- Show Date: 02/02/2019
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Tom Gorrian Contact Judge
- Published Date: 27/07/2023
Caledonian Canine Society
My thanks to the committee for the opportunity to judge at this show, thank you to all the exhibitors who entered their dogs on the day I enjoyed judging the breeds and the hospitality given by the club.
German Shorthaired Pointers
Some lovely clean dogs giving me a difficult time judging them, places could easily change, only one suspect bite.
Puppy (2)
1st Galloway & Anderson, Torranpoint Gilda from Allyglow, 10 mth old bitch, caught my eye when she entered the ring, giving all the appeal that a GSP should, well-proportioned head with correct eye and ears, lovely sloping shoulders, straight front with correct feet with slightly sloping pasterns, correct chest, good firm topline, loin correct into strong rear quarters, Tail docked and carried level. Moved smoothly and correctly giving the complete picture. Best Puppy in Breed
2nd Miss A Elwood & Alyson Elwood, Rievers Baron Von Autumnglory, 10mth old dog of full size, correct head, shoulders strong into good deep chest, front construction good although handler needs to be aware of final feet placement, short back, croup slopes more than I would like, another docked tail carried low, moved erratically with handler needed more time to settle.
Graduate (3)
1st Mr J McDonald, Richtig Rapollo. 12 mth old dog, good head with correct eyes and ears, wide nostrils correct bite, correct shoulders good depth chest with good spring of rib, good front with correct feet, strong rear quarters carried tail correctly, moved well with handler.
2nd Mrs A Blair, Richtig Raxano, litter sister of 1st feminine head good front, liked feet on one better, deep chest, good length with correct rear quarters, moved well around the ring, a little over weight on the day.
3rd Miss R Waddell, Magregor Wiff Waff
Post Graduate (5)
1st I & S Glenn & Knowles, Wilholme Agnes Brown at Bessalone. 2 year old bitch appealing expression, clean lines and alert, correct shoulders into deep chest with good spring of rib, lovely straight front with correct feet and pasterns, everything in proportion throughout the body, strong rear quarters with good width to loin correct tail set, thighs strong and muscled, correct gait on the move and stood 4 square when stacked. Moved with purpose around the ring. Best of Breed & Gundog Group 3
2nd Galloway & Anderson, Zaronzinia Ballindalloch via Allyglow, 2 year old girl with correct head and lovely expression, good neck and shoulders, deep chest good bone throughout, short level back and strong muscled rear quarters, moved well with handler although would not settle when stood.
3rd Mr & Mrs F & J McCafferty, Richtig Raoghnailt at Thorscrag
4th Mrs S Jackman & Mr MH & Mrs SLEL Jackman, Katelands Cosmic Affair via Navigareamor
Open (5 1a)
1st Galloway & Anderson, Allyglow Hasina, 6 year old bitch in lovely condition, typical lovely appealing head from this kennel, good reach of neck, correct chest, good bone with straight front, correct feet, topline correct and rear quarters strong and muscled, tail carried correctly on the move, another with correct movement.
2nd Miss S Knowles & Mrs S Knowles & Mrs I Glen, Wilholme Had a Lovely Time with Bessalone, 2 ½ year old boy good head correct eye, good length of neck into strong shoulders, good depth of correctly shaped chest, straight front and lovely feet, good topline into strong rear, have seen this boy move better.
3rd Mrs S Jackman & Mr MH & Mrs SLEL Jackman, Navigareamor Hardtoport
4th Mrs V Stewart, Int Sh Ch Winterwell Dominique at Levagrad
Retrievers (Golden)
All dogs were presented in good condition, no issues with bites, tails were mostly carried correctly, and trimming was a little severe on a few dogs which altered their overall balance and lost them places.
Puppy Dog (4)
1st Mrs J Laidlaw-Good & C McShane, Fhairmhor Haud Yer Wheesht at Rigerin, 10 mth old gold boy, beautiful dark pigment, balanced head with good chiselling, clean neck of good length, straight front with good bone, correct cat like feet, body balanced, short coupled into correct rear, tail carried level on the move, still to drop into rear, moved with drive around the ring. Coat in good condition for youngster.
