• Show Date: 17/04/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Aileen M Sharpe Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Hadrian Basset Hound Club

Breed: Basset Hound




My thanks to the officers and committee for their kind invitation to judge at the 40th Championship Show and for the welcome when I arrived at the show. To the catering army in the kitchen a big well done for that amazing buffet lunch.

To the exhibitors, my thanks for the excellent entry and for providing so many hounds that I would give a home to any day. I so enjoyed my day going over some lovely hounds and was very happy with my top winners.

The exhibition ramp - not all are comfortable with this, human or hound, and I have no issue whatsoever in going over any hound on the ground. It is a choice, not a rule.

It’s quite a while since I judged and, having had my hands on today, I find that some changes have taken place over the years. I found that mouths were, on the whole good, which is a desired element. Condition and presentation was mostly excellent. Construction - fronts do need some attention as does rear angulation, and a few rib cages disappointed. There were quite a few tails being carried over the back – this is not what is meant in the breed standard as “sabre-fashion”. One or two moving wide at front and/or close behind. These are all important factors in the construction of the Basset Hound to ensure that it is healthy and “fit for function”. These comments are all well-meaning, and I hope that they are taken that way, noted and improved upon by breeders. A small number of hounds were terribly overweight, nice hounds which may have been better placed but for their weight issue – for the sake of your hound’s health and wellbeing, there is a simple solution to getting that excess off.

Handling – Some hounds today were moved far too fast for their comfortable gait and as a result, their movement was inclined to be “choppy”. A Basset Hound should have a smooth, free action. Be aware that not all hounds move in exactly the same way or at the same speed. It should look effortless for them and that is largely related to construction and partly, to handling.

Minor Puppy Dog (5,0)

1st Cudlip’s Harvidene Dopple Ganger. (BPD and BPIS). Just 6 months old but already showing some maturity. This happy, handsome chappie, a dark tri, was out to please today. He certainly pleased my eye. Correctly shaped dark eye, curling leathers. Standing true both fore and aft, chest coming down nicely into crook. Strongly arched neck, shoulder lay is good, a good length of rib, nice and deep, strong quarters, stern set on correct, lovely angulation. Level topline, held well on the move. Movement was excellent when he wasn’t playing the fool! To the handler – take it a little slower for now. Be interesting to see how he develops and one to watch in the future.

2nd Ellrich’s Malrich Hendricks. Just 6.5 months and still a real baby. Out of a slightly smaller mold than 1. Dark eye, adequate length of leathers. Good lay of shoulder, forechest still some developing to do. Would like a little more length and depth of rib. Level topline stacked and on the move. True fore and aft. Excellent drive from rear. Loads of maturing to do.

3rd Melbourne and Murray’s Diheath Macaramack. Just 6 months and a little shy. Eventually managed to go over this red blanket boy. Dark eye, leathers of good length, Nicely arched neck, tail set on correctly, a little short in rib resulting in a slight roach on the move and this spoils his gait. Full of puppy nonsense. This boy will need a lot of time to mature, I suspect.

Novice Dog (1,0)

1st McEvedy’s Diheath Johnny Cash. Substantial and handsome boy, standing strong and true. A mature, masculine head with dark, soft, wise eye, lengthy leathers, arched neck coming into a strong and level topline. Nicely laid shoulder, good sternum. Elbows fitting neatly into a deep ribcage which reached well back. Tightly knuckled feet. Nicely let down hocks and well muscled quarters which he did not use to advantage today. Moving a shade wide in front. Nice type.

Debutante Dog (1,0)

1st McEvedy’s Diheath Jerry Lee Lewis. Another nice type but out for fun and nonsense today, giving his handler a trying time. Head a little plainer than his litter brother in the previous class. Dark eye of correct shape, a good length of leathers, well arched neck and level topline. Good forechest, a little upright in shoulder and standing a tad wide in front, Rear angulation is good, well muscled quarters. Good drive, but parallel movement impaired due to front feet being thrown out. Patiently handled.

