• Show Date: 17/02/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Vicky McIlwaine Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Camborne Redruth Canine Society



IRISH SETTERSG 1st Roberts’ Jetsetter Cristalle To Polmennor (Imp), 14 month bitch, with the prettiest of heads, you don't need to look to see if this is a bitch, she screams elegance and grace, one I have watched from ringside and she is as beautiful to go over as the perfect picture of her standing, balanced and full of quality, cracking front assembly, correct lay of shoulder with enough bone for her frame, nice tight feet, once settled on the move she moved with reach and drive, one to watch for the future, BOB. 2nd Woodhams’ Thendara Due Lipa At Tykkidyw, 12 month B, I felt this bitch had exactly the same qualities as the winner and on another day they could swap places, this young lady was more mature and a bigger bitch but she was still a baby on the move and didn't have the front action of the winner, another with a beautiful head and superb coat condition, she is another one to watch for the future RBOB & BP. O 1st Roberts & Cormacks’ Sangarah Shared Romance With Polmennor (Imp HUN), 4½ year old male, nice masculine head with kind eyes, nice deep chest and muscular neck, plenty of bone, he was a little erratic on the move, presentation let him down today and he looked scruffy which ruined the overall picture & cost him top honours.

ENGLISH SETTERSO 1st & BOB Woodhams’ Culverwell Charis At Tykkidyw, B, beautiful elegant 7 year old certainly does not look her age, pretty head with kind eyes, clean outline, deep chest showing enough bone for a bitch, moved with ease on powerful hindquarters. 2nd Osmans’ Bournehouse Star Gazer At Marissolo, D, RBOB in lovely coat and condition, pleasing head and ample of bone, he did not have the rear movement of the winner.

LABRADOR RETRIEVERSG 1st Kennetts’ Magnavalleys Man On The Moon, D, RBOB 14 months old chocolate dog with the most stunning head, best front of the class, gave his handler a hard time on the move but nevertheless a good quality dog through and through, very mature for his age. 2nd Philpotts’ Rossacre Spangles, B, 17 months old bitch the best mover in the class but needs time to mature, another exhibit with a beautiful feminine head with a kind expression .3rd Hicks’ Jubilwell Good As Gold. O 1st Philpotts’ Rossacre Keno, D, BOB black dog with kind dark eyes, nice front leading to excellent shoulders, plenty of bone, best mover of the class. 2nd Hicks’ Jubilwell Good As Gold, B, third in previous class, she settled far better in this class, very pretty bitch 3rd Kennetts’ Magnavalleys Cornishman.

FLAT COATED RETRIEVERSG 1st Cooves’ Draketor Sea Shanty ShCM, D, BOB stunning outline won on movement and maturity, presented in good condition with the best of coats. 2nd Haymans’ Tikkidui Showmans Dream, D, RBOB this boy just needs time, had by far the best head with the kindest expression, gave his handler a hard time. 3rd Kidds’ Draketor Sea Sprite At Tregreenwell.

POINTERS G Abs, O 1st Osmans’ Fleurfield Firethorn At Marrissolo, D, when the owner finally stood him correctly what a difference this boy looked, most pleasing outline , masculine head with a well defined stop, kind dark eyes, long muscular neck with well laid back shoulders, straight forelegs, covered the ground with ease. 2nd Phillips’ Walanpay Artemis Huntress, B, feminine head, plenty of bone & moved well. 

AVNSC GUNDOGO 1st Sweets’ Bondadosa Beach ShCM, D, Spanish Water Dog, my notes say wow what a mover! Pleasing head, correct bite, lovely front assembly leading into good shoulders, balanced throughout. 2nd Alexanders’ Fecimus Robin Banks, D, Field Spaniel in good coat condition, moved well.

GUNDOG GROUP – G1 Clunies’ Warrentor Caipirinha JW, 20 month Golden Retriever B, one I have judged before and I still want to take her home! Very feminine mid gold bitch with the prettiest of heads which is well chiselled with kind dark eyes, good length of neck with a superb front assembly, balanced throughout, well sprung ribs, short coupled with excellent bend of stifle, presented in tip top condition and handled to advantage, shown in beautiful coat and condition and could certainly do a days’ work in the field , moved effortlessly covering the ground & holding a level topline on the move, a typical dual purpose gundog & by far the best mover of the day, a credit to her owner & delighted to see her take the top spot of BIS. G2 Irish Setter, G3 English Setter, G4 Spanish Water Dog.

GUNDOG PUPPY GROUP – G1 Irish Setter, G2 Golden Retriever, Trickers’ Artemisia April Breeze such a feminine young lady, I liked her a lot, prettiest of heads with the best of bodies, good neck and shoulders, short coupled & moved well.

RBOB IN GROUP – The Pointer; Phillips’ Walanpay Artemis Huntress.

Judge: Vicky McIlwaine (Benoveor)