2nd Miss S McCormack, Flyngalee Signature, 11 mth old boy pale boy of good size, balanced head with lovely expression, dark pigment, good length of neck, strong into well laid back shoulders, front straight and of good bone correct feet, body balanced with level topline, strong rear quarters with well bent stifle, tail carried off top line, moved with purpose, could change positions on another day.
3rd Mrs I Frater, Sandaula Kilts N’Ceilidhs
4th J Watson, Sheriffmuir’s Perfect Gift
Junior Dog (2, 2a)
Post Graduate Dog (5 3a)
1st Mr & Mrs T & H McKenzie, Tullochmohr Here We Go Again, 4 year old boy, presented well, head of correct shape and balance, good length of neck into well laid back shoulders, straight front with lovely feet, body balanced and short coupled, ribs deep and well sprung, level topline, correct tail set carried level on the move, good turn of stifle well-muscled, moved straight and with drive.
2nd Ms J Finnie, Thistleyhill Country Chiel, 3 year old boy, head of good proportion, and good shoulders into laid back shoulders, would like more substance, handler needs to watch feet placement, level topline with good tail set, good turn of stifle, not the movement of 1.
Limit Dog (1 1a)
Open Dog (2 1a)
1st Miss Lesley Harper, Glynerva Matinee Idol ShCM, 5 year old mid gold boy of good size and presented to perfection, masculine head good pigmentation, strong neck into well laid shoulders, deep well sprung ribs, straight front, topline correct into strong rear quarters, well-muscled, tail carried correctly while powering round the ring. Best Dog
Puppy Bitch (7 2a)
1st Miss S McCormack, Flyngalee Tiptoes, caught my eye on entering the ring and owner presented her to best throughout the class, feminine 10 mth old pale bitch, appealing head good pigment, lovely eye, good length of neck into well laid back shoulders, straight front good bone and correct feet, beautifully balanced short coupled, correct rear with well bent stifles hocks well let down, coat in excellent condition, moved with drive around the ring, Best Puppy in Breed
2nd Miss P Hill & Dale Smith, Megarvey Santorini, 10 mth old pale bitch feminine expression, good pigment, good reach of neck well laid back shoulders, straight front with correct feet, balanced body good rear quarters with good turn of stifle, correct tail carried well on the move, not the overall balance of 1st on the day.
3rd Ms J Finnie, Thistleyhill day Dreamer
4th Mr P Lochhead & Carol Lochhead, Bluebraes Meadow Pipit
Junior Bitch (4)
1st Mrs F Clarkson, Glitters Rainbow over Drumkilty (Imp Bel), what can I say this girl was stunning, pale 11mth old girl, looking the finished picture, excelled in head and expression, excellent bone, straight front, good width of chest with well sprung ribs, level topline which never faltered on the move, correct rear with excellent turn of stifle, tail carried level and presented to perfection. Moved effortlessly around the ring.
2nd Mrs L O’Neil Linirgor Misty Mornings at Strathlon, mid gold 15mth bitch, presented well, one I have seen before and unlucky to come up against 1st place, feminine head with good pigment, very good clean neck into correct shoulders, lovely front with correct feet, level topline strong rear end with lovely turn of stifle, tail correct carried well on the move.
3rd Mrs A McDougall, Rigerin Merrie Melodies at Torcarhian
4th Ms J Finnie, Thistleyhill day Dreamer
Post Graduate Bitch (4 1a)
1st Mrs F Clarkson, Glitters Rainbow over Drumkilty (Imp Bel)
2nd Mrs L O’Neil Linirgor Misty Mornings at Strathlon
3rd Mrs A McGeoch, Nedlezah Moonlight Mist JW
Limit Bitch (3)
1st Mrs L O’Neil, Strathlon Sweet Sensation, pale 20 mth old bitch lovely expression in a feminine head, good clean neck into correct shoulders, straight front correct feet, good depth of chest with well sprung ribs, level top, good muscled rear and correct tail all used well on the move, presented well, her maturity presented a balanced outline. Best Bitch, Best of Breed & Gundog Group 2
2nd Mrs F Clarkson, Glitters Rainbow over Drumkilty (Imp Bel)
Open (3 1a)
1st Mrs F Clarkson, Glitters Rainbow over Drumkilty (Imp Bel)
2nd Mr S Williamson & Tina Williamson, Thornywait Atomic Betty for Sandti, 4 tear old girl pleasing head, good clean neck correct shoulders, straight front not bone of 1st, level topline, good depth of chest, slightly longer cast than one, good turn of stifle, moved well round the ring.