Post Graduate Dog (1,0)

1st Turner’s Diheath Aladdin Sane. Substantial 3.5 year old R&W. Masculine head with lips, flews and nose all correct. Kind, dark eye, nicely curled leathers of correct length. Not fully developed in sternum, muscular neck, slightly upright in shoulder resulting in incorrect front angulation. Level topline, muscled rear quarters, ribbing of reasonable length and of good depth. Rear angulation is fair but did not use his muscle and hocks to drive.

Limit Dog (7,1)

1st Cudlip’s Woferlow Voyager at Harvidene (DCC). An eye catching, substantial, dark tri, stallion hound. Classic head, nicely shaped dark eye, soft curling leathers, long arched neck leading down to a good lay of shoulder which allowed his upper arm the reach that his rear drive required. Sternum well developed and nicely into crook. Large, tight feet. Ribs long and deep, providing plenty of room and support. Level topline, held on the move, tail carriage correct. Good angulation providing powerful drive which complements the front reach and showing a parallel action. Skin and coat supple to the touch. Nothing excessive. -just enough of everything. I know that he lost out on RBiS today to the RBCC. He is still a youngster in male terms and this decision was on maturity, but his day will come very soon, I am sure.

2nd Melbourne and Hirst’s Diheath Cosmic at Kejana. 2 and 3 could change places any day. This boy gives an impression of strength and determination – a stallion hound. Presents a clean outline. Masculine head, lips, nose, flews all correct. Leathers of good length and texture. His downfall is his light eye which impacts on his expression. Arching neck leading to a clean and level topline, then to his stern which is carried correctly – sabre fashion. Sternum let nicely into the crook. Large, tight feet. Sufficient ribbing of good length and depth. Strong, well muscled quarters. Rear angulation complements the fore hence the powerful action he displays. Perfectly gaited by the handler.

3rd Melbourne and Murray’s Diheath Jamaica. Similar things to like about this boy in what I liked about 2. The link being that they had the same sire but different dams. Good head qualities, dark eye, correctly set velvety leathers, hanging nicely curled. Prominent sternum, standing a tad wide on the stack, slight uprightness of shoulder so not quite the angulation required to give that all- important reach. Muscled neck leading to a level topline and onward to a correctly set on stern. Ribbing deep and carried well back. Just felt that 2 had the upper hand on movement today.

Open Dog (8,2)

Close decision between 1 & 2 – they could change places any day, so it was a very challenging decision. I liked them both for different reasons.

1st Woodworth’s Armardio Firestarter (RDCC). Compact and very soundly constructed, possesses all of the correct qualities in his handsome, masculine head, lovely soft dark eye, curling leathers of good length. Arched neck, prominent sternum sitting down nicely into the crook, feet well knuckled and padded. Shoulders well laid and upper arm of sufficient length to allow free movement. Elbows fitting neatly into the ribcage which is deep and carried well back. A strong, level topline. Sufficient rear angulation and nicely let down hocks – this allowed good drive which complements his front reach. He has lovely bone. Showed a clean pair of heels going away and a straight, parallel stride, coming. For me, the set on of the stern is a tad high, so he is inclined to carry his tail somewhat over his back which therefore shortens the overall image of what is otherwise a very nice dog. Lost out on the CC in this point only. Beautifully turned out and nothing excessive about this boy.

2nd Cudlip’s Harvidene Debinere. Substantial, handsome, stallion hound. Lovely bone. Correct head qualities showing a dark, kind eye, soft expression, curling leathers. Lips, flews and nose all correct. Prominent forechest fitting neatly into the crook. Shoulder to upper arm nicely angled. Muscled and arching neck of fair length. Elbows neatly in to deep ribbing, this being carried well back providing support for his strong, broad back. Level topline. Tail set correct. Rear angulation complementing fore consequently drive and reach is balanced, essential parallel movement is apparent, covered the ground powerfully. Very unlucky to lose out to 1 today.

3rd Archer’s Roamanbay Reddy to Rumble. A very nice type. All of the head qualities to like - darkest eye of correct shape, nose, lips, flews, all correct, prominent occiput, leathers set on correctly, soft and curling. Prominent forechest sitting neatly into crook. Shoulder to upper arm fair, neck well muscled but slightly short – so in this combination, as expected, his forward reach is slightly lacking. Elbows sitting neatly into a deep rib cage, this being carried well back. Has well let down hocks and a good angulation to provide him with drive. Just couldn’t get that front reach to complement his rear drive. Showed a clean pair of heels going away and a parallel movement observed coming towards me.

