- Show Date: 23/02/2019
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Toni Jackson Contact Judge
- Published Date: 27/07/2023
British Briard Club
I am always honoured to be invited to judge a breed club show, and this was no exception, I was also delighted with such a lovely entry of 28 dogs making 30 entries, though it was a shame there were no puppies entered at all, who couldn’t love a briard puppy.
Thank you to my two stewards for keeping the ring running smoothly and to the exhibitors for the friendly atmosphere and the sporting appreciation of all the prize winners. After judging I enjoyed a lovely lunch and interesting conversation in good company.
On a general note, there were two points of the breed standard that I felt need to be highlighted – first the standard calls for “a neck of good length, …arched… giving proud head carriage” and this was sadly lacking in many exhibits, plus a special breed feature is the tail with “upward hook at the tip” – I only found two definite hooks and one slight hook, and there were a few short tails. Temperament was friendly – though a few dogs were not too happy moving indoors and I was forgiving of this.
MPD No entries, PD No entries
JD (1,0) 1. Elvin’s Elvinville Legend, only just out of puppy and very promising youngster. A little square in outline, in good coat of correct length. Head is balanced to body and muzzle and skull are balanced in length, large dark eye and well placed ear. Moderately angulated, good ribs, with deep chest. Well boned legs to round feet. Moved freely and carried tail well.
PG D/B (2,0) 1. Kass’ Fosterbrie Venchi Star at Kimarlaz, at 19 months he is obviously having his junior moult, and so coat was not the finished article, but this did allow his overall construction to be appreciated. Slightly longer than tall, he has a good reach of neck – which flows smoothly to the withers, and is accompanied with a well laid back shoulder, balanced to upper arm, and matched at the rear with a good bend of stifle. These contributed to an easy mover, and he shows good length of stride. Head is well portioned, dark eye, rounded skull, and strong underjaw. RBD. 2. Wilkinson’s Fosterbrie Iconique, longer cast than winner, with more length of loin. But not quite the angulation or neck, which means he did not cover the ground so easily. In good coat which is of good length. Head well developed, and muzzle and skull are balanced rectangles. Dark eye and correct ear. Sound behind on move – just shade loose in front.
LD (3,0) 1. Thorp’s Charson Worth the Wait, heading a trio of blacks, was imposing and of good size, strong bone and rugged appearance. Head well proportioned and skull and muzzle balanced in length, ears set high, large dark eye and head well furnished. Good neck to strong back and has good angulation. Tail of good length and the first to show the breed specific hook. Moved out well, covering ground with ease. 2. Foster’s Fosterbrie Supremo Noir ShCM, not as big as the winner, correct ratio of height to length, and excellent presentation. Attractive in head, correct rounded skull, strong muzzle and well defined underjaw. Slight rise over loin, stands on well boned straight legs to large feet. Not quite the length of neck as the winner and more moderate in angulation, moves soundly – but felt he didn’t have the ground coverage of my winner. 3. Smith’s Jandade Baloo L’Bear would benefit from more angulation front and rear. Needs to drop in chest as at present has elbows underneath and so tends to turn feet out. Masculine throughout and skull and muzzle well balanced with good eye and ear.
OD (4,1) 1. Coleman’s Ch Hartswelin So Macho, black of good size, masculine and with strong bone. Attractive head, correct balance of skull and muzzle and strong underjaw, one who I felt demonstrated a well-defined stop. Dark large eye, ears set high and back on head to give the correct expression. Has good reach of neck, arched and flows smoothly to firm back, has broad deep chest, and broad rump. Very good angulation and shows on the move with good extension. BD, RBIS and BOS. 2. Chester’s Lysdenoire Le Roc JW ShCM, slightly more square in outline, of good size and does not have the neck of the winner. Attractive head, with high set ears, used well which adds to width, strong muzzle with good underjaw. Chest could be broader. Sound on move but not the reach of winner. 3. Thorp’s Badgerhurst Faeroes ShCM, rectangular in outline and with moderate angles, which means he has short stride, and I felt was loose in front. Skull of good size, but muzzle was a shade longer. In good coat and has good length to tail with the correct hook.
VD No entries
MPB No entries, PB No entries
JB (4,0) 1. Biddlecombe’s Stormfield Fergie at Chavell, slightly longer than tall in outline, well balanced angulation front and rear, and has good reach of neck, flowing to firm back and good rump. Good width of chest. Skull and muzzle are well balanced in length and has feminine expression, high set ears. Dark eye and good strength to jaw to give correct square muzzle. Well boned to large feet. Moved freely. 2. Chapman’s Cariadbri Kerys, attractive in profile, but a little unsettled and inclined to roach her back. Well angulated and stands on good feet. Head still needs to broaden slightly to complete balance, well set ears. Move ok behind but didn’t like the floor so was pulling away from handler in front. 3. Fieldsend’s Qessi Heavens Devil to Starwell (Imp Cze), more square in outline, excellent bone and large tight feet. Head is feminine and viewed from above demonstrates good balance, but would prefer more underjaw. Hind angulation could be stronger, and this showed on move as tended to turn feet outwards.
PGB (4,2) 1. Kellett & Burrow’s Fosterbrie Exotique Noir of Kellbry JW ShCM, black, presents a good picture in profile, feminine but strong in bone, excellent coat and presentation. Good angulation front and rear and has good reach of neck. Large round feet, though somewhat trimmed. Good width to chest. Well balanced head, high set ears and good jaw. Moved freely sound from all directions. 2. Qessi Heavens Devil to Starwell (Imp Cze)
LB (5,2) 1. Kellett’s Fosterbrie Romantique of Kellbry ShCM, Attractive bitch, in full coat, though outer coat was a little soft, well presented. Correct rectangular outline with good balanced angulation front and rear and correct neck flowing to withers. Well-developed chest. Stands on good sized feet. Attractive head, dark eye, high set ear and well balanced skull and strong muzzle. Moved freely with good ground cover. RBB. 2. Funnell’s Shezmo Lady Impa, promising in outline but one I feel still has maturing to do, firm in back, good rump, ok for hind angulation but not the front assembly of the winner. Needs to develop a little in chest. Head is feminine but would like to see more stop. Moves soundly but not the ground cover of the winner. 3. Niedzwiecka’s Dalil Z Pierwszej Ligi, of good size and well coated and well presented. Another who needs to mature and develop in body as rather narrow through which showed on the move. Balance of muzzle and skull length is correct but skull should be broader.
OB (4,1) 1. Foster’s Ir Ch Fosterbrie Fantasy, looked very balanced and with flowing outline when stood. Of good size and is excellent coat, well presented. Firm back, to gentle sloped croup and long tail. Stands well on strong boned legs and large feet. Broad chest with good ribs. Head is well balanced to muzzle and she has lovely dark eye. Ears high set and with slight lift from skull. Has the correct neck to give the proud head carriage I was looking and has excellent angulation. Moves well covering ground easily and sound in all directions. BB & BIS. 2. Elvin’s Elvinville Mystique, attractive black, though not the neck and front angulation of the winner. Presented in excellent coat and condition. Another who needs to broaden in chest. Attractive head, strong jaw. Lazy mover, though was parallel coming and going. 3. Dalil Z Pierwszej Ligi
VB (3,2) 1. Chester’s Ch Lysdenoire Lumiere JW ShCM, good size, excellent bone and coat, true rugged appearance. Correct length to height ratio, well developed in chest. Head of good proportions and excellent dentition. Would like a little more break of stop. Hind angulation is ok, but would prefer more in front. Moves soundly.
Judge Toni Jackson