Retrievers (Labrador)
Puppy (6)
1st Miss L Lewis, Crammondkirk’s Yo Yo, 10 mth old black bitch handled well in the ring, broad skull with clean outlines wide nose well developed, strong neck into well placed shoulders, good bone straight front with correct feet, chest well developed and well sprung, level topline short coupled, good turn of stifle correct tail carried well on the move, very eager to please. Best Puppy in Breed
2nd Ms C Campbell Binnaig Benavie 7mth old yellow boy, masculine head of good proportion, strong neck into correct shoulders, straight front correct feet, correct chest, topline level and short coupled, good turn of stifle, correct tail movement not as good as one.
3rd Mrs S Parker, Newhorizon Sing it Again at Bruadarach
4th Mr & E Berry & Larson, Exelby Neath
Junior (3)
1st Miss L Lewis, Crammondkirk’s Let’s get it On, litter mate to puppy winner, lovely shape stood to perfection in class, head broad and clean correct bite god nostrils, strong neck into good shoulders, good bone straight front, well developed body with good width and depth, level topline strong rear end with correct turn of stifle, correct tail carried off the topline used well all the time. Moved well with handler.
2nd Mr & Mrs Robin & Agnes May Pollock, Pollham Dutch Conextion, 13 mth yellow boy of good size, broad head, strong powerful neck into correct shoulders, straight front with good feet, well developed body with good topline, powerful rear quarters, preferred tail on one. Moved well around the ring eager to please.
3rd Mr & E Berry & Larson, Exelby Neath
Graduate (2 1a)
1st C Thomson, Windup Barberry Earl Grey, 18mth black dog, good pigment broad skull with lovely expression, strong powerful neck with good layback of shoulders, correct chest and good topline, good turn of stifle, tail used all the time moved erratically on the day.
Post Graduate (4 1a)
1st Mr & Mrs A&S Drummond, Pollham Marley at Drumonagh, 3½ year old yellow girl, feminine head with lovely expression, strong neck into good shoulders, correct barrel chest of good depth and width, good topline, short coupled strong rear quarters, correct tail used well on the move.
2nd Mrs C Donald & Mr & Mrs B&C Donald, Fennankala Annabele Lee, 4½ year old yellow girl, broad skull with clean outline, correct bite and good nostrils, strong neck into well laid back shoulders, good topline, correct chest short coupled with well-developed rear quarters, short coupled, moved well around the ring.
3rd C Thomson & A Thomson, Astrid Lindgreen at Strathhunker
Open (6 4a)
1st Mr & Mrs Robin & Agnes May Pollock, Pollham Freya, 3 year old black girl, beautiful feminine expression, broad skull without excess, lovely front construction correct round compact feet, clean strong neck into correct shoulders, chest barrelled and good width and depth, level topline, short coupled, strong muscled rear quarters, tail correct and used well, so eager to please, lovely picture when stood. Best of Breed
2nd Mrs S Parker, Poniel Reason to Believe at Bruadarach, 5½ year old black dog, lovely head broad and clean, strong neck into well placed shoulders, straight front with good bone, good chest with correct width and depth, level topline with strong rear quarters, correct tail used continuously, moved well with handler.
Retriever (Flat Coated)
I was looking forward to judging this breed, I was a little disappointed as there were a number of dogs with incorrect flat feet without the desired round and strong foot. Also some difficulty assessing head and jaws due to constant baiting
Puppy (4)
1st Ms C Young, Ballyriver Back to Basics, nearly 1 year old boy, of good size correct head nicely moulded, correct flat skull, lovely eye set, good length of neck into correct shoulders, deep chest, correct elbow placement, forelegs straight with round strong feet, well ribbed into short loin and correct rear with correct turn of stifle, tail carried correctly never stopping, lovely gleaming coat, moved well around the ring. Best Puppy in Breed
2nd Miss A Rattray, Rotherfield About Time, 11 month old bitch correct head with good working, skull correct, correct clean neck into good shoulders, good depth of chest not the finished article, straight front, good topline correct rear with hocks well let down, tail carried just on topline lashing well, good coat although still to finish, moved well.