Special Beginners Dog (1,0)

1st Substantial R & W male almost 5yo, Dark eye, good stop, sufficient length of leathers, neck well muscled but would have preferred a bit more length. Lacking a bit in sternum, a little upright in shoulder resulting in a short upper forearm, Good depth of rib, carried well back. Level topline both stacked and on the move. Moved parallel and true. A bit less weight would make a huge improvement

Minor Puppy Bitch (5,1)

1st Ellrich’s Malrich Mary le Bone. Very smart 6 month old girl. Forechest is looking good to mature into the crook. A little plain in head, dark eye, soft expression, curling, soft leathers, long and arched neck, level topline, tail set correct. Would pefer a little more length of rib. Knuckled and well padded feet. Stands well with plenty of daylight under, weight distributed evenly, moves soundly and balanced both going and coming. Moved out and covered ground well.

2nd Ledward’s Drawdells Songster. Another smart bitch from a larger mold than 1. Attractive in profile. Has correct head attributes with a dark eye, kind expression, leathers set on correctly, lips, flews and nose all correct. Forechest just coming into the crook. Shoulder and upper arm have an adequate angulation to allow free frontal reach. Depth of rib is fair but would prefer a bit more length to support, what is, quite a long back. Stands a little “bum high” but topline carried level on the move. Tail set and carriage are correct. Rear angulation does not employ sufficient drive to complement her lovely reach in front.

3rd Melbourne and Murray’s Diheath Teasers. This is a real character – a live wire and a challenge for her handler today. Very tidy bitch out of a smaller mold than 2. Feminine head, dark eye, a melting expression that says “love me”. Leathers, soft and curling, set on correctly. Nose, lips, flews, all correct. Arching neck of fair length. Level topline. Elbows neatly into ribs, the ribs being a little short in length but have depth. Slightly wide rear action - that needs to resolve itself as it negates parallel movement and unbalances her on the move.

Puppy Bitch (3,0)

1st Archer’s Roamanbay Rebellious Flame. Red Blanket bitch – solid and sound. A little shy to start with but settled enough to allow me to go over her. What a lovely, quality head. Everything correct about her head and in the right places. A clean, dark eye with an expression to die for. Good stop, depth of lip, clean flews. She has a correct, even, frontal construction and stands true with knuckled and padded feet. Good shoulder and upper arm angulation. Elbows neatly against ribs, ribbing being deep but could be a little longer. Strong, broad back. Well muscled rear quarters. Standing a little “bum high” but moved level – drive could have been better. I like her and I’ll be interested to see how she develops.

2nd Melbourne and Murray’s Diheath Rtwo Jutwo. Pretty girl. Dark eye, tender expression, good stop. The nicest, soft, curling leathers which are set on correctly. Forechest is ok, still to come right into the crook – still young, so time yet. Tightest of feet, well knuckled and padded. Level topline and stern carried well. Just not quite coming together on the move. Moved fast but not with drive. Perhaps, for now, if her handler slows the pace a bit she may see if that allows her to get her head down and find the right stride for her to reach and drive.

3rd Turner’s Diheath Rey. Red and white, 11 months old. Lovely head qualities, with dark eye and calm expression. Shoulder to forearm angulation is reasonable. Forechest well developed, even front, tight feet. Elbows fit neatly to her ribcage, this being deep but short in length. Broad back, level topline, stern carried correctly. Standing true both fore and aft. Movement a tad wide at the rear so did not have parallel movement. A little bit of a nod of the head on the move said that she was favouring one foreleg and this may have impacted her rear movement to compensate. Handled well.

Junior Bitch (5,1)

The first and second could easily change places any day.

1st Woodworth’s Roamanbay Relight my Fire at Woodrich (BPB). Litter sister to 1 in PB and showing a little more maturity than her sister. Dark eye, good stop and occiput, well set on leathers but lacking some curl. Nicely developed sternum let down into the crook. Tightest of feet, well knuckled and padded. A fair lay of shoulder, elbows neat into the ribcage, ribs being deep and carried well back. Strong, broad back. Due to a slight lack in rear angulation, a “bum high” attitude affected the topline on the stack although it levelled out nicely on the move – which she did well. Stern set a bit high and was carried over the back which detracts from the overall picture of this very nice bitch. She has presence.

