hock square. This bitch’s movement was powerful and fluid, just what I was looking for, so much drive and reach. Pleased to award her the RCC.

2. MCCULLOUGH’S Kimmax Kindly Stand Black. Pretty black and white bitch with a dark eye and kind expression. Excellent length of neck. Preferred the depth of chest of winner. Good topline and tailset. Excellent turn of stifle and hocks square. Lovely tight feet. Not the drive on the move of 1.

3. ELLIS’ Sh Ch Normbar Time Honoured (AI)

FTB (1,0)

1. JENKINS AND WARNER’S Glenquin Artemis At Gerstenfeld ShCM. Liver and white bitch with an excellent coat. Good balanced head but would prefer a darker eye. Excellent length of neck into well laid shoulders. Correct bone for her size with tight feet. Excellent rear angles and well-muscled throughout. Moved well.

VB (1,0)

1. JENKINS’ CH Kimmax Koming Home At Gerstenfeld ShCM. This girl was 8yrs old and still moving like a dream. She had a super pretty head with a kind dark eye and expression. Excellent length of neck into well laid shoulders. Good depth of chest and ribs reaching back to tucked up loin. She had a tight wire coat. Lovely topline and tailset. Well bent stifles. She moved with drive and power. BVIS

SBB (2,1)

1. JONES’ Germanus Dutch Delight.

Special Working Test Bitch (1,0)

1. JOHNSON’S Bareve By Moonlight. I loved the size and shape of this bitch. She had a lovely happy character with a waggy tail. So pretty with a kind dark eye and expression. Excellent length of neck into well laid shoulders. Good depth of chest reaching to tucked up loin. Excellent topline and tailset. She had well bent stifles. Her movement was a joy to watch she moved with drive and reach. Like her a lot.

Bred by Exhibitor Bitch (2,1)

1. STAMP’S Tynsil Just One Smile.

Not Bred by Exhibitor Bitch (2,1)

1. JOHNSTON’S Sh Ch/Bel Ch Canis Fortuna Harda. This liver and white bitch had so much ring presence. She had a lovely head and expression. Excellent length of neck into well laid shoulders. Lovely bone and great feet. Fabulous tight wire coat. Great depth of chest with ribs reaching back to tucked up loin. Excellent topline and tailset. Well bent stifle and straight hocks. She powered round the ring with drive, and I considered her for top honours.