• Show Date: 10/02/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Suzanne Keree-Bartolo Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Portsmouth & Southsea Kennel Association

Portsmouth and Southsea Kennel Association

Open show

Sunday 10th February 2019

Japanese Chins

I would like to thank the officers and committee of the association for their hospitality and the exhibitors for the honour their entries and their good sportsmanship. I would also like to thank the Southern Japanese Chin Club for their sponsorship of my classes.

Junior D/B (3)

1. Reeves-Sargent & Diment’s Alstella Fabiano, Red & White Male, very good on the move, Lovely rounded head, Large dark eyes, with white showing on the inner corners, well cushioned wide muzzle, good length of neck leading into a well laid shoulder and good length of upper arm, straight forelegs hare feet, good bend of stifle and rear angulation, level topline and high set tail. Well feathered. Best Puppy

2. Brown-Percival’s Littletigers Fancy Dancer At Sandiman (Imp Ita) Black & white well balanced 6-month-old bitch, nice head and dark eye, good length of neck, level topline with a good tail set.

3. Cushing’s Bonniroy Yuzu Aka At Spiritisle

Post Graduate D/B (3)

1. Reeves-Sargent & Diment’s Alstella Moonlight N’Roses Black & White male, Good substance, nice shaped wide head with undershot bite, dark eye, nicely cushioned muzzle, good length of neck, nice layback of shoulder, good depth and spring of rib, firm loin. Level topline with a high tail set, good rear angulation, hare feet, moved and showed well.

2. Quinn’s Sharlarna Japanese Please Pretty feminine black & white bitch, nice head with a dark eye and that look of astonishment, good length of neck, level topline, high tail set, good depth of chest and spring of rib, shown in lovely condition, not as smooth on the move as 1.

3. Cushing’s Glendyke Magical Pixie Girl At Spiritisle

Open D/B (2)

1. Reeves-Sargent & Diment’s Vouges Roiyaru Kotogara Alstella (Imp Swe) Compact, well balanced Black & White Male, with good substance, loved his outline and shape both when standing and on the move. Nicely rounded head, with a large, dark eye, cushioned muzzle, good pigment and expression, good front assembly, level topline, good high tail set and carriage, good depth of chest and spring of rib, hare feet, good width through the body with a firm short loin. Moved soundly and showed well. BOB

2. Cushing’s Ennistars Katsero Akio At Spiritisle (Imp) Red & White Male, elegant and finer that my winner, nice head and dark eye, good length of neck and shoulder placement, level topline, tail lower set than my winner, moved and showed well.

Judge: Suzanne Kerée-Bartolo (Shirkeira)