2nd Cudlip’s Harvidene Mama Mia. A feminine bitch and just a year old. Dark eye with calm expression, good stop and occiput. Good depth of lip. Flews and nose correct. Leathers set on correctly, just lacking some curl. Long, arched neck leading on to a broad back. Shoulder lay and angle to upper arm is good so provides reach. Good depth of rib carried well back. Strong rear quarters. Rear angulation not quite complementing her front but it didn’t stop her giving a pretty good drive and covered the ground at a fair rate of knots! I think she is one to watch out for as she matures.

3rd Coultas’s Perfect Peach van Grunsven. This beautiful bitch is so much a type that I like. She has an impressive outline, stands true both fore and aft, feminine, at the same time strong. Lovely head qualities, good eye, dark and correct shape, a clean shoulder, well arched neck, level topline with good ribbing under. Sorry I couldn’t place her higher as she was not sound today which sadly, unbalanced her all important movement.

Novice Bitch (1,0)

1st McCord’s Kelansue Toffee Apple. Just a bit too much weight being carried on this very pretty bitch. Feminine head, dark eye, curling leathers of sufficient length. Her sternum is good and sits well into the crook. Strong and arching neck, elbows sitting tight into a deep and o long rib cage, carries her topline well. Her angulation both fore and aft are good, and she drives so well from the rear. She has all the attributes to be well placed - just needs to get that weight down a few kilos.

Debutante Bitch (1,0)

1st McCord’s Kelansue Toffee Apple – as Novice Bitch.

Graduate Bitch (1,0)

1st Robinson’s Bushoby A New Daybreak. Standing alone. Of a slightly smaller mould than some today, but has a lovely tidy and clean outline, feminine head, dark eye, good neck and shoulder, level topline held on the move. She moved well, reaching out in front and driving from the rear.

Post Graduate Bitch (4,1)

1st McIntosh’s Kelansue Mischief Maker. Dark tri almost black blanket, 2.5 years old. She has a slightly masculine look to the head but that aside, there is nothing wrong in what is a classic shape. A dark eye, maybe a tiny bit more haw than some, so be aware of that. Lengthy curling leathers, soft and velvety, pronounced occiput, neck nicely arched, muscular and of good length, shoulder lay is fair. Developed sternum sitting nicely into the crook. Elbows fitting neatly to ribs of good depth and length, the ribs supporting a level topline. Stands true both fore and aft. Lovely parallel movement. Carrying just enough weight.

2nd Murray, Melbourne and Fitzpatrick-Odahamier’s Diheath Elvis. Feminine R & W of a smaller frame than 1. Kind, dark eye, correctly shaped, soft curling leathers, well arched neck flowing down to a level topline. Developed sternum sitting nicely into the crook. Knuckled feet. Shoulder well laid. Ribs deep and carried well back. Strong, muscled quarters. Moved and handled just right.

3rd McCord’s Kelansue Toffee Apple – as Novice Bitch

Limit Bitch (3,1)

1st Hard’s Mellow Molly van Grunsven at Braemoray (Imp NLD). Considered her seriously in the bitch challenge for the RCC – that was a very difficult decision. She gives the impression of a strong, but still feminine girl who covers the ground soundly and with ease. Presents a clean outline both standing and on the move. Dark eye of correct shape, leathers set on just below the eyeline – absolutely right. Jaws strong, flews, lips and nose all correct. Prominent sternum let down well into the crook. Good lay of shoulder, elbows tight into a ribcage of good length and depth. Level topline held well on the move. Tail set and carriage, correct. Sufficient rear angulation which gave her enough drive from the rear to equal her forward reach. This is a very nice bitch and should make her mark. Unfortunate to meet strong competition in the challenge today.