3rd Mrs S Thorpe, Montreathmnt Hotlips
4th Ms C Thomson, Caci’s the Dream Catcher at Badcall
Junior (2)
1st Mr B Blair, Pick Pocket, 12mth old boy of good size, correct workings on head strong jaw, good length of neck into correct shoulders, deep chest with flat foreribs, definition of brisket, good bone on straight front, correct feet, slight spring in ribs to short loin, correct rear quarters with moderate turn of stifle, correct tail used well, dense coat still to finish, moved well
2nd Mrs S Thorpe, Montreathmnt Hotlips, 11 mth old bitch feminine head of correct proportion, good length of neck into correct shoulders, body developing well, good rear quarters, correct tail used constantly, moved well with handler.
Post Graduate (6)
1st Miss S Stevenson, Plainfire’s The Captain of my Heart at Steelriver, 2 year old dog of lovely size, head very good with lovely moulding, strong jaw correct bite, long clean neck into good shoulders, deep chest and good breadth, correct brisket allowing elbows clean movement, straight front with good bone correct round well arched feet, lovely topline ending in strong rear quarters, hocks well let down, tail lashing and correct moved effortlessly. Best of Breed
2nd A McDonald & Ian McDonald, Steelriver Dance in the Sun at Skyloch, 3 year old bitch with correct head, correct eye set strong jaw correct bite, good clean neck into well placed shoulders, straight front and correct feet, deep chest well ribbed into short loin, strong rear with correct tail used well on the move.
3rd Miss C Thomson, Badcall Petronella
4th Mr & Mrs JR & A McConnell, Kazval Lugano at Torrweaving
Open (5 3a)
1st Mr A Stewart & Mr & Mrs F & Miss C Stewart & Holmes, Candidacasa Dirty Dancing, 6 year old dog not showing his age, head of correct type, with good moulding, strong long clean neck into good shoulders, deep chest with good ribs, correct straight front with round tight well arched feet, short loin into muscular rear quarters, correct stifle, correct tail used well, coat well furnished, moved well
2nd Miss J Flynn Simon Says Home to the Castle (Imp Nor) 2 year old bitch, head not as good as 1 good length of neck into good shoulders, deep chest good front with correct feet, good body with definition in rear, tail correct and used well.
English Setter
Open (1)
1st Mrs K McKnight & Mrs S & Mr R Stewart, Mariglen Smoke on The Water, stood alone today 12 mth old dog of good size, head of correct type with well-defined stop square muzzle with correct flews, dark oval eye, correct bite, long muscular neck becoming stronger towards shoulders, deep chest forearms straight with round bone well-padded feet, good length of body with sprung ribs, wide loin with slight arch, well-muscled rear for age, tail set well on back and with slight curve, well feathered. Unfortunately he refused to settle in the ring. Best of Breed
Bracco Italiano
Open Dog (1 1a)
Open Bitch (1)1st Miss S McAndrew, Int Ch, Ir Sh Ch Gunsyn Sesto Elemento with Brackenmist JW ShCM, An Ch 17, 3½ year old girl who looks every bit the strong well balanced hunter with the noble appearance, head long and narrow with good width of foreface, pronounced occiput good chiselling with correct lips with correct large nose. Lovely eye with correct ear set and size, strong short neck into long strong shoulders, straight front with oval bone, ending in slightly oval feet, body gives the appearance of a square dog with broad deep chest, slight slope towards middle of back and broad muscular croup, hindquarters strong and straight with good turn of stifle, tail set correct, coat short and gleaming, powered round the ring, head well positioned above topline. Best of Breed and Gundog Group 1
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
Open (2)
1st Mrs A Sneddon & Mr J Sneddon, Edinbarnet Grampian Blaze 10mth old dog of good proportions correct head, difficult to assess teeth as dog did not settle , good neck and correct shoulders, level short back into correct rear quarters, well feathered tail carried well up on the move. Would benefit from attending training classes as novice handlers. Best of Breed
2nd Mrs Z Ennis & Lochlan Noble, Daintree’s Deep Space Rover, 7 mth old dog of good size, moved well although very unsure of surroundings on the day. Also a novice handler which made assessment of the dog challenging.
Tom Gorrian