• Show Date: 09/02/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Terrie Cousins-Brown Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Swansea & District Canine Club

My thanks to the committee for the opportunity to judge at this lovely, friendly show and to my excellent students, there were some quality dogs here today, the exhibitors were extremely sporting

Finnish Lapphunds

Grad (1,0)

Williams Rycamrhia Brianna in Tinland

1. This bitch has really come on since I last saw her, head developing along the

right lines, nice expression, her ‘spectacles’ make me smile! Well balanced with the correct body proportions, balanced angulation, body and chest well developed, muscular loins and correct croup. She moved easily and with purpose BOB.

Great Danes

Grad (1,0)

1. Kingsley Penelope von den Borkener Turmen at Dainoak (imp Deu)

Well marked Harlie growing well, with superb bone, stands elegantly on good legs and feet, lovely head, strong clean neck, good angles, firm body and topline, sound quarters, moved steadily, presents a shapely clean outline BP, PG2

Open (2,1)

1. Kingsleys Dainoak Agent Provacateur

Very well constructed blue bitch of good size and elegant with it, good head with correct planes, well arched neck, excellent front with good spring of ribs, firm loin, strong hindquarters with tight feet, moved very well BOB, G4.

Dogue de Bordeaux

Open (1,0)

1. Wheeler Rihanna de L’exigence (imp Bel)

Just a baby but so sound and positive on the move, growing in balance and retaining a powerful and compact shape, stocky with a broad skull and good muzzle, nothing loose, muscular neck with good bone, well boned with good feet, developing in body but firm and strong throughout, moved soundly and quite free and supple for her age, very promising BP, BOB, PG4


Grad (1,0)

1. Mangat Nehrani Precious Cormac

Very sweet brindle, very raw at the moment but has all the essentials, developing a good strong body, broad skull with good stop and correct amount of wrinkle, firm neck and well boned, chest and brisket to come, stands on good legs and feet, firm topline with muscular rear, very loose in movement at the moment but footfall true and she just needs time to fill her frame BP

Open (1,0)

1.Popp’s Kenquartz Berrylicious of Penychen ShCM

 Powerful and active dog, definitely one who could do his job, plenty of breed type, strong and symmetrical but athletic with it, typical head and expression, well boned and developed in chest with good spring of ribs, firm compact body, very muscular and sound BOB

Alaskan Malamute

Open (1,0)

Holt Freezefactor Tis the Season at Breconfrost

Well balanced dog with a good head with well set ears and nice expression, well sprung ribs, strong hindquarters and good front, well ribbed, firm in body and loin, excellent coat, moved with purpose, very functional and upstanding dog BOB

Siberian Husky

Grad (1,0)

1. Morris Articskies Ruby Tuesday for Cwmhapus

Still quite immature but construction should see this attractive bitch turn out nicely when she matures, very feminine pretty foxy head, good proportions and croup with a nice top line, moved very soundly in all directions.

Open (1,0)

1. Morris Hold Back the River Legend of the Spirit with Cwmhapus (imp POL) JW

Dog of good type with a balanced skull and muzzle and good shaped ears, correct strong neck, with good depth and well laid shoulders, stands with legs well under the body, correct under carriage and well set tail, moved with free gait and presented in good coat and condition BOB.


Grad (3,0)

1. Williams Tinland Pink Sapphire

Liked this puppy, nice and typical with a good head and well marked, strong neck with an excellent front and well developed in chest and rib, just watch she doesn’t get too heavy in weight, very soundly moving, correct body proportions, strong rump and well boned BOB, BP, PG3

2. Marhall Matthew Puchate Perly of Bernannan (imp Pol)

Dog of good size and strength, all male and good for breed type with a super coat, wold prefer him a little more compact in loin, but a lovely free moving boy.

3. Hodder’s Kernow Troufashion at Fulvia, loved the shape of this bitch but she needs to firm up in hock still.


Open (2,0)

1. Jones Jezeve Love Rival to Welshmoor

Impressive dog with a clean and well balanced outline, good clean head with lovely strong neck, well set on good withers, with excellent firm topline, good chest and ribbing, stands true on good legs and feet, tail well set on and hindquarters muscular with tight feet, excellent movement, great temperament BOB G3

2. Franklin Nageem Haribo to Haccasbrrok ShCM

Another who is all male, good head, dark tan, excellent bone and feet, chest well let down, back firm, strong well muscled body, preferred the neck and tail set on 1, super on the move, sound and true, in excellent condition and coat


Grad (5,1)

1. Richards Sheridel Ursula

Such a pretty bitch with a glorious outline, still maturing but so full of breed type, balanced head with excellent eye and expression, ears not too big, standing on good bone and well padded feet, excellent neck and forehand, firm body, well ribbed, well built muscular rear, tail of good length, carried correctly, dense coat, excels on the move with a free striding gait.

2. Rushton Starrytown Pestadizzie for Neridies

Another soundly moving bitch of nice type, broad skull with small dark eyes, short muzzle, well set ears, strong well set neck, well boned with tight elbows and good shoulders, firm body, would prefer a little more leg length, level topline and strong hindquarter, very soundly moving, not quite the freedo of stride of 1, excellent flat double coat.

Open (7,2)

1. Webb New angels Pretty in Pink (imp Bel) JW ShCM

She’d left her clothes at home but what a beautifully balanced picture this girl is. Super outline and type, lovely balanced head with broad skull and short square muzzle, lovely eyes and ears not too large, strong well set neck, good front and bone, feet tight and round, well ribbed back, firm in body and loins, good symmetry and excellent movement, both class winners were of the make and shape I was really hoping to find BOB, GP 1

2. Rushton Nerides Piece d’resistance

Another bitch of good overall type, needs to deepen in chest and mature in body a bit more, nicely balanced head, excellent tight lips, good neck and front, well ribbed, not too long in back, moved soundly.

3. Richards Sheridel Sasquehanna

Very striking black and white of beautiful type who just wasn’t in the mood for it and paid the price, such a strong but still feminine girl, who is built to move but not today.

AVNSC Working

Grad (1,0)

Jones Hollijon Jonsey Boy

Compact red/w male with a good head and strong muzzle, well angulated and in excellent firm condition, moved soundly holding a solid topline, good muscletone throughout and very balanced.

AV Import Register Open (1,0)

1. Bebb & Baynton Alfie Bangwood (imp Cze)

Entelbucher, solidly built, well conditioned dog, clean head in proportion to size with flat skull and good planes, strong medium neck, well angulated front with good depth of chest and well ribbed, firm loin, moved soundly.

AV Working Veteran (3,2)

1. Williams Tickbern Oakloahoma in Tinland ShCM

Well made and nicely marked BMD, strongly built and of good type, correct outline, lovely happy nature, sound in all directions and shown in good coat and condition, certainly enjoying her day out.

Group 1 Newfoundland, 2. Dobermann Groves Lateagain Satisfaction medium size male with a nice amount of substance with good overall shape. Stands firm with good bone and tight feet. Good head with correct planes and the right expression. Body firm with ribs well sprung with a good top-line and tail-set. Strong and parallel in the rear with good stride. 3. Rottweiler 4. Great Dane

Puppy Group

1. Dobermann Jones Cara iz Zossfery (imp) wow! This one is going places, so very good in outline, feminine and elegant but strong and sound with it, oozes type and attitude, well schooled and very precise on the move, went on to RBPIS. 2. Great Dane 3. BMD 4. Dogue de Bordeaux

Terrie cousins-Brown