2nd Mitchell’s Rakefoot Crossila. Such a pretty girl, 2 years old. From a smaller mold than 1, A slightly more prominent occiput would enhance her head, lovely dark eye, leathers set on correctly and of good length and curl. Tidy front. Forechest well developed and nicely into the crook. Tight, well knuckled feet. Fairly long, arched neck, a fair lay of shoulder, allowing her enough free movement, level topline, broad back, correct set and carriage of stern. More rear angulation and resultant drive would have given her a compliment to her front reach. Stood true both fore and aft and moved parallel showing a clean pair of heels on the away.

Open Bitch (7,4)

This was such a difficult class to decide today. I liked all three for different reasons and had to weigh up my options and make a very difficult decision. Only one could come first. I make no apologies for a lengthy write up here.

1st Pearson’s Ch Armardio I’m on Fire JW (BCC and BiS). Super sound bitch who carries her Ch title well. Quality flows from her and couldn’t be denied top honours today. Very balanced R & W with excellent bone. Feminine looking, with a dark eye and calm and knowing expression, planes are good and occiput prominent. Leathers perfectly set on, sufficiently long and curling. This is a classic head and a type to like so much. Strong, arching neck of good length, shoulder to upper arm nicely angulated to allow free movement. Elbows sitting neatly into the ribcage. Ribs deep and held well back providing room and support. Strong, broad back, level topline, nicely set on stern carried perfectly. Rear angulation complementing her fore, resulting in a powerful drive and reach helping her to cover ground as a Basset should. This is a strong girl and there’s so much to like.

2nd Armstrong’s Ch Lauralee A Kind of Magic (RBCC and RBiS). This is another bitch who is having a tremendous show career. Quality, substance and balance, three of the items in “fit for function”. She has this in abundance. She flows, and this says a lot about her. Feminine but strong. A bitch with presence. Dark eye, calm and kind expression. Nose, lips, flews, all correct. Leathers set on nicely and of good length, soft and curling. Forechest nicely let down into the crook. Nicely arched neck flowing into a strong, level topline. Stern carried a little over her back but it did not feel set high – this, and only this, denied her the CC today. Shoulders well laid then coming down to a good upper arm which allows her to reach out on the move. Elbows neatly into ribbing, which is carried well back and deep allowing organ room and spinal support. Stifle and hocks nicely angulated to complement her front angulation. In clean, hard condition. She moved parallel and today she showed what her power could do to drive her.

3rd Archer’s Armardio Chicago Fire in Roamanbay. From a smaller mold than 1 and 2. This is such a pretty, feminine, black blanket bitch with a wonderful outlook on life. Sound as a bell. An expression so calm and serious that it belies a nonsense inside that beautifully shaped head. Pronounced occiput, darkest of eyes, leathers curling and soft. Sternum well let down into the crook, tight feet. Arching neck flowing into a level topline, deep and long ribcage, strong quarters, stern carried perfectly. Angulation fore and aft an ideal match. Movement sleek and smooth, reaching well forward and driving from the rear. Immaculately presented.

Veteran Bitch (1,0)

1st Pearson’s Ch Roamanbay Russia With Love to Armardio JW (BV). Shown in clean, hard condition, she may be a veteran but she still looks the part. So sound to go over. The calmest of expressions in those dark eyes. Leathers set on just under the eye level are long and curling. Forechest developed and sitting comfortably into the crook. Tight, knuckled and well padded feet. Arched, long neck leading into a broad back with level topline. Shoulders and upper arm angled nicely. Elbows fitting neatly into the ribcage. Ribs long and deep. Maybe just a little reluctant on the move today but it is apparent that this is a quality bitch.

Special Beginners Bitch (1,0)

1st McCord’s Kelansue Foos Yer Doos. Pretty bitch with dark eye and calm expression. Leathers set nicely below eye line and of good length. Prominent sternum let down into the crook. Good reach of neck, broad back, level topline, elbows neatly to ribcage, ribs being well carried back. Nice angulation front and rear. Carrying a bit too much weight. Moved a little wide in front and close behind.

Brace (2,1)

1st McEvedy’s Diheath Johnny Cash/Diheath Jerry Lee Lewis. Both have had individual write ups. Nicely matched in size and stature, moved well together around the ring but both hander and I thought the better of even attempting to stand them both in stack. Well done handler and hounds.

Aileen M Sharpe
