• Show Date: 03/03/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Suzanne Keree-Bartolo Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Folkestone Hythe & District Canine Society

Folkestone, Hythe & District CS

Open Show

 The Market Hall, Lockmeadow, Maidstone, Kent

Sunday 3rd March 2019

Border Collies

I would like to thank the society for giving me the opportunity to judge Border Collies for the first time at their show. The breed has always been special to me as I grew up with Border Collies, as this was my parents favourite breed. After passing my breed assessment with the Southern Border Collie club under the new JCF system, I was thrilled to get this opportunity, my thanks to the exhibitors who gave me the honour of judging their dogs. My entry although small was of high quality.

Junior D/B (2,1)

  1. Stewart’s Mojuca King Of Hearts, 13 month old Brown & White dog, good balance overall, a nice typical head, with a scissor bite, broad skull, length of foreface balanced with the skull, oval shaped eye, distinct stop, brown nose, Good depth of chest and spring of rib, good substance and straight strong forelegs with good rear angulation, oval feet with slopping pasterns, moved well but carried his tail a little high, not quite the forward extension and drive of my BOB & RBOB, but still a youngster.

Post Graduate D/B No Entries

Open D/B (3,2)

1. Angier & Stacey’s Tullacrest Signd Syld Deliverd to Bilyara (IMP AUS) JW ShCM, 4-year-old Black & White Dog, with great presence and charisma, super outline, in beautiful condition and masculine, of definite quality and perfect balance throughout, good substance. This dog gives the overall impression that he could do a day’s work easily and is definitely fit for function. Lovely head with a dark brown oval eye, good balance of foreface to skull and a distinct stop, black nose, perfect and regular scissor bite. Well set ears. Lovely mild, keen and intelligent expression. Good length of neck leading into a well laid shoulder and corresponding length of upper arm, good depth of brisket, strong straight forelegs with slopping pasterns and neat oval feet, Good spring of rib and depth of chest, elbows help in, good strong loin, broad and muscular rear quarters, with a well set tail and good rear angulation, hocks well let down, good length of tail carried correctly on the move. So, sound on the move covering the ground with good extension and drive and holding his topline well. Terrific coat and with a lovely mane that finished the picture. Was very happy to award him BOB and see him win the pastoral Group.

2. Hoskins’ Birkcross Gracie At Lefevre, A beautiful feminine 3-year-old Black & white bitch, of good quality and well balanced throughout, Loved her outline and femininity, in beautiful condition, Lovely head with a dark oval eye, balanced foreface and skull, scissor bite, good pigment, good length of neck and lovely shoulder placement with corresponding length of upper arm, good spring of rib and depth of chest. Covered the ground with ease, just preferred the dog’s movement and head carriage, pleased to award her RBOB

Judge: Suzanne Kerée-Bartolo