• Show Date: 12/01/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Stephen Hietschold Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Worcester & Malvern Canine Society


Class: Junior (Entries 2 / Absent 0)

1st: Rushton – Starrytown Pestadizze for Nereides
15 month old dark chocolate brown bitch who was nicely balanced, with a broad head, slightly light eyes as expected in a brown, small well set ears giving a gentle expression. She has a good square muzzle and a correct scissor bite. She has a good reach of neck, with a lovely straight front. She has a broad deep chest. She has good bone, is well angulated both front and rear with a nice level topline that was held on the move although her tail is a tad short. Well presented and moved well. Reserve Best of Breed.

2nd: Cameron – Camnoire Ghost Kato
7 month old black bitch who was also well balanced. She has a good head, lovely dark eyes and well set small ears giving her a very sweet expression. She has a nice square muzzle and a correct bite. She has good bone for a youngster and is well angulated both front and rear, but has a tendency to turn one front foot out when stood. She has a nice level topline which is held on the move. She was unlucky to come up against a more mature dog today. She is extremely promising and hopefully will do well. Best Puppy in Breed & Puppy Group 3.

Class: Post Graduate (Entries 3 / Absent 0)

1st: Rushton – Nereides Piece D’Resistance
18 month old black bitch with a broad head, nice dark eyes, small well set ears, a square muzzle and a correct scissor bite all giving her a sweet, gentle expression. She has a lovely straight front and is well angulated. She has a nice broad chest, a level topline and moved well. Her coat was in great condition and she was handled and presented well.

2nd: Cameron – Camnoire Ghost Kato
As per Junior class.

3rd: Mayhew – Merrybear Jolly Roger

Class: Open (Entries 3 / Absent 1)

1st: Webb – New Angels Pretty in Pink JW ShCM
27 month old bitch with a broad head and nicely set ears, a deep square muzzle and a lovely dark eye. She is an impressive looking bitch with a strong neck leading to well laid back shoulders, nice deep broad chest. She has a lovely straight front, good bone and is well angulated both front and rear. She has a level topline that was held on the move although she did fly her tail a little today, tbut this did not spoil her outline for me when she was moving. Although she was clearly out of coat she was well presented. Best of Breed & Working Group 2.

2nd: Slater – Nereides Piece of Cake
18 month old bitch of good size. She had a broad head with a good square muzzle, nice dark eyes and good ears with a correct bite. She has good shoulders leading to a straight front and a very wide deep chest. She has good angulation at the rear and has a level topline that was held on the move, although she has a slightly short tail. She is slightly overweight and this shows in her